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Page 6 PRAY FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF ALL OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL Lord Jesus, Savior of the world and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters in the service of their country. Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger; strengthen them when they face hardships. Above all Lord, grant that when their service is finished they may return to us, sound in mind, body and soul. Amen. LCpl Randal Adams PFC Russell Adams, Jr. S1stC Rachel Anderson USN Adam Alonge USA AMN Darek Baczewski USA William Balcazar USA Spec. Getulio Barbosa USA Anthony Barcellona, USMC Stf. Sgt. Jay Berman USAF Capt. Jessica L. Bishop USAF GSgt. John R. Brown USMC Chad Bryant USN Matthew Buceri USMC William Callahan USN PFC Peter Caravello USMC Pvt. Charles Clementino USA Mark Clementino USA Cpl V. J. Como USMC Bradley T. Curtis II USN Damian Dobbs USMC Jason Dobbs USMC Christopher Dodd USMC Michael Dore Sgt. Clifton A. East Maj. Sean P. Farley USA Brian Garzon USA Paul C. Garzon George Gehrke USA Carlo Gonzalez USMC Steven Grudzinski Taylor Harter USA Seaman 2 Erik Hettinger USN Ensign John D. John USN Major Cayton Johnson USA Major Robin Johnson USA LCPL Ryan Johnston USMC LCpl Jeffrey Kernen USMC Curtis King USMC Matthew Latocha USN Sgt. Eric Lawton USA SPC Edwards F. Leiper V Michael Lisi USAF David Anthony Long John Paul Lubrani USN Michael Magnotta, USAF Scarlet Martinez Christopher McClain USMC Ryan McClain USN T. J. McGovern USMC R. J. McGraw USMC 2nd Lt. Chris Mendoza USAF Alexander Moscovich USMC HA Casey B. Mulloy USN Spc. Jeremy R. Mulloy USA Danny Murales Bryan P. Novy USN Capt. Ryan Pace USA Ivette Marie Pavez USMC PMI. John T. Peetling USS Sgt. Nelson Perdomo USA Lt. Daniel Reilly USCG Rodrigo Rivadeneira USA Fabio Sanchez, Jr. USN Mark F. Satira USA Capt. Charles Shinkle, USA Jeremy Varsallone, USA Guillermo Velandia USA Luis M. Vila USAR PFC Joshua Villette USMC LCpl Jason A. Wargin USMC 1st Lt. Patrick Wiley Sgt. Brandon J. Wright And all our Church military not listed here. Please let us know the names of those who are no longer members of the military. ADOM NON NON-PAROCHIAL NON PAROCHIAL COLLECTIONS 2013 Jan. & Feb. Archbishop’s Charities & Development Campaign (ABCD) Mar. 3 Church in Latin America Mar. 17 Catholic Relief Services Apr. 28 Catholic Home Missions May 12 Catholic Communications Campaign June 2 Church in Central & Eastern Europe June 30 Holy Father’s Appeal (Peter’s Pence) July 21 American Black and Indian Missions Aug. 4 Parish Burse - Seminary Appeal Sept. 1 Catholic University of America Oct. 20 Society for the Propagation of the Faith Nov. 24 Campaign for Human Development Dec. 8 Retirement Fund for Religious CATHOLIC ATHOLIC COMMUNICATION OMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN AMPAIGN Next week our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) this Collection communicates the Good News through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our archdiocese, so please be generous in this Collection. CCC is how the Good News gets around to you. Weekly Collection Report - April 27 and 28, 2013 Mass Day Mass Time Language Persons Collection Saturday 4:30 pm English 265 2,253.00 Saturday 7:30 pm Portuguese 233 2,064.00 Sunday 8:00 am English 169 1,620.33 Sunday 9:30 am Portuguese 345 3,723.50 Sunday 11:00 am English 327 2,416.50 Sunday 1:00 pm Spanish 284 852.90 Sunday 7:00 pm Portuguese 268 1,804.50 Total Env: 405 1,891 14,734.73 Special Accounts and Collections Children’s Envelopes 12 33.00 Candles (Votive) 233.45 Catholic Home Missions 178.00 Total Special Collections 444.45 Total of all Collections: $15,179.18

