Maquetación 1 - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

Maquetación 1 - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

Maquetación 1 - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas


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Autora <strong>de</strong> portada: Mónica <strong>de</strong> la Torre Serrano<br />

marzo 2011

Fiesta <strong>de</strong> la escuela<br />

Abril 2010



Table ron<strong>de</strong> sur. Marguerite Yourcenar ..............................................................2<br />

Poésie réalisée par les élèves <strong>de</strong> Avanzado1 A ............................................3<br />

Le voyage en Colombie <strong>de</strong> Julie ............................................................................4<br />

Marmorat ..............................................................................................................................5<br />

Our Irish experience........................................................................................................6<br />

Why green? ..........................................................................................................................7<br />

A Different English Class ..............................................................................................8<br />

Different cultural behaviours and points of view? ......................................8<br />

Alle Jahre wie<strong>de</strong>r...Die Weihnachtsfeier <strong>de</strong>r Deutsch-Abteilung ........9<br />

Sapin <strong>de</strong> Noël......................................................................................................................9<br />

Der <strong>de</strong>utsche Expressionismus.<br />

Unser Ausflug ins Museum Thyssen ................................................................10<br />

Ausflug ins Thyssen-Museum: Die Expressionisten ................................11<br />

Les Jardins Impressionnistes ..................................................................................12<br />

15 comman<strong>de</strong>ments ....................................................................................................................................13<br />

Book Club in English ....................................................................................................................................14<br />

La fête <strong>de</strong> Saint-Félix <strong>de</strong> Sorgues ..........................................................................................................16<br />

Bienvenue à Bruxelles ..................................................................................................................................17<br />

Nice, première ville européenne du sport <strong>de</strong> France ..............................................................18<br />

Qu´est-ce que je peux faire ce week-end?......................................................................................19<br />

Poursuivre un rêve..........................................................................................................................................20<br />

Kilkenny - Ireland ............................................................................................................................................22<br />

Meine erste Reise in die Alpen................................................................................................................23<br />

Small actions to save the planet............................................................................................................24<br />

Plusieurs étoiles du ciel sont <strong>de</strong>scendues sur la Gran Vía madrilène ............................25<br />

Leute von gestern und heute..................................................................................................................26<br />

Tipps für ein besseres Leben....................................................................................................................28<br />

Haben Sie Probleme? ..................................................................................................................................30<br />

Wünsche. Meine Wünsche für das neue Jahr................................................................................31<br />

Meine Wünsche ..............................................................................................................................................31<br />

Mein erster Kontakt mit Deutsch ..........................................................................................................32<br />

One day with Renoir......................................................................................................................................33<br />

Blas <strong>de</strong> Lezo, a little-known story ........................................................................................................34<br />

Who stole my childhood?..........................................................................................................................36<br />

To clil or not to clil... is that the question?........................................................................................38<br />

Is it worth it? ......................................................................................................................................................40<br />

Gui<strong>de</strong> dogs..........................................................................................................................................................42<br />

Ironic Death ........................................................................................................................................................44<br />

Cutting-edge online tools: Social Media..........................................................................................46<br />

Myths and legends - stonehenge ........................................................................................................48<br />

Pour laSaint Valentin......................................................................................................................................50<br />

O<strong>de</strong> au piano ....................................................................................................................................................51<br />

La leçon du Papillon......................................................................................................................................52<br />

Le Grand Meaulnes ........................................................................................................................................53<br />

Book Reviews ....................................................................................................................................................54<br />

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hy<strong>de</strong> ..................................................................................................................................57<br />

Seen through a window ............................................................................................................................58<br />

Instructions ........................................................................................................................................................59<br />

Veganismus ist eine gerechte lebensweise....................................................................................60<br />



DIRECTORA: Encarnación Sánchez Martín REDACCIÓN: Marie Hélène Lyx,<br />

Katharina Strobel, Xosé Luís Vázquez Ledo, María José Vélez Álvarez<br />

EOI <strong>de</strong> COLLADO VILLALBA<br />

Telf.: 91 851 37 44/Fax: 91 850 68 19<br />

Web: www.eoivillalba.com<br />

Correo electrónico: secretaria@eoivillalba.com<br />

Depósito Legal: M-14281-2010<br />

ISSN: 1889-4046<br />

®<br />


AFP Gestión <strong>de</strong>l Color<br />

Telf.: 91 552 45 00 / Fax: 91 552 80 00<br />

www.afpcolor.com<br />


Otra vez en vuestras manos un nuevo<br />

número <strong>de</strong> la revista <strong>de</strong> la escuela, gracias<br />

como siempre, a la colaboración <strong>de</strong><br />

alumnos y profesores <strong>de</strong>l centro.<br />

En ella estáis no sólo los que nos habéis<br />

entregado vuestros trabajos escritos,<br />

también, los que voluntariamente participáis<br />

en las activida<strong>de</strong>s que organizamos en el<br />

centro a lo largo <strong>de</strong>l año: el teatro, la fiesta <strong>de</strong><br />

la escuela, el viaje a Dublín, las conferencias,<br />

las salidas culturales, las tertulias… Será un<br />

recuerdo <strong>de</strong> esos momentos y también <strong>de</strong>l<br />

esfuerzo que cada uno <strong>de</strong> vosotros ponéis en<br />

seguir aprendiendo, a<strong>de</strong>más, espero, <strong>de</strong> una<br />

satisfacción por el trabajo realizado.<br />

No <strong>de</strong>jéis <strong>de</strong> leer los artículos <strong>de</strong> vuestros<br />

compañeros en los que comparten sus<br />

experiencias y consejos prácticos. Pero<br />

sobre todo, no olvidéis el lado amable y<br />

alegre <strong>de</strong> apren<strong>de</strong>r un idioma, po<strong>de</strong>r jugar<br />

con las palabras, crear textos o poemas, <strong>de</strong><br />

modo que disfrutad con la lectura.<br />

No quiero terminar sin hacer mención <strong>de</strong><br />

aquellas personas cuyas creaciones no se<br />

han seleccionado este año para la<br />

publicación, ya sabéis los recursos son<br />

limitados y las páginas <strong>de</strong> la revista<br />

también. Mi agra<strong>de</strong>cimiento especial para<br />

vosotros por vuestra comprensión.<br />

¡Hasta el próximo número<br />

y buena lectura!

Dans le cadre du trentième anniversaire<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’entrée <strong>de</strong> Marguerite Yourcenar à<br />

l’Académie française, nous sommes<br />

invités par l’Institut Français <strong>de</strong> Madrid<br />

à une table ron<strong>de</strong> avec un écrivain, une<br />

journaliste et une critique littéraire.<br />

Après la présentation <strong>de</strong>s intervenantes, le<br />

modérateur a fait l’éloge <strong>de</strong> Marguerite Yourcenar<br />

comme une figure incontestable et incontournable<br />

<strong>de</strong> la littérature française du 20e siècle, une femme<br />

avec une personnalité fascinante, voyageuse <strong>de</strong>s<br />

civilisations anciennes, amoureuse <strong>de</strong> la nature et<br />

fervente humaniste.<br />

La conversation a tourné autour <strong>de</strong> cinq sujets, à<br />

savoir: comment les intervenantes se sont-elles<br />

rencontrées avec les oeuvres <strong>de</strong> Marguerite<br />

Yourcenar? Comment caractériser son oeuvre?<br />

Est-ce qu’elle a été victime <strong>de</strong> son succès?<br />

Pourquoi les personnages principaux <strong>de</strong> ses<br />

oeuvres étaient-t-ils surtout <strong>de</strong>s hommes? Et<br />


Table ron<strong>de</strong> sur<br />

Marguerite Yourcenar<br />

2<br />

pour finir, par quel livre faut-il commencer à<br />

découvrir l’oeuvre <strong>de</strong> Marguerite Yourcenar.<br />

Grâce à ces sujets <strong>de</strong> conversation, nous avons<br />

appris que Marguerite Yourcenar a été élevée<br />

par son père à cause <strong>de</strong> la mort <strong>de</strong> sa mère,<br />

qu’elle a reçu une éducation supérieure issue<br />

d’un milieu familial culte, que ses oeuvres ne<br />

sont pas pour tout le mon<strong>de</strong>, qu’elle était une<br />

femme libre qui écrivait en liberté et qui parlait<br />

énormément <strong>de</strong> l’amour et qu’elle a ouvert le<br />

chemin <strong>de</strong> la littérature historique sentimentale.<br />

L’auteure française est connue en Espagne grâce<br />

à l’ancien Premier ministre espagnol Felipe<br />

González, qui, en venant d’être élu, disait qu’il<br />

était en train <strong>de</strong> lire “Mémoires d’Hadrien”, le<br />

livre le plus connu <strong>de</strong> Marguerite Yourcenar.<br />

Pour finir, une pensée <strong>de</strong> cette femme hors du<br />

commun: « J’ai plusieurs cultures, comme j’ai<br />

plusieurs pays, j’appartiens à tous ».<br />

EMILIO PRECIADO, Francés Nivel Avanzado 2 A


Poésie réalisée par les<br />

élèves <strong>de</strong> Avanzado1 A<br />

Pourquoi aller le vendredi au cours <strong>de</strong> français ?<br />

La femme idéale est là, face à toi,<br />

Le café, la musique, ses yeux, son parfum qui t’enveloppe<br />

Elle te <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> si tu veux être son roi<br />

Pas <strong>de</strong> problème, mon ami ! Au cours <strong>de</strong> français je galope !<br />

Qu’est-ce que je peux faire pour elle ?<br />

Elle me parle <strong>de</strong> français, et je trouve qu’elle est si belle<br />

Mais je sais que je suis dans un dilemme<br />

Aller au cours <strong>de</strong> français ou rester ici même<br />

J’ai fini par la convaincre <strong>de</strong> m’accompagner<br />

Et comme ça tous les <strong>de</strong>ux on aura gagné<br />

Vous avez été invité par votre fiancé<br />

Et vous voulez très chic être habillé<br />

Manque d’argent ? Ne serait-ce pas mieux d’aller<br />

Vendredi soir au cours <strong>de</strong> français ?<br />

Aujourd’hui, c’est vendredi, je suis triste<br />

La semaine <strong>de</strong> travail arrive à sa limite<br />

Qu’est ce qu’on peut faire sans rien à étudier ?<br />

Ne t’inquiète pas, mon ami, le cours <strong>de</strong> français<br />

Et là pour te sauver<br />

Vendredi soir, c’est le jour<br />

D’aller faire les courses<br />

Votre femme vous dit :<br />

« Au Carrefour ! Allons-y, allons-y !<br />

Il y aura plein <strong>de</strong> promotions partout ! »<br />

Au lieu d’un 3 pour 2<br />

Moi je préfère le cours<br />

Alors que les arbres per<strong>de</strong>nt les feuilles<br />

Et soufflent <strong>de</strong>s vents sans arrêt<br />

Nous avons froid dans les oreilles<br />

Et pourtant nous allons au cours <strong>de</strong> français<br />


1. ENTOURAGE<br />

A propos <strong>de</strong> l’entourage <strong>de</strong> Bogotá, nous<br />

pouvons dire que c’est une ville avec<br />

beaucoup <strong>de</strong> pollution à cause <strong>de</strong> l’énorme<br />

circulation et, <strong>de</strong> même, l’utilisation du gaz<br />

comme combustible pour les voitures<br />

produit une sensation d’étouffement<br />

partout dans la ville. Pourtant, étant donné<br />

qu’on parle d’un pays situé dans le centre <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Amazonie, où il pleut beaucoup, le paysage<br />

que l’on trouve est couvert <strong>de</strong> montagnes et<br />

absolument vert.<br />

Si vous avez la possibilité <strong>de</strong> voyager à Noël,<br />

vous pourrez profiter <strong>de</strong>s merveilleux<br />

éclairages électriques suspendus entre les<br />

arbres du centre-ville.<br />

2. SECURITE<br />

Ce qui a attiré mon attention c’est surtout la<br />

présence d’un policier au coin <strong>de</strong> chaque<br />

rue. Je pense que c’est une mesure pour<br />

éviter les enlèvements et les affrontements<br />

armés.<br />

En ce qui concerne la sécurité dans les<br />

transports publics, les bus portent un<br />

appareil qui montre constamment aux<br />

passagers la vitesse à laquelle roule le bus.<br />

Lorsque le chauffeur dépasse la vitesse<br />

autorisée, le passager a le droit <strong>de</strong> dénoncer<br />

l’infraction.<br />

4<br />


en Colombie <strong>de</strong> Julie<br />

Il est très courant <strong>de</strong> voir <strong>de</strong>s jeunes qui<br />

conduisent leur motocyclette en portant<br />

<strong>de</strong>s enfants, tout le mon<strong>de</strong> sans casque.<br />

3. LA VILLE<br />

Bogotá est une ville folle, où il faut être très<br />

attentif pour survivre à la circulation, qui est<br />

très différente <strong>de</strong> ce qu’on connaît en Europe. Il<br />

y a <strong>de</strong>s « stops » mais les conducteurs ne les<br />

respectent pas. En plus, les piétons traversent<br />

les rues où ils peuvent parce qu’il n’y a pas <strong>de</strong><br />

passages pour piétons.<br />

Les bus sont comme <strong>de</strong>s ruches <strong>de</strong><br />

personnes qui entrent et qui sortent<br />

constamment. Les gens montent et<br />

<strong>de</strong>scen<strong>de</strong>nt du bus en marche. Les taxis<br />

sont nombreux et les chauffeurs se bala<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

avec la musique très forte.<br />



Ce texte a été écrit par tous les élèves <strong>de</strong> Avanzado 1, à partir <strong>de</strong>s notes apportées<br />

par Julie après son voyage en Colombie pendant les vacances <strong>de</strong> Noël 2010.<br />

Les maisons ressemblent à <strong>de</strong>s salles<br />

d’exposition. Toutes les maisons ont <strong>de</strong>s<br />

grilles à cause <strong>de</strong> la peur <strong>de</strong> perdre le peu<br />

qu’ils ont.<br />

Le sentiment religieux est très profond en<br />

Colombie. Il y a une vierge qui nous regar<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> son autel dans toutes les maisons et<br />

bâtiments, aussi bien privés que publics.<br />

C’est-à-dire que Dieu est partout et surtout<br />

en Colombie. La foi est beaucoup plus<br />

importante qu’en Espagne.


Marmorat<br />

Lundi, 28 février, un écrivain<br />

français est venu à l’école <strong>de</strong><br />

langues <strong>de</strong> Collado Villalba pour<br />

nous expliquer comment il écrit<br />

en écoutant <strong>de</strong> la musique. C’est<br />

Christophe Marmorat, né à<br />

Versailles en 1971.<br />

Il nous a raconté qu’il avait commencé à écrire à<br />

l’âge <strong>de</strong> cinq ans et qu’il écoutait déjà <strong>de</strong> la<br />

musique pendant qu’il composait ses poèmes. Il<br />

l’a qualifié <strong>de</strong> « écriture musicale”. A 16 ans il<br />

avait déjà lu beaucoup d’auteurs français<br />

(Proust, Balzac, Maupassant, Gi<strong>de</strong>, Valéry...) ainsi<br />

que <strong>de</strong>s penseurs (Henri Bergson, Jean-Paul<br />

Sartre, Raymond Aron...) En même temps il<br />

écoutait tout type <strong>de</strong> musique, soit <strong>de</strong> la<br />

musique classique, soit la chanson française,<br />

mais ce qui l’attirait le plus c’était les Beatles.<br />

Durant la conférence il nous a dit “ je suis très<br />

impressionné par les Beatles”.<br />

Il est très sensible au rythme ce qui lui permet<br />

l’action <strong>de</strong> la créativité, il parle <strong>de</strong> l’écriture<br />

comme d’une sculpture qui sort d’un moule qui<br />

découvre l’émotion et développe l’analyse <strong>de</strong><br />

soi-même, et c’est la manière <strong>de</strong> faire découvrir<br />

au lecteur sa propre émotion.<br />

Chaque poème est écrit en écoutant une<br />

chanson, mais à une question d’un élève il a<br />

répondu qu’après quelques mois il pourrait<br />

écrire un poème différent en écoutant la même<br />

chanson.<br />

Il était arrivé à Madrid <strong>de</strong>ux jours avant la<br />

conférence et il a dit que Madrid lui a beaucoup<br />

plu, qu’il a trouvé ses femmes charmantes avec<br />

leurs jupes volant au vent, et pendant qu’il<br />

écoutait <strong>de</strong> la musique (le pavé <strong>de</strong> Hol<strong>de</strong>n) dans<br />

un café il a écrit un très beau poème dont voici<br />

un extrait.<br />

Alors je plonge<br />

Dans la foule liqui<strong>de</strong><br />

Je danse je plonge<br />

dans cette foule éponge<br />

qui m’inon<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> ses yeux vifs<br />

Rapi<strong>de</strong>s et splendi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Oui<br />

Madrid<br />

Je goûte tes rues<br />

Je bas fort<br />

Lorsque la fin du jour<br />

Te recouvre d’un voile <strong>de</strong> miel clair<br />

Qui ne fait qu’embellir tes chairs<br />

Carmen Blanco Martínez, Francés Básico 2B<br />


Maybe you’ve heard about the trip<br />

to Dublin organized by the EOI in<br />

Collado-Villalba. Well, after<br />

having waited for three months,<br />

the adventure took place in the<br />

end. This is how it went.<br />

We arrived in Dublin on 27th February. No sooner<br />

had we got off the plane than it began to pour<br />

down. But it was the only time we had to open<br />

our umbrellas. The weather was won<strong>de</strong>rful.<br />

6<br />



The coach took us to the "meeting point"<br />

where our respective families were supposed<br />

to be waiting for us.<br />

Since that moment we were going to live<br />

with an Irish family for a week, learning<br />

different traditions, culture and habits. I<br />

was so excited!<br />

Our timetable was absolutely complete. Every<br />

day we atten<strong>de</strong>d classes at "Atlas Language<br />

School" and after having lunch we had a<br />

cultural activity.


