ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN

ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN

ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN


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24 REP12/CAC<br />

Proposed Draft Levels for Radionuclides in Food 35<br />

143. The Delegation of Japan emphasised the importance of working in the Codex framework of risk<br />

analysis on this issue and expressed gratitude to the Joint FAO/IAEA Division for their kind intention of<br />

providing scientific support. They expressed their interest in working closely with the Netherlands in the<br />

development of this document.<br />

144. The WHO Representative informed the Commission of the work undertaken by WHO to perform a<br />

preliminary global health risk assessment on the implication of the Fukushima nuclear accident. The first part<br />

of the work, the preliminary dose assessment has been published recently. This feeds into the preliminary<br />

health risk assessment currently being undertaken and the final report will be published in the fall. This<br />

preliminary assessment, based on information available up to September 2011, feeds into a more detailed<br />

assessment undertaken by UNSCEAR.<br />

145. The Commission approved new work on the proposed draft levels for radionuclides in food.<br />

Coordinating Committee for the Near East<br />

Regional Standard for Date Paste 36<br />

146. The Commission noted the advice given by the Executive Committee on this matter, which was to<br />

adopt new work and to refer the proposal on a standard for date paste to the Committee on Processed Fruits<br />

and Vegetables (CCPFV) as the project document indicated that there was worldwide trade in this<br />

commodity. The Executive Committee had also recommended that if the CCPFV considered that the<br />

development of a worldwide standard for date paste was not possible, work could be carried out as a regional<br />

standard in the CCNEA.<br />

147. The Delegation of the United States, speaking as Chair of the CCPFV, said that the Committee could<br />

examine the proposal and then either continue the work or recommend its elaboration as a regional standard.<br />

The goal of developing an international standard for this commodity could be reached faster if it started in<br />

the CCPFV rather than developing a regional standard first and then converting it.<br />

148. The delegations of the Near East region who expressed their views and one IGO observer stated that it<br />

was their preference that work on a standard for date paste would start in the CCNEA as the main production<br />

and trade of the product and the main expertise were concentrated in the region, and it would be difficult for<br />

delegations from the region to attend the CCPFV. They proposed further that the conversion into a worldwide<br />

standard could be undertaken at a later step of the procedure.<br />

149. The Secretariat clarified that the procedure for conversion of a regional standard could be started at<br />

any time after adoption of the regional standard at step 8, thus if work was started in the CCNEA it would<br />

have to continue there until Step 8, after which a project document for development of a worldwide standard<br />

could be submitted for approval to the Commission.<br />

150. One delegation stated that as there was international trade in the commodity, Codex procedures<br />

required that a worldwide standard be considered, as regional standards for products that were traded<br />

internationally could be trade disruptive.<br />

151. Noting the strong support from the region for the development of a regional standard for date paste<br />

and the fact that the main expertise about the product was in the Near East region, the Commission agreed as<br />

a pragmatic way forward to approve new work on a regional standard for date paste which would be<br />

undertaken by the CCNEA. After completion of the work, a project document would be submitted to allow<br />

the CCEXEC and the Commission to consider the conversion into an international standard.<br />


152. The Commission approved discontinuation of work as summarized in Appendix VII.<br />

35 REP12/CF, para. 169.<br />

36 REP11/NEA para. 92, CX/CAC 12/35/9-Add.1 Rev.1.

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