Rosario Abate, Myra Alea, Salontore Alonge, Gustavo Alzate, Irene Baggiero, Debbie Barberio, T. Barnard, Cher Blunt, Lucy Boccieri, Nick Boccieri, Leon Bourgeois, Carol Bowman, Donna Brady, Joanne Bressler, Lauraine Brown, Miriam Brown, Ruthe Bruno, Mary Caggiano, Brunioda Calva, Veronica Camillucci, Susanne Campisi, Vita Carbone, Josephine Cassidente, Mary Cassidy, Mary Castro, Dolyes Chery, Joseph Ciscario, Ralph Colon, Recado Corio, Alice Cracco, Sal Cracco, Joseph Criscuola, Frances Cuthbert, Jim DeLong, Annette DeMennato, William D’Erasmo, Tracy DeWall, Mary DiCarlo, Delores DiGangi, Joseph DiGangi, John DiLauro, Mark Dineen, Roger Donohue, Margaret Doyne, Melvin Drayton, Bernardo Duque John Eskridge, Rosemary Eskridge Dottie Fallon, Jack Fallon, Laura Fenimore, Antoinette Flamia, Kaitlyn Flynn, Barbara Foster, Mary Fowler, Josie Gallucci Brad Gammon, Francesca Gaudino Carmelo Gonzalez, Bill Griffin, Karen Griffin, Nancy Hamer, Paul Healey, Cliff Hebisen, Dorothy Hocenic, Larry Hockenberry, Louise Hodges, Steve Hodges, PRAYER LIST Alvin Hons, Dennis Houshour, Braydon Hudak, Douglas Hughes, Frank Hurley, Marie Hurley, Marie Infantino, Joseph Ingrisani, Kim Kelleher, Ashley Kilgore, Malachi Kilgore, Martine Kilgore, Trey Kilgore, Mary Koch, Bernice Kociolek, Lola Kopf, Carolee Kuzma, Debbie Lamberti, Maria Leon, Marie LoRusso Theresa Louise, Maria Luongo, Chris Maguire, Philip Maher, Alan Mandell, Fred Marano, Palma Marano, Viola Marano, Madison Marciano, Antoinette Marino, Lynn Marchione Beth Marks, Cerbellon Marrero, Jose Marrero, Terry McArdle, Kristen McClave, Loreen McDonald, Bernard & Edwina McMahon, Bill McMahon, Theresa McMahon, Robert & Natrice McNair, Danny Medeiros, Sam Melillo, Ruth Messana, Elaine Morgillo, Michelle Nethersole, Mihail Nicolescu, Rosalie Nobile, Marlene Novochadlo, Lourain O’Connell, Kathy Pacini, Maryann Parker, Danny Parker, Rafael Paulino, Dottie Penatello, Anne Phenix, Steven Pilla, Janice Pollack, Eileen Pollock, Carla Pranzo, Kenneth Pranzo, Terry Provost, Etta Pursche, Amy Pyburn, Josephine Raccuglia, Bhimal Ramsaroop, Janet Reilly, Juan Pablo Reyes, Reggie Rocourt, Tony Romeo, Barbara Roos, Karela Ruiz, Sandra Sanchez, Carlos Santos, Denise Savage, Kim Schaefer, John & Grace Schinelli, Lisa & Vanessa Schinelli, Geraldine Schweitzer, Gabe Scianna, Terri Scott, George Shannon, Keith Shannon, Patty Shannon, Karen Shouse, Mario Signorile, Mary Signorile, Irene Smith, Joan Smith, Joanne Sorrentino, Vito Speziale, Leola Stevens, Betty Jo Stoloen, Dorothy Straight, Natalie Swift, Charlie Targonski, John Targonski, Ronald Terlizzese, Chris Thompson, Joseph Tocco, Josephine Traina, Rose Travano, Shaughnessy Tuten Roy Gipson Tyndall, Maria Velez, Victoria Vinci, Mimi Visconti, Paula Vroman, Joyce Wilson, Jayne Womack, Carol Wood, Richard Wyman The names of those who have been on our prayer list for six months or longer have been removed, other than those we know are suffering from long term illnesses. If we have inadvertently removed the name of someone who has not recovered, please call the office at 954-972- 0434 and we will place their name on the prayer list. Thank you! RESPECT LIFE Page 7 Five Reasons Why the Abortion Industry is Pushing RU 486 Harder –Part II by Randy O'Bannon Ph.D. | Washington, DC | |04/11/13 When RU-486, the abortion pill, was approved for sale in America in September of 2000, this two-drug chemical abortion technique didn’t simply appear out of the blue. It was the result of the years of planning, research, and market analysis by the abortion industry, the culmination of a long term strategy put in place decades earlier. Today, that strategy is playing out in clinics all across America and around the world. So what was it the abortion industry saw? And what did they hope to accomplish by adding chemical abortifacients to their already deadly arsenal? Here are five reasons behind the abortion industry’s push of the abortion pill and an indication of how far they’ve gotten in fulfilling their awful aims: Reason 4: Increase Income For all the talk about “choice” and women’s health care, never forget that those who are