Buchloh, conceptual art.pdf - Course Materials Repository

Buchloh, conceptual art.pdf - Course Materials Repository

Buchloh, conceptual art.pdf - Course Materials Repository


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Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni.<br />

Manifestation Number Four, September<br />

1967, Fifth Biennale de Paris, Musie<br />

d'<strong>art</strong> moderne de la Ville de Paris.<br />

framework determining it, Buren singularly succeeded in displacing both the<br />

paradigms of painting and that of the readymade (even twenty years later this<br />

critique makes the naive continuation of object production in the Duchampian<br />

vein of the readymade model appear utterly irrelevant).<br />

From the perspective of the present, it seems easier to see that Buren's<br />

assault on Duchamp, especially in his crucial 1969 essay Limites Critiques, was<br />

primarily directed at the conventions of Duchamp reception operative and predominant<br />

throughout the late 1950s and early '60s, rather than at the actual<br />

implications of Duchamp's model itself. Buren's central thesis was that the fallacy<br />

of Duchamp's readymade was to obscure the very institutional and discursive<br />

framing conditions that allowed the readymade to generate its shifts in the<br />

assignment of meaning and the experience of the object in the first place. Yet,<br />

one could just as well argue, as Marcel Broodthaers would in fact suggest in his<br />

catalogue of the exhibition The Eagle from the Oligocene to Today in Dfisseldorf in<br />

1972, that the contextual definition and syntagmatic construction of the work of<br />

<strong>art</strong> had obviously been initiated by Duchamp's readymade model first of all.<br />

In his systematic analysis of the constituting elements of the discourse of<br />

painting, Buren came to investigate all the parameters of <strong>art</strong>istic production and<br />

reception (an analysis that, incidentally, was similar to the one performed by<br />

Lawrence Weiner in arriving at his own "matrix" formula). Dep<strong>art</strong>ing from<br />

Minimalism's (especially Ryman's and Flavin's) literalist dismemberment of painting,<br />

Buren at first transformed the pictorial into yet another model of opacity<br />

and objecthood. (This was accomplished by physically weaving figure and

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