The first two days we had a gui<strong>de</strong>d tour across<br />

the city with an Irish teacher. We learnt a lot<br />

about Michael Collins, an Irish revolutionary<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r and the mastermind of the Easter<br />

Rebellion in 1916.<br />

Knowing this, you un<strong>de</strong>rstand why Irish<br />

people are <strong>de</strong>eply grateful to him for his<br />

contribution to the foundation of the mo<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

Irish state. We were also <strong>de</strong>lighted and shocked<br />

with some Irish writers’ works and lives.<br />

Not only did we learn about history and<br />

literature, we also tasted the genuine whiskey<br />

at Jameson's Distillery and felt the gloominess<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> the Kilmainham Gaol, a former prison<br />

which is now a museum and played an<br />

important part during the Irish rebellions.<br />

We did enjoy at the "Musical Pub Crawl",<br />

visiting the most popular pubs of the city,<br />

tasting Guinness and learning about some<br />

traditional Irish musical instruments, such as<br />

the woo<strong>de</strong>n flutes, the bodhran drums and the<br />

banjo.<br />

We became Irish dancers for one night in<br />

Monkstown, enjoying Céilí, which is a Gaelic<br />

social gathering that usually involves playing<br />

Gaelic folk music and dancing.<br />

We travelled in time to admire "Gleann Dá Loch"<br />

in Irish language (meaning "Glen of Two Lakes"), a<br />

glacial valley located in County Wicklow,<br />

renowned for its Early Medieval monastic<br />

settlement foun<strong>de</strong>d in the 6th century.<br />

Since all things must come to an end, we<br />

en<strong>de</strong>d our trip, but we did it feeling extremely<br />

satisfied, absolutely exhausted and anxious to<br />

repeat the experience.<br />

I don't want to finish this text without saying:<br />

"go raibh maith agat" (the Gaelic for "thank<br />

you") for this opportunity.<br />

Julia Navacerrada, Inglés Nivel Avanzado 2A<br />

Why green?<br />

When one morning, my English teacher in<br />

Dublin asked me what my favourite colour<br />

was, I answered‘Green’and he told me‘Yes,<br />

the Irish flag is orange, white and green’. But<br />

after a week in Dublin, I’ve un<strong>de</strong>rstood why he<br />

said that. Irish people are very conscientious<br />

with the environment.<br />

Every day, my family gave me some food for<br />

lunch; and the bag that contained the<br />

sandwich and a piece of fruit was the same<br />

bag as the one for the cereal for breakfast.<br />

Recycling is a way of life. They don’t spend<br />

money if it isn’t necessary and they reuse all<br />

types of materials.<br />

On the other hand, when we went shopping<br />

every shop gave me paper bags, never plastic<br />

bags. Moreover, in my Irish family the house<br />

water coming from the bathroom connects<br />

with a lovely gar<strong>de</strong>n where they grow all<br />

types of plants and trees. It’s a great i<strong>de</strong>a I’m<br />

going to do in my gar<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

And finally, the most important thing of all,<br />

when you go outsi<strong>de</strong> Dublin, nature is perfect:<br />

calm and clean fields with pure air, beautiful<br />

lakes and spaces. I didn’t see a single paper on<br />

the floor. Simple everyday things to help the<br />

environment. A new world is possible. Ireland<br />

is one of the first countries in Europe that<br />

started this conscience about a clean world.<br />

Marisa Jiménez Jiménez, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1 D<br />


Bruce with “his little pet”, a spi<strong>de</strong>r, had a very<br />

important mission: save a special pink-tail bird<br />

from a hunter in the Amazon rainforest.<br />

Bruce flew there with a tall pilot and, after hard<br />

turbulences, both did a parachute jump and they<br />

got the mission: the bird was safe!<br />

The best was that everybody had a great time and<br />

we learnt English with a big smile!!<br />

María Ángeles Jiménez Ver<strong>de</strong>jo.<br />

Inglés Nivel Básico2-B<br />

8<br />


A Different English Class<br />

Last Tuesday we saw a joyful play: a funny and talkative Hero, Bruce Adventure, visited our<br />

Languages School. Some classmates also played with him like real actors and actresses.<br />

They ma<strong>de</strong> us spend a funny afternoon.<br />

Different cultural behaviours<br />

and points of view?<br />

If you travel to Canada you may surely get<br />

shocked by some attitu<strong>de</strong>s. You may even feel<br />

that someone is blun<strong>de</strong>ring. On the 24 th<br />

February, in the EOI Villalba hall room, the<br />

lecturer Bruno Lázaro Pacheco (a Spanish-<br />

Canadian film director) explained to us some<br />

anecdotes about the different ways of<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstanding life in Canada and Spain.<br />

How would you feel if someone asked you openly<br />

how much you make in your job? Would you find<br />

them brazen? What would you believe if you had<br />

gone out for dinner and your table mate heavily<br />

insisted on giving a tip, whose amount must exactly<br />

be 15%? Have you met a sheer stubborness?<br />

What kind of life do they enjoy, <strong>de</strong>voted to their jobs,<br />

instead of living for fun and pleasure? Unsettling?<br />

What to think about those people, “spring people”,<br />

dressed in such puritan, Lutheran clothes, who<br />

however jump out half-naked as soon as the hard<br />

winter is gone and the sunshine comes? Shocking?<br />

Lastly, what would you think about people who prefer<br />

leaving voice messages rather than speaking directly on<br />

the phone, or better, face to face? Impolite?<br />

Do you believe they are weird? If you heed people’s<br />

background, you will be able to un<strong>de</strong>rstand some<br />

funny, peculiar anecdotes. And perhaps there will be<br />

no reason to blun<strong>de</strong>r or get shocked anymore.<br />

Eugenio Mañas <strong>de</strong> Mora, Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 B


Alle Jahre wie<strong>de</strong>r...<br />

Die Weihnachtsfeier<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Deutsch-Abteilung<br />

Auch dieses Jahr feierte die Deutsch-Abteilung<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Schule am 21. Dezember ihre traditionelle<br />

Weihnachtsfeier, mit Spielen, Lie<strong>de</strong>rn und <strong>de</strong>n<br />

typisch <strong>de</strong>utschen Weihnachtsspezialitäten.<br />

Noch leckerer als die gekauften Süßigkeiten<br />

waren allerdings die selbstgebackenen<br />

Plätzchen, die die Schüler bzw. Schülerinnen<br />

mitgebracht haben, samt ostfriesischem Tee und<br />

an<strong>de</strong>ren köstlichen Heiβgetränken ;) .<br />

sapin <strong>de</strong> Noël<br />

Ce sapin <strong>de</strong> Noël est le fruit du <strong>de</strong>rnier jour <strong>de</strong> cours avant<br />

Noël dans le groupe <strong>de</strong> « Básico2 ». Isabel, la prof. nous a<br />

<strong>de</strong>mandé <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ssiner nos mains et d’y écrire nos vœux<br />

pour la Nouvelle Année. Avec nos mains, nous avons<br />

composé ce fantastique sapin plein <strong>de</strong> couleurs et <strong>de</strong> bons<br />

désirs qui, nous l’espérons, <strong>de</strong>viendront réalité en 2011.<br />

Bonne année à tous!!!<br />

Les élèves <strong>de</strong> Básico 2 B<br />

Und auch dieses Jahr gab es Preise für die besten<br />

Rezepte, wenn auch etwas beschei<strong>de</strong>nere als in<br />

früheren Jahren. Tja, die Krise macht sich überall<br />

bemerkbar... Aber das Beste waren die<br />

Weihnachtslie<strong>de</strong>r, diesmal mit<br />

Kontrastprogramm: einerseits die Punk-<br />

Versionen <strong>de</strong>r Toten Hosen und an<strong>de</strong>rerseits die,<br />

die wir zusammen gesungen haben, von Elena<br />

auf <strong>de</strong>r Gitarre begleitet.<br />


Der Expressionismus war eine Stilrichtung<br />

in <strong>de</strong>r Kunst am Anfang <strong>de</strong>s 20.<br />

Jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rts, beson<strong>de</strong>rs in Deutschland.<br />

Die Bewegung wollte nicht die realistische<br />

Welt spiegeln, son<strong>de</strong>rn die Innenwelt<br />

zeigen, die Innenwelt, die im Menschen<br />

drinnen wohnt.<br />

In Spanien hat das Museum Thyssen viele wichtige<br />

Bil<strong>de</strong>r dieser Stilrichtung. Deshalb fuhren wir im<br />

letzten November nach Madrid. Der Treffpunkt: Der<br />

Haupteingang <strong>de</strong>s Museums um 17 Uhr. Dort fing<br />

eine interessante Erfahrung mit <strong>de</strong>r Kultur an. Es war<br />

eine neue Erfahrung für viele von uns, weil wir noch<br />

nie vorher dort waren. Es gab eine Führerin, die je<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Bild erklärte. Sie war sehr dynamisch und nett. Sie war<br />

auch interaktiv mit uns, darum war <strong>de</strong>r Besuch<br />

wirklich amüsant. Sie spielte mit unseren Begriffen<br />

über Expressionismus und sie erzählte lustige<br />

Anekdoten von Künstlern. Zum Glück gab uns unsere<br />

junge Museumsführerin nicht nur einen Überblick<br />

über <strong>de</strong>n Expressionismus, son<strong>de</strong>rn auch über die<br />

Kunst. Sie gab uns einen klugen Ratschlag:<br />


Der <strong>de</strong>utsche Expressionismus.<br />

Unser Ausflug ins Museum Thyssen<br />

10<br />

“Sie müssen sich mit <strong>de</strong>r Kunst integrieren. Nicht<br />

nur vor <strong>de</strong>m Bild stehen, son<strong>de</strong>rn mit <strong>de</strong>m Bild<br />

eins sein.” Danach sprach die Führerin über zwei<br />

<strong>de</strong>utsche Gruppen: “Die Brücke” und “Der Blaue<br />

Reiter”. Anschlieβend sahen wir verschie<strong>de</strong>ne<br />

interessante Bil<strong>de</strong>r von Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Franz<br />

Marc und an<strong>de</strong>ren an. Es ist kompliziert alles zu<br />

beschreiben, aber es war ein lehrreiches und<br />

bereichern<strong>de</strong>s Erlebnis. Nach <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Museumsbesuch kamen wir zum Schluss, dass<br />

man die Realität aus verschie<strong>de</strong>nen Perspektiven<br />

sehen kann. Deswegen können wir allen Lesern<br />

die Sammlung empfehlen.<br />

Aber das war nicht alles. Nach <strong>de</strong>m Besuch<br />

gingen wir alle zusammen zum Aben<strong>de</strong>ssen. Das<br />

gewählte Restaurant war ein typisches <strong>de</strong>utsches<br />

Restaurant, wo wir mit einer Absicht saβen: In<br />

<strong>de</strong>utsche Speisen beiβen (natürlich mit Bier vom<br />

“Fass”). Der Abend war sehr warmherzig und man<br />

nahm die Gelegenheit an<strong>de</strong>re Schüler <strong>de</strong>r E.O.I.<br />

kennenzulernen wahr.<br />

Letizia Banquieri, Ana María Calvo Suárez,<br />

Alemán Nivel Intermedio 2 A


Ausflug ins Thyssen-Museum:<br />

Die Expressionisten<br />

Am 5.11.2010 organisierte die Deutsch-<br />

Abteilung einen Ausflug ins<br />

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, um die<br />

<strong>de</strong>utschen Expressionisten zu sehen. Die Lehrer<br />

Katja Strobel, Katja Sifrig und Harald Köwitz<br />

waren dabei. Eine junge Museumsführerin<br />

erzählte uns sehr viel über die Bil<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Der Expressionismus ist eine Bewegung, vor allem<br />

in <strong>de</strong>r Malerei, die 1905 beson<strong>de</strong>rs in Deutschland<br />

erscheint. Es ist die Zeit vor <strong>de</strong>m I. Weltkrieg und<br />

die sozialistischen I<strong>de</strong>en sind weit verbreitet.<br />

Die Expressionisten sind gegen <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Naturalismus und sie haben ihre Vorbil<strong>de</strong>r: Vor<br />

ihnen hat Munch seinen„Schrei” gemalt und<br />

Van Gogh seine Bil<strong>de</strong>r voller Lei<strong>de</strong>nschaft - die<br />

bei<strong>de</strong>n sind sehr expressionistisch. Sie<br />

bewun<strong>de</strong>rn auch Goya - vor allem seine<br />

„Schwarzen Gemäl<strong>de</strong>“, wo alle Farben nur in<br />

Form von Farbflecken zu erkennen sind und es<br />

keine klaren Linien gibt.<br />

Sie wollen nicht die Realität porträtieren, son<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

jene Wirklichkeit, die sich in ihren Seelen<br />

wi<strong>de</strong>rspiegelt. Auch durch die Auswahl ihrer<br />

Motive wen<strong>de</strong>n sie sich von <strong>de</strong>r traditionellen<br />

Kunst ab: Sie malen Außenseiter-Typen wie arme<br />

Leute und Prostituierte. Und während <strong>de</strong>r I.<br />

Weltkrieg wütet, malen sie auch seinen Grauen.<br />

Es gibt eine erste Gruppe Expressionisten:“Die<br />

Brücke”(1905) mit <strong>de</strong>n Hauptvertretern Ernst<br />

Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Otto Müller. Kurz<br />

danach ensteht eine zweite Gruppe,„Der Blaue<br />

Reiter”(1913) mit Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Franz<br />

Marc, Jawlensky. Auch in Österreich gab es diese<br />

künstlerische Bewegung: Ihre Hauptvertreter sind<br />

die Maler Oskar Kokoschka und Egon Schiele.<br />

Nach <strong>de</strong>r Zeit <strong>de</strong>s Expressionismus gab es aber<br />

viele Maler, die unter ihrem Einfluss<br />

weiterarbeiteten, wie Otto Dix o<strong>de</strong>r George<br />

Grosz, die schon einer neuen Stilrichtung, <strong>de</strong>r<br />

„Neuen Sachlichkeit“ angehörten.<br />

Nach <strong>de</strong>r Machtübernahme <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Nationalsozialisten erklärte Hitler diese<br />

Bewegung für “entartete Kunst” und viele Werke<br />

wur<strong>de</strong>n zestört o<strong>de</strong>r verkauft<br />

Coloma Chamorro Mielke, Alemán Nivel Intermedio 1 A<br />


12<br />



Impressionnistes<br />

La <strong>de</strong>uxième semaine <strong>de</strong> février <strong>de</strong>ux groupes<br />

d’élèves <strong>de</strong> français ont visité l’exposition: “Les<br />

jardins impressionnistes » que l’on pouvait voir<br />

dans le Musée Thyssen à Madrid.<br />

L’impressionnisme est un mouvement artistique<br />

et culturel qui est apparu à Paris dans les<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnières années du XIX e siècle. Dans cette<br />

exhibition vous pouvez voir la peinture <strong>de</strong> ce<br />

courant artistique, et la façon <strong>de</strong> peindre <strong>de</strong>s<br />

précurseurs, par exemple « L’École <strong>de</strong> Barbizon »<br />

Un petit témoignage d’une époque qui est bien<br />

présentée et qui montre les principes basiques <strong>de</strong><br />

ce mouvement : l’instant, la lumière, la couleur et la<br />

nature... les paysages, les fleurs, les ambiances<br />

quotidiennes, les moments <strong>de</strong> travail et <strong>de</strong> plaisir<br />

qui sont les sujets qui ont été mélangés doucement<br />

sous le thème général du « jardin ». Le jardin que<br />

vous pouvez regar<strong>de</strong>r dans un bouquet <strong>de</strong> fleurs ou<br />

le jardin intérieur que vous avez quand vous aurez<br />

fini <strong>de</strong>“faire votre promena<strong>de</strong>”autour <strong>de</strong>s tableaux<br />

impressionnistes qui ont été créés par Renoir,<br />

Daubigny, Monet, Pissarro, Huet, Millet, Margin,<br />

Corot, Morisot, Zandomenegi, Marie Bracquemond,<br />

Singer, Manet, Gaugin, Bonnard , Van Gogh…<br />

À mon avis, cette exposition est une bonne façon<br />

d’enrichir notre culture picturale, un jeu<br />

merveilleux entre le jardin intérieur que chacun<br />

doit cultiver toute sa vie, et les jardins que nous<br />

offre le mon<strong>de</strong> impressionniste.<br />

Quand j’ai fini la visite au Musée Thyssen un mot<br />

m’est venu à l’esprit: « Quer ». Il signifie « enclos »,<br />

« potager »,… C’est la racine indoeuropéenne <strong>de</strong><br />

laquelle proviennent aussi : « courtoisie » et<br />

« courtiser »…<br />

Pour moi, après avoir vu cette exposition, j’y vois<br />

la façon <strong>de</strong> faire la cour que les œuvres <strong>de</strong>s grands<br />

artistes doivent utiliser pour capturer le regard du<br />

spectateur, et l’âme <strong>de</strong>s personnes qui aiment<br />

vraiment L’Art…<br />

L’art d’un petit paysage en verts et bleus d’un<br />

tableau post–impressionniste <strong>de</strong> Van Gogh où vous<br />

pouvez voir au fond <strong>de</strong> la scène l’unique rouge <strong>de</strong><br />

toute la composition, un tout petit toit rouge, aussi<br />

délicat que puissant et qui vous fait sentir, dans un<br />

instant, toute la vitesse d’un cœur ému.<br />

Sergio Ferreiro Yanes<br />

Francés Nivel Intermedio 1 A


Ausflug ins Thyssen-Museum:<br />

15 comman<strong>de</strong>ments<br />

Die Expressionisten<br />

Lors du cours <strong>de</strong> « Básico 2 » et pour mettre en pratique un type <strong>de</strong><br />

subordonnées, les élèves ont conçu ces 15 comman<strong>de</strong>ments <strong>de</strong> l’école.<br />

