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negative symptoms and then move to the "future", while the last-mentioned will look at the "present" situation, and then they will move to the "past." Self-introspection automatically, in one way or another, will then come to the fore. This is something that logotherapists will try to avoid. . In criticizing dereflection it is necessary to keep the different philosophical presup- positions ofthe different personality psychologists in mind. While logotherapists also take neurophysiological and/or genetic factors into account when applying dere­ flection in a therapeutic setting, behaviorists, with their strong emphasis that all beha­ vior is learned (Hjelle & Ziegler 1992:294), will point out that this is a technique that focuses more on "covert" actions "inside a person" that on overt actions ofpeople as determined by their life experiences. For Skinner (comp 1953, 1974), behavior is best understood in terms ofresponses to the environment. While behavioral-psychologists would welcome the choices, the cognitive thought-processes and even the confrontational nature (at times) oflogothe­ rapists in dealing with their patients/clients, their treatment are basically based on 0­ perant conditioning (Hjelle & Ziegler 1992:300-330). This treatment inter alia in­ cludes classical conditioning, extinction, reinforcement, aversive stimuli (like punishments), token economy, social skills mining, assertiveness (socially-skilled) tmining, self-monitoring, and biofeedback (biological feedback), which rest on diffe­ rent philosophical-psychological presumptions (see HJelle & Ziegler 1992:314-319). The proverbial Sitz im Leben ("original setting') ofthe patient/client is not seriously enough taken into account in logotherapeutic circles - seen from a social cognitive perspective. The social milieu and relevant cultural issues that are part and parcel of modern societies are not genuinely opemting very strongly when dereflection is prac- 44

tised as a logotherapeutic aid The operation ofbehavior, personal factors and social forces as interlocking determinants donot come to the fore when deretlection is prac­ tised AlbertBandura (1977), with his strong emphasis on observationallearning, would agree with the logotherapeutic emphasis on rationality, but the tendency to neglectthe socio-cultural environmental factors, is not acceptable. Ifderetlectionis focused on the idea to remove the negative symptomsofa client! patient in a self-actualising way, then humanistslike Maslow (1970, 1987)will not object againstthis logotherapeutic aid, but ifnot, it needs to be corrected. Ifit does not make people aware oftheir potentials, then you are still dealing with what Mas­ low called the "Jonah complex." This means thatthere is a fear ofsuccess that pre­ vents a person from aspiring to greatness and self-fulfillment, People who are simplyblind to their potentials and/or neither know that it exists, nor understandthe rewards ofself-enhancement, are those that, in Maslowian language, would developpsychologicalproblems; problemsthat logotherapists very often try to solve throughderetIection. That is why deretlection, without a "self-actualising emphasis," is not healthyfor those from a humanistic psychologicalpoint ofview. From a Rogerian view point, the actualizingtendency, that is, the inherenttendency ofa person to develop all hisIher capacities in ways that serve to maintain or enhance the person (Rogers 1959:196),is important. What it means is that the primary motive ofany person is to actualize, to maintain, orto enhance himselt7herself- to become the best selfwhat his/her inheritednature will allow himlher to be. When logothe­ rapists use deretIectionin order to heal theirpatients/clients, but in the process err in neglectingthisRogerian emphasis, then phenomenological personologists certainly would make them aware ofthis importantmatter. 4S

tised as a logotherapeutic aid The operation ofbehavior, personal factors and social<br />

forces as interlocking determinants donot come to the fore when deretlection is prac­<br />

tised AlbertBandura (1977), with his strong emphasis on observationallearning,<br />

would agree with the logotherapeutic emphasis on rationality, but the tendency to<br />

neglectthe socio-cultural environmental factors, is not acceptable.<br />

Ifderetlectionis focused on the idea to remove the negative symptomsofa client!<br />

patient in a self-actualising way, then humanistslike Maslow (1970, 1987)will not<br />

object againstthis logotherapeutic aid, but ifnot, it needs to be corrected. Ifit does<br />

not make people aware oftheir potentials, then you are still dealing with what Mas­<br />

low called the "Jonah complex." This means thatthere is a fear ofsuccess that pre­<br />

vents a person from aspiring to greatness and self-fulfillment,<br />

People who are simplyblind to their potentials and/or neither know that it exists, nor<br />

understandthe rewards ofself-enhancement, are those that, in Maslowian language,<br />

would developpsychologicalproblems; problemsthat logotherapists very often try<br />

to solve throughderetIection. That is why deretlection, without a "self-actualising<br />

emphasis," is not healthyfor those from a humanistic psychologicalpoint ofview.<br />

From a Rogerian view point, the actualizingtendency, that is, the inherenttendency<br />

ofa person to develop all hisIher capacities in ways that serve to maintain or enhance<br />

the person (Rogers 1959:196),is important. What it means is that the primary motive<br />

ofany person is to actualize, to maintain, orto enhance himselt7herself- to become<br />

the best selfwhat his/her inheritednature will allow himlher to be. When logothe­<br />

rapists use deretIectionin order to heal theirpatients/clients, but in the process err in<br />

neglectingthisRogerian emphasis, then phenomenological personologists certainly<br />

would make them aware ofthis importantmatter.<br />


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