Food Plants International

Food Plants International

Food Plants International


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37<br />

Names<br />

English: Kudzu, Scientific name: Pueraria lobata var. lobata (Willd.) Ohwi<br />

Tok pisin: Synonyms: Pueraria novo-guineensis Warb.<br />

Tok ples: Plant family: Fabaceae<br />

Description: A slow growing climbing legume with a<br />

thickened edible tuber. It has a thick stem that is hairy<br />

at the base. The stem can be 2.5 cm across. It can<br />

climb to 20 m high. The leaves are hairy and divided<br />

into 3 leafets. They are oval or diamond shaped and<br />

they have lobes. The middle leaflet is the largest. The<br />

side leaflets are not equal on both sides of the main<br />

vein. The leaflets are 10-18 cm long by 8-15 cm wide.<br />

The leaves taper towards the tip. The leaf stalk is 20<br />

cm long. The flowers are pea like and purple. They are<br />

2 cm long and produced in upright stalks. The clusters<br />

along the stalks are 25-40 cm long. The fruit are<br />

oblong pods 9 cm long and 1 cm wide. They are<br />

covered with dense rusty hairs. The tuber is shaped<br />

like a cassava root. It can be 60-90 cm long.<br />

Distribution: Wild forms grow between 30 and 1860 m in the tropics. Cultivated forms are<br />

more common in high altitude areas up to 2700 m altitude in Papua New Guinea. It grows in<br />

grassland and on the edge of forests. It suits hardiness zones 5-11.<br />

Cultivation: It is normally grown by stem cuttings. It grows slowly. <strong>Plants</strong> also grow self-sown<br />

from seed.<br />

Production: The time to maturity is 2-3 years. A tuberous root can be 35 kg weight.<br />

Use: The tuber is cooked and eaten. A kind of flour can also be made from the roots. This is<br />

processed into a thickener for sauces.<br />

The leaves, shoots and flowers can be used as a vegetable.<br />

In India the seeds are boiled and kept in a closed container for about seven days and then<br />

allowed to decompose. A drink is made from it.<br />

<strong>Food</strong> Value: Per 100 g edible portion<br />

Edible<br />

part<br />

Moisture<br />

%<br />

Energy<br />

KJ<br />

Protein<br />

g<br />

Calcium<br />

mg<br />

Iron<br />

mg<br />

Roots 68.6 2.1 15 0.6<br />

Leaves<br />

Insects:<br />

proVit A<br />

µg<br />

proVit C<br />

mg<br />

Diseases:<br />

False rust Fungus Synchytrium minutum (Pat) Gaum<br />

Yellow mould Fungus Mycovellosiella puerariae D.Shaw & Deighton<br />

Leaf spot<br />

Pests:<br />

Importance: A minor root crop in Papua New Guinea. It is used as a reserve food and for<br />

ceremonies.<br />

Zinc<br />


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