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(Frankl 1970:103). The generaluse of this word by Frankl is most ofthe time in the<br />

sense" of"meaning"(Frankl 1970: 134). In fact, he described this word in the sense<br />

of "meaning." His existentialistic interpretation ofthis word led him to say and to<br />

conclude that logos means«meaning."<br />

Froma Greek linguistic perspective,Frankl has grossly erred in sayingthatthe Greek<br />

word logos means«meaning" or even "spirit:' Althoughwords, in hermeneutical<br />

circles,do reveal meaning, logos more correctlymust be transcnbed as "loghos"<br />

(pronounce it as "lo-ghos"). Greek scholars always used it in the sense of'rword"<br />

(Abbott-Smith 1977:270-271; Arndt & Gingrich 1975:477-479). From a semantic<br />

pointofview no word has "aparticularmeaning",but it is more correct to say that<br />

"meaninghas words" (see also Louw & Nida 1987 Vol 2:153).<br />

From an etymological point ofview "lo-ghos" is basically not used in the sense in<br />

whichFrankl has used it. From the earliesttime in Greek historyup to today, this<br />

word did not had the meaning of"meaning." From pre-classicaltimes, right through<br />

the periods ofclassical Greek, Hellenistic Greek (Greek New Testament), patristic<br />

Greek (Greek ofthe early church fathers), the Byzantine period and the early modem<br />

and modem periods, logos never means "meaning."<br />

This means that Frankl's explanationofwhat the word really means is strictly-speak­<br />

ing wrong from a Greek linguistic perspective. Althoughit is incorrect from this<br />

pointofview to say that "lo-ghos" means "meaning" or even "spirit" (the Greek<br />

word for "spirit" is "pneuma" - Abbott-Smith 1977:367-368; Arndt & Gingrich<br />

1975:680-685), Frankl has used logos in a hermeneutic-interpretative way. In a more<br />

"loose" interpretive sense its means «word, logic, reason, study of" and/or "science."<br />


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