ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN

ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN

ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN


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REP12/CAC 31<br />

Objective 4.2<br />

198. Some delegations were of the opinion that this objective should be deleted as there was already<br />

sufficient guidance in the Procedural Manual on how to achieve consensus.<br />

199. Other delegations were of the view that it should be retained as it was important to improve the skills<br />

of committee members and chairpersons on how to achieve consensus.<br />

200. It was also mentioned that it was important to improve the capacity of Codex to address roadblocks<br />

and consensus building in working groups, and it was also proposed to strengthen the capacity of the Codex<br />

Secretariat.<br />

Conclusion<br />

201. The Commission concluded that all comments made would be noted and summarized for<br />

consideration by the Sub-Committee of the CCEXEC, which would complete the draft Strategic Plan 2014-<br />

2019. The Commission noted that the Sub-Committee of the CCEXEC would provide a summary of the<br />

rationale of the way the comments of the Commission had been taken into account in the completed draft<br />

Strategic Plan.<br />

202. The Codex Secretariat would distribute the draft Strategic Plan in a circular letter to all members and<br />

observers to FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees for their comments and inputs. The Sub-Committee<br />

would consider all comments and the outcome of the discussions at the Coordinating Committees and<br />

prepare a revised draft Strategic Plan for circulation for comments and consideration at the next Session of<br />

the CCEXEC and adoption by the next Session of the Commission.<br />



(Agenda Item 11a) 46<br />

2<strong>03</strong>. The Representative of WHO introduced the Annual Report 2011 and highlighted the following actions<br />

that had been taken to respond to the recommendations of the Mid-term Review of the Codex Trust Fund<br />

(CTF) as discussed at the 34 th CAC and the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees:<br />

- A new Group 4 had been created to allow least developed countries and small island developing states<br />

to build up their capacity to sustain participation in Codex. After the end of regular support from the<br />

Codex Trust Fund, countries in this new group would receive two years additional support to<br />

participate in their two highest priority Codex meetings. This support would need to be matched with<br />

the same level of support funded from national resources.<br />

- A shift in resources to Objective 2 to support FAO/WHO Codex capacity-building had taken place in<br />

line with a joint strategic planning process for Codex capacity development which had been<br />

undertaken by the two parent bodies.<br />

204. The Representative gave an update on developments that had taken place in the first half of 2012.<br />

These included:<br />

- The initiation of a pilot project to partner more experienced countries with less experienced countries<br />

to develop examples in the use of microbiological criteria in the context of CCFH (see CAC/35<br />

INF/10). This pilot, which had taken place in the first months of 2012, was evaluated in May and was<br />

deemed by all participating countries to have been very successful. FAO and WHO and the Codex<br />

Secretariat were considering other areas where such an approach might be used to advance Codex<br />

work.<br />

- The finalization of the CTF Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework which had been developed<br />

in response to a recommendation of the Mid-term Review. The M&E framework had been piloted<br />

using data already being gathered by the CTF and the results were presented in the CTF Transitional<br />

Monitoring Report (CX/CAC 12/35/13-Add.1). Additional data and information would be gathered<br />

throughout 2012 in order to provide a full monitoring report to Codex members in 2013. This would<br />

allow the assessment of where further efforts could be required from the CTF, FAO and WHO and/or<br />

other partners in Codex to ensure effective participation in Codex.<br />

46 CX/CAC 12/35/13; CX/CAC 12/35/13-Add.1; CAC/35 INF/10 ;

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