Dans notre école<br />

1. Il est nécessaire que vous veniez avec envie<br />

d’apprendre beaucoup <strong>de</strong> choses.<br />

2. Il est important que nous ayons une<br />

attitu<strong>de</strong> positive avec les professeurs.<br />

3. Il est souhaitable que les élèves aient un<br />

moment <strong>de</strong> relax tous les jours pendant le<br />

cours.<br />

4. Il faut que nous puissions manger <strong>de</strong>s petits<br />

gâteaux entre les cours pour bien tenir.<br />

5. Il est nécessaire et souhaitable que les élèves<br />

apportent tous les <strong>de</strong>voirs bien faits.<br />

6. Il est préférable que vous organisiez bien<br />

votre temps.<br />

7. Il est regrettable qu’on ait <strong>de</strong>s cours le<br />

vendredi, mais on doit venir quand même<br />

8. Parfois on pense que nous n’apprendrons<br />

jamais cette langue mais nous savons qu’on<br />

y réussira. Il faut persévérer.<br />

9. Il est important que vous ayez envie <strong>de</strong><br />

participer.<br />

10. Les professeurs exigent que vous chantiez<br />

bien pour chanter <strong>de</strong>s chansons dans la<br />

classe.<br />

11. Les professeurs <strong>de</strong> l’école souhaitent que<br />

les élèves participent aux activités scolaires.<br />

12. Il est important que nous lisions <strong>de</strong>s livres<br />

dans la langue que nous étudions.<br />

13. Il est obligatoire que nous arrivions au<br />

début du cours, contents et heureux<br />

14. Il est indispensable que nous ayons une<br />

bonne attitu<strong>de</strong>.<br />

15. Il est convenable d’apporter quelque chose<br />

à manger lors <strong>de</strong> votre anniversaire.<br />

Francés Grupo Nivel Básico 2 B<br />



Book Club in English<br />

14<br />

The Book Club is a group of stu<strong>de</strong>nts, exstu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

and teachers who meet to talk<br />

books. This activity is extracurricular so you<br />

can participate even if you are not an official<br />

EOI stu<strong>de</strong>nt, but you need to have an<br />

intermediate to advanced level of English in<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to un<strong>de</strong>rstand and follow the<br />

discussion. Every two or three months we<br />

choose an unabridged book, usually by a<br />

contemporary writer, and then we discuss it<br />

at our book club. So far this year we have<br />

read “Eat Pray Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert and<br />

“Brooklyn” by Colm Toibin.<br />

The first one is a memoir written by an American woman<br />

in her thirties who, after a painful divorce, tries to find<br />

herself during a one year trip through Italy, India and<br />

Indonesia. The writer looks for pleasure in Italy, for<br />

meditation in India and for balance in Indonesia. “Eat<br />

Pray Love” is a word-of-mouth best seller. We all enjoyed<br />

reading it because it is funny, wise and heartwarming.<br />

The second novel,“Brooklyn”, is a historical novel set in the<br />

early 1950s in Ireland. The Irish economy was very bad at<br />

that time and opportunities for a young girl were scarce. So<br />

the protagonist, young Eilis Lacey, <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s to emigrate to<br />

America in or<strong>de</strong>r to have a better life. Or does someone else<br />

take this hard <strong>de</strong>cision for her? Difficult and painful <strong>de</strong>cisions<br />

and choices, life in Ireland and Brooklyn in the 1950’s,<br />

women’s opportunities at that time, the unexpected twist in<br />

the main character’s life: these are some of the topics that<br />

kept the book club members talking for a long time! Some<br />

people even talked about similar personal experiences.<br />

The whole conversation is in English, of course. The book<br />

to be discussed in the next meeting is chosen by all the<br />

members. You can choose among a wi<strong>de</strong> range of books:<br />

crime stories, memoirs, romances, novels, science fiction<br />

and so on.


These meetings are a good<br />

opportunity to improve our skills in<br />

reading, speaking and listening in<br />

English in a relaxed way. Everybody is<br />

friendly, helpful and open-min<strong>de</strong>d. To<br />

sum up, it is an excuse to meet new<br />

people and practise your English while<br />

having a good time.<br />

The next book we are going to talk<br />

about is “The Body” by Hanif Kureishi,<br />

an established contemporary British<br />

writer.<br />

It is a science fiction and psychological<br />

novella about an ageing professor<br />

who rents a young man’s body. We<br />

have arranged the next session for the<br />

second week of April, so you have<br />

more than a month to read the next<br />

book.<br />

Check the school web site for the<br />

exact date! We encourage the stu<strong>de</strong>nts<br />

in the Advanced levels to join the Book<br />

Club. See you soon!<br />

María Luisa Domínguez Villatoro,<br />

Sonsoles Varas Alonso,<br />

Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 C<br />


16<br />

La fête <strong>de</strong><br />

VIAJES <br />

Saint-Félix <strong>de</strong> Sorgues<br />

Il y a un petit village dans le sud <strong>de</strong> la France,<br />

dans le département <strong>de</strong> l’Aveyron qui<br />

s’appelle Saint Félix <strong>de</strong> Sorgues, dans la<br />

vallée <strong>de</strong> la Sorgue, une <strong>de</strong>s rivières qui<br />

forment les gorges emboîtées entre les<br />

grands causses <strong>de</strong> pierre calcaire. Le premier<br />

dimanche d’août, le petit village fait sa fête<br />

d’été et toutes les familles et tous les amis se<br />

rencontrent ces jours-là. La fête ressemble<br />

beaucoup à une fête espagnole: les<br />

orchestres du soir et la danse toute la nuit, le<br />

déjeuner et le dîner communaux sur la place.<br />

Mais il y a aussi <strong>de</strong>s différences: pas <strong>de</strong><br />

course <strong>de</strong> taureaux (ce n’est pas la<br />

Camargue!), le championnat <strong>de</strong> pétanque<br />

<strong>de</strong>rrière l’église, l’apéritif avant le déjeuner, la<br />

fête <strong>de</strong> déguisements ou l’orchestre <strong>de</strong><br />

jeunes qui apportent la pomme sur un plat à<br />

chaque maison pour <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r les étrennes.<br />

On peut jouir <strong>de</strong> beaux paysages autour du<br />

village pour faire une promena<strong>de</strong>, ou prendre<br />

la voiture pour visiter les caves et acheter le<br />

célèbre fromage <strong>de</strong> Roquefort, ou encore<br />

découvrir les grands causses comme le<br />

Larzac, avec le marché <strong>de</strong> produits du terroir<br />

<strong>de</strong> Montredon, ou visiter les villages<br />

templiers comme la Cavalerie ou la<br />

Couverturai<strong>de</strong>. Toutes les portes ont pendu la<br />

Cardabelle, une fleur <strong>de</strong> chardon sèche qui<br />

porte bonheur.<br />

Les gens sont très « sympas » et tout le<br />

mon<strong>de</strong> veut parler aux visiteurs espagnols,<br />

tous ensemble nous dansons et prenons le<br />

déjeuner sur la place (ou le pavillon sportif s’il<br />

pleut). Plus je vais à Saint Felix en été, et plus<br />

j’ai envie d’y retourner.<br />

Javier Uceda, Francés Nivel Intermedio 1 B

VIAJES<br />

Bienvenue à BRUXELLES<br />

L’année <strong>de</strong>rnière j’ai visité<br />

Bruxelles. Dans le métro,<br />

j’ai trouvé un journal<br />

gratuit “La Tribune <strong>de</strong><br />

Bruxelles”, où j’ai pu lire un<br />

article avec le titre<br />

“Désormais, Bruxelles a la<br />

greet”. To greet en anglais<br />

veut dire “entrer en contact<br />

avec quelqu’un” dans le sens<br />

<strong>de</strong> lui souhaiter la<br />

bienvenue, et avec cette<br />

initiative on espère que les<br />

touristes pourront mieux<br />

découvrir un quartier, une<br />

ambiance, voir les lieux à<br />

travers un habitant et non un<br />

gui<strong>de</strong> touristique.<br />

Comme on dit dans l’article, Bruxelles est<br />

une ville qui ne se donne pas<br />

immédiatement, et les greeters permettent<br />

une approche plus intime. Les membres <strong>de</strong><br />

l’association <strong>de</strong> greeters <strong>de</strong> Bruxelles sont<br />

<strong>de</strong>s bénévoles qui vous accompagneront<br />

d’une forme gratuite.<br />

C’est une bonne idée que Paris et New York<br />

avaient adoctée avant, avec succès.<br />

Si tu veux voyager à Bruxelles, n’oublie pas <strong>de</strong><br />

visiter http://www.tourisme-autrement.be,<br />

où tu pourras trouver toute l’information, et<br />

contacter avec les Greeters <strong>de</strong> Belgique au<br />

moins 2 semaines avant ton arrivée.<br />

Carmen Arribas. Francés Intermedio 1 B<br />

MA-0538/ 06<br />










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EC-1698 / 04<br />


Nice vient d’obtenir à<br />

Bruxelles, le titre <strong>de</strong> «<br />

Ville Européenne<br />

du Sport » pour<br />

l’année 2011, à<br />

l’occasion<br />

d’une<br />

cérémonie<br />

officielle<br />

organisée au<br />

Parlement Européen.<br />

Chaque année, l’ACES (Association <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Capitales Européennes du Sport) reconnaît<br />

les cités qui développent <strong>de</strong>s politiques<br />

sportives exemplaires, intégrantes et<br />

salutaires tenant compte aussi <strong>de</strong> leur<br />

gestion sportive, <strong>de</strong>s installations et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

événements organisés en ville.<br />

Et Nice est une ville qui conjugue tout, <strong>de</strong>s<br />

équipements du sport <strong>de</strong> haut niveau et du<br />

sport pour tous, <strong>de</strong> l’accès à la pratique pour<br />

les jeunes, pour les personnes âgées ou les<br />

personnes en situation <strong>de</strong> handicap, etc.<br />

Et <strong>de</strong> plus, en 2013 Nice aura un <strong>de</strong>s tous<br />

premiers Eco-Stadium du mon<strong>de</strong>, un projet<br />

qui comprend:<br />

- le sta<strong>de</strong> multifonctionnel <strong>de</strong> 35 000<br />

places dédié au football, pouvant<br />

permettre la pratique du rugby ainsi que<br />

l’accueil <strong>de</strong> séminaires, <strong>de</strong> concerts et<br />

d’autres grands évènements.<br />

VIAJES <br />

NICE, première ville<br />

européenne du sport <strong>de</strong> France<br />

18<br />

- la totalité <strong>de</strong>s tribunes abritées, <strong>de</strong>s loges<br />

et <strong>de</strong>s salons confortables, <strong>de</strong> vastes<br />

déambulatoires, ainsi que <strong>de</strong>s tribunes<br />

rétractables.<br />

- le musée national du sport qui<br />

organisera <strong>de</strong>s expositions sur 3000m 2<br />

répartis sur plusieurs niveaux.<br />

- un programme commercial, <strong>de</strong> services<br />

et <strong>de</strong> bureaux <strong>de</strong> 29000m 2 situé dans le<br />

socle du sta<strong>de</strong>.<br />

- 1 450 places <strong>de</strong> parkings enterrés et la<br />

création d’un “parc” planté d’environ 3<br />

hectares en surface.<br />

Nice re<strong>de</strong>vient une ville d’excellence<br />

sportive.<br />

Pilar Rivera, Francés Nivel Avanzado 2 A

VIAJES<br />

Qu´est-ce que je peux<br />

faire ce week-end?<br />

À <strong>de</strong>ux heures <strong>de</strong> voyage, on trouve une <strong>de</strong>s<br />

plus belles villes que je connaisse Je parle<br />

<strong>de</strong> Can<strong>de</strong>leda.<br />

Avec près <strong>de</strong> 5500 habitants et dans la<br />

région du Tiétar, Can<strong>de</strong>leda est située au<br />

pied <strong>de</strong> la montagne <strong>de</strong> Gredos, au sud <strong>de</strong><br />

la province d´Ávila et à une distance <strong>de</strong> 100<br />

kilomètres <strong>de</strong> la capitale. Elle est connue<br />

comme l´Andalousie d´Ávila.<br />

Entourée <strong>de</strong> vraies images paysagères où on<br />

peut apprécier les forêts, les ruisseaux, les<br />

pâturages, etc… Tout conjugué dans une<br />

parfaite et tranquillisante harmonie. Tout<br />

cela est dû à son particulier microclimat qui<br />

fournit une température très agréable tout<br />

au long <strong>de</strong> l´année.<br />

On peut jouir <strong>de</strong> son offre touristique<br />

comme faire <strong>de</strong> la randonnée, monter à<br />

cheval, se baigner dans les piscines<br />

naturelles, aller à la pêche ou jouer au golf<br />

entre autres. De même, en été, les fêtes <strong>de</strong> la<br />

ville attirent une gran<strong>de</strong> quantité <strong>de</strong><br />

visiteurs, tous jeunes en gran<strong>de</strong> majorité.<br />

Nous avons <strong>de</strong>ux visites obligatoires, le<br />

Sanctuaire <strong>de</strong> la Vierge <strong>de</strong> Chilla, à 7<br />

kilomètres <strong>de</strong> Can<strong>de</strong>leda, avec <strong>de</strong> jolies<br />

vues, et les ruines celtes du village El Raso.<br />

(El Raso, c´est un village annexe <strong>de</strong><br />

Can<strong>de</strong>leda).<br />

Et si la visite culturelle n´est pas suffisante,<br />

nous pouvons faire une vraie route<br />

gastronomique avec les spécialités <strong>de</strong> la<br />

contrée dans les nombreux restaurants<br />

qu´on peut trouver.<br />

Quelques repas typiques peuvent être<br />

l´entrecôte d´Ávila, le cochonnet, le<br />

chevreau , etc…<br />

Voilà quelques liens sur internet (il y en a<br />

beaucoup)<br />

www.ayuntamientocan<strong>de</strong>leda.es<br />

www.higueral<strong>de</strong>lasayuela.com<br />

www.campamentoelfreillo.es<br />

www.restaurantegredosdim.com<br />

Héctor Martín, Francés Nivel Intermedio 1 B<br />


VIAJES <br />

Poursuivr<br />

Quand je commençais à<br />

apprendre le français je rêvais<br />

<strong>de</strong> mélanger mon<br />

apprentissage et ce que<br />

j’aimais le plus : la montagne.<br />

Je voulais passer <strong>de</strong>ux ou trois<br />

mois dans un village charmant<br />

<strong>de</strong>s Alpes. Finalement ma<br />

femme et moi nous avons loué<br />

un appartement pour <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

mois à L´Argentière la Bessée,<br />

un village qui vivait <strong>de</strong> ses<br />

mines d´argent avant d´avoir<br />

connu le tourisme.<br />

Nous nous trouvons dans les Hautes-Alpes au<br />

cœur du parc <strong>de</strong>s Ecrins. Briançon est la ville la<br />

plus gran<strong>de</strong> avec 10.000 habitants à peu près,<br />

et qui a une historie frontalière avec l’Italie<br />

d’où ses nombreuses fortifications. Une ville<br />

20<br />

jolie au pied <strong>de</strong>s montagnes près <strong>de</strong> la célèbre<br />

station <strong>de</strong> ski“Serre Chevalier”avec 250 km<br />

pistes <strong>de</strong> ski. Je vous recomman<strong>de</strong><br />

spécialement la Vallée <strong>de</strong> la Clarée à 20 min <strong>de</strong><br />

Briançon, un endroit merveilleux parsemé <strong>de</strong><br />

hameaux enneigés uniquement accessibles en<br />

moto à neige en hiver, nous pourrons nous<br />

arrêter pendant une promena<strong>de</strong> en skis <strong>de</strong><br />

fond ou à raquettes dans un <strong>de</strong>s refuges pour<br />

manger ou prendre une boisson chau<strong>de</strong>. La<br />

visite <strong>de</strong> Briançon patrimoine <strong>de</strong> l`Humanité,<br />

ou <strong>de</strong> la vallée <strong>de</strong> la Vallouise, la porte d´entrée<br />

du parc <strong>de</strong>s Ecrins, où nous pouvons rêver <strong>de</strong><br />

monter ses sommets <strong>de</strong> 4000 mètres, sont<br />

aussi <strong>de</strong>s visites à ne pas manquer.<br />

Pourquoi sommes-nous ici? On est tombés<br />

amoureux <strong>de</strong> cet endroit ; ici, il n´y a pas les<br />

montagnes les plus hautes, il n´y a pas les<br />

stations les plus gran<strong>de</strong>s, c´est pourtant un<br />

bon endroit pour faire la casca<strong>de</strong> à glace, mais<br />

c’est surtout un joli petit coin tranquille.<br />

Nous étions déjà venus en France, presque<br />

chaque année, en été, mais nous n´étions

VIAJES<br />

e un rêve<br />

jamais restés plus <strong>de</strong> 3 ou 4 jours dans un<br />

même village. Nous voyageons normalement<br />

dans une petite caravane et cette fois nous<br />

voulions nous plonger en France, parler et<br />

connaître <strong>de</strong>s gens, regar<strong>de</strong>r la télé, lire le<br />

journal local... Et nous n´y avons pas fait que<br />

la montagne, nous avons profité pour aller<br />

manger au lycée Sévigné d’hôtellerie à Gap<br />

où nous avons découvert une magnifique<br />

cuisine française à un petit prix. Je me suis<br />

amusé avec <strong>de</strong> petits moments comme<br />

marchan<strong>de</strong>r au magasin, parler avec les<br />

propriétaires <strong>de</strong> l´appartement ou aller voir le<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnier film français dans un petit cinéma<br />

style art déco. Ce n´est pas aussi cher que<br />

vous pouviez penser, je vous encourage si<br />

vous avez l´opportunité <strong>de</strong> pouvoir venir ici.<br />

Et pour finir quelques<br />

informations pratiques :<br />

• Gîte <strong>de</strong> L´horloge L´argentière La Besse.<br />

Locations par jour mais nous sommes<br />

arrivés à un accord pour un séjour <strong>de</strong> 2<br />

mois.<br />

Nous nous y sommes sentis comme chez<br />

nous, ils sont charmants et accueillants.<br />

Catherine et Erick 0033 4 92 23 06 64<br />

• www.argentiere-la-bessee.pays<strong>de</strong>secrins:<br />

vous pouvez y trouver logement, loisirs…<br />

• www.ot-Briançon.fr: pour plus<br />

d’animation et <strong>de</strong> logements :<br />

Petits conseils pour un séjour<br />

prolongé:<br />

• Carte Sanitaire Européenne<br />

• Assistance en Montagne ou Ski (au cas<br />

où)<br />

• Vérifier l’assurance internationale <strong>de</strong><br />

votre voiture<br />

• Vérifier la couverture internationale <strong>de</strong><br />

votre téléphone portable<br />

• Carte bleue avec la puce (si vous ne<br />

l´avez pas, <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>z à votre banque)<br />

