
Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World Carl%20Sagan%20-%20The%20Demon%20Haunted%20World

from giancarlo3000 More from this publisher

THE DEMON-HAUNTED WORLD perhaps as many as five million, are all victims of an identical mass hallucination is asinine. • Thanks to the Supreme Court . . . America is now wide open for the Eastern pagan religions, under the aegis of Satan and his demons, so now we have four-foot gray beings kidnapping Earthlings and performing all sorts of experiments on them, and are being propagated by those who are educated beyond their intelligence and should know better . . . Your question ['Are We Being Visited?'] is no problem for those who know the word of God, and are born-again Christians, and are looking for our Redeemer from Heaven, to rapture us out of this world of sin, sickness, war, AIDS, crime, abortion, homosexuality, New-Age-New-World-Order indoctrination, media brainwashing, perversion and subversion in government, education, business, finance, society, religion, etc. Those who reject the Creator God of the Bible are bound to fall for the kind of fairy tales which your article tries to propagate as being truth. • If there is no reason to take the matter of alien visitation seriously, why is it the most highly classified subject in the US government? • Perhaps some vastly older alien race, from a relatively metaldeficient star system, is seeking to prolong its existence by taking over a younger, better world and blending with its inhabitants. • If I were a betting man, I would give you odds that your mailbox will overflow with stories such as I just related. I suspect that the psychic [psyche] brings forth these demons and angels, lights and circles as a part of our development. They are part of our nature. • Science has become the 'magic that works'. The UFOlogists are heretics to be excommunicated or burned at the stake. • [Several readers wrote to say that aliens were demons sent by Satan, who is able to cloud our minds. One proposes that the insidious Satanic purpose is to make us worried about an alien invasion, so that when Jesus and his angels appear over Jerusalem we will be frightened rather than glad.] I do hope you will not dismiss me as another religious crackpot. I am quite normal and well-known in my own little community. 184

The City of Grief • You, sir, are in a position to do one of two things: know about the abductions and be covering them up, or feel that because you have not been abducted (perhaps they are not interested in you) they do not occur. • A treason suit [was filed] against the President and Congress of the United States over a treaty made with aliens in the early '40s, who had later shown themselves to be hostile . . . The treaty agreed to protect the secrecy of the aliens in return for some of their technology [stealth aircraft and fibre optics, another correspondent reveals]. • Some of these beings are capable of intercepting the spiritual body when it is traveling. • I am having communication with an alien being. This communication started early in 1992. What else can I say? • The aliens can stay a step or two ahead of the thinking of scientists, and know how to leave insufficient clues behind that would satisfy the Sagan types, until society is better prepared mentally to face up to it all . . . Perhaps you share the view that what's going on with respect to UFOs and aliens, if deemed real, would be too traumatic to think about. However . . . they've shown themselves until back some 5,000-15,000 years or more ago when they were here for extended periods, spawning the god/goddess mythology of all cultures. The bottom line is that in all that time they haven't taken over Earth; they haven't subjected us or wiped us out. • Homo sapiens was genetically fashioned, created initially to be substitute laborers and domestics for the SKY-LORDS (DINGIRS/ELOHIM/ANUNNAKI). • The explosion that people saw was hydrogen fuel from a star cruiser, the landing sight was to be Northern California . . . The people on that star cruiser looked like Mr Spock from the 'Star Trek' TV series. • Be the reports from the fifteenth century or the twentieth, a common thread ties the reports. Individuals who have experienced sexual trauma have a great deal of difficulty understanding and coping with the trauma. The terms used to describe the [resulting] hallucinations can be incoherent and incomprehensible. 185


perhaps as many as five million, are all victims of an identical<br />

mass hallucination is asinine.<br />

• Thanks to the Supreme Court . . . America is now wide open<br />

for the Eastern pagan religions, under the aegis of Satan and his<br />

demons, so now we have four-foot gray beings kidnapping<br />

Earthlings and performing all sorts of experiments on them,<br />

and are being propagated by those who are educated beyond<br />

their intelligence and should know better . . . Your question<br />

['Are We Being Visited?'] is no problem for those who know<br />

the word of God, and are born-again Christians, and are<br />

looking for our Redeemer from Heaven, to rapture us out of<br />

this world of sin, sickness, war, AIDS, crime, abortion, homosexuality,<br />

New-Age-New-World-Order indoctrination, media<br />

brainwashing, perversion and subversion in government, education,<br />

business, finance, society, religion, etc. Those who reject the<br />

Creator God of the Bible are bound to fall for the kind of fairy<br />

tales which your article tries to propagate as being truth.<br />

• If there is no reason to take the matter of alien visitation<br />

seriously, why is it the most highly classified subject in the US<br />

government?<br />

• Perhaps some vastly older alien race, from a relatively metaldeficient<br />

star system, is seeking to prolong its existence by<br />

taking over a younger, better world and blending with its<br />

inhabitants.<br />

• If I were a betting man, I would give you odds that your<br />

mailbox will overflow with stories such as I just related. I<br />

suspect that the psychic [psyche] brings forth these demons and<br />

angels, lights and circles as a part of our development. They are<br />

part of our nature.<br />

• Science has become the 'magic that works'. The UFOlogists are<br />

heretics to be excommunicated or burned at the stake.<br />

• [Several readers wrote to say that aliens were demons sent by<br />

Satan, who is able to cloud our minds. One proposes that the<br />

insidious Satanic purpose is to make us worried about an alien<br />

invasion, so that when Jesus and his angels appear over<br />

Jerusalem we will be frightened rather than glad.] I do hope<br />

you will not dismiss me as another religious crackpot. I am<br />

quite normal and well-known in my own little community.<br />


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