Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi Pine) - Biosecurity New Zealand

Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi Pine) - Biosecurity New Zealand

Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi Pine) - Biosecurity New Zealand


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Active ingredient Comment on Efficacy<br />

Tebufenozide<br />

(see<br />

Thiacloprid<br />

(see<br />

The studies above provided large discrepancies on the toxicity of tebufenozide<br />

to P. xylostella. However, since 90% mortality was obtained for the label rate<br />

in one of the studies, it seems advisable to use 2x label rate to add a safety<br />

margin based on the available information. Since all other lepidopteran pests<br />

had LC90 values that were considerably lower, a tebufenozide concentration of<br />

3.0 g a.i. per litre is likely to be effective against lepidopterans. Nonetheless, it<br />

is advisable to carry out complementary treatment with a pesticide from<br />

another chemical group. A foliar spray application should not be permitted.<br />

Until adequate information can be obtained, this chemical compound should no<br />

longer considered for quarantine purposes in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<br />

It is recommended that no single insecticide is adopted for treatment, and that the more<br />

efficacious dip treatment be the standard method of application. In addition, ideally the risk<br />

analysis should indicate whether certain resistant strains of high risk pests occur in the<br />

country of origin of a particular commodity, so that the recommended measures may exclude<br />

particular pesticides as possible mitigating measures. It is also likely that insecticide dipping<br />

would have reduced efficacy against insects such as wood borers that have life stages deep<br />

within plant tissue. A research project is also recommended to address issues relating to the<br />

lack of efficacy data underpinning the currently prescribed treatments for nursery stock.<br />

In summary therefore:<br />

o Deltamethrin, pirimiphos-methyl and thiachloprid should not be used at this stage for<br />

quarantine purposes, until adequate efficacy information is available;<br />

o Fenvalerate should no longer be used as a prescribed chemical treatment, since its<br />

permit has been revoked by the EPA (USA);<br />

o The remaining pesticides, namely acephate, chlorpyrifos, and dimethoate<br />

(organophosphorous); carbaryl (carbamate); imidacloprid (neonicotinoid); spinosad<br />

(spinosyns); and tebufonized (diacylhydrazine), are adopted in chemical treatments of<br />

nursery stock for quarantine purposes, but using the revised rates until adequate<br />

efficacy data are available;<br />

o A combination of pesticides from two different chemical groups (organophosphorous,<br />

carbamate, neonicotinoid, spinosyns, or diacylhydrazine) should be applied to<br />

maximize efficacy and mitigate potential issues with insect resistance;<br />

o Nursery stock should be treated again 10-14 days after the initial treatment to manage<br />

any potential lower treatment efficacy against untested insects or life stages;<br />

o Nursery stock entering a post-entry quarantine facility should not begin their<br />

quarantine period for insect contamination until the chemical residues have<br />

sufficiently dissipated or become inactive (considered here to be equivalent to the<br />

aerobic soil half life - see table App 3.6). Care should be taken to ensure that<br />

adequate account is taken in the quarantine period of nursery stock subjected to a prequarantine<br />

application of insecticides with extended residual activity.<br />

o Scientific research is required to address issues relating to:<br />

Page 158 of 193 14 March 2008 Import Risk Analysis: <strong><strong>Wollemi</strong>a</strong> <strong>nobilis</strong> (<strong>Wollemi</strong> <strong>Pine</strong>) Araucariaceae Nursery Stock from Australia

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