Felipe Ledo, Francés Intermedio 2 A<br />


22<br />

VIAJES <br />

KILKENNY - Ireland<br />

Kilkenny city is situated in the South-East of Ireland; it was built in the 6th century when a monk<br />

called Canice built a Monastery there. Kilkenny is the best medieval city in Ireland and for centuries it<br />

was consi<strong>de</strong>red by the Norman people as the capital of the island. Now it is known as the “marble<br />

city” because of the colour of its buildings. The Nore river cuts the city in two and on both banks<br />

there are restaurants and very nice places. Kilkenny Castle, located in the South of the city, is the<br />

most important building; it was built in the 12th century by O’Carrols, O’Dumphys and Fizpatrick, all<br />

of whom were consi<strong>de</strong>red local Kings.<br />



St. Canice’s Cathedral was built between 1202<br />

and 1285 upon the ruins of the ancient church<br />

built in the 6th century by a monk called Canice.<br />

He was born in Glengiven, Ireland in 515 or 516<br />

and he died in Kilkenny around the year 600.<br />

Close to the Cathedral, there is a Round Tower<br />

which is supposed to have been built at the same<br />

time as the ancient church. The tower is the ol<strong>de</strong>st<br />

standing structure in Kilkenny City and it is the only<br />

one of two towers that people can climb in Ireland.<br />

This building is very singular because it has no<br />

doors, but it has some narrow windows at different<br />

levels. At first the tower was <strong>de</strong>fensive. When the<br />

Viking pirates sailed up the Nore river the monks lit<br />

a great fire on the top and so they warned the<br />

village people.<br />

But, how did the monks ascend the tower? There<br />

weren’t any doors and the windows were 8 or 10<br />

metres up. It is believed that there could have been<br />

a tunnel connecting the church with the tower. It is<br />

also possible that they had a hand lad<strong>de</strong>r to reach<br />

the first window. In any case this building will<br />

always be a very attractive mystery.<br />

Mª Pilar Rodríguez Fernán<strong>de</strong>z<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1 C

VIAJES<br />

Meine erste Reise<br />

in die Alpen<br />

Mein ganzes Leben habe ich von einer Reise in die<br />

Schweiz geträumt. Ich musste lange warten, aber<br />

im Sommer 1995 habe ich es endlich bekommen.<br />

Zu <strong>de</strong>r Zeit gab es keine günstigen Flüge. Wir sind<br />

also mit <strong>de</strong>m Auto gefahren. 1385 Kilometer von<br />

Madrid bis Genf, mit zwei Kin<strong>de</strong>rn, in einem<br />

Peugeot 205, das ist wirklich genug!<br />

Zwei Wochen lang haben wir viele wun<strong>de</strong>rbare Orte<br />

besucht: Genf, Gruyères, Interlaken, Luzern, Bern und<br />

so weiter. Ich war von <strong>de</strong>r Schönheit ihrer Dörfer<br />

überrascht, mit ihren Häusern voller Blumen, alles<br />

war sehr gepflegt und perfekt, das Gras so grün...,<br />

aber am meisten war ich von <strong>de</strong>n permanent<br />

schneebe<strong>de</strong>ckten Bergen verwun<strong>de</strong>rt.<br />

Die Schweiz ist ein Paradies fürWan<strong>de</strong>rer. Meine<br />

Kin<strong>de</strong>r haben nicht so gedacht, lei<strong>de</strong>r.Wir sind<br />

gewan<strong>de</strong>rt und gewan<strong>de</strong>rt und gewan<strong>de</strong>rt. Sie<br />

waren sehr mü<strong>de</strong> vonWan<strong>de</strong>rungen und so vielen<br />

Autofahrten! Aber die Bären von Bern haben ihnen<br />

sehr gefallen. Sie haben auch viel Käse und<br />

Schokola<strong>de</strong> gegessen. Schweizerische Schokola<strong>de</strong> ist<br />

eine <strong>de</strong>r besten, o<strong>de</strong>r? Lei<strong>de</strong>r haben wir das Dorf von<br />

Heidi nicht gefun<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Scha<strong>de</strong>! Damals konnten wir es noch nicht im<br />

Internet suchen. Ein an<strong>de</strong>res Mal!<br />

Ich erinnere mich an zwei Dörfer mit<br />

beson<strong>de</strong>rem Charme: Ernen und Zermatt.<br />

Ernen hat eine schöne Altstadt, die<br />

Häuser sind im traditionellen Stil <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Schweiz aus Holz gebaut. Man sagt, dass<br />

Ernen die Stadt <strong>de</strong>r Musik ist. Zermatt ist<br />

eine Gemein<strong>de</strong> im Kanton Wallis, sehr<br />

schön und touristisch. Sie ist trotz<strong>de</strong>m<br />

ruhig, weil Autos dort verboten sind: In<br />

Zermatt dürfen nur Elektroautos und<br />

Kutschen fahren. Zermatt ist weltbekannt<br />

für das wun<strong>de</strong>rschöne Matterhorn, mit<br />

4478 Metern Höhe. Für die Schweiz ist es<br />

ein Wahrzeichen und die<br />

meistfotografierte Touristenattraktion.<br />

Zum Schluss möchte ich einen Besuch<br />

auf einem Gletscher empfehlen. Wir<br />

haben <strong>de</strong>n Rhonegletscher besucht. Hier<br />

kann man eine Eisgrotte besuchen. Sie ist<br />

ganz blau, weil das Sonnenlicht durch<br />

das Eis eindringt . Unglaublich!<br />

Diese Reise war mein Traum. Jetzt träume<br />

ich von <strong>de</strong>r nächsten Reise in die Schweiz!<br />

Nati Torres Galán,<br />

Alemán Nivel Básico 2 B<br />


Sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment means different things to<br />

different people. There are many <strong>de</strong>finitions of<br />

sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment, but the best known is that<br />

by the Brundtland Commission Report, which <strong>de</strong>fines<br />

sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment as“meeting the needs of<br />

the present without compromising the ability of<br />

future generations to meet their own needs.”<br />

Are we doing enough to improve our<br />

environment? Are we succeeding in preserving it?<br />

It’s true that the government is working to create<br />

policies to protect the environment. But this isn’t<br />

enough. If we want to save the planet, we have to<br />

work hard for it. Many people think that they can’t do<br />

anything to preserve the environment or that little<br />

actions are useless, but they are wrong. Individual<br />

choices are important. It´s necessary to take small<br />

actions regularly to make big changes to the world.<br />

When we make <strong>de</strong>cisions about how to use the<br />

Earth’s resources, such as forests, water, minerals,<br />

wildlife, etc. we must be very careful. We must<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>r how much of these resources we are<br />

using and how we are using them.<br />

There are a lot of small things that we can do to<br />

improve our environment. This is a list with many<br />

quick and easy things we can do in our daily lives<br />

that will make a significant difference for our<br />

environment, and will help us to save money and<br />

achieve a healthier lifestyle.<br />

• Don’t use plastic bags.<br />

• Turn off the TV completely. Don´t leave it on<br />

standby, as this option spends energy.<br />

• If you drive to work, find somebody to carpool<br />

to work.<br />

• When you go to the supermarket, choose<br />

products with less packaging.<br />

24<br />



to save the planet<br />

Today it seems that everybody is concerned about environmental protection: the<br />

government, employers, the media… All we talk about is sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment. But do<br />

we really know what it means? Do we really know what sustainable <strong>de</strong>velopment is?<br />

• Plant native plants in your gar<strong>de</strong>n to reduce<br />

water and pestici<strong>de</strong> use.<br />

• Lower the temperature of your heating to 21<br />

<strong>de</strong>grees.<br />

• Whenever possible, print on recycled paper.<br />

• Replace at least two or three incan<strong>de</strong>scent light<br />

bulbs with low energy bulbs.<br />

• Use phosphate-free <strong>de</strong>tergent.<br />

• Whenever possible, buy local products.<br />

The tips on this list aren’t new. I am sure that<br />

everybody knows them and, as you can see, being<br />

respectful of the environment doesn’t have to be<br />

hard work, nor does it mean mean big life<br />

changes. Simple things can make a difference.<br />

If all of us take these actions and pass them on, we<br />

can get thousands of people to make a significant<br />

advance in the effort to save the environment.<br />

Don’t hesitate and start saving the planet today.<br />

Alema Aparicio Buezas, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1 A


Plusieurs étoiles du ciel<br />

sont <strong>de</strong>scendues sur la<br />

Gran Vía madrilène<br />

On se croirait aux Etats Unis (HOLLYWOOD). Cette année les trottoirs<br />

<strong>de</strong> la rue s’arrangent pour recevoir les Goyas.<br />

Au moins, les noms inscrits sur le sol même sont <strong>de</strong>s noms <strong>de</strong><br />

personnages, acteurs/actrices du grand écran espagnol.<br />

Une affiche, au fond <strong>de</strong> la rue, fait remarquer les informations actuelles.<br />

Dimanche prochain, treize février aura lieu la gran<strong>de</strong> fête Goya.<br />

Cet événement, une fois <strong>de</strong> plus, manifeste et démontre les envies <strong>de</strong><br />

lutte pour occuper une place dans le cinéma mondial. Peu à peu, on va<br />

reconnaître le mérite <strong>de</strong> travailler dur.<br />

On ne sait pas encore qui gagnera cette année. Mais lundi prochain on<br />

trouvera parmi les grands titres <strong>de</strong> l’actualité, bien illustrés par <strong>de</strong>s<br />

photographes, les noms <strong>de</strong>s vainqueurs.<br />

María Llanos Yeste, Francés Intermedio 1 B<br />


26<br />


Leute von gest<br />


Sie ist die Königin von England, aus <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Haus Windsor, und sie ist in London<br />

geboren. Sie spricht fließend Französisch<br />

und Englisch.<br />

Sie ist vierundachtzig Jahre alt.<br />

Ihr Vorname ist Elisabeth Alexandra Mary<br />

und ihr Familienname ist Windsor.<br />

Ihr Heimatland ist England und sie lebt in<br />

London. Sie wohnt im Schloss Windsor. Sie<br />

ist verheiratet. Sie und ihr Ehemann haben<br />

drei Kin<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Alle ihre Kin<strong>de</strong>r waren verheiratet, aber jetzt ein<br />

Sohn ist verwitwet und ein Sohn ist geschie<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Sie hat vier Enkelinnen und vier Enkel.<br />

Pascual Gordillo Vacas, Alemán Nivel Básico 1 B<br />


Penélope Cruz ist eine spanische<br />

Schauspielerin. Sie ist in Madrid geboren.<br />

Penélopes Vater heißt Eduardo und Penélopes<br />

Mutter heißt Encarna. Sie hat zwei<br />

Geschwister: Eine Schwester (sie heißt Mónica)<br />

und ein Bru<strong>de</strong>r (er heißt auch Eduardo).<br />

Shakira und die Schauspieler Salma Hayek sind<br />

gut Freundinnen von Penélope. Sie ist<br />

verheiratet mit Javier Bar<strong>de</strong>m, und sie haben<br />

ein Kind. Sie kommen aus Spanien, aber sie<br />

leben jetzt in <strong>de</strong>n USA. Penélope spricht<br />

Spanisch und Englisch, aber sie spricht auch<br />

Französisch und Italienisch. Penélope spricht<br />

nicht Deutsch. Sie wohnt gern in <strong>de</strong>n USA,<br />

aber sie kommt gern nach Spanien, wo ihre<br />

Eltern und Geschwister leben.<br />

Diego Calvo Cubero, Alemán Nivel Básico 1 C


ern und heute<br />


Das ist Hans Ruedi (Rudolf) Giger. Er ist in<br />

Coira geboren, in <strong>de</strong>r Schweiz. Giger ist 70<br />

Jahre alt. Er ist verheiratet. Seine Frau heißt<br />

Carmen. Sie wohnen in Zürich.<br />

Giger ist Künstler: Er ist Maler, Bildhauer,<br />

Architekt und Designer. Giger ist <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Designer von <strong>de</strong>r Kreatur Alien. Giger hat<br />

eine Bar in Coira und ein Museum im<br />

Schloss Saint Germain.<br />

Gigers Kunstwerke erscheinen in Filmen wie<br />

Alien, Dune, Species und The Gene<br />

Generation mit <strong>de</strong>r Mitarbeit von Andy La<br />

Plegua, von <strong>de</strong>r Musikgruppe Combichrist.<br />

Eduardo Moreno Pardo, Alemán Nivel Básico 1 B<br />


Velazquez ist in Sevilla geboren am 6. Juni<br />

1599. Das liegt in Spanien. Sein Beruf ist<br />

Barockmaler und er macht universelle<br />

Figurenmalerei. Sein Kunstlehrer und<br />

Mentor ist Francisco Pacheco, und<br />

Velazquez ist verheiratet mit seine Tochter.<br />

Sie heiβt Juana <strong>de</strong> Pacheco, und sie ist 1604<br />

geboren. Er hat zwei Töchter, eine Tochter<br />

heiβt Francisca, sie ist 1619 geboren und<br />

verheiratet mit Juan B. Martinez Mazo. Die<br />

an<strong>de</strong>re Tochter heiβt Ignacia, sie ist jung<br />

gestorben. Velazquez hat zwei Enkelinnen,<br />

Ines und Mª Teresa. Velazquez wohnt in<br />

Sevilla, aber mit vierundzwanzig kommt er<br />

nach Madrid.<br />

Azucena García Martín, Alemán Nivel Básico 1 A<br />


• Sei ironisch im Leben. Alles ist immer relativ,<br />

und <strong>de</strong>swegen lohnt es sich nicht, sich um<br />

die Probleme große Sorgen zu machen.<br />

• Aber natürlich solltest Du die guten<br />

Nachrichten so feiern, als wären sie die<br />

einzigen o<strong>de</strong>r die letzten. Das wird Dich<br />

sicher positiv beinflussen !!!<br />

• Lebe Dein Leben wie Du willst, aber lass<br />

die an<strong>de</strong>ren auch ihr Leben leben, wie sie<br />

wollen.<br />

• Kopfschmerzen nach einen harten<br />

Arbeitstag? Stress?... Probier mal das:<br />

Nimm ein frisches Bier vom Kühlschrank,<br />

setz dich bequem aufs Sofa, mach <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Fernseher an..., und sag mir jetzt, geht es<br />

besser? Mit 99%iger Wahrscheinlichkeit<br />

wird die Antowort„ja“ sein.<br />

• Was machst Du in Deiner Freizeit? Das ist<br />

wohl sehr wichtig.<br />

Freizeit ist notwendig, natürlich, aber<br />

noch wichtiger ist es, wie Du die Freizeit<br />

verbringst, was Du machst... Hobbies, das<br />

ist die Lösung. Such nach Aktivitäten, die<br />

Dir beson<strong>de</strong>rs zusagen, Du wirst Dich<br />

sicher besser fühlen.<br />

• Probiere neue Sachen aus..., was Du<br />

willst. Bist Du nie auf einem See Kajak<br />

28<br />


Tipps für ein besseres<br />

persönliche Version d<br />

gefahren? Bist Du nie Motorrad<br />

gefahren? Nie ausserhalb Europa gereist?<br />

Man muss ab und zu mal etwas Neues im<br />

Leben ausprobieren um <strong>de</strong>r Monotonie<br />

und <strong>de</strong>r Routine zu entkommen.<br />

• ... aber natürlich, es müsste eigentlich auf<br />

<strong>de</strong>m ersten Platz stehen: Sex. Einige<br />

Leute sagen, dass sie es nicht brauchen...<br />

(ich glaube ihnen aber nicht!). Wer weiß,<br />

vielleicht könnte es sein..., aber sie<br />

wür<strong>de</strong>n sicher sehr traurig aussehen,<br />

fin<strong>de</strong>t ihr nicht? Einmal am Tag, o<strong>de</strong>r<br />

auch zehnmal, einmal pro Woche, einmal<br />

im Jahr, usw., je nach<strong>de</strong>m, fin<strong>de</strong> Du<br />

Deinen besten Weg, aber vergiss nicht, es<br />

ist sehr gesund !!<br />

• Was noch ???? Ach, ja, gute Freun<strong>de</strong>. Das<br />

ist aber schwieriger..., beson<strong>de</strong>rs wenn<br />

Du schon nicht mehr so jung bist.<br />

Manchmal siehst Du Deine guten<br />

Jugendfreun<strong>de</strong> nicht mehr, und die<br />

Beziehungen zu an<strong>de</strong>ren Menschen sind<br />

verschie<strong>de</strong>n. Aber es macht nichts, die<br />

Fähigkeit, mit an<strong>de</strong>ren Menschen<br />

umzugehen, ist immer noch da! Und<br />

an<strong>de</strong>re Leute kennenzulernen ist wirklich<br />

sehr interessant. Überwin<strong>de</strong> Deine<br />

Schüchternheit! !


