SECTION Z: PREMIER LEAGUE APPEALS COMMITTEE Z.6.2. in the determination of a dispute under Rule Z.1.4: Z.6.2.1. the applicant Club or Player; and Z.6.2.2. the respondent Player or Club; Z.6.3. in an appeal under Rule Z.1.1: Z.6.3.1. the appellant Club or Academy Player; and Z.6.3.2. the respondent Academy Player or Club; Z.6.4. in an application under Rule Z.1.5: Z.6.4.1. the applicant Club; and Z.6.4.2. the respondent Out of Contract Player. Z.7. Proceedings shall be commenced by an application in writing to the Secretary identifying: Z.7.1. the respondent; Z.7.2. the Rule under the provisions of which the appeal or application is made; Z.7.3. the nature of the appeal or application and the facts surrounding it; Z.7.4. the remedy or relief sought; and Z.7.5. any documents relied upon, copies of which shall be annexed. Z.8. Except in the case of an application made by an Academy Player, an application made under the provisions of Rule Z.7 shall be accompanied by a deposit of £1,000. Z.9. Upon receipt of an application the Secretary shall: Z.9.1. procure that for the purpose of determining the application the Committee is composed in accordance with Rule Z.2; Z.9.2. send a copy of the application and any documents annexed to it to the chairman and members of the Committee; Z.9.3. send a copy of the same by recorded delivery post to the respondent. Z.10. Within 14 days of receipt of the copy application the respondent shall send to the Secretary by recorded delivery post a written response to the application, annexing thereto copies of any documents relied upon. Z.11. Upon receipt of the response the Secretary shall send a copy thereof together with a copy of any document annexed to: Z.11.1. the chairman and members of the Committee; and Z.11.2. the party making the application. Z.12. The chairman of the Committee may give directions as he thinks fit for the future conduct of the proceedings addressed in writing to the parties with which the parties shall comply without delay. Z.13. The Committee by its chairman shall have power to summon any person to attend the hearing of the proceedings to give evidence and to produce documents and any person who is bound by these Rules and who, having been summoned, fails to attend or to give evidence or to produce documents shall be in breach of these Rules. T.7 T.8 T.9 T.10 T.11 T.12 T.13 207 PREMIER LEAGUE RULES: SECTION Z

PREMIER LEAGUE RULES: SECTION Z SECTION Z: PREMIER LEAGUE APPEALS COMMITTEE Z.14. The Secretary shall make all necessary arrangements for the hearing of the proceedings and shall give written notice of the date, time and place thereof to the parties. Z.15. If a party to the proceedings fails to attend the hearing the Committee may either adjourn it or proceed in their absence. Z.16. The chairman of the Committee shall have an overriding discretion as to the manner in which the hearing of the proceedings shall be conducted. Z.17. The Committee shall not be bound by any enactment or rule of law relating to the admissibility of evidence in proceedings before a court of law. Z.18. The hearing shall be conducted in private. T.18 Z.19. Each party shall be entitled to be represented at the hearing by a solicitor or counsel provided that they shall have given to the other party and to the chairman of the Committee 14 days’ prior written notice to that effect. Z.20. The Committee’s decision shall be announced as soon as practicable and if possible at the end of the hearing and shall be confirmed in writing by the Secretary to the parties. Z.21. The Committee shall give reasons for its decision. T.21 Z.22. The decision of the Committee shall be final and binding. T.22 Fees and Expenses Old Rule Z.23. The chairman and members of the Committee shall be entitled to receive from the League a reasonable sum by way of fees and expenses. T.23 Committee’s Powers Old Rule Z.24. Upon determining an application made in accordance with the provisions of this Section of these Rules, the Committee may: Z.24.1. order the deposit required by Rule Z.8 to be forfeited to the League or repaid to the applicant; Z.24.2. order either party to pay to the other such sum by way of costs as it shall think fit which may include the fees and expenses of the chairman and members of the Committee paid or payable under Rule Z.23; Z.24.3. make such other order as it shall think fit. T.24 208 T.14 T.15 T.16 T.17 T.19 T.20

SECTION Z: <strong>PREMIER</strong> <strong>LEAGUE</strong> APPEALS COMMITTEE<br />

Z.6.2. in the determination of a dispute under Rule Z.1.4:<br />

Z.6.2.1. the applicant Club or Player; and<br />

Z.6.2.2. the respondent Player or Club;<br />

Z.6.3. in an appeal under Rule Z.1.1:<br />

Z.6.3.1. the appellant Club or Academy Player; and<br />

Z.6.3.2. the respondent Academy Player or Club;<br />

Z.6.4. in an application under Rule Z.1.5:<br />

Z.6.4.1. the applicant Club; and<br />

Z.6.4.2. the respondent Out of Contract Player.<br />

Z.7. Proceedings shall be commenced by an application in writing to the<br />

Secretary identifying:<br />

Z.7.1. the respondent;<br />

Z.7.2. the Rule under the provisions of which the appeal or application is made;<br />

Z.7.3. the nature of the appeal or application and the facts surrounding it;<br />

Z.7.4. the remedy or relief sought; and<br />

Z.7.5. any documents relied upon, copies of which shall be annexed.<br />

Z.8. Except in the case of an application made by an Academy Player, an application<br />

made under the provisions of Rule Z.7 shall be accompanied by a deposit of £1,000.<br />

Z.9. Upon receipt of an application the Secretary shall:<br />

Z.9.1. procure that for the purpose of determining the application the Committee<br />

is composed in accordance with Rule Z.2;<br />

Z.9.2. send a copy of the application and any documents annexed to it to the<br />

chairman and members of the Committee;<br />

Z.9.3. send a copy of the same by recorded delivery post to the respondent.<br />

Z.10. Within 14 days of receipt of the copy application the respondent shall send to the<br />

Secretary by recorded delivery post a written response to the application,<br />

annexing thereto copies of any documents relied upon.<br />

Z.11. Upon receipt of the response the Secretary shall send a copy thereof together<br />

with a copy of any document annexed to:<br />

Z.11.1. the chairman and members of the Committee; and<br />

Z.11.2. the party making the application.<br />

Z.12. The chairman of the Committee may give directions as he thinks fit for the future<br />

conduct of the proceedings addressed in writing to the parties with which the<br />

parties shall comply without delay.<br />

Z.13. The Committee by its chairman shall have power to summon any person to attend the<br />

hearing of the proceedings to give evidence and to produce documents and any<br />

person who is bound by these Rules and who, having been summoned, fails to attend<br />

or to give evidence or to produce documents shall be in breach of these Rules.<br />

T.7<br />

T.8<br />

T.9<br />

T.10<br />

T.11<br />

T.12<br />

T.13<br />

207<br />

<strong>PREMIER</strong> <strong>LEAGUE</strong> RULES: SECTION Z

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