peddling these abortion pills are operating a business. It is a fact that explains why a business that was losing customers was anxious to come up with a new product; it explains why they have promoted a different protocol than the one approved by the FDA; and it explains why they are pushing web-cam abortions. After abortions peaked in the U.S. in 1990 with 1.6 million, the number has dropped as low as 1.2 million. Abortion rates among younger customers had been in decline for some time and women were being more and more turned off by surgical abortion. Prices for abortions had not kept up with inflation and more and more doctors were getting out of the business. A “new and improved” product offered the industry a chance to attract new customers or win back older ones (somewhere around 45% of all abortions are repeat abortions) who were intimidated by the risks and indignities of surgical abortion or upset about aborting unborn babies medical technology was clearly showing them to be both human and alive. The FDA approved protocol called for women no more than 49 days past their last menstrual period to receive three pills of RU-486 after being screened and being counseled about the process (which they take there in the doctor’s office) which is to shut down the baby’s support system and cause the child’s demise. Under the protocol, the woman is to return to the doctor two days later to receive two pills of misoprostol, taken by mouth, to stimulate powerful uterine contractions to expel the tiny corpse. She is to return on day 14 to confirm whether or not her abortion is complete. It was under this protocol that the FDA declared the drug “safe” and “effective.” There were several things the industry did not like about this protocol, however, and it was arguing for alternate protocols even before the FDA gave final marketing approval. RU-486 (or mifepristone) is a complex drug to manufacture and is imported from China, so it is expensive, about $90 a pill. With three of those pills running $270, the cost of three office visits, the personnel to screen and counsel the patients, this left a slim profit margin, if any. And if priced significantly higher than the surgical method, they might have difficulty selling the new product. In the name of increasing effectiveness and decreasing side effects, the industry offered several modifications to the protocol, modifications dubiously offering improvements in either safety or effectiveness, but clearly increasing the abortionist’s profit margin and decreasing requirements for office time, space, or personnel. The newly promoted protocol reduced the number of expensive mifepristone pills from three to one, but doubled the dose of the misoprostol, which ran only a dollar or so a pill. The National Abortion Federation (NAF) protocol allowed the woman to take the prostaglandin (misoprostol) at home, rather than returning to the office, eliminating at least one office visit. That industry protocol also extended the cutoff date by two weeks, from 49 days LMP to 63 days LMP, thereby opening the doors to a whole new group of customers. Reports indicate that many are performed even past this limit. Web-cam abortions present an even greater potential for revenues. Rather than wasting time and gas traveling between multiple small clinic offices, an abortionist can sit at a computer at a central administrative office and, with the click of a mouse, dispense pills to different women in dozens of remote location around the state. Any place with an Internet connection can be set up as an abortion clinic. As a consequence of such changes, chemical abortions now account for 199,000 abortions a year, or at least 16.4% of all abortions performed in the U.S. (as of 2008). How many of these women would have gotten surgical abortions had chemical ones not been available is unknown, but chemical abortion has certainly expanded the reach of the industry into whole new communities. North Broward Respect Life 5115 Coconut Creek Parkway, Margate, Florida 33063 954-977-7769 · “I came that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Rosario Abate,<br />