Leben (o<strong>de</strong>r „meine<br />

er zehn Gebote“)<br />

• Sei Du selbst!, ganz genau so, wie Du bist.<br />

Manchmal fragen wir uns, ob die<br />

an<strong>de</strong>ren uns mögen o<strong>de</strong>r nicht, und<br />

versuchen so zu leben, wie wir <strong>de</strong>nken,<br />

dass es ihnen besser gefallen wür<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Falsch! Je<strong>de</strong>r Mensch ist an<strong>de</strong>rs, und das<br />

können wir nicht än<strong>de</strong>rn. Ich wür<strong>de</strong><br />

sogar sagen, dass das das Beste ist!!! Es ist<br />

einfach prima, sich zu zeigen, wie man<br />

ist. Sei darauf stolz, an<strong>de</strong>rs zu sein und<br />

keinem vorgegebenen Muster zu<br />

entsprechen.<br />

Gib Dich <strong>de</strong>swegen so, wie Du bist.<br />

29<br />

• Diese letzte Empfehlung ist aber nicht für<br />

Faulenzer!!!, ok? Aber Sport zu treiben ist<br />

im Leben auch sehr notwendig. Du wirst<br />

Dich nicht nur körperlich, son<strong>de</strong>rn auch<br />

geistig besser fühlen. Es gibt so viele<br />

Möglichkeiten, dass Du kein Problem<br />

haben wirst, Dich für die eine o<strong>de</strong>r die<br />

an<strong>de</strong>re Sportart zu entschei<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Und um endlich zu einem En<strong>de</strong> zu kommen,<br />

wünsche ich Euch allen viel Glück !!!!! das<br />

hilft nämlich auch ☺<br />

Euer David Pérez (Avanzado 1)<br />


Lieber Markus,<br />

Du schreibst, du rauchst zu viele Zigaretten<br />

und das ist ein groβes Problem für <strong>de</strong>ine<br />

Freundin. Vielleicht solltest du einen Plan<br />

machen. Zuerst musst du aufschreiben,<br />

wann du rauchst. Dann solltest du weniger<br />

Zigaretten kaufen. Es ist besser, wenn du<br />

Tabak kaufst, dann musst du <strong>de</strong>ine<br />

Zigaretten selber machen. So hast du<br />

weniger Zeit zum Rauchen und kannst viel<br />

Geld sparen.<br />

Du solltest auch Sport machen, das ist sehr<br />

gesund und das hilft dir, nicht zu rauchen.<br />

Viel Glück mit <strong>de</strong>inem Problem!<br />

Dein Expertenteam: Verónica Georgieva Petrova +<br />

Juan Ramón Salvador Barrón, Alemán Nivel Básico 2 B<br />

30<br />


Haben Sie Probleme?<br />

Lieber Paul,<br />

Du schreibst, du bist immer so gestresst. Du<br />

arbeitest sicher zu viel. Du solltest mal<br />

Urlaub machen. Fahr nach Mallorca und<br />

nimm dir Zeit für dich. Du könntest auch mit<br />

<strong>de</strong>inem Chef sprechen und ihm sagen, dass<br />

du weniger arbeiten willst.<br />

Und noch ein Tipp zum Schluss: Geh ins<br />

Fitnessstudio, am besten dreimal pro Woche.<br />

Viel Glück!<br />

Dein Expertenteam: Nati Torres Galán + Adolfo<br />

Alonso González, Alemán Nivel Básico 2 B<br />

Lieber Roberto,<br />

Du schreibst, du hast ein Problem im<br />

Deutschunterricht: Du kannst <strong>de</strong>ine<br />

Lehrerin nicht verstehen, weil sie so schnell<br />

spricht. Aber wir glauben, das Problem ist<br />

nicht so groß. Du könntest zu Hause CDs<br />

o<strong>de</strong>r Radio hören. Außer<strong>de</strong>m solltest du in<br />

Deutschland Urlaub machen. Warum<br />

sprichst du nicht mit Deutschen im<br />

Internet? Das kann dir helfen. Und<br />

schlieβlich: Verlier nicht <strong>de</strong>n Mut und<br />

arbeite weiter!<br />

Viel Erfolg!<br />

Dein Expertenteam: Roberto Fernán<strong>de</strong>z Fernán<strong>de</strong>z<br />

+ Ángela Esteban Hoya, Alemán Nivel Básico 2 A<br />

Liebe Laura,<br />

du schreibst, du hast in letzter Zeit immer<br />

Rückenschmerzen. Hier ein paar Ratschläge für<br />

<strong>de</strong>ine Probleme: Du solltest nichts Schweres<br />

heben. Vielleicht ist <strong>de</strong>in Bett nicht gut? Dann<br />

musst du <strong>de</strong>ine Matratze wechseln. Du<br />

könntest auch Entspannungsübungen<br />

machen. Geh zum Physiotherapeuten, er kann<br />

dir Übungen zeigen.<br />

Gute Besserung!<br />

Dein Expertenteam: Chon López Avedaño, Alemán<br />

Nivel Básico 2 A


Wünsche<br />

Meine Wünsche für das neue Jahr<br />

Ich weiß nicht warum, aber im Januar haben die meisten Leute Wünsche für<br />

das neue Jahr. Es ist ein bisschen komisch, dass diese Wünsche je<strong>de</strong>s Jahr<br />

gleich sind. Das heißt, dass wir die Wünsche vom Vorjahr nicht verwirklicht<br />

haben. Warum haben wir unsere Wünsche im Februar schon vergessen?<br />

Vielleicht wünschen wir nicht richtig?<br />

Hier einige Tipps:<br />

• Motivation. Man sollte sich fragen: Warum<br />

möchte man das machen? Weil man das<br />

selber will o<strong>de</strong>r weil alle das machen? Oft<br />

sind die Wünsche für das neue Jahr für viele,<br />

viele Leute gleich. Das ist nicht normal.<br />

Denk doch an <strong>de</strong>inen persönlichen<br />

Wunsch: was du wirklich machen willst!<br />

• Vielleicht sind es viele Wünsche. Man<br />

sollte nur einige Wünsche haben, nicht<br />

zu viele. Einer o<strong>de</strong>r zwei sind genug.<br />

• Planung. Man sollte sich einen Plan<br />

machen. Wie und wann kann man seine<br />

Wünsche realisieren? Schreib das am<br />

besten auf!<br />

• Ausdauer. Man sollte bei <strong>de</strong>n Wünschen<br />

Ausdauer haben. Man sollte die Planung<br />

gut machen.<br />

Und Ausre<strong>de</strong>n sind nicht erlaubt! (Keine<br />

Zeit, zu viel Arbeit, zu mü<strong>de</strong>, nächste<br />

Woche bestimmt... )<br />

Natürlich habe ich meine Wünsche für das<br />

neue Jahr. Vielleicht sind es die typischen,<br />

aber es sind meine:<br />

• Ich möchte gesund leben. Ich möchte Sport<br />

machen, schwimmen o<strong>de</strong>r ins Fitnessstudio<br />

gehen, weil ich jetzt keinen Sport mache.<br />

Ich möchte mich mehr bewegen.<br />

• Ich möchte mich auch besser ernähren<br />

und ein paar Kilo abnehmen.<br />

• Ich möchte meine Fremdsprachen,<br />

Englisch und Deutsch, üben und<br />

verbessen.<br />

Sind es nächstes Jahr wie<strong>de</strong>r die gleichen<br />

Wünsche o<strong>de</strong>r sind es an<strong>de</strong>re?<br />

Esther Ramírez Navas, Alemán Nivel Básico 2 B<br />

Meine Wünsche<br />

Als Kind wollte ich Jugendliche wer<strong>de</strong>n, als Jugendliche wollte ich Flugbegleiterin o<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Krankenschwester wer<strong>de</strong>n. Heute bin ich Krankenschwester und möchte gern reich wer<strong>de</strong>n,<br />

aber lei<strong>de</strong>r bin ich arm.<br />

Mariví Ijurco Peña, Alemán Nivel Básico 2 A<br />


32<br />


Mein erster<br />

Kontakt mit Deutsch<br />

Mein erster Kontakt mit<br />

Deutsch war sehr lustig. Es<br />

gab ein Missverständnis nach<br />

<strong>de</strong>m an<strong>de</strong>ren. Ich erinnere<br />

mich, dass es im Oktober war.<br />

Man stellte uns eine Gruppe<br />

von Deutschen vor. Sie haben<br />

einen Spanischintensivkurs in<br />

Málaga gemacht. Das haben<br />

wir son<strong>de</strong>rbar gefun<strong>de</strong>n, aber<br />

sie wollten Spanisch lernen<br />

und sie wollten Urlaub am<br />

Meer machen.<br />

Das beste war, wenn sie spanisch<br />

gesprochen haben. Sie haben <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Buchstaben “s” nicht gesprochen, und wir<br />

haben Sätze wie “eto/ezto etá/eztá bien”<br />

gehört. In Andusien spricht man ohne„s“,<br />

aber das klingt natürlich ganz an<strong>de</strong>rs. Wir<br />

haben so gelacht! Sie haben auch “éramos<br />

marrones” statt “estábamos morenos” gesagt,<br />

und an<strong>de</strong>re lustige Sachen. Sie haben die<br />

unbekannten Wörter ins Notizbuch<br />

geschrieben, aber sie wollten vor allem die<br />

auffälligen Wörter lernen, die “tacos”.<br />

Und die Deutschen hatten keine Angst, dass<br />

wir Spanier über sie lachen könnten, weil sie<br />

so schlecht Spanisch gesprochen haben.<br />

Das hat uns sehr überrascht. Wann war das?<br />

Vor 25 Jahren. Sie haben tausend Fehler<br />

gemacht, aber sie konnten mit uns<br />

sprechen, und sie haben sehr viel gelernt.<br />

Uns Spaniern ist es sehr peinlich, wenn wir<br />

Fehler in einer an<strong>de</strong>ren Sprache machen.<br />

Wir wollen nicht Englisch o<strong>de</strong>r Deutsch<br />

sprechen, weil wir nicht falsch sprechen<br />

wollen, und so lernen wir viel langsamer.<br />

Unsere Kulturen waren verschie<strong>de</strong>n, aber wir<br />

hatten keine Probleme, uns zu verstehen. Wir<br />

haben geglaubt, dass die Deutschen sehr<br />

„quadratisch“, methodisch und or<strong>de</strong>ntlich<br />

waren. Sie haben geglaubt, dass die Spanier<br />

immer laute Feste feiern, Flamenco tanzen<br />

o<strong>de</strong>r zum Stierkampf gehen.<br />

Der schlimmste Moment für mich war, als<br />

ich zu ihnen gesagt habe:„Kommt alle zu<br />

mir nach Hause, ich mache euch eine<br />

´infusión´“, <strong>de</strong>nn die Deutschen wollten<br />

keinen Kaffee trinken. Sie waren schockiert!<br />

Ich meinte natürlich Tee, aber die<br />

Deutschen verstehen unter ´infusión´ eine<br />

Injektion! Wollte ich sie vielleicht zu Drogen<br />

einla<strong>de</strong>n????<br />

Mein erster Kontakt mit Deutsch war vor<br />

vielen Jahren. Heute bin ich mit einem<br />

Deutschen verheiratet und lerne Deutsch.<br />

Aber auch heute fin<strong>de</strong> ich manchmal, dass<br />

die Deutschen und die Spanier verschie<strong>de</strong>n<br />

sind, und die <strong>de</strong>utsche Sprache ist für mich<br />

immer noch schwierig und komisch.<br />

Chon López Avedaño, Alemán Nivel Básico 2 A


One day with RENOIR<br />

I’m an art lover and every<br />

so often I go to see some<br />

exhibition. Last Tuesday<br />

morning I went to the<br />

Prado Museum with two<br />

friends. I got there in one<br />

of my friends’ cars. It was<br />

an exhibition of paintings<br />

by the Impressionist<br />

painter Renoir.<br />

When we arrived, there were crowds of<br />

people, in spite of which we could see every<br />

work of art very well. We saw an<br />

outstanding group of paintings, a collection<br />

of an American collector.<br />

Although there were few paintings, about<br />

thirty, it was possible to appreciate different<br />

genres and motifs: the human figure,<br />

portraits, self-portraits, scenes of young<br />

women, the landscape, the female nu<strong>de</strong>,<br />

the still life. While I was looking up at a<br />

painting I could hear how people whispered<br />

something about the paintings.<br />

I was all ears. I was learning a lot by listening<br />

to them. My favourite painting was “Marie-<br />

Thérèse Durand-Ruel sewing”, because I<br />

thought it was painted with tact, sensuality<br />

and beautiful contrast of colours. It was very<br />

interesting and exciting.<br />

The weather was fantastic, very sunny, so<br />

when we left the Museum we went to a<br />

snack bar, we sat outsi<strong>de</strong>, drank a beer and<br />

enjoyed the sun. I felt brilliant.<br />

Then we went to have lunch at St Michael<br />

Market, in the heart of Madrid. It was a<br />

popular and picturesque place with a big<br />

variety of tapas. After lunch, we walked<br />

slowly through Old Madrid.<br />

The best way to explore the small and<br />

beautiful streets with their many shops<br />

was on foot, so we were wearing<br />

comfortable shoes. The Old Madrid is a<br />

popular place to visit at any time of the<br />

year.<br />

We had a won<strong>de</strong>rful time. We enjoyed<br />

ourselves and laughed a lot. When I got<br />

home, not very late, my family were having<br />

dinner.<br />

Purificación Martínez Briones<br />

Inglés Nivel Básico 2 A<br />


Blas <strong>de</strong> Lezo was born on 3<br />

February 1689 in Pasajes,<br />

Guipúzcoa, Spain. Blas <strong>de</strong><br />

Lezo y Olavarrieta<br />

commenced his naval career<br />

in the French Navy in 1701 as<br />

a midshipman. In 1704 he<br />

fought in the War of Spanish<br />

Succession as a crew<br />

member in the Franco-<br />

Spanish fleet which repelled<br />

the combined forces of<br />

Britain and the Netherlands<br />

at the Battle of Vélez Málaga.<br />

There Lezo lost his left leg. He received a<br />

cannon shot and he had his leg amputated<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the knee without anaesthesia.<br />

Afterwards he lost his right arm and his left<br />

eye. Promoted to ensign, he was present at<br />

the battles off Peñíscola, Spain, and Palermo<br />

in Sicily.<br />


Blas <strong>de</strong> Lezo, a l<br />

34<br />

His service in these and other actions<br />

resulted in his promotion to ship’s<br />

lieutenant.<br />

In 1713 he was promoted to captain. In<br />

1714 he lost his right arm in the Siege of<br />

Barcelona. Later in this campaign, in charge<br />

of a frigate, he captured eleven British ships,<br />

including the Stanhope, and this is the story<br />

which we are interested in.<br />

In 1734 the King promoted him to General<br />

Lieutenant of the Navy. He returned to<br />

America with the ships Fuerte and<br />

Conquistador in 1737 as General Comman<strong>de</strong>r<br />

of Cartagena <strong>de</strong> Indias, a city that he had to<br />

<strong>de</strong>fend against the British admiral Edgard<br />

Vernon in the Battle of Cartagena <strong>de</strong> Indias<br />

(1741). The complex series of ship to ship<br />

skirmishes, sieges and land battles against<br />

overwhelming forces lasted sixty-seven days.<br />

It was <strong>de</strong> Lezo’s finest victory.<br />

The British fleet, the biggest group of ships<br />

that had ever sailed the sea (2,000 cannons,<br />

186 ships, and 23,600 men), led by<br />

Lawrence Washington (George<br />

Washington’s half-brother), outnumbered<br />

the Spanish fleet by 60 ships.


ittle-known story<br />

This fleet was the second biggest of all time.<br />

The biggest was the one that attacked the<br />

Normandy coast in World War II. The<br />

<strong>de</strong>fence forces in Cartagena were 3,600<br />

men, 600 of whom were natives, and six<br />

ships with their crew (Galicia, the flagship,<br />

San Felipe, San Carlos, África, Dragón and<br />

Conquistador).<br />

And so the battle began. The English fleet<br />

bombar<strong>de</strong>d the San Luis <strong>de</strong> Bocachica fort<br />

for sixteen days. The <strong>de</strong>fen<strong>de</strong>rs came back<br />

and Blas <strong>de</strong> Lezo attacked the English fleet<br />

with his ships. The Spanish fleet sank six<br />

British ships but the inva<strong>de</strong>rs went ashore<br />

and the Stanhope went into the bay. Vernon<br />

believed that he had won the battle and<br />

sent a message to England communicating<br />

the victory. In England the government had<br />

commemorative coins minted with the<br />

following inscriptions: “Britain’s heroes<br />

conquered Cartagena on 1 April 1741” and<br />

“Spanish pri<strong>de</strong> humiliated by Vernon”.<br />

Nevertheless, the British advance was<br />

stopped by the fort walls. British troops<br />

went back disor<strong>de</strong>rly. The British fleet<br />

continued bombarding the city but the<br />

plague and scurvy killed a lot of sailors.<br />

Finally Vernon gave the or<strong>de</strong>r to go back<br />

and lost several ships. George II, King of<br />

England, learned about the disaster and<br />

or<strong>de</strong>red his ministers to hi<strong>de</strong> the <strong>de</strong>feat.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>feat of the British invasion force<br />

assured the preservation of the Spanish<br />

Empire in the Americas. Blas <strong>de</strong> Lezo<br />

contracted the plague, probably due to the<br />

many unburied corpses, most of them<br />

British soldiers, and died at Cartagena <strong>de</strong><br />

Indias that year. His burial site remains lost<br />

to history.<br />

Juan José García Esteban, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1 C<br />


