Food Plants International

Food Plants International

Food Plants International


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13<br />

Dermolepida noxium Britton Scarabaeidae (COL) Dermolepida beetles<br />

Ectropis sabulosa Warr. Geometridae (LEP) Cacao looper<br />

Gesonula mundata sanguinolenta Kraus Acridiidae (ORTH.)<br />

Heliothis armiger Huebner Noctuidae (LEP) Corn earworm<br />

Hippotion celerio (L.) Sphingidae (LEP) Taro hawkmoth<br />

Oribius cinereus Mshl. Curculionidae (COL) Shot hole weevils<br />

Oribius cruciatus Fst. Curculionidae (COL) Shot hole weevils<br />

Oribius destructor Mshl. Curculionidae (COL) Shot hole weevils<br />

Oribius inimicus Mshl Curculionidae (COL) Shot hole weevils<br />

Papuana biroi End. Scarabaeidae (COL) Taro beetles<br />

Papuana huebneri Fairm. Scarabaeidae (COL) Taro beetles<br />

Papuana japenensis Arrow Scarabaeidae (COL) Taro beetles<br />

Papuana laevipennis Scarabaeidae (COL) Taro beetles<br />

Papuana semistriata Scarabaeidae (COL) Taro beetles<br />

Papuana trinodosa Prell. Scarabaeidae (COL) Taro beetles<br />

Papuana woodlarkiana (Montr.) Scarabaeidae (COL) Taro beetles<br />

Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq Aphididae (HEM) Banana aphid<br />

Spodoptera litura (Fab) Noctuidae (LEP) Cluster caterpillar<br />

Tarophagus colocasiae Delphacidae (HEM) Taro leafhopper<br />

Tarophagus persephone Delphacidae (HEM) Taro leafhopper<br />

Tarophagus proserpina (Kirk) Delphacidae (HEM) Taro leafhopper<br />

Tiracola plagiata Walk Noctuidae (LEP) Cacao armyworm<br />

Diseases:<br />

Leaf spot Fungus Cercospora sp.<br />

Blossom blight Fungus Choanephora cucurbitarum (Berk. & Rav.) Th.<br />

Brown leaf spot Fungus Cladosporium colocasiae Sawada<br />

Leaf spot Fungus Colletotrichum sp.<br />

Mitimiti disease ? Hirschmanniella miticausa<br />

Leaf spot Fungus Leptosphaerulina trifolii<br />

Leaf spot Fungus Neojohnstonia colocasiae<br />

Shot hole Fungus Phyllosticta colocassicola<br />

Blight Fungus Phytophthora colocasiae Racib<br />

Diffuse yellow leaf spot Fungus Scolecobasidium sp.<br />

Leaf blight Fungus Thanatephorus cucumeri<br />

Root rot Fungus Pythium spp.<br />

Mosaic Virus Dasheen mosaic virus<br />

Dwarfed wrinkled plants Viruses Alomae & Bobone viruses<br />

Root rot Fungus Fusarium solani<br />

and Periconia sp.<br />

Root knot Nematode Meloidogyne sp.<br />

With corm rot Fungus Botrydiplodia theobromae<br />

And Chaetophoma sp<br />

And Rhizoctonia sp.<br />

and Athelia rolfsii<br />

Corm and stem rot Bacteria Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora<br />

Bacterial leaf blight Bacteria Xanthomonas campestris pv. aracearum<br />

Pests:<br />

Importance:<br />

It has been a very important food plant in Papua New Guinea. In some areas it is still important<br />

but in other areas it has declined because of insect and disease problems.

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