Administration Manual - B.E.S.T. Undertaking.

Administration Manual - B.E.S.T. Undertaking.

Administration Manual - B.E.S.T. Undertaking.


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12) As per Section 126 B(4) of the MMC Act, 1888 (as amended upto date) the Municipal<br />

Secretary causes Budget Estimates 'C' and the report of the Standing Committee thereon which are<br />

printed by the <strong>Undertaking</strong> and forwards printed copies thereof to the Municipal Secretary, so as to<br />

enable them to forward to all councilors before 31st December. The printing cost of these copies are<br />

borned by the BEST.<br />

As per Section 127 of the MMC Act. Budget Estimate 'C' with reports of the Standing<br />

Committee is required to be laid before the Corporation not later than 10th January.<br />

13) At the time of discussions on Budget Estimates 'C' in the Corporation which are generally held<br />

in January/February, Addl. G.M., Secy., CAO & FA, Dy. CAO and BO remain present alongwith<br />

G.M. for note down the queries and giving required information to the G.M. The queries of the<br />

members are referred to respective Heads of Department for immediate reply so as to enable G.M. to<br />

refer the same in his concluding speech.<br />

-8-<br />

14) As per Section 128/129 of the MMC Act, the Corporation is required to approved Income side<br />

of Budget 'C' on or before 20th March.<br />

15) After the approval of the Corporation to the Budget 'C' copies of the same and Establishment<br />

Schedule are printed and circulated to all Heads of Department/Branches in April/May for their<br />

records. Some copies are also sent to some outside organisations alongwith covering letters.<br />

16) Suggestion, quarries of the members are referred to the respective departments for clarification<br />

after receipts of the same individual replies are sent to the members concerned in Marathi under<br />

signature of the G.M.<br />

II Adoption of the Budget Estimates :- The Budget Estimates on being approved by the<br />

Mumbai Municipal Corporation will be finally adopted. The requisite number of printed copies will<br />

be arranged by the Budget Section. The Dy. Budget Officer will then arrange to dispatch copies to all<br />

Heads of Department/Branches according to their requirements.<br />

III Execution of the Budget :-<br />

a) Loan Works :- A sanction form will be submitted by the departmental head concerned for<br />

obtaining General Manager’s sanction for items costing over Rs.10,000/- in each case. The Budget<br />

Section will be responsible to scrutinise the sanction form before putting up to the General manager.<br />

After being approved by the General Manager the expenditure to be incurred will be entered in<br />

Record of Capital Expenditure and the approved sanction form will be returned to the head of<br />

department concerned.<br />

b) Departmental Enquiries :- In addition to the work of preparation and presentation of the<br />

budget estimate, the budget Section will attend to all departmental enquiries in respect of budget<br />

heads.<br />

c) Control of Budget Grant :- It will be the responsibility of the Heads of<br />

Departments/Branches to control their budget grants. For this purpose, they have to keep record of all<br />


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