
Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World

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THE DEMON-HAUNTED WORLD We find we are not as intelligent as we thought although we are still stiff-necked and our greatest sin is our pride. And we do not even know we are being led to Armageddon. The star pin-pointed a single shed, moved across the sky leading wisemen to that shed, frightened shepherds with the words fear not. Its spotlight was Ezekiel's glory of God, Paul's light that temporarily blinded him ... It was the ship in which little men took off old Rip, the little men called brownies, fairies, elves, these 'creations' of creators given specific duties . . . The God People are not yet ready to make themselves known to us. First, Armageddon, then, after we KNOW, we can go it alone. When we are humbled, when we do not shoot them down, God will return. The answer to these aliens from outer-space is simple. It comes from man. Man using drugs on people. In mental institutions all over the country, there are people who have no control over their emotions and behaviour. To control these people, they are given a variety of antipsychotic drugs ... If you have been drugged often . . . you will begin to have what is called 'bleedthroughs'. This will be flash images popping into your mind of strange-looking people coming up to your face. This will begin your search for the answer of what the aliens were doing to you. You will be one of the thousands of UFO abductees. People will call you crazy. The reason for the strange creatures you are seeing is because Thorazine distorts the vision of your subconscious mind . . . The writer was laughed at, ridiculed, had his life threatened [because of presenting these ideas]. Hypnosis prepares the mind for the invasion of demons, devils, and little gray men. God wants us to be clothed and in our right minds . . . Anything your 'little gray men' can do, Christ can do better! I hope that I never feel so superior that I cannot acknowledge that Creation is not limited to myself, but encompasses the Universe and all its entities. In 1977 an heavenly body spoke to me about an injury to my head that happened in 1968. [A letter from a man who had twenty-four separate encounters 186

The City of Grief with] a silent hovering saucer-shaped vehicle [and who has in consequence] experienced an ongoing development and amplification of such mental functions as clairvoyance, telepathy, and the challenging [channelling] of universal life energy for the purpose of healing. • Over the years I have seen and talked to 'ghosts', been visited (though not yet abducted) by aliens, seen three-dimensional heads floating by my bed, heard knocks on my door . . . These experiences seemed as real as life. I have never thought of these experiences as anything more than what they certainly are: my mind playing tricks on itself.* • A hallucination might account for 99%, but can it ever account for 100%? • UFOs are ... a subject of deep fantasy which has no FAC­ TUAL BASIS WHATSOEVER. I pray you won't lend your credence to a hoax. • Dr Sagan served on the Air Force committee that evaluated government investigations of UFOs, and yet he wants us to believe that there's no substantial proof that UFOs exist. Please explain why the government needed to be evaluated. • I'm going to lobby my Representative to try to cancel funds for this program of listening for alien signals from space, because it would be a waste of money. They're already among us. • The government spends millions of tax dollars for researching UFOs. The SETI project (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) would be a waste of money if the government truly believed UFOs were non-existent. I am personally excited about the SETI project because it shows that we're moving in the right direction; towards communication with aliens, rather than being an unwilling observer. • The succubi, which I identified more as astral rape, occurred from '78-'92. It was hard on a moral and seriously practicing Catholic, demoralizing, dehumanizing, and quite literally had me worried by the physical aftermath of disease effects. • The space people are coming! They hope to remove whom they can, especially children who are the 'seedlings' of the next * From a letter received by The Skeptical Inquirer; courtesy, Kendrick Frazier. 187


We find we are not as intelligent as we thought although we are<br />

still stiff-necked and our greatest sin is our pride. And we do<br />

not even know we are being led to Armageddon. The star<br />

pin-pointed a single shed, moved across the sky leading wisemen<br />

to that shed, frightened shepherds with the words fear not.<br />

Its spotlight was Ezekiel's glory of God, Paul's light that<br />

temporarily blinded him ... It was the ship in which little men<br />

took off old Rip, the little men called brownies, fairies, elves,<br />

these 'creations' of creators given specific duties . . . The God<br />

People are not yet ready to make themselves known to us.<br />

First, Armageddon, then, after we KNOW, we can go it alone.<br />

When we are humbled, when we do not shoot them down, God<br />

will return.<br />

The answer to these aliens from outer-space is simple. It comes<br />

from man. Man using drugs on people. In mental institutions all<br />

over the country, there are people who have no control over<br />

their emotions and behaviour. To control these people, they<br />

are given a variety of antipsychotic drugs ... If you have been<br />

drugged often . . . you will begin to have what is called<br />

'bleedthroughs'. This will be flash images popping into your<br />

mind of strange-looking people coming up to your face. This<br />

will begin your search for the answer of what the aliens were<br />

doing to you. You will be one of the thousands of UFO<br />

abductees. People will call you crazy. The reason for the<br />

strange creatures you are seeing is because Thorazine distorts<br />

the vision of your subconscious mind . . . The writer was<br />

laughed at, ridiculed, had his life threatened [because of<br />

presenting these ideas].<br />

Hypnosis prepares the mind for the invasion of demons, devils,<br />

and little gray men. God wants us to be clothed and in our right<br />

minds . . . Anything your 'little gray men' can do, Christ can<br />

do better!<br />

I hope that I never feel so superior that I cannot acknowledge<br />

that Creation is not limited to myself, but encompasses the<br />

Universe and all its entities.<br />

In 1977 an heavenly body spoke to me about an injury to my<br />

head that happened in 1968.<br />

[A letter from a man who had twenty-four separate encounters<br />


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