Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan for Barbados - WIDECAST

Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan for Barbados - WIDECAST

Sea Turtle Recovery Action Plan for Barbados - WIDECAST


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CEP Technical Report No. 12<br />

Page 14<br />

4.121 Involve local coastal zone authorities<br />

The Coastal Conservation Project Unit (CCPU) is the agency responsible <strong>for</strong> research and<br />

monitoring of the coastal zone (including beaches and reefs) and acts as an advisory body to the<br />

Town <strong>Plan</strong>ning Department, the Minister of Housing and Lands, and the Ministry of Labour,<br />

Consumer Affairs and the Environment. The CCPU has been advised of the ways in which<br />

coastal development affects sea turtles. They have already contributed useful ideas in<br />

discussions about how conflicts between the needs of sea turtles and the economic and social<br />

development needs of <strong>Barbados</strong> might be resolved. For instance, they have suggested that<br />

endangered nests be relocated to safer beaches or to beach hatcheries, and that beach vegetation<br />

receive similar protection to that given to trees over a certain size under the Trees (Preservation)<br />

Act 1981.<br />

At present the coastal zone is managed and legislation is en<strong>for</strong>ced by several different<br />

agencies. The National Conservation Commission (NCC) is responsible <strong>for</strong> the maintenance of<br />

beaches, and also acts as an advisory body to the Minister of Housing and Lands <strong>for</strong> decisions<br />

pertaining to the construction of beach recreational facilities, and prevention of beach erosion.<br />

NCC personnel include rangers, wardens, life guards and beach cleaners. Rangers and wardens<br />

have powers to arrest persons committing certain offences under the National Conservation Cap.<br />

393. Beginning in 1991, NCC personnel have been incorporated into the programme (sponsored<br />

by Bellairs Research Institute and the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and<br />

Fisheries) that is presently monitoring sea turtle nesting activity (see also section 4.291).<br />

Agency-specific measures recommended in the area of sea turtle conservation are discussed in<br />

section 4.6.<br />

4.122 Develop regulatory guidelines<br />

The following actions are of fundamental importance to the sustained protection of sea<br />

turtle nesting and <strong>for</strong>aging areas: (1) amend and/or rewrite existing coastal zone laws pending<br />

suggestions arising from the institutional strengthening project, increase penalties to act as a<br />

more serious deterrent, and strengthen en<strong>for</strong>cement ef<strong>for</strong>ts.<br />

In addition to these general improvements, more specific regulations will be needed to<br />

protect particularly important <strong>for</strong>aging or nesting areas. When areas are defined as especially<br />

critical to remaining sea turtle populations, regulatory guidelines will be essential in order to<br />

establish a framework within which appropriate land use and development (commercial, residential,<br />

recreational) can occur. For instance, development proximal to important nesting beaches<br />

should be required to design beach front lighting in such a way as to preclude or minimize the<br />

disorientation of hatchlings or nesting adults (section 4.132). Construction of solid jetties and<br />

beach walls, and activities such as sand mining (section 4.131) and dredging should be regulated<br />

in such a way as not to result in the erosion of nesting beach habitat. Similarly, boaters should<br />

be prevented from indiscriminate anchoring in reef or sea grass habitats (section 4.147) and from<br />

discarding refuse at sea (section 4.144). These are, in many cases, common sense measures<br />

which will not only defend important habitat <strong>for</strong> the benefit of endangered and declining sea<br />

turtle populations, but also ensure that sensitive areas are properly safeguarded <strong>for</strong> future<br />

generations of Barbadians.

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