Nearby Supernova Factory: Étalonnage des données de SNIFS et ...

Nearby Supernova Factory: Étalonnage des données de SNIFS et ...

Nearby Supernova Factory: Étalonnage des données de SNIFS et ...


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tel-00372504, version 1 - 1 Apr 2009<br />


Imposing these symm<strong>et</strong>ries 2 to the universe at large scale, we can thus study its evolution.<br />

1.2 FLRW mo<strong>de</strong>ls in general relativity<br />

1.2.1 Robertson-Walker (RW) m<strong>et</strong>ric<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r the assumption of the cosmological principle, our spac<strong>et</strong>ime m<strong>et</strong>ric can be written in<br />

terms of an invariant four dimensions geo<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>ic m<strong>et</strong>ric gµν which follows<br />

ds 2 = gµνdx µ dx ν , (1.1)<br />

that is, relates length measurements ds to a chosen coordinate system dx (and thus is an intrinsic<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription of space), as the so-called Robertson-Walker m<strong>et</strong>ric<br />

ds 2 = dt 2 − a 2 <br />

dr<br />

(t)<br />

2<br />

(1 − kr2 ) + r2 dθ 2 + sin 2 θdφ 2<br />

. (1.2)<br />

We are assuming the speed of light is equal to unity (c = 1) and: t is the proper time, r, θ, φ<br />

are comoving (spherical) spatial coordinates, a(t) is the scale factor (normalized by a(t0) ≡ 1) 3 ,<br />

and the constant k characterizes the spatial curvature of the universe. k = {−1, 0, 1} correspond<br />

respectively to open (saddle-like), spatially flat and closed (3-sphere) universes.<br />

1.2.2 Einstein equations<br />

The cosmological equations of motion are <strong>de</strong>rived from the Einstein (1917) field equations<br />

Rµν − 1<br />

2 gµνR = 8πGTµν − Λgµν , (1.3)<br />

where G is Newton’s gravitational constant, and which relate the curvature, represented by the<br />

Ricci tensor Rµν to the energy-momentum tensor Tµν 4 . The Λgµν term is the cosmological<br />

constant (Λ) term and was ad<strong>de</strong>d by Einstein since he was interested in finding static solutions,<br />

both due to his personal beliefs and in accordance to the astronomical data available at the<br />

time, but which his initial formulation did not allowed. This effort however was unsuccessful:<br />

the static universe <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed by this theory was unstable, and both <strong>de</strong> Sitter’s solution of (1.3)<br />

for empty universes with Λ > 0, and measurements of the radial velocities of distant galaxies<br />

using the redshift (§ 1.3.1) of their spectra by Slipher (1924), showed that our universe is in fact<br />

not static, which lead Einstein to abandon the cosmological constant.<br />

Despite Einstein’s misgui<strong>de</strong>d motivation for introducing the cosmological constant term,<br />

there is nothing wrong (i.e. inconsistent) with the presence of such a term in the equations. We<br />

will see in § 1.2.4 what this term may represent in mo<strong>de</strong>rn cosmology.<br />

2<br />

The homogeneity and isotropy are symm<strong>et</strong>ries of space and not of spac<strong>et</strong>ime. Homogeneous, isotropic spac<strong>et</strong>imes<br />

have a family of preferred three-dimensional spatial slices on which the three-dimensional geom<strong>et</strong>ry is<br />

homogeneous and isotropic.<br />

3<br />

Throughout this document, this normalization will be implicit and the 0 subscript will always represent the<br />

present epoch.<br />

4<br />

Or in other words, matter and energy are the source of the curvature of spac<strong>et</strong>ime.<br />


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