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The Demon-Haunted World<br />

been fathered by an incubus. So were Plato, Alexander the Great,<br />

Augustus and Martin Luther. Occasionally an entire people - for<br />

example the Huns or the inhabitants of Cyprus - were accused by<br />

their enemies of having been sired by demons.<br />

In Talmudic tradition the archetypical succubus was Lilith,<br />

whom God made from the dust along with Adam. She was<br />

expelled from Eden for insubordination - not to God, but to<br />

Adam. Ever since, she spends her nights seducing Adam's<br />

descendants. In ancient Iranian and many other cultures, nocturnal<br />

seminal emissions were believed to be elicited by succubi. St<br />

Teresa of Avila reported a vivid sexual encounter with an angel -<br />

an angel of light, not of darkness, she was sure - as did other<br />

women later sanctified by the Catholic Church. Cagliostro, the<br />

eighteenth-century magician and con man, let it be understood<br />

that he, like Jesus of Nazareth, was a product of the union<br />

'between the children of heaven and earth'.<br />

In 1645 a Cornish teenager, Anne Jefferies, was found groggy,<br />

crumpled on the floor. Much later, she recalled being attacked by<br />

half a dozen little men, carried paralysed to a castle in the air,<br />

seduced and returned home. She called the little men fairies. (For<br />

many pious Christians, as for the inquisitors of Joan of Arc, this<br />

was a distinction without a difference. Fairies were demons, plain<br />

and simple.) They returned to terrify and torment her. The next<br />

year she was arrested for witchcraft. Fairies traditionally have<br />

magical powers and can cause paralysis by the merest touch. The<br />

ordinary passage of time is slowed in fairyland. Fairies are<br />

reproductively impaired, so they have sex with humans and carry<br />

off babies from their cradles, sometimes leaving a fairy substitute,<br />

a 'changeling'. Now it seems a fair question: if Anne Jefferies had<br />

grown up in a culture touting aliens rather than fairies, and UFOs<br />

rather than castles in the air, would her story have been distinguishable<br />

in any significant respect from the ones 'abductees' tell?<br />

In his 1982 book The Terror That Comes in the Night: An<br />

Experience-Centered Study of Supernatural Assault Traditions, David<br />

Hufford describes an executive, university-educated, in his midthirties,<br />

who recalled a summer spent as a teenager in his aunt's<br />

house. One night, he saw mysterious lights moving in the harbour.<br />

Afterwards, he fell asleep. From his bed he then witnessed a white,<br />


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