Do you think our children<br />

believe in Santa Claus? Do<br />

they put a tooth on their<br />

besi<strong>de</strong> table waiting for the<br />

tooth fairy to slip them a<br />

gift? We have often heard<br />

the expression “Children are<br />

born knowing everything”,<br />

and so they are.<br />

Society has ma<strong>de</strong> significant<br />

progress in recent <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s,<br />

and as a result we are missing<br />

many of the values from the<br />

past, such as the importance of<br />

the family and the need to pay<br />

attention to small things. Our<br />

lifestyle has also changed and<br />

our priorities have changed<br />

with it. The result is that our<br />

children suffer the<br />

consequences.<br />

On the one hand, they spend much time<br />

alone at home and have many <strong>de</strong>vices at<br />

their disposal that often affect their training<br />

adversely. The TV offers much information<br />

that un<strong>de</strong>rmines their intellectual<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment, because it is <strong>de</strong>structive<br />

information, not constructive.<br />

36<br />



On the other hand, parents want very<br />

young children to succeed in all areas,<br />

such as sports, languages, music and so<br />

the children are overloa<strong>de</strong>d with extra<br />

curricular activities and they have no time<br />

to play.<br />

The responsibility lies with the family, especially<br />

the parents that, in or<strong>de</strong>r to make up for their<br />

lack of time to <strong>de</strong>vote to their children,<br />

compensate them with material things, and<br />

then kids learn that the Biblical phrase“Ask and<br />

you shall receive”actually works.<br />

Infantile stress has increased in a<br />

dangerous way in the last years: 10% in<br />

children and 20% in teenagers. Parents’<br />

obsession with their children being the<br />

best at everything and always happy is<br />

causing the opposite effect: an increase in<br />

psychological diseases and suicidies, as<br />

well as physical problems like infantile<br />




The consequence is that we have ru<strong>de</strong>,<br />

unmotivated and disrespectful teenagers,<br />

without hope, and often violent; it seems<br />

that they are tired of living. They are losing<br />

the magic and the thrill of being children.<br />

Those responsible for the formation of<br />

children are required to teach them the<br />

values that are inherent to humans, such as<br />

tolerance, respect for el<strong>de</strong>rs, responsibility,<br />

striving for a goal, etc.<br />

Dear rea<strong>de</strong>r, you surely remember that time<br />

in which you played in the street while<br />

having a sandwich after school, playing hi<strong>de</strong>-<br />

and-seek, dodgeball, jumping rope, playing<br />

with marbles, etc. Can you imagine how<br />

much exercise we did? We did not have<br />

anything and yet we were happy.<br />

To conclu<strong>de</strong>, a reflection: Don´t mutilate our<br />

children. Try to give them back their<br />

childhood. Give them the opportunity to<br />

live the most beautiful stage of their life<br />

with innocence.<br />

“Let the children be children”<br />

Cristina Aguado Gutiérrez<br />

Inglés Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />

C/ Real, 26 local, Bajo B - Villalba - Tel.: 91 851 93 24 - Fax: 91 849 29 82<br />

em@il: villalba@fol<strong>de</strong>r.es<br />


38<br />


To clil or not to clil... IS T<br />

First of all, for those who are not<br />

teachers of English or teachers<br />

working at a bilingual School (I<br />

mean the Program of Bilingual<br />

Schools in Comunidad <strong>de</strong><br />

Madrid) I assume it is worth<br />

explaining the term “CLIL”. This<br />

musical acronym means<br />

“Contents and Language<br />

Integrated Learning”. Everyone<br />

can easily guess, roughly<br />

speaking, what the central<br />

approach is: Children learn their<br />

second language at the same<br />

time they learn the relevant<br />

subject matter.<br />

There are hundreds of studies<br />

<strong>de</strong>monstrating how well it works.<br />

Unfortunately, regarding education, the<br />

number of factors tends to be infinite, and<br />

thus all of them are questionable.<br />

In our case, the program has been carried<br />

on for fewer than ten years, hence<br />

extracting conclusive and reliable data<br />

proves a tough task. Nevertheless, on a daily<br />

basis we have to face serious difficulties to<br />

<strong>de</strong>velop the mentioned program. Some of<br />

them might not be direct consequences of<br />

the theoretical framework.<br />

They are likely to be common in bilingual<br />

and non-bilingual schools, here in the<br />

Comunidad <strong>de</strong> Madrid and in other regions.<br />

It is an un<strong>de</strong>niable fact that the average level<br />

of English is notably higher, comparing this<br />

kind of school to those that are not enrolled<br />

in the program. Once again we should take<br />

into account <strong>de</strong>cisive elements such as socioeconomic<br />

status or geographical origin. The<br />

level of achievement related to other<br />

educational objectives is something to be<br />

thoroughly studied, and that is the key point:<br />

many teachers have the uneasy sensation<br />

that we are all playing the role of a guinea pig,<br />

sailing in a vessel in a sea of uncertainty. Why?<br />

Above all, from time to time, the modus<br />

operandi changes with no apparent reason.<br />

One year stu<strong>de</strong>nts take an external test,<br />

another year teachers must select a<br />

meaningful quantity of our pupils to take<br />

the exam and the next year the criteria do<br />

not seem to be clear.



Sometimes the Program seems to be the jewel<br />

of the crown. Sometimes it seems to be the<br />

Marx Brothers’crow<strong>de</strong>d cabin where no one<br />

knows what is going to happen next, e.g.<br />

regulations about bilingual schools have just<br />

been released in January 2011. Till that date<br />

there was a bundle of rules scattered around<br />

different official gazettes.<br />

Teachers’ training has changed completely<br />

from the very beginning till now. The<br />

requirements to be allowed to teach as a<br />

member of the program (technically<br />

speaking “habilitación“) are completely<br />

controversial. Better training is nee<strong>de</strong>d, but<br />

it is expensive and, you know...<br />

Apart from that, teachers have often<br />

complained about the lack of convincing<br />

responses towards those stu<strong>de</strong>nts with special<br />

difficulties. Once someone, whose name I<br />

would prefer to ignore, pointed out the<br />

possibility of kindly suggesting that they be<br />

moved to another school... and nobody left the<br />

room slamming the door behind them.<br />

Our politicians, especially the new crop of<br />

politicians, so aseptic and efficient, so dull and<br />

boring, remain obsessed by statistics. They do<br />

not care how surveys have been performed or<br />

how suspiciously similar the conclusions and<br />

their previous forecasts look.<br />

As usual, budgets, money and political<br />

<strong>de</strong>cisions are the bottom line. We will not <strong>de</strong>al<br />

with this topic in <strong>de</strong>pth, since it would<br />

represent a shaggy-dog story that never ends,<br />

but have you ever won<strong>de</strong>red why Finnish<br />

children are so brilliant and clever?<br />

All educational surveys show us they rank at<br />

the top of statistics that have to do with<br />

aca<strong>de</strong>mic achievement. Only two quick<br />

reflections: In Finland most broadcast TV<br />

programs are watched (and listened to) in O.V.<br />

Do you not think our youngsters would learn<br />

English consi<strong>de</strong>ring how long they spend in<br />

front of the TV? In addition, in Finland the<br />

teacher (or assistant)-pupil ratio is nearly one<br />

to eight/ten at Infant and Primary Education,<br />

which is remarkably different from our<br />

situation, in which twenty-five pupils can<br />

scarcely be handled by a teacher.<br />

To sum up, CLIL may be the most effective<br />

approach to learning a second language, as<br />

this provi<strong>de</strong>s a meaningful context. No<br />

doubt it is the most fashionable, having the<br />

educational authorities’ official blessing. Not<br />

only do teachers and families engaged with<br />

the project <strong>de</strong>serve a more generous<br />

response to our enthusiasm, but also our<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ success <strong>de</strong>pends on it.<br />

Alfonso Calzado <strong>de</strong> Dios<br />

Inglés Nivel Avanzado 2 C<br />


Trying to improve oneself is commendable,<br />

but where does the <strong>de</strong>sire to better oneself<br />

ends and where does the obsession begin?<br />

Do we really think that there aren’t any limits?<br />

The sporting calendar is gruelling, the<br />

pressure of sponsors constant, and the<br />

spectators‘ yearning for sport exploits is<br />

insatiable. How can a sportsperson withstand<br />

so much tension? Sport medicine has<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloped dramatically over recent years, and<br />

training is more and more technical and<br />

efficient, but will an athlete, even a highly<br />

gifted person, be able to get spectacular<br />

results only with a good medical team or an<br />

excellent trainer? Obviously, it’s not possible,<br />

and many people turn to the easy ‘miracle’ of<br />

doping, and it seems they don’t mind<br />

cheating because apparently they are<br />

satisfied all the same.<br />

What’s behind all of this? What are the<br />

interests that really move sportspersons to<br />

accept dope? Why do they risk losing their<br />

prestige to win a race or to beat a record?<br />



40<br />

We always take pri<strong>de</strong> in sportspersons‘ exploits and in fact<br />

they have sometimes been treated as <strong>de</strong>migods. Even<br />

nowadays they are more valued than doctors or scientists.<br />

People adore a winner.<br />

Michael Phelps won eight gold medals in the last Olympic Games<br />

and he became a legend;in the year 2012 he or a new swimming<br />

hero will have to beat that heroic <strong>de</strong>ed.It’s not enough to beat<br />

your rival;athletes must break records over and over again.<br />

The story of an African athlete has impressed<br />

me particularly. He is implicated in the Galgo<br />

police operation, a doping scandal that has<br />

broken out in Spain. He came from Ethiopia, a<br />

country where life is worth nothing. He was<br />

an illegal immigrant sleeping on the street,<br />

and sud<strong>de</strong>nly he discovered that, thanks to<br />

the fact that he was able to run very fast, he<br />

would be able to join the ADO Program. He<br />

was safe, he ate, he was respected because he<br />

won medals for Spain. But the <strong>de</strong>mands were<br />

increasing, and which did Alemayehu<br />

Bezabeh choose, to return to hunger, or the<br />

insecurity or doping? I think the answer is<br />

obvious. The final responsibility was his but<br />

who suggested the i<strong>de</strong>a to him?<br />

I’m not sure that a sportsperson tells himself or<br />

herself ‘now I will take drugs to be on the list of<br />

great athletes’and then goes to a chemist’s and<br />

buys what they need. It’s clear that not only the<br />

athletes are to blame for it, but there is a<br />

framework of interests and pressures, and in<br />

most cases someone puts drugs in their hands.


There is too much money in sport. The stakes<br />

are high and athletes have to give a hundred<br />

percent or they may lose their grant; trainers<br />

need to get results to persua<strong>de</strong> new clients;<br />

sport doctors, pharmaceutical companies...<br />

everybody wants to win, but sports persons<br />

are the ones who put their lives at risk.<br />

Is the fleeting glory really worth it? Nowadays<br />

there are so many top athletes and the rivalry<br />

is so hard that it is very difficult to keep up!<br />

Doping is everywhere and I think that all of us<br />

suspect that many sportspersons are doped.<br />

Armstrong, Contador and a lot of other great<br />

athletes are in doubt.<br />

Evi<strong>de</strong>ntly, I am not trying to justify doping at<br />

all. In fact I can’t even un<strong>de</strong>rstand the<br />

obsession with breaking records. I think<br />

people who have won by cheating are<br />

committing fraud, particularly if the other<br />

rivals haven’t done it. But after reading the<br />

statements and seeing the reactions of some<br />

people to the Galgo case, I won<strong>de</strong>r if people<br />

are really as shocked by doping as it seems.<br />

The question is, if the record to beat in a race,<br />

for example the 100 meters sprint, is 10<br />

seconds flat and chemistry can only help to<br />

run this race in 9 seconds flat, where is the<br />

merit? Because if just breaking records<br />

constantly is the most important thing, and<br />

this is impossible without doping, why is it<br />

not allowed?<br />

That way the athlete who had chosen the<br />

best product would be the winners. I’m sure<br />

that the pharmaceutical companies would<br />

appreciate it.<br />

Unfortunately I just know that, for now, all<br />

this has caused the suici<strong>de</strong> of an athlete,<br />

Alberto León, who wasn’t able to face up to a<br />

difficult situation, and a lot of people<br />

involved can end up in jail.<br />

I still think that all this isn’t worth it at all!<br />

Victoria Montero Vicenti<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1 A<br />


The origins of Gui<strong>de</strong> Dogs:<br />

To establish the origins of dog training, we<br />

have to go back to 1827 in Australia, where<br />

Leopold Chimani wrote a book which<br />

inclu<strong>de</strong>d the history of Joseph Resinger,<br />

blind since the age of 17, who had trained<br />

his three dogs.<br />

It was almost one hundred years later when<br />

the movement of gui<strong>de</strong> dogs began as we<br />

know it today.<br />

The growing number of German soldiers<br />

who became blind during the First World<br />

War inspired Dr. Gehar Stalling to open the<br />

first school in the world <strong>de</strong>dicated to the<br />

training of gui<strong>de</strong> dogs for blind people.<br />

The school opened its doors in 1916 in<br />

Germany with excellent results and soon<br />

other three schools were opened. At first<br />

German Shepherds were used. This breed<br />

was very popular and gave excellent<br />

results.<br />

History of gui<strong>de</strong> dogs in Spain:<br />

The first gui<strong>de</strong> dog arrived in Spain in 1963<br />

and came from the “Lions Club” school of<br />

Detroit. The National Organization for the<br />

Blind in Spain (ONCE) and the Lions Club<br />

Association from Rochester, Michigan,<br />

reached an agreement to bring gui<strong>de</strong> dogs<br />

to our country.<br />

The first gui<strong>de</strong> dog training centre in Spain<br />

was the “School for the Blind”, foun<strong>de</strong>d in<br />

1972 in Majorca, but it closed its doors<br />

officially in 1987. After that, in 1990, ONCE<br />

opened the only centre which exists<br />

nowadays in Spain. It is located in Boadilla<br />

<strong>de</strong>l Monte, Madrid.<br />



42<br />

Used races:<br />

The most popular breeds for gui<strong>de</strong> dogs<br />

today are the cross between Labrador and<br />

Gol<strong>de</strong>n. The essential characteristics for<br />

gui<strong>de</strong> dogs are adaptability, sociability,<br />

communication and motivation.<br />

Training stages:<br />

First Stage: Stay in the family, from six weeks<br />

to a year of age. Here the puppy learns<br />

everyday situations, common sounds, to be<br />

clean in the house, how to walk with the<br />

lead on the left si<strong>de</strong>, and not to be<br />

<strong>de</strong>structive. It becomes familiar with going<br />

to the cinema, restaurants, and other social<br />

places.<br />

Second Stage: Stay in the specific training<br />

centre, from one to two years of age. The<br />

dog progresses from basic obedience to<br />

specific training: walking in a straight line,<br />

negotiating kerbs and obstacles, etc.<br />

In this stage the dog gets more responsibility<br />

and is exposed to different situations and<br />

increasing difficulties. At the end of this stage<br />

the trainer works with a mask in different<br />

environments to test the dog’s abilities.<br />

Third Stage: Stay with the user, from one<br />

year and a half or two years onwards.<br />

The selected blind person attends a threeweek<br />

course at the training centre where<br />

they learn how to care for and handle the<br />

gui<strong>de</strong> dog. The course continues at the<br />

place of resi<strong>de</strong>nce of the blind person, and<br />

once a month or if the person requires the<br />

introduction of a new route or specific<br />

difficulties arise, the trainer will help them.


IDE DOGS<br />

How to act when you are with a blind<br />

person and their gui<strong>de</strong> dog:<br />

It’s important to bear in mind that this dog is<br />

not a pet so don’t pat it or try to get its<br />

attention. If you distract it you can cause an<br />

acci<strong>de</strong>nt that can be very dangerous for them.<br />

Don’t be afraid, it won’t bite you, because it is<br />

trained to care for and protect its owner and<br />

respect the rules of social coexistence. If you<br />

bring another dog, take it on a lead to avoid<br />

any acci<strong>de</strong>nt that may occur when you pass<br />

next to them. And of course, gui<strong>de</strong> dogs also<br />

need time to rest and play!!<br />

Marisa Martín Bravo, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 2 D<br />



Death is the end of our life. It is painful and<br />

sad all around, but there are always some<br />

exceptions, showing that <strong>de</strong>ath can be<br />

ironic, as evi<strong>de</strong>nced by the biography of<br />

some great characters in history. Here are<br />

some of the better know cases. Aeschylus<br />

(525 BC-456 BC): Famous philosopher. The<br />

oracle predicted that he would die crushed<br />

by a house so he <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to live outsi<strong>de</strong> the<br />

city, but ironically he died when the shell of<br />

a turtle, dropped by an osprey from the air,<br />

hit him in the head.<br />

Attila (395-453): He was the most powerful of<br />

the Huns. He had drunk so much on his<br />

wedding night that he did not realize his nose<br />

was bleeding profusely. The next morning he<br />

was found drowned in his own blood.<br />


Ironic Death<br />

44<br />

Pope John XII (939-964): He was killed by a<br />

husband who had surprised him in bed with<br />

his wife.<br />

Isadora Duncan (1877-1927): She was the<br />

creator of mo<strong>de</strong>rn dance. She died in a<br />

stupid car acci<strong>de</strong>nt. She was strangled when<br />

her scarf got caught in the spokes of a<br />

wheel. Her neck was broken.<br />

George Washington (1732-1799): He was<br />

the first presi<strong>de</strong>nt of U.S. He had a throat<br />

infection and doctors <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to use a<br />

common technique in that age. They<br />

extracted almost five litres of blood in less<br />

than 24 hours. Even presi<strong>de</strong>nts need blood<br />

to live, although there are some that don’t<br />

seem to have any.