Myra Alea,<br />

Salon<strong>to</strong>re Alonge,<br />

Gustavo Alzate,<br />

Irene Baggiero,<br />

Debbie Barberio,<br />

T. Barnard,<br />

Cher Blunt,<br />

Lucy Boccieri,<br />

Nick Boccieri,<br />

Leon B<strong>our</strong>geois,<br />

Carol Bowman,<br />

Donna Brady,<br />

Joanne Bressler,<br />

Lauraine Brown,<br />

Miriam Brown,<br />

Ruthe Bruno,<br />

Mary Caggiano,<br />

Brunioda Calva,<br />

Veronica Camillucci,<br />

Susanne Campisi,<br />

Vita Carbone,<br />

Josephine Cassidente,<br />

Mary Cassidy,<br />

Mary Castro,<br />

Dolyes Chery,<br />

Joseph Ciscario,<br />

Ralph Colon,<br />

Recado Corio,<br />

Alice Cracco,<br />

Sal Cracco,<br />

Joseph Criscuola,<br />

Frances Cuthbert,<br />

Jim DeLong,<br />

Annette DeMenna<strong>to</strong>,<br />

William D’Erasmo,<br />

Tracy DeWall,<br />

Mary DiCarlo,<br />

Delores DiGangi,<br />

Joseph DiGangi,<br />

John DiLauro,<br />

Mark Dineen,<br />

Roger Donohue,<br />

Margaret Doyne,<br />

Melvin Dray<strong>to</strong>n,<br />

Bernardo Duque<br />

John Eskridge,<br />

Rosemary Eskridge<br />

Dottie Fallon,<br />

Jack Fallon,<br />

Laura Fenimore,<br />

An<strong>to</strong>inette Flamia,<br />

Kaitlyn Flynn,<br />

Barbara Foster,<br />

Mary Fowler,<br />

Josie Gallucci<br />

Brad Gammon,<br />

Francesca Gaudino<br />

Carmelo Gonzalez,<br />

Bill Griffin,<br />

Karen Griffin,<br />

Nancy Hamer,<br />

Paul Healey,<br />

Cliff Hebisen,<br />

Dorothy Hocenic,<br />

Larry Hockenberry,<br />

Louise Hodges,<br />

<strong>St</strong>eve Hodges,<br />


Alvin Hons,<br />

Dennis Housh<strong>our</strong>,<br />

Braydon Hudak,<br />

Douglas Hughes,<br />

Frank Hurley,<br />

Marie Hurley,<br />

Marie Infantino,<br />

Joseph Ingrisani,<br />

Kim Kelleher,<br />

Ashley Kilgore,<br />

Malachi Kilgore,<br />

Martine Kilgore,<br />

Trey Kilgore,<br />

Mary Koch,<br />

Bernice Kociolek,<br />

Lola Kopf,<br />

Carolee Kuzma,<br />

Debbie Lamberti,<br />

Maria Leon,<br />

Marie LoRusso<br />

Theresa Louise,<br />

Maria Luongo,<br />

Chris Maguire,<br />

Philip Maher,<br />

Alan Mandell,<br />

Fred Marano,<br />

Palma Marano,<br />

Viola Marano,<br />

Madison Marciano,<br />

An<strong>to</strong>inette Marino,<br />

Lynn Marchione<br />

Beth Marks,<br />

Cerbellon Marrero,<br />

Jose Marrero,<br />

Terry McArdle,<br />

Kristen McClave,<br />

Loreen McDonald,<br />

Bernard & Edwina<br />

McMahon,<br />

Bill McMahon,<br />

Theresa McMahon,<br />

Robert & Natrice<br />

McNair,<br />

Danny Medeiros,<br />

Sam Melillo,<br />

Ruth Messana,<br />

Elaine Morgillo,<br />

Michelle Nethersole,<br />

Mihail Nicolescu,<br />

Rosalie Nobile,<br />

Marlene Novochadlo,<br />

L<strong>our</strong>ain O’Connell,<br />

Kathy Pacini,<br />

Maryann Parker,<br />

Danny Parker,<br />

Rafael Paulino,<br />

Dottie Penatello,<br />

Anne Phenix,<br />

<strong>St</strong>even Pilla,<br />

Janice Pollack,<br />

Eileen Pollock,<br />

Carla Pranzo,<br />

Kenneth Pranzo,<br />

Terry Provost,<br />

Etta Pursche,<br />

Amy Pyburn,<br />

Josephine Raccuglia,<br />

Bhimal Ramsaroop,<br />

Janet Reilly,<br />

Juan Pablo Reyes,<br />

Reggie Roc<strong>our</strong>t,<br />

Tony Romeo,<br />

Barbara Roos,<br />

Karela Ruiz,<br />

Sandra Sanchez,<br />

Carlos San<strong>to</strong>s,<br />

Denise Savage,<br />

Kim Schaefer,<br />

John & Grace<br />

Schinelli,<br />

Lisa & Vanessa<br />

Schinelli,<br />

Geraldine<br />

