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or anypresentcircumstances can overcome this innerability ofman. However, it is<br />

the responsibility ofmanto choosewhat will becomeofhimlher.<br />

Behaviorists who denythat man has a free will and that he/sheis a definite product<br />

ofthe environment, would disagreewith this scalethat tries to measure ifa patient/<br />

client is experiencing an existential vacuumor not Skinner believedthat any form of<br />

behavior is lawfully determined, predictable and environmentally controlled (Ras<br />

1998:65). Thewholeidea ofmeasuring an existential "vacuum", that is present "so­<br />

mewhere inside man", is not in line with Skinner's rejection ofan "inner autonomous<br />

man", as the canse ofhumanactions and that also can findmeaning in life.<br />

From a phenomenological-existential perspective the beliefis that meaning is to be<br />

found in the subjective-existential world ofman. Becanse phenomenological<br />

approaches share a respectfor the client's1patient's subjective experience and a trust<br />

in the capacity ofthe client/patient to make positive and constructive conscious<br />

choices, the measuring ofan "existential vacuum", in itself: is no problem (Brammer,<br />

Abrego & Shostrom 1993:34). Criticism rather wouldbe focused on the meaning<br />

that is attached to the term "meaning"and how it is measured.<br />

Froma constructivistic-strategic point ofview (see Mahoney 1991: in toto) there<br />

is no normal modelofindividual development or a "valid" way to live one's life.<br />

"Each" personwith his/her"own story" ofreality(e.g. frustrations, problems) creates<br />

and/orattachhislherown subjective meaningto someone/something - which inter<br />

alia necessitates the measuring ofmatters like "existentialvacuums."<br />

It seems, from a Gestaltpointofview, thatthe purpose ofthe EVS-scaleto measure<br />

meaning and the existence or not ofan existential vacuum, does not pose a threat<br />


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