The Darwin Awards are another clear<br />

example. These awards are given to those<br />

who died doing something incredibly<br />

stupid. But there is another reason to<br />

receive the award: The person does not die<br />

but is unable to have children. Some<br />

examples of the Darwin Awards are the<br />

following:<br />

Disabled person in the lift: A man was in a<br />

wheelchair and he could not enter the lift.<br />

He started to charge at the lift doors with<br />

his wheelchair until he broke the doors and<br />

he fell down the lift shaft.<br />

The double Darwin award: A couple was<br />

driving on the motorway but they <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d<br />

to stop in the middle of the road because<br />

there was a lot of fog. They had a great i<strong>de</strong>a:<br />

the <strong>de</strong>yci<strong>de</strong>d to “make love”. So a huge truck<br />

ran over them. Double award because two<br />

people died.<br />

Electric fence: a man was tired of robberies<br />

in his neighbourhood and he <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

protect his car by making a little electric<br />

fence around the car. One night he switched<br />

on his security system but the next morning<br />

he forgot to disconnect it. When he tried to<br />

go out, he was fried to <strong>de</strong>ath.<br />

Some celebrities kept their irony and sense<br />

of humour until the end of their days, as was<br />

the case with:<br />

Miguel <strong>de</strong> Unamuno. His epitaph reads “I<br />

just ask God to have mercy on the soul of<br />

this atheist.”<br />

Marquis <strong>de</strong> Sa<strong>de</strong>: “If I didn’t live more, it was<br />

because I didn’t have time.”<br />

Buster Keaton: “The End”<br />

Mel Blanc (the original Bugs Bunny voice):<br />

“That’s all, folks.”<br />

Enrique Jardiel Poncela: “If you want the<br />

highest praise, you must die.”<br />

Camilo José Cela: “Who resists wins.”<br />

Obviously, we anonymous people also have<br />

our moment of glory.<br />

“Now, he no longer coughs”. This was<br />

written by his friends.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>ceased weighed 140 kg and he had<br />

gone on may diets: “I’m finally bony.”<br />

“I’m <strong>de</strong>ad. I’ll be right back.”<br />

“I’m here against my will.”<br />

Pedro Morgado Tejedor, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1 C<br />


These online tools were born in the country<br />

that had invented the global net, a country<br />

that, when the Second World War finished,<br />

began to look for the most ingenious<br />

researchers in the world to bring them back<br />

into its bor<strong>de</strong>rs. This initiative was taken to<br />

make the country grow economically and of<br />

course technologically as well, which it did.<br />

That was how the U.S.A. saw social media<br />

pop like popcorn a few years ago. There was<br />

a lot of talent blowing in the air and also<br />

great technological knowledge as<br />

background. In these conditions, it was only<br />

to be expected they would be born there.<br />

Everybody has heard about Facebook,<br />

Twitter, Foursquare, Myspace, Buzz or even<br />

the Spanish Tuenti. They are all Social Media<br />

tools, but there are so many others. There<br />

are social networks aimed at looking for<br />

work, such as Linkedin or Xing. Soundcloud<br />

is a special platform for DJs where they can<br />

share their own tracks and musical<br />

creations. Picture lovers have their<br />


Cutting-edge online<br />

There is just no reason not to see that we are witnessing a social phenomenon never<br />

seen before. The Social Media mean the biggest revolution since the Industrial<br />

Revolution. They are changing the way we communicate with each other. If you take a<br />

look at your environment, you will see how the Social Media control everything on the<br />

Internet. It is extremely difficult not to find a friend or just an acquaintance on<br />

Facebook, the main social network in the world. It is equally difficult to find a company,<br />

global or not, without a social profile on this platform. Those companies that don’t<br />

have a fan page on Facebook or a social profile on other social networks are getting<br />

out of the game. The social networks are like a simulation of our real world. They are<br />

tools <strong>de</strong>veloped to encourage social relationships among people, with their own nonwritten<br />

laws which everybody tries to respect. These laws have been published<br />

nowhere, but they are there, maintaining minimum ethical standards.<br />

46<br />

specialized social network, Flickr, which<br />

allows upload and download of their own<br />

shots un<strong>de</strong>r the creative commons license.<br />

There are as many social networks as topics<br />

people are interested in.<br />

The main social network is Facebook, which<br />

has 500 billion users in the whole world<br />

according to the latest statistics offered by the<br />

American company. That is an unbelievable<br />

8% of the global population. If you look at the<br />

Spanish market, you will see more than ten<br />

million registered users. Most people you<br />

know can be found on Facebook. Old school<br />

mates, university friends, work mates from<br />

your first job and many more are waiting for<br />

the game to start. This is one of the benefits<br />

social networks offer: getting in touch with<br />

friends, acquaintances, workmates, relatives,<br />

etc. And that’s not all; you can get in touch<br />

with celebrities too. Every Twitter user has<br />

been able to follow the timeline of the public<br />

discussion about the Spanish law known as<br />

“Ley Sin<strong>de</strong>”thanks to tweets (140 character


tools: Social Media<br />

posts) by people like Alex <strong>de</strong> la Iglesia, the<br />

presi<strong>de</strong>nt of Spanish Cinema Aca<strong>de</strong>my,<br />

offering insights about that controversial<br />

issue. Even if you are speaking to Cristiano<br />

Ronaldo on Twitter, a reply could appear in<br />

your“Mentions”.<br />

Was your Tweet awesome enough to be<br />

replied to by him?<br />

Other benefits could be mentioned, like<br />

companies’ability to reach targets through<br />

these new communication channels. The<br />

power of the Social Media has come to the<br />

rescue of the advertising sector. Yet, for most<br />

people, this is the main risk. I am referring to<br />

privacy. Although it is an issue which<br />

generates different feelings as a function of<br />

culture, it is certainly the case that it is a<br />

worrying question for most people. There are<br />

many voices crying out for stricter privacy<br />

settings. Companies, people and even<br />

governments can find out about our personal<br />

life just in one click.<br />

It seems it is a common sense question. Don’t<br />

publish stuff which you don’t want people to<br />

find out about.<br />

Although people should be more careful,<br />

social networks should provi<strong>de</strong> easy-to-use<br />

privacy settings as well. Social Media<br />

executives don’t seem to un<strong>de</strong>rstand that<br />

Internet users aren’t really heavy users.<br />

There are many people who are afraid of<br />

technology, so these platforms must not<br />

forget this audience. I don’t think that you<br />

have to be afraid of them; Social Media are<br />

just a new reality waiting to be used by<br />

people.<br />

Learn a bit about their functionalities and<br />

their risks before you join them; that is my<br />

advice. Just a fair amount of common sense<br />

mixed with a little training should be<br />

enough. Are you ready for the Social Media<br />

era?<br />

Víctor Gutiérrez Chicano, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 2 F<br />


There isn’t a place in the world<br />

which hasn’t its own legend. And<br />

if we want to find one of the most<br />

important in England we must go<br />

to Stonehenge, which, in spite of<br />

the elapsed time, still poses many<br />

questions. There are a lot of<br />

professional studies about this<br />

monument but the mystery<br />

remains to this day.<br />

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument<br />

located 13 km north of Salisbury, in the<br />

county of Wiltshire. It is supposed to have<br />

been erected around 2500 BC and it<br />

represents a burial place in whose mound the<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs of nearby tribes were buried.<br />

The mound was originally covered with pines.<br />

Work to clear the area commenced around 3050<br />

BC. Once the area was clean, the first thing to<br />

48<br />



make was a woo<strong>de</strong>n structure at the centre of<br />

the mound, and then they started to erect the<br />

monument. The stones were brought from two<br />

different sites: the large ones from Marlborough<br />

Downs, about 30 km from the monument, and<br />

the smaller ones from Preseli Mountains in<br />

Wales, about 385 km away. The former were<br />

known as Sarsen Stones and the latter as<br />

Bluestones. Construction spanned more than<br />

1,000 years and en<strong>de</strong>d around 1500 BC.<br />

It’s evi<strong>de</strong>nt that the monument was built by a<br />

culture that left no written records. The main<br />

meanings of Stonehenge are still undiscovered<br />

and there are a great quantity of theories, which<br />

are often called the“mystery of Stonehenge”.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s a burial place, the complex was used as<br />

an astronomical observatory and religious site.<br />

The exact position of the stones mark both<br />

solstices, winter and summer, <strong>de</strong>pending on<br />

your position in the site. It has also been<br />

suggested that Stonehenge could have been a<br />

place of healing where the weakly members of<br />

surrounding tribes were taken.


Those who <strong>de</strong>fend this theory point to the<br />

high number of burials in this area.<br />

The main entrance to the monument is<br />

marked by the Heel Stone, of a height of about<br />

5m and leaning toward the centre of the stone<br />

circle. If you stand within Stonehenge looking<br />

in a north-east direction from the entrance to<br />

the heelstone you can see the sun rise<br />

above this stone at summer solstice. A folk<br />

tale says that this stone was brought from<br />

Ireland by the Devil.<br />

In the Middle Ages another tale attributed<br />

the construction of the monument to<br />

Merlin, the wizard.<br />

The stones were in Ireland, where they had<br />

been carried by giants. Aurelius Ambrosias,<br />

in the 5th century, <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to bury the<br />

3,000 noblemen who had died in the battle<br />

against the Saxons and he brought the<br />

stones to Salisbury. When King Arthur<br />

learned about the medicinal properties of<br />

such stones he or<strong>de</strong>red Merlin to look for<br />

the nearest place to Tintagel Castle in or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

to move the monument. Merlin, with a great<br />

number of knights, procee<strong>de</strong>d to execute<br />

the King’s or<strong>de</strong>rs, but the Devil didn’t permit<br />

the robbery and forced them to stop where<br />

the stones are at present. But the mystery<br />

still remains: where are the missing stones?<br />

The ownership of Stonehenge has changed<br />

several times since King Henry VIII bought<br />

Amesbury Abbey and all its land. In 1540<br />

the proprietor was the Earl of Hertford, later<br />

Lord Carleton, Marquis of Queensbury. In<br />

1824 the estate was bought by the<br />

Antrobus family of Cheshire. In September<br />

1915 it was bought by Cecil Chubb at<br />

auction, and he gave it to the nation in<br />

1918. In 1986 the site was <strong>de</strong>clared a World<br />

Heritage Site by UNESCO. Stonehenge is<br />

owned by the Crown and managed by<br />

English Heritage.<br />

The monument has un<strong>de</strong>rgone several<br />

restoration works and at present most of<br />

the inner stones, the Sarsen Stones, have<br />

concrete bases. The last of such<br />

restorations was carried out in 1963. A July<br />

2010 project discovered what appears to<br />

be a new henge less than 1 km away from<br />

the main site.<br />

Juan José De Lama Bonacho<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio 2 C<br />


50<br />

Pour la<br />


Saint Valentin<br />

Depuis quelques jours il y a un nouveau sentiment,<br />

un sentiment qui ne me laisse pas tranquille,<br />

pourtant c’est un beau sentiment qui m’envahit toutes les nuits,<br />

C´est l’amour? Qui est-ce?<br />

Qui est cette personne qui fait mon cœur battre très fort?<br />

Qui est cette personne qui me fait être quelqu´un?<br />

Qui est cette personne qui remplit ma vie <strong>de</strong> couleur?<br />

Je ne sais pas, seulement je sais que je l´adore, que je l´aime.<br />

Aujourd’hui je sais déjà qui tu es,<br />

C’est jour à jour que je t´aime plus fort,<br />

parce que n´importe qui ou quoi, n´importe où ni comment,<br />

seulement je sais que je t´adore, que je t´aime.<br />

Maintenant je ne sais pas vivre sans toi,<br />

sans tes bisous, tes étreintes, ou tes caresses,<br />

tes sourires et tes yeux verts, qui sont ma religion,<br />

je le sais, je t´adore, et je t´aime.<br />

Je t´adore, je t´aime et je le ferai pour toujours!<br />

Isabel Martín. Francés Nivel Básico 2A



Mystérieux, triste et solitaire sur la<br />

scène en pénombre, le piano repose.<br />

Il est habillé avec ses meilleurs habits<br />

<strong>de</strong> fête, un frac brillant et d‘un noir<br />

rigoureux. Il attend patiemment un<br />

ren<strong>de</strong>z-vous qui fasse vibrer et battre le<br />

coeur qu’il a en lui. Il reste tel qu’un<br />

dinosaure endormi, dans un<br />

inquiétant silence plombé, dans une<br />

mesure d’arrêt, avec tout son torrent et<br />

son débit qui <strong>de</strong>meurent muets.<br />

La nuit il rêvait, pendant ce temps, à son<br />

prochain ren<strong>de</strong>z-vous diurne, lorsque les<br />

notes musicales entameraient à nouveau le<br />

rituel et les délicates et magistrales mains<br />

<strong>de</strong> la douce pianiste, telle que <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

alouettes, survoleraient en jouant sur sa<br />

blanche et <strong>de</strong>ntée colonne vertébrale, en le<br />

sculptant, en le ciselant, en le caressant <strong>de</strong><br />

chuchotements.<br />

Ce serait un concert <strong>de</strong> flirters, fondus, eux<br />

dans un abîme surnaturel. Ce serait la<br />

symbiose parfaite!.<br />

Les adagios, symphonies, rythmes, silences et<br />

mélodies, produiraient la magie qui lui<br />

permettrait <strong>de</strong> voler, en défiant ainsi la<br />

gravité; et tandis que les accords <strong>de</strong> la dame<br />

découleraient harmonieux et se répandraient<br />

en flottant dans l’espace infinie, le chevalier<br />

en noir, serait déjà libéré <strong>de</strong> son poids, et<br />

monterait sur une clef <strong>de</strong> sol.<br />

Suspendu à elle, il voyagerait sur <strong>de</strong>s<br />

géographies, <strong>de</strong>s paysages étendus, sur <strong>de</strong>s<br />

champs <strong>de</strong> blé vert, sur <strong>de</strong>s rivières et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

montagnes sauvages, sur <strong>de</strong>s armées <strong>de</strong><br />

tournesols jaunes, sur <strong>de</strong>s sources claires et<br />

fraîches, sur <strong>de</strong>s villages et petits villages<br />

dont les rues étroites et rocailleuses sont<br />

parcourues par <strong>de</strong>s hommes solitaires, ceux<br />

qui marchent à la tombée du jour au retour<br />

<strong>de</strong> leurs durs travaux.<br />

Le piano serait <strong>de</strong> même témoin <strong>de</strong>s<br />

chambres enflammées, <strong>de</strong>s amours oubliés,<br />

<strong>de</strong>s batailles absur<strong>de</strong>s et infernales où le<br />

sang se répand réparti en coquelicots dans<br />

le champ, <strong>de</strong> la même façon que la peinture<br />

<strong>de</strong> couleur rouge est mouchetée sur un<br />

tableau impressionniste.<br />

Il pourrait sentir le doux vent s’imbiber en<br />

train <strong>de</strong> traverser les nuages vaporeux et<br />

jouerait avec les vagues rythmiques <strong>de</strong>s<br />

falaises.<br />

La lune argentée, suspendue dans le noir, serait<br />

l’unique témoin <strong>de</strong> tout cela chaque nuit.<br />

Manuela Mendoza Soler<br />

Francés Intermedio 1 B<br />


L’homme a continué à observer, pensant que<br />

d’un moment à l’autre, les ailes du papillon<br />

s’ouvriraient et seraient capables <strong>de</strong> supporter<br />

le corps du papillon pour qu’il prenne son<br />

envol. Il n’en a rien été! Le papillon a passé le<br />

reste <strong>de</strong> son existence à se traîner par terre<br />

avec son maigre corps et ses ailes rabougries.<br />

Jamais il n’a pu voler.<br />

Ce que l’ homme, avec son geste <strong>de</strong><br />

gentillesse et son intention d’ai<strong>de</strong>r, n’a pas<br />

compris c’est que le passage par le<br />

trou étroit du cocon était l’effort<br />

nécessaire pour que le papillon<br />

puisse transmettre le liqui<strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> son corps à ses ailes <strong>de</strong><br />

manière qu’il<br />

puisse voler.<br />

52<br />


la leçon du papillon<br />

Un jour est apparu un petit trou dans un cocon ; un homme qui passait à tout hasard s’est<br />

arrêté pour observer le papillon qui s’efforçait <strong>de</strong> sortir par ce petit trou.<br />

Après un long moment, c’était comme si le papillon avait abandonné car le trou<br />

<strong>de</strong>meurait toujours aussi petit. On dirait que le papillon avait fait tout ce qu’il pouvait, et<br />

qu’il ne pouvait plus rien faire d’autre. Alors l’homme a décidé d’ai<strong>de</strong>r le papillon : il a pris<br />

son canif et il a ouvert le cocon. Le papillon est sorti aussitôt mais son corps était maigre et<br />

engourdi, ses ailes étaient peu développées et bougeaient à peine.<br />

C’était le moule à travers lequel la vie le<br />

faisait passer pour grandir et se développer.<br />

Parfois, l’effort est exactement ce dont nous<br />

avons besoin dans notre vie. Si l’on nous<br />

permettait <strong>de</strong> vivre notre vie sans rencontrer<br />

d’obstacles, nous serions limités. Nous ne<br />

pourrions pas être aussi forts que nous le<br />

sommes. Nous ne pourrions jamais voler.<br />

J’ai <strong>de</strong>mandé la force et la vie m’a donné les<br />

difficultés pour me rendre fort.<br />

J’ai <strong>de</strong>mandé la sagesse et la vie m’a donné<br />

<strong>de</strong>s problèmes à résoudre.<br />

J’ai <strong>de</strong>mandé la prospérité et la vie<br />

m’a donné un cerveau et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

muscles pour travailler.<br />

J’ai <strong>de</strong>mandé <strong>de</strong> pouvoir<br />

voler et la vie m’a donné<br />

<strong>de</strong>s obstacles à surmonter.<br />

J’ai <strong>de</strong>mandé l’amour et la vie<br />

m’a donné <strong>de</strong>s gens à ai<strong>de</strong>r<br />

dans leurs problèmes.<br />

Je n’ai rien reçu <strong>de</strong> ce que j’ai<br />

<strong>de</strong>mandé, mais j’ai reçu tout ce<br />

dont j’avais besoin.<br />

Vis la vie sans peur, affronte tous les<br />

obstacles et démontre que tu peux les<br />

surmonter.<br />

Carmen De Giles, Francés Nivel Avanzado 2 A


Le Grand Meaulnes<br />

Il y a <strong>de</strong> bons livres, il y a <strong>de</strong>s livres<br />

excellents, il y a aussi, peut être, un livre qui<br />

est quelque chose <strong>de</strong> plus, c´est-à-dire, le<br />

livre <strong>de</strong> ta vie. « Le grand Meaulnes, pour<br />

moi, c´est un <strong>de</strong>s livres <strong>de</strong> ma vie »<br />

Pourquoi ? Parce que, c´est sérieux, intense,<br />

étouffant, presque suffocant, à cause <strong>de</strong> son<br />

intensité. C´est aussi le premier roman que<br />

tout le mon<strong>de</strong> attend d´un jeune écrivain.<br />

En 1913, Henri Alban Fournier publie sous le<br />

pseudonyme d’Alain Fournier, “Le grand Meaulnes”,<br />

l´un <strong>de</strong>s romans d´adolescence les plus célèbres <strong>de</strong><br />

la littérature française. Moins d´un an plus tard,<br />

Alain Fournier disparaît sur le front. Avant d’être<br />

tué il a écrit dans une <strong>de</strong> ses lettres : « Je sais tout<br />

ce que je ne puis atteindre. Je sais que ma vie n´est<br />

que le désir <strong>de</strong> cela »<br />

Je ferai maintenant une synopsis ou résumé du livre.<br />

François, quinze ans, narrateur du récit est le fils <strong>de</strong><br />

M. et Mme Seurel, instituteurs <strong>de</strong> Sainte Agathe, en<br />

Sologne. Un mois avant la rentrée un nouveau<br />

compagnon <strong>de</strong> dix-sept ans vient habiter chez eux.<br />

« L’arrivée d´Augustin Meaulnes fut pour moi le<br />

commencement d´une vie nouvelle », dit le<br />

narrateur. La personnalité mystérieuse d´Augustin,<br />

le Grand Meaulnes, comme les élèves l´appelleront<br />

bientôt, va bouleverser le rythme monotone <strong>de</strong><br />

l´établissement scolaire et fasciner tous les élèves.<br />

Un jour, pendant le cours, Meaulnes disparaît et<br />

réapparaît trois jours après. Il ne veut dire à personne<br />

où il a été. François, le narrateur, obtient enfin que<br />

Meaulnes lui fasse un récit <strong>de</strong> son étrange aventure.<br />

Parti chercher les grands parents <strong>de</strong> François à<br />

Vierzon, Meaulnes se perd en chemin. Il approche un<br />

domaine mystérieux où l´on prépare une fête, la fête a<br />

été organisée pour les fiançailles <strong>de</strong> Franz <strong>de</strong> Galais, le<br />

fils du château. Meaulnes fait la connaissance d´une<br />

jeune fille, Yvonne <strong>de</strong> Galais, la sœur, dont il tombe<br />

Alain Fournier<br />

follement amoureux. La fête s´arrête prématurément<br />

parce que la fiancée <strong>de</strong> Franz <strong>de</strong> Galais ne viendra pas.<br />