Schweitzer,<br />

Gabe Scianna,<br />

Terri Scott,<br />

George Shannon,<br />

Keith Shannon,<br />

Patty Shannon,<br />

Karen Shouse,<br />

Mario Signorile,<br />

Mary Signorile,<br />

Irene Smith,<br />

Joan Smith,<br />

Joanne Sorrentino,<br />

Vi<strong>to</strong> Speziale,<br />

Leola <strong>St</strong>evens,<br />

Betty Jo S<strong>to</strong>loen,<br />

Dorothy <strong>St</strong>raight,<br />

Natalie Swift,<br />

Charlie Targonski,<br />

John Targonski,<br />

Ronald Terlizzese,<br />

Chris Thompson,<br />

Joseph Tocco,<br />

Josephine Traina,<br />

Rose Travano,<br />

Shaughnessy Tuten<br />

Roy Gipson Tyndall,<br />

Maria Velez,<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Vinci,<br />

Mimi Visconti,<br />

Paula Vroman,<br />

Joyce Wilson,<br />

Jayne Womack,<br />

Carol Wood,<br />

Richard Wyman<br />

The names of<br />

those who have been<br />

on <strong>our</strong> prayer list for<br />

six months or longer<br />

have been removed,<br />

other than those we<br />

know are suffering<br />

from long term illnesses.<br />

If we have<br />

inadvertently removed<br />

the name of<br />

someone who has not<br />

recovered, please call<br />

the office at 954-972-<br />

0434 and we will<br />

place their name on<br />

the prayer list.<br />

Thank you!<br />


Page 7<br />

Five Reasons Why the Abortion Industry<br />

is Pushing RU 486 Harder –Part II<br />

by Randy O'Bannon Ph.D. | Washing<strong>to</strong>n, DC | |04/11/13<br />

When RU-486, the abortion pill, was approved for sale in America<br />

in September of 2000, this two-drug chemical abortion technique<br />

didn’t simply appear out of the blue. It was the result of the years of<br />

planning, research, and market analysis by the abortion industry, the<br />

culmination of a long term strategy put in place decades earlier. Today,<br />

that strategy is playing out in clinics all across America and<br />

around the world.<br />

So what was it the abortion industry saw? And what did they hope<br />

<strong>to</strong> accomplish by adding chemical abortifacients <strong>to</strong> their already<br />

deadly arsenal? Here are five reasons behind the abortion industry’s<br />

push of the abortion pill and an indication of how far they’ve gotten<br />

in fulfilling their awful aims:<br />

Reason 4: Increase Income<br />

For all the talk about “choice” and women’s health care, never forget<br />

that those who are peddling these abortion pills are operating a business.<br />

It is a fact that explains why a business that was losing cus<strong>to</strong>mers was<br />

anxious <strong>to</strong> come up with a new product; it explains why they have promoted<br />

a different pro<strong>to</strong>col than the one approved by the FDA; and it<br />

explains why they are pushing web-cam abortions.<br />

After abortions peaked in the U.S. in 1990 with 1.6 million, the<br />

number has dropped as low as 1.2 million. Abortion rates among<br />

younger cus<strong>to</strong>mers had been in decline for some time and women<br />

were being more and more turned off by surgical abortion. Prices for<br />

abortions had not kept up with inflation and more and more doc<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

were getting out of the business.<br />

A “new and improved” product offered the industry a chance <strong>to</strong><br />

attract new cus<strong>to</strong>mers or win back older ones (somewhere around<br />

