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BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbott-Smith, G 1977. A Manual Greek Lexicon ofthe New Testament. Latest Impression. Edinburgh, Scotland: T & T Clark. Allport, G W 1942. The use ofpersonal documents in psychological science. Bulle­ tin 49. New York: Social Science Research Council. Allport, G W 1961. Pattern andgrowth in personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Allport, G W 1964. Preface inMan's Search/orMeaning: An introduction to Logotherapy. Author: V E Frankl. New York: Washington Square Press. Allport, G W 1965. Letters from Jenny. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. Arndt, W F & Gingrich, F W 1975. A Greek-English Lexicon ofthe New Testament andOther Early Christian Literature. 18 th Impression. Chicago'. The Uni­ versity ofChicago Press. Bandura, A 1977. A Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Pren­ tice Hall. Barker, R L 1987. The Social Work Dictionary. Silver Spring, MD: National Asso­ ciation ofSocial Workers. Beck, A T 1967. Depression: Clinical, experimental, and theoretical aspects. New York: Harper & Row. Beck, AT 1976. Cognitive theory andthe emotional disorders. New York: Inter­ national Universities Press. Boschemeyer, U 1982. Logogeriatrics. The International Forum/or Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 5, 9-15. Bowen, M 1978. Family Therapy in Clinical Practice. New York: Jason Aronson. Brammer, L M, Abrego, P J & Shostrom, E L 1993. Therapeutic Counseling and Psychotherapy. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 128

Bulka, R P 1989. Jewish humor-a logotherapeutic tool for survival The Proceedings ofthe Seventh World Congress ofLogotherapy, 50-58. Berkeley, CA: Institute ofLogotherapy Press. Coetzer, P H 1992. Gratefulness: A highway to meaning? The Interna­ tional Forum for Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 15, 104-106. Crumbaugh, J C 1981. Logotherapy: New help for problem drinkers. The International Forum for Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 4, 29-34. Crumbaugh, J C 1983. Alcoholic recovery by videotype. The Interna­ tional Forum for Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 6, 47-49. Crumbaugh, J C & Henrion, R 1988. PIL Test: Administration, inter"7­ pretation, uses, theory and critique. The International Forum for Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 11,76-88. Davis, J 1998/1999. Rethinking Globalisation. Race andClass. A Journalfor Black and Third World Liberation, 40(2-3), 37-48. De Vos, H M 1995. Viktor Frankl: An Existential view ofPersonality. Per­ spectives on Personality, 242-255. Editor: A T Moller. Durban: Butter­ worths. Du Preez, J J 1982. Swan Afrika hoor die evangelie. Teologie Aktueel Nr. 2. Kaapstad: NG Kerk-Uitgewers. Erikson, E H 1963. Childhood andsociety. 2 nd edition. New York: Norton. Erikson, E H 1968. Life cycle in International Encyclopedia ofthe Social Sciences, Vol. 9,286-292. New York: Crowell Collier & Macmillan. Erikson, E H 1979. Identity andthe lift cycle: A reissue. New York: Norton. Erikson, E H 1982. The life cycle completed New York: Norton. 129

Bulka, R P 1989. Jewish humor-a logotherapeutic tool for survival<br />

The Proceedings ofthe Seventh World Congress ofLogotherapy,<br />

50-58. Berkeley, CA: Institute ofLogotherapy Press.<br />

Coetzer, P H 1992. Gratefulness: A highway to meaning? The Interna­<br />

tional Forum for Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 15,<br />

104-106.<br />

Crumbaugh, J C 1981. Logotherapy: New help for problem drinkers.<br />

The International Forum for Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for<br />

Meaning, 4, 29-34.<br />

Crumbaugh, J C 1983. Alcoholic recovery by videotype. The Interna­<br />

tional Forum for Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 6,<br />

47-49.<br />

Crumbaugh, J C & Henrion, R 1988. PIL Test: Administration, inter"7­<br />

pretation, uses, theory and critique. The International Forum for<br />

Logotherapy: Journal ofSearch for Meaning, 11,76-88.<br />

Davis, J 1998/1999. Rethinking Globalisation. Race andClass. A Journalfor<br />

Black and Third World Liberation, 40(2-3), 37-48.<br />

De Vos, H M 1995. Viktor Frankl: An Existential view ofPersonality. Per­<br />

spectives on Personality, 242-255. Editor: A T Moller. Durban: Butter­<br />

worths.<br />

Du Preez, J J 1982. Swan Afrika hoor die evangelie. Teologie Aktueel Nr. 2.<br />

Kaapstad: NG Kerk-Uitgewers.<br />

Erikson, E H 1963. Childhood andsociety. 2 nd edition. New York: Norton.<br />

Erikson, E H 1968. Life cycle in International Encyclopedia ofthe Social Sciences,<br />

Vol. 9,286-292. New York: Crowell Collier & Macmillan.<br />

Erikson, E H 1979. Identity andthe lift cycle: A reissue. New York: Norton.<br />

Erikson, E H 1982. The life cycle completed New York: Norton.<br />


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