ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN

ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN
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38 REP12/CAC 266. The Delegation of Denmark, speaking on behalf of the member states of the EU present at the session, thanked all organizations for their collaborative activities with Codex, and called for close cooperation and coordination with these organizations in particular the three sisters in the area of food safety and the WTO/SPS Agreement to avoid gaps or overlapping and prevent barriers to trade. He also acknowledged the collaborative work with the IAEA in particular following the nuclear accident in Japan. B. Relations between the Codex Alimentarius Commission and International Non-governmental Organizations International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 267. The Observer of ISO recalled that ISO International Standards are developed according to principles stipulated by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, especially transparency, openness, impartiality and consensus and highlighted several areas of common interest and cooperation with Codex, as well as ISO technical assistance to developing countries. In this perspective, ISO organized, in cooperation with Codex, FAO, OIE and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), a regional workshop on safe and sustainable fisheries in September 2011 in Indonesia. Thirteen countries (with representatives of national standards institutes, government and industry) from East and South East Asia participated in this regional workshop, which was an opportunity to demonstrate each organization’s complementarity, and together provide a valuable service to all stakeholders. 268. ISO organized, in cooperation with the Codex, OIE and UNIDO a regional workshop on Standards contribution to the food sector in Africa, in Nairobi, Kenya, in April 2012. Thirty-five African countries were invited as well as countries from other parts of the world. The 120 participants (from National Standardization Bodies, governments and industry) were provided useful information about food safety in different food sectors and could share their experiences and knowledge, thus to benchmark the different national practices. This workshop enhanced awareness of participants in terms of food safety and the role of the different international organizations. 269. The Observer indicated that ISO was cooperating with AOAC concerning work on methods of analysis for infant formula and foods for infant and children. 270. The Observer highlighted the work of the ISO Conformity Assessment Committee (ISO CASCO) noting that ISO did not assess conformity but provided guidance to its members on how to carry out conformity assessment, and recalled that Codex had liaison status with ISO CASCO. Conclusion 271. The Commission expressed its appreciation to all international organizations that had provided information on their activities relevant to Codex work and looked forward to further cooperation and partnership that would result in mutual benefits for them and Codex. In this regard, the Commission recalled that three new organizations had been granted observer status with Codex as indicated in the report of the 67 th Executive Committee, which should further enhance the objective of the Commission to coordinate food standards work. ELECTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSONS (Agenda Item 14) 50 272. The Commission elected the following persons to hold office from the end of its present Session to the end of the next regular (36 th ) Session of the Commission. Chairperson: Mr Sanjay DAVE (India) Vice-Chairpersons: Dr Samuel GODEFROY (Canada) Mrs Awilo OCHIENG PERNET (Switzerland) Professor Samuel SEFA-DEDEH (Ghana) DESIGNATION OF COUNTRIES RESPONSIBLE FOR APPOINTING THE CHAIRPERSONS OF CODEX COMMITTEES AND TASK FORCES (Agenda Item 15) 51 273. The Commission confirmed the designation of the Host Governments as listed in the Appendix VIII to this report. 50 CX/CAC 12/35/17. 51 CX/CAC 12/35/18.

REP12/CAC 39 274. It was clarified that the Codex Committee on Sugars was hosted by Colombia and it was noted that the Procedural Manual on the web should be amended accordingly. OTHER BUSINESS (Agenda Item 16) Proposal for establishment of a subsidiary body of the Codex Alimentarius Commission 52 275. The Delegation of India referring to the proposal in CX/CAC 12/35/19 requested the Commission to consider the establishment of a Codex Committee on spices, aromatic herbs and their formulations. The Delegation pointed out that trade in these products, in particular spices, was increasing internationally; that the main producers of spices were in developing countries and that due to the lack of harmonized standards, these countries were increasingly finding it difficult to comply with the various existing standards, which could create trade barriers. The Delegation noted that harmonization would unify classification of spices and aromatic herbs and that such harmonization could take advantage of all other international standards available in this regard. Furthermore this would also contribute to ensuring transparency, fair trade practices and health of consumers worldwide, and lead to better consultation and cooperation among producing countries. The Delegation pointed out that although spices were of plant origin that they were not classified as fruit or vegetables and could not due to their nature be considered in either of the Codex committees for fruit and vegetables. The Delegation further noted that spices and aromatic herbs were quite specific products that might deserve tailor-made requirements that should be laid down in separate standards for different spices and aromatic herbs. 276. Several countries, both producers and importers of spices, supported the proposal to establish a Committee on Spices taking into account international trade in these commodities and their importance for developing countries. However, several other delegations, while not opposed to work on spices, noted that due to the short time for consideration of the proposal, more time was needed for consideration and analysis of the proposal. These delegations also stressed that it was important for the scope to be more clearly defined; that an analysis was needed on what could be addressed through the existing Committees and the relations between the work of a new committee and other committees in Codex; and that consideration should be given to the necessary human and economic resources if a new Committee was established, both as regards participation of member countries and providing the secretariat. 277. Some of the delegations also pointed out that new work did not necessarily imply the need for a new committee, but that consideration should be given to the establishment of a time-limited task force, which was recommended by the first Codex Evaluation under Recommendation 16. Consideration could also be given to the use of other mechanisms, in particular work by electronic means, such as was currently the case for the work on panela. Also, consideration should be given to the development of horizontal standards in line with the current approach of the Commission. 278. Noting the merits and general support for work on spices, but also that further analysis was needed, the Commission agreed to request the Delegation of India to prepare a discussion paper for consideration at the next session of the Commission, taking into account comments made at this Session, in particular the need to better clarify the scope of work; an analysis of the gaps in terms of work in the Commission; and the mechanism to undertake this work. Interested delegations were invited to provide their contribution to India in the preparation of the paper. The Commission also agreed to ask the Coordinating Committees for their views on the proposal for the establishment of a Committee on spices, aromatic herbs and their formulations. The next session of the Commission would further consider the proposal based on the abovementioned discussion paper as well as the views of the Coordinating Committees. Celebrating the 50 th Anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission 53 279. The Chairperson introduced the Discussion Paper (CRD 25) and also recalled the discussions held on this item at the 67 th session of the Executive Committee. He noted that the CCEXEC had supported the celebrations to mark the 50 th Anniversary of the Commission and that the CCEXEC had established an organising committee, on an informal basis, led by Vice-Chair Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet, and including Representatives of the FAO and WHO and the Codex Secretariat, to identify priorities and time-lines and to steer activities to be carried out in consultation with regional coordinators. The Chairperson then invited Vice-Chair Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet to provide additional information on this item. 52 CX/CAC 12/35/19 Rev. 53 CAC35/CRD25.