45% of all abortions are repeat abortions) who were intimidated by<br />

the risks and indignities of surgical abortion or upset about aborting<br />

unborn babies medical technology was clearly showing them <strong>to</strong> be<br />

both human and alive.<br />

The FDA approved pro<strong>to</strong>col called for women no more than 49<br />

days past their last menstrual period <strong>to</strong> receive three pills of RU-486<br />

after being screened and being counseled about the process (which<br />

they take there in the doc<strong>to</strong>r’s office) which is <strong>to</strong> shut down the<br />

baby’s support system and cause the child’s demise. Under the pro<strong>to</strong>col,<br />

the woman is <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> the doc<strong>to</strong>r two days later <strong>to</strong> receive two<br />

pills of misopros<strong>to</strong>l, taken by mouth, <strong>to</strong> stimulate powerful uterine<br />

contractions <strong>to</strong> expel the tiny corpse. She is <strong>to</strong> return on day 14 <strong>to</strong><br />

confirm whether or not her abortion is complete.<br />

It was under this pro<strong>to</strong>col that the FDA declared the drug “safe”<br />

and “effective.”<br />

There were several things the industry did not like about this pro<strong>to</strong>col,<br />

however, and it was arguing for alternate pro<strong>to</strong>cols even before<br />

the FDA gave final marketing approval.<br />

RU-486 (or mifepris<strong>to</strong>ne) is a complex drug <strong>to</strong> manufacture and is<br />

imported from China, so it is expensive, about $90 a pill. With three<br />

of those pills running $270, the cost of three office visits, the personnel<br />

<strong>to</strong> screen and counsel the patients, this left a slim profit margin, if<br />

any. And if priced significantly higher than the surgical method, they<br />

might have difficulty selling the new product.<br />

In the name of increasing effectiveness and decreasing side effects,<br />

the industry offered several modifications <strong>to</strong> the pro<strong>to</strong>col,<br />

modifications dubiously offering improvements in either safety or<br />

effectiveness, but clearly increasing the abortionist’s profit margin<br />

and decreasing requirements for office time, space, or personnel.<br />

The newly promoted pro<strong>to</strong>col reduced the number of expensive<br />

mifepris<strong>to</strong>ne pills from three <strong>to</strong> one, but doubled the dose of the misopros<strong>to</strong>l,<br />

which ran only a dollar or so a pill. The National Abortion<br />

Federation (NAF) pro<strong>to</strong>col allowed the woman <strong>to</strong> take the prostaglandin<br />

(misopros<strong>to</strong>l) at home, rather than returning <strong>to</strong> the office,<br />

eliminating at least one office visit. That industry pro<strong>to</strong>col also extended<br />

the cu<strong>to</strong>ff date by two weeks, from 49 days LMP <strong>to</strong> 63 days<br />

LMP, thereby opening the doors <strong>to</strong> a whole new group of cus<strong>to</strong>mers.<br />

Reports indicate that many are performed even past this limit.<br />

Web-cam abortions present an even greater potential for revenues.<br />

Rather than wasting time and gas traveling between multiple small<br />

clinic offices, an abortionist can sit at a computer at a central administrative<br />

office and, with the click of a mouse, dispense pills <strong>to</strong> different<br />

women in dozens of remote location around the state. Any place<br />

with an Internet connection can be set up as an abortion clinic.<br />

As a consequence of such changes, chemical abortions now account<br />

for 199,000 abortions a year, or at least 16.4% of all abortions<br />

performed in the U.S. (as of 2008). How many of these women<br />

would have gotten surgical abortions had chemical ones not been<br />

available is unknown, but chemical abortion has certainly expanded<br />

the reach of the industry in<strong>to</strong> whole new communities.<br />

North Broward Respect Life<br />

5115 Coconut Creek Parkway, Margate, Florida 33063<br />

954-977-7769 ·<br />

“I came that they may have life and have it <strong>to</strong> the full.” John 10:10

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