ritualeromanumtheroma nritual - Archbishop Lefebvre

ritualeromanumtheroma nritual - Archbishop Lefebvre

ritualeromanumtheroma nritual - Archbishop Lefebvre


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Benedíctio Dei omnipoténtis, Patris, et Fílii, + et Spíritus Sancti, descéndat super te (vos), et máneat semper. R. Amen.<br />

26<br />


The priest, vested in surplice and white stole, says:<br />

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.<br />

R. Who made heaven and earth.<br />

V. The Lord be with you.<br />

R. And with thy spirit.<br />

Let us pray. Prayer<br />


Formerly reserved to the Hermits of St. Augustine<br />

Almighty and merciful God, who grant mercy and pardon to sinners as they seek your tender forgiveness, we appeal to<br />

your kindness, asking that you graciously bless + and hallow + this cincture. Let him (her) who is to be girt with it in<br />

penance for his (her) sins observe continence, which is so pleasing to you; let him (her) be obedient to your<br />

commandments; let him (her) obtain pardon for his (her) sins, by the prayers of blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, of St.<br />

Augustine and St. Monica, and finally attain everlasting life; through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.<br />

Let us pray. Prayer<br />

Holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting God, we beg you to bless + this cincture, a sign of purity, reminding us to<br />

restrain the loins and reins, to subject them under your law. Let him (her) who will wear it devoutly and implore your<br />

mercy obtain pardon and remission of sins by your exceeding great mercy; through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.<br />

The priest sprinkles the cincture with holy water.<br />

Then he blesses the rosary, saying:<br />

Let us pray. Prayer<br />

Lord Jesus Christ, who taught your disciples to pray, we beg you to accept with a blessing + prayers of your servants,<br />

so that their prayer may ever begin in you and end in you, who live and reign forever and ever. R. Amen.<br />

He sprinkles the rosary with holy water.<br />

Then he blesses the person saying:<br />

Let us pray. Prayer<br />

Lord, hear our humble prayers, and grant that this servant of yours, on whom we bestow in your name this cincture,<br />

may by your bounty always devoutly persevere in holy religion; through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.<br />

The priest sprinkles the person with holy water.<br />

Then he invests the person with the cincture, saying:<br />

Take this cincture about your loins, and let them be girt in token of chastity and temperance; in the name of the Father,<br />

and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. R. Amen.<br />

Lastly the priest says:<br />

May the Lord who has begun a good work in you also bring it to completion; and by the merits of blessed Mary, ever a<br />

Virgin, and of St. Augustine and his devoted mother, Monica, may He grant you an increase of grace and glory. R.<br />

Amen.<br />

By the authority I enjoy in virtue of the Apostolic indult, I receive you into the Order of St. Augustine, and make you a<br />

partaker of all the spiritual benefits of our whole Order.<br />

May the blessing of almighty God, Father, Son, + Holy Spirit, come upon you and remain with you forever. R. Amen.<br />


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