ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN

ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN

ALINORM 03/26/1 - codex - BSN


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REP12/CAC 21<br />

- Egypt: considered that safety concerns continued to exist and this was particularly important for Egypt<br />

which relies on meat imports.<br />

- Turkey: strongly opposed the adoption of the MRLs and considered that more time was needed before<br />

deciding on the MRLs.<br />

- Croatia: strongly opposed the adoption of the MRLs and the way they had been adopted.<br />

- Iran: considered that the MRLs were based on insufficient data.<br />

- Switzerland: regretted the process that had taken place and that the decision was not based on<br />

consensus and that it was made with such a narrow majority.<br />

- Russia Federation: strongly opposed and found it unfortunate that the decision did not consider the<br />

concerns expressed throughout the process.<br />

- Zimbabwe: opposed the adoption.<br />


121. The Commission adopted at Step 5 the Proposed Draft Standards and Related Texts submitted by its<br />

subsidiary bodies, as presented in Appendix IV to this report, and advanced them to Step 6.<br />

122. The following paragraphs provide additional information on the comments made and the decisions<br />

taken on certain items.<br />

Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS)<br />

Proposed Draft Principles and Guidelines for National Food Control Systems (Introduction,<br />

Sections 1-3) 25<br />

123. A number of delegations, while not opposed to the adoption at Step 5 of the proposed draft Principles<br />

and Guidelines (Introduction and Section 1-3), noted that some parts needed further discussion, including<br />

definitions and some principles, as indicated in the written comments provided at this session.<br />

124. The Commission adopted the proposed draft Principles and Guidelines, as proposed by the CCFICS,<br />

and invited delegations to resubmit the comments at Step 6 in order to be considered by the next Session of<br />

CCFICS.<br />

Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU)<br />

Proposed Draft Revision of the Guidelines on Formulated Supplementary Foods for Older Infants and<br />

Young Children (CAC/GL 8-1991) <strong>26</strong><br />

125. One Observer did not support the adoption because inappropriate marketing was not considered in the<br />

labelling section and other sections required further review. One delegation proposed to delete the square<br />

brackets in the text in section 6.5.1 concerning use of sweeteners. Other delegations pointed out that this was<br />

a technical comment and should be discussed further in the Committee. Several members stressed the need<br />

for a revised text as the current provisions of the Guidelines were outdated and therefore supported the<br />

current text, with the understanding that it would be further considered in the Committee in the light of the<br />

comments made. The Commission agreed to adopt the proposed draft revision at Step 5.<br />

Animal Feeding (TFAF)<br />

Proposed Draft Guidelines on Application of Risk Assessment for Feed 27<br />

1<strong>26</strong>. Some delegations congratulated the TFAF for the proposed draft, which was a good basis for the<br />

further development of the document. They were of the opinion that some aspects could be included, e.g.<br />

consideration of viruses in feed, and that specific comments could be addressed in the further development of<br />

the document.<br />

24 CX/CAC 12/35/5; CX/CAC 12/35/5-Add.1; CX/CAC 12/35/6-Rev (Comments of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia,<br />

Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, European Union, Japan, Malaysia); CRD 9 (Comments of IBFAN); CRD 10 (Comments of<br />

Philippines); CRD 12 (Comments of Indonesia); CRD 13 (Comments of India); CRD 16 (Comments of Peru).<br />

25 REP12/FICS, para.46, Appendix II.<br />

<strong>26</strong> REP12/NFSDU, para.1<strong>26</strong>, Appendix IV.<br />

27 REP12/AF, para.47, Appendix II.

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