Meaulnes entend un coup <strong>de</strong> feu et voit quelqu’un qui<br />

abandonne le château en emportant dans ses bras un<br />

corps humain.<br />

Pourquoi est-ce que j´ai lu ce roman ? Parce qu´il a<br />

beaucoup influencé Simone <strong>de</strong> Beauvoir et toute sa<br />

génération. Dans ses mémoires, elle i<strong>de</strong>ntifie son<br />

cousin Jacques, dont elle est amoureuse, à Augustin<br />

Meaulnes. Elle dit : « Je lus les larmes aux yeux le<br />

roman que Jacques disait aimer entre tous et qui<br />

s´appelait non le grand môle, mais le grand<br />

Meaulnes » De la même façon que Yvonne attend<br />

Augustin, Simone <strong>de</strong> Beauvoir attendait, <strong>de</strong> la part <strong>de</strong><br />

Jacques, une <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> en mariage qui, elle, n´est<br />

jamais venue. Je vous assure que les larmes vous<br />

viendront aux yeux aussi si vous lisez ce bijou <strong>de</strong> livre.<br />

Ascensión Lucas <strong>de</strong> Tena, <strong>de</strong> Avanzado 2<br />


54<br />

Enduring Love<br />

Ian McEwan<br />


Book<br />

Reviews<br />

When Joe Rose went to the airport to pick his wife up he didn’t know<br />

that their lives were going to change on that day.<br />

This is the stunning opening of the novel. They were on a picnic in an open<br />

field in the English countrysi<strong>de</strong> when they saw a balloon that had come<br />

down across the field. Its passengers were a man and his grandson, a young<br />

boy. The main character, Joe, who is the narrator, runs to help them with a<br />

handful of other men from different parts of the field. This is the beginning<br />

of a‘catastrophe’.<br />

His wife is Clarissa, a professor. She is a Keats scholar, the most romantic of<br />

the Romantics. On the other hand he is a scientist. They are really different<br />

and this is essential to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the novel’s progress.<br />

The other major character in the novel is Jed Perry, one of the men who helped in the balloon acci<strong>de</strong>nt. From that<br />

moment he <strong>de</strong>velops an obsession with Joe that drives him to harassment: he follows Joe, leaves him phone<br />

messages and sends him long letters explaining his feelings and thoughts.The tension causes problems in Clarissa<br />

and Joe’s relationship and Jed becomes more and more threatening until the end.<br />

It was very hard going at the beginning because of the many <strong>de</strong>scriptions of <strong>de</strong>tails and feelings and I had<br />

problems with the vocabulary. However, as soon as I got into the plot the intrigue and the mystery kept me<br />

reading and I couldn’t put it down. Finally, I’d like to say that I strongly recommend this book because I<br />

enjoyed it and learnt a lot.<br />

Ángeles Chana López - Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 C


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas<br />

John Boyne<br />

The first thing I have to say is that I wasn’t in the mood to read this book,<br />

but I was totally wrong. This is a fantastic book about the Holocaust,<br />

with a different point of view about World War II and all the things that<br />

happened in Germany in those years. The author catches our interest<br />

by the way he tells the story. He uses Bruno to tell the story of a boy and<br />

his family who have to move to the country because of his father’s job.<br />

He paints a perfect atmosphere; you can feel as if you were there.<br />

The story happens between Berlin and somewhere in Poland. It is told with<br />

the eyes of innocence. Bruno is the son of a commandant of the SS that has<br />

to live in the country with nothing interesting to do. Bruno never realized<br />

what was happening in the“Out-With”(Auschwitz actually), not even when<br />

he had a friend that lived there. Shmuel, his friend, who lived on the other si<strong>de</strong> of the fence, never wanted to open<br />

Bruno’s eyes and let him live happy with his eyes closed. Sometimes the story disappoints you because Bruno<br />

seems to be less than 9-10 years old when he can’t realize who his father or lieutenant Kotler are and what<br />

is happening there. Another thing I didn’t like too much was that the end of the book is predictable.<br />

It is an easy book to read, and even though the content is hard and terrible, it is a real page-turner. It is<br />

<strong>de</strong>licate with the theme; the author avoids being sensationalist. Through the eyes of Bruno, he makes even<br />

the German soldiers look like good people.<br />

Juan Manuel Alonso - Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 C<br />

Girl with a Pear Earring<br />

Tracy Chevalier<br />

I think “Girl with a Pearl Earring” is a real page-turner, because after the<br />

first page, you are so absorbed into Griet and the world surrounding<br />

her, that you can’t put it down. The ability she has to <strong>de</strong>scribe what she<br />

sees just holds you in till the end because of the great <strong>de</strong>tail. It leads<br />

you to imagine things for yourself, which makes you enjoy the book<br />

more. When you read it you feel as if you are looking through Griet’s<br />

eyes. It is really gripping.<br />

I would recommend reading this historical novel, because it’s light and<br />

easy to read. At the same time, you will be drawn into the world of<br />

painting and the harsh world of the 17th century. It is a very interesting<br />

novel, which follows the life-changing experiences of quiet Griet over<br />

the two years she serves the Delft painter, Johannes Vermeer. It is hard not to like this good and obedient<br />

protagonist, for she struggles with universal yearnings such as love and an escape from poverty. Her life is<br />

a really solitary one as she finds herself growing apart from her family while living as an outsi<strong>de</strong>r in someone<br />

else‘s home. I believe it is a good read and it is certainly worth your time.<br />

José Albala<strong>de</strong>jo Ufarte - Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 C<br />


56<br />

The Queen and I<br />

Sue Townsend Review<br />


The No. 1<br />

Ladies’ Detective Agency<br />

Alexan<strong>de</strong>r McCall Smith<br />

This novel is written by Alexan<strong>de</strong>r McCall Smith, who was born in Zimbabwe<br />

and educated in Scotland. In addition, he lived in Botswana, where he<br />

lectured at various universities. So it is obvious the author knows and loves<br />

Botswana and its culture and this comes through in his <strong>de</strong>scriptions of the<br />

landscape and the people. It received two Booker Judges’ Special<br />

Recommendations and was voted one of the International Books of theYear<br />

and Millennium by the Times Literary Supplement.<br />

This book is the first in a series of eleven books that <strong>de</strong>scribe the exploits of<br />

a rather traditional middle-aged woman, the main character of this novel, from Botswana, who follows her dreams<br />

and opens the first <strong>de</strong>tective agency in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. She is like a heroine, whose courage and<br />

psychology help people with problems in their lives. Although her methods may not be conventional, she has<br />

warmth and intuition. The story <strong>de</strong>als with serious issues which are nonetheless explained with humour.<br />

In my opinion this book is easy to read; it is like short stories. I recommend it because it is different and offers<br />

a captivating glimpse of an unusual world with strange situations. This novel leaves you with a feeling that<br />

everything is right in the world.<br />

Olga Curulla Pascual - Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 A<br />

The novel is a comic ‘what if’ story: In 1992 the People’s Republican<br />

Party is elected and the new Prime Minister, Jack Barker, manages to<br />

make the Royal Family live like normal people. The story is about how<br />

the family copes with their new situation, when they end up in the<br />

Midlands on a council estate: ‘Hellebore Close.‘<br />

This novel has short chapters, which makes it easy to read. All the<br />

people in the novel are very well characterized. The younger<br />

characters are funnier: Charles on the run from prison, Anne in a<br />

relationship with a carpet fitter...<br />

A disadvantage is that the book is a bit dated: at the time when this<br />

story was written some of the royals were still alive, like the Queen<br />

Mother, Princess Margaret, or Princess Diana, who was still married to Prince Charles. Likewise, there<br />

hadn’t been a Labour government since the 70’s.<br />

On the other hand, one thing I found very funny was the way the locals in Hellebore struggle to<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rstand their neighbours’ upper-class accent. This is a very interesting and hilarious novel, in which<br />

fiction and real life are mixed.<br />

Luis Alberto Fernán<strong>de</strong>z Ramiro - Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 A


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hy<strong>de</strong><br />

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hy<strong>de</strong> is a mixture of a mystery and a<br />

terror novel. It was written by R. L. Stevenson in the<br />

nineteenth century an it is set in the streets of London.<br />

The plot focuses on the duality of the human<br />

spirit balancing between the two principles of<br />

good and evil. It tells the story of a well-known<br />

doctor whose name is Dr Jekyll. Since he was a<br />

child he’d had a very serious life. He was<br />

successful in his job as a scientist. All the<br />

people saw a serious, hard-working doctor.<br />

However, behind this quiet character was an<br />

active, fun-loving young man.<br />

These two si<strong>de</strong>s of him are very important and<br />

that makes him spend a long time in his<br />

laboratory trying to get a drug that could give<br />

each si<strong>de</strong> of his personality its own separate<br />

face and body. With time he gets it and he<br />

starts taking it. When he drinks it he feels<br />

anger, sickness and pain. He transforms<br />

himself into a brave, evil and younger person.<br />

He gives this new man the name of Mr Hy<strong>de</strong>.<br />

The plot has an unexpected twist when Mr<br />

Hy<strong>de</strong> starts to commit terrible and violent<br />

acts. He hits children with a stick, kills a man,<br />

and performs many other evil actions. With<br />

these events, the police and people begin to<br />

know about Mr Hy<strong>de</strong> and to look for him. This<br />

prosecution means that Dr Jekyll is in trouble<br />

so he stops taking the drug and continues<br />

living his life as Dr Jekyll again. But the book<br />

reaches its dramatic climax when one day<br />

Jekyll is outsi<strong>de</strong> and Mr Hy<strong>de</strong> takes over him<br />

and his body starts changing into Mr Hy<strong>de</strong>’s<br />

without any control.<br />

Jekyll needs then to make a plan with his very<br />

good friend Dr Lanyon to get rid of Mr Hy<strong>de</strong>.<br />

But Lanyon discovers the truth about Jekyll’s<br />

life and gets shocked and ill.<br />

He writes a letter to a very good friend of<br />

them, Mr Utterson (a lawyer), telling him the<br />

whole story but asking him not to read it until<br />

Dr Jekyll has disappeared. Lanyon then gives<br />

Dr Jekyll the drug but it isn’t working anymore<br />

and finally Mr Hy<strong>de</strong> takes over Dr Jekyll.<br />

The days of Jekyll had reached their end. But<br />

one day the lawyer and a good friend of Jekyll<br />

are summoned by Jekyll’s servant. They go to<br />

his house and find Mr Jekyll lying on the floor<br />

with Mr Hy<strong>de</strong>’s appearance. He is <strong>de</strong>ad. The<br />

lawyer then takes the letter and reads it,<br />

discovering the whole dramatic story of Dr<br />

Jekyll and Mr Hy<strong>de</strong>.<br />

This is the end of a tragic, dramatic story where an<br />

evil part of a man took over him. The style is clever<br />

and exciting. It is a highly entertaining read and it<br />

will keep you on the edge of your seat.<br />

Laura Avedillo, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 2 G<br />


Insecure,<br />

perhaps<br />

frightened, but<br />

always paying<br />

attention to the<br />

outsi<strong>de</strong>, to me.<br />

I’m talking<br />

about the<br />

woman at the<br />

window. She<br />

hasn’t been<br />

doing anything<br />

but watching<br />

me for the last<br />

twenty<br />

minutes. I also<br />

have been<br />

watching her, although she hasn’t<br />

noticed, as I’ve been looking at<br />

her reflection in the water.<br />

As you can guess, I’m near a lake; but not a<br />

normal lake, this is a special one. It’s in the<br />

middle of the forest, and it has a big house in<br />

front of it. Don’t ask me what the hell I’m<br />

doing here. The gorgeous colour of the water,<br />

the silence of the place, and a sad woman<br />

watching me, make it special, maybe a little<br />

frightening.<br />

58<br />



A WINDOW<br />

Cape Cod - Edward Hopper<br />

She looks as if she is asking for help, as if her<br />

house doesn’t let her leave it. She may be in<br />

trouble. I’ve realised that actually she looks<br />

worried about something. Honestly, I don’t<br />

know what’s the point of watching me<br />

through a window; her problems won’t<br />

disappear.<br />

Some people have too much free time.<br />

Diego Centeno, Inglés Nivel Intermedio 2 B

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />


Instructions<br />

Three moves left. White to move.<br />

Level of difficulty: easy.<br />

a b c d e f g h<br />

a b c d e f g h<br />

Solution B5-E2, D1- C1 and E2-E1<br />

59<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />


60<br />

COCINA <br />



Veganismus ist eine Lebensweise, die auf <strong>de</strong>r Philosophie beruht, dass alle Tiere intelligente<br />

Lebewesen sind, die lei<strong>de</strong>n können. Deshalb dürfen sie we<strong>de</strong>r gegessen noch Experimenten<br />

unterzogen wer<strong>de</strong>n und sollten unseren vollen Respekt genießen. Wir können gesund und<br />

ausgewogen leben, ohne dass wir uns mit Tierfleisch ernähren müssen. Die Wahl zwischen Leben<br />

und Tod von hun<strong>de</strong>rten von Tieren ist so einfach wie die Wahl <strong>de</strong>s einen o<strong>de</strong>r an<strong>de</strong>ren Gerichts auf <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Speisekarte. Es ist möglich, uns ohne Tierleid zu ernähren und unsere Essgewohnheiten<br />

beizubehalten. Mit diesem Rezept wird das bestätigt.<br />

ZUTATEN:<br />

100 grohe Cashewnüsse<br />

1 ½ Esslöffel Salz<br />

1 Teelöffel Zwiebelpulver<br />

1 Teeloffel Knoblauchpulver<br />

½ Teelöffel Thymian<br />

1 Esslöffel Zitronensaft<br />

1 kleine Dose Tomatensoße<br />

300 ml Wasser<br />

Gekochte Mohrrüben<br />

1 ½ Eßlöffel Agar-Agar Pulver<br />

(veg. Verdickungsmittel)<br />



Cashewkerne, Salz, Zwiebeln, Knoblauch, Thymian, Zitronensaft, Tomaten, Möhren in<br />

einer Schüssel zu einem Brei verarbeiten. Wenn man die gewünschte Farbe nicht<br />

hinbekommt, müssen mehr Mohrrüben hinzugefügt wer<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Agar-Agar in kochen<strong>de</strong>m Wasser verrühren, bis es sich völlig auflöst und anfängt,<br />

dickflüssig zu wer<strong>de</strong>n. Den Brei mit <strong>de</strong>m Gemisch aus Agar-Agar und Wasser verrühren.<br />

Die Oliven auf die Oberfläche legen. Die Schüssel in <strong>de</strong>n Kühlschrank zum Abkühlen<br />

stellen und erstarren lassen.<br />

DieVeganer-Morta<strong>de</strong>lla kann in einem Sandwich o<strong>de</strong>r einem belegten Brot gegessen wer<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

María Jesús Redondo, Alemán Nivel Avanzado 1 A


pue<strong>de</strong>s estudiar alemán y francés<br />


a<strong>de</strong>más pue<strong>de</strong>s estudiar inglés<br />

Primero: solicita plaza <strong>de</strong>l 26 <strong>de</strong> abril al 13 <strong>de</strong> mayo. Si se te ha pasado el<br />

plazo no te preocupes pue<strong>de</strong>s entregarnos tu solicitud <strong>de</strong> todas formas, no tendrás<br />

puntos, pero pue<strong>de</strong> que también obtengas plaza.<br />

Segundo: lee atentamente la información que te proporcionamos en<br />

nuestra secretaría<br />

Tercero: Haz la matrícula en septiembre en las fechas indicadas.<br />

Y lo más importante…<br />

Apren<strong>de</strong>r idiomas es fascinante. Te permite comunicarte con otras<br />

personas y te abre las puertas a otras culturas. Pero nadie apren<strong>de</strong><br />

idiomas por arte <strong>de</strong> magia, necesitarás un tiempo para acudir a<br />

clase y estudiar con regularidad fuera <strong>de</strong>l aula.<br />

La EOI <strong>de</strong> Collado Villalba te ofrece<br />

Biblioteca con acceso a internet<br />

Página web con información<br />

y recursos on-line<br />

Aula <strong>de</strong> auto-aprendizaje<br />

Activida<strong>de</strong>s culturales:<br />

Cine<br />

Teatro<br />

Conferencias<br />


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