38 REP12/CAC<br />

<strong>26</strong>6. The Delegation of Denmark, speaking on behalf of the member states of the EU present at the session,<br />

thanked all organizations for their collaborative activities with Codex, and called for close cooperation and<br />

coordination with these organizations in particular the three sisters in the area of food safety and the<br />

WTO/SPS Agreement to avoid gaps or overlapping and prevent barriers to trade. He also acknowledged the<br />

collaborative work with the IAEA in particular following the nuclear accident in Japan.<br />

B. Relations between the Codex Alimentarius Commission and International Non-governmental<br />

Organizations<br />

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)<br />

<strong>26</strong>7. The Observer of ISO recalled that ISO International Standards are developed according to principles<br />

stipulated by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, especially transparency, openness,<br />

impartiality and consensus and highlighted several areas of common interest and cooperation with Codex, as<br />

well as ISO technical assistance to developing countries. In this perspective, ISO organized, in cooperation<br />

with Codex, FAO, OIE and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), a regional workshop on safe and<br />

sustainable fisheries in September 2011 in Indonesia. Thirteen countries (with representatives of national<br />

standards institutes, government and industry) from East and South East Asia participated in this regional<br />

workshop, which was an opportunity to demonstrate each organization’s complementarity, and together<br />

provide a valuable service to all stakeholders.<br />

<strong>26</strong>8. ISO organized, in cooperation with the Codex, OIE and UNIDO a regional workshop on Standards<br />

contribution to the food sector in Africa, in Nairobi, Kenya, in April 2012. Thirty-five African countries were<br />

invited as well as countries from other parts of the world. The 120 participants (from National<br />

Standardization Bodies, governments and industry) were provided useful information about food safety in<br />

different food sectors and could share their experiences and knowledge, thus to benchmark the different<br />

national practices. This workshop enhanced awareness of participants in terms of food safety and the role of<br />

the different international organizations.<br />

<strong>26</strong>9. The Observer indicated that ISO was cooperating with AOAC concerning work on methods of<br />

analysis for infant formula and foods for infant and children.<br />

270. The Observer highlighted the work of the ISO Conformity Assessment Committee (ISO CASCO)<br />

noting that ISO did not assess conformity but provided guidance to its members on how to carry out<br />

conformity assessment, and recalled that Codex had liaison status with ISO CASCO.<br />

Conclusion<br />

271. The Commission expressed its appreciation to all international organizations that had provided<br />

information on their activities relevant to Codex work and looked forward to further cooperation and<br />

partnership that would result in mutual benefits for them and Codex. In this regard, the Commission recalled<br />

that three new organizations had been granted observer status with Codex as indicated in the report of the<br />

67 th Executive Committee, which should further enhance the objective of the Commission to coordinate food<br />

standards work.<br />


272. The Commission elected the following persons to hold office from the end of its present Session to the<br />

end of the next regular (36 th ) Session of the Commission.<br />

Chairperson: Mr Sanjay DAVE (India)<br />

Vice-Chairpersons: Dr Samuel GODEFROY (Canada)<br />

Mrs Awilo OCHIENG PERNET (Switzerland)<br />

Professor Samuel SEFA-DEDEH (Ghana)<br />



273. The Commission confirmed the designation of the Host Governments as listed in the Appendix VIII to<br />

this report.<br />

50 CX/CAC 12/35/17.<br />

51 CX/CAC 12/35/18.

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