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Therapy<br />

name of God, Jesus and Mohammed than has ever been<br />

committed in the name of Satan. Many people don't like that<br />

statement, but few can argue with it.<br />

Many of those alleging satanic abuse describe grotesque orgiastic<br />

rituals in which infants are murdered and eaten. Such claims have<br />

been made about reviled groups by their detractors throughout<br />

European history, including the Cataline conspirators in Rome,<br />

the Passover 'blood libel' against the Jews, and the Knights<br />

Templar as they were being dismantled in fourteenth-century<br />

France. Ironically, reports of cannibalistic infanticide and incestuous<br />

orgies were among the particulars used by Roman authorities<br />

to persecute the early Christians. After all, Jesus himself is quoted<br />

as saying (John vi, 53) 'Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man,<br />

and drink his blood, ye have no life in you'. Although the next line<br />

makes it clear Jesus is talking about eating his own flesh and<br />

drinking his own blood, unsympathetic critics might have misunderstood<br />

the Greek 'Son of man' to mean 'child' or 'infant'.<br />

Tertullian and other early Church fathers defended themselves<br />

against these grotesque accusations as best they could.<br />

Today, the lack of corresponding numbers of lost infants and<br />

young children in police files is explained by the claim that all over<br />

the world babies are being bred for this purpose, surely reminiscent<br />

of abductee claims that alien/human breeding experiments<br />

are rampant. Also similar to the alien abduction paradigm, satanic<br />

cult abuse is said to pass down from generation to generation in<br />

certain families. To the best of my knowledge, as in the alien<br />

abduction paradigm, no physical evidence has ever been offered<br />

in a court of law to support such claims. Their emotional power,<br />

though, is evident. The mere possibility that such things are going<br />

on rouses us mammals to action. When we give credence to<br />

satanic ritual, we also raise the social status of those who warn us<br />

of the supposed danger.<br />

Consider these five cases: (1) Myra Obasi, a Louisiana schoolteacher,<br />

was - she and her sisters believed after consultation with<br />

a hoodoo practitioner - possessed by demons. Her nephew's<br />

nightmares were part of the evidence. So they left for Dallas,<br />

abandoned their five children, and the sisters then gouged out Ms<br />


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