PARENTS’ CONSENT: SCHOOL AGE ACADEMY PLAYERS (a) In the day time Address Phone number (b) At night Address Phone number (c) Mobile Phone 7. Is there an alternative person to contact if you can’t be reached? Name Address Phone Number 8. Is your child receiving any medical treatment? If so, please give details: 9. Is your child taking any medicine? If so, please give details: 10. Does your child have any particular diet requirements or any other special needs? If so, please give details: 11. When did your child last have a tetanus injection? 12. Please give your child’s Doctor’s name, address and telephone number: Form T5 401 APPENDICES TO THE RULES

APPENDICES TO THE RULES PARENTS’ CONSENT: SCHOOL AGE ACADEMY PLAYERS I acknowledge receipt of the information regarding the proposed Academy Tour to on and consent to my child taking part, if selected. I agree to your asking my child’s school for time off if the Tour is in Term time. I agree to staff on the Tour giving permission for my child to have dental, medical or surgical treatment. I agree to inform the Club of any changes in my child’s health before departure. I will bring my child to and collect him from at the beginning of the Tour. My child understands that it is important, for safety reasons, to obey any rules and instructions given by the staff in charge of the party. 402 Signed Date Form T5


(a) In the day time<br />

Address<br />

Phone number<br />

(b) At night<br />

Address<br />

Phone number<br />

(c) Mobile Phone<br />

7. Is there an alternative person to contact if you can’t be reached?<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

Phone Number<br />

8. Is your child receiving any medical treatment? If so, please give details:<br />

9. Is your child taking any medicine? If so, please give details:<br />

10. Does your child have any particular diet requirements or any other special needs? If so,<br />

please give details:<br />

11. When did your child last have a tetanus injection?<br />

12. Please give your child’s Doctor’s name, address and telephone number:<br />

Form T5<br />

401<br />


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