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Best Off Topics Of Community This Month<br />

We don’t only discuss abt <strong>Sachin</strong> & Cricket always<br />

sometimes off topics are also discussed. Here are<br />

some of the good off topics discussed last month..<br />

When Former FI Racer, Michael Schumacher announced<br />

he will be returning to the F1 Grand Prix circuit to fill in at<br />

Ferrari for badly injured driver Felipe Massa. It was a good<br />

news for all his fans.<br />

But he dissapoined everyone by finally calling of his return<br />

due to a bike injury.<br />

Roger Federer is showing off his new doubles team.<br />

The Swiss tennis great has posted the first public photo of his<br />

twin girls on the Internet.<br />

Federer wrote below the photo on his Facebook account today<br />

that the girls and mother are "doing great." He thanked<br />

friends and fans for their wishes.<br />

Federer and his wife, Mirka, are each holding a baby in the<br />

picture. Federer said the photo was taken by his father.<br />

SWINE FLU ---- don't panic<br />

August 15,<br />

2009<br />


Influenza A (H1N1) virus is commonly known as swine flu. It<br />

is a viral infection that originated from pigs, it is a pandemic<br />

strain that is brand new to humans which means we do not<br />

have natural immunity to it and therefore are prone to this<br />

viral infection.<br />


The symptoms of swine flu are similar to that ofregular<br />

human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches,<br />

headache, chills and fatigue. Some people can have diarrhea<br />

and vomiting associated with swine flu. It can cause severe<br />

illnesses like pneumonia, respiratory failure and could worsen<br />

chronic medical conditions.<br />

IMP<br />

Emergency warning signals that need urgent medical<br />

attention<br />

Fast breathing or trouble in breathing or shortness of breath<br />

Bluish or gray skin color<br />

Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen Sudden dizziness<br />

, Severe or persistent vomiting<br />

Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and<br />

worse cough<br />


Swine flu can be prevented and following precautions can<br />

safeguard us:<br />

Practice a high standard of personal hygiene - routinely wash<br />

hands with soap and warm water<br />

Wear a face mask/respirator in crowded places.<br />

Avoid/defer nonessential travel, especially to affected places;<br />

if necessary to travel, carry and use mask.<br />

Avoid spreading of germs - cough on your sleeve and not into<br />

your hand<br />

Avoid contact with sick people. If you are sick, then<br />

immediately report to the hospital and stay at home<br />

Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers to minimize infection risk.<br />

Air purifier can also be used to help reduce exposure to<br />

airborne germs.<br />

Get an influenza shot for now. Antibiotics do not help this<br />

infection since it is not from bacteria. The only medicines<br />

which help are antiviral.<br />


Symptomatic care is most important. You should ask your<br />

doctor about options. Those at high risk should strongly be<br />

considered for treatment with medication. (High risk patients<br />

include those with diabetes, heart disease, immune<br />

compromised<br />


SACHINISM : More Than A Religion<br />


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