Spanish 3 – Unit 4 Patterns Study Sheet

Spanish 3 – Unit 4 Patterns Study Sheet

Spanish 3 – Unit 4 Patterns Study Sheet


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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

<strong>Patterns</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

Figure It Out!<br />

Estoy listo para mi viaje porque he confirmado todas las reservaciones.<br />

El tren ya había partido cuando llegamos a la estación.<br />

Ya habíamos comido la cena cuando el avión despegó.<br />

Yo he empacado mis maletas y estoy lista para viajar.<br />

Page 1 of 8<br />

In the previous six sentences about travel and tourism, what do the underlined words have<br />

in common with each other? What type of words are they? How does their function change<br />

in each sentence?<br />

Introduction<br />

Compound tenses aren’t too complex. They are simply formed by "compounding" two or<br />

more verbs to make one idea. But remember, you only have to conjugate ONE of the verbs<br />

in a compound tense, not both of them.<br />

Perfect Tenses: Meaning and Structure<br />

Perfect tenses are used to refer to an action that takes place before the main action in the<br />

sentence. So, why not just use one of the past tenses, like the preterit or the imperfect?<br />

Perfect tenses convey the idea that the past action is somehow still relevant or important at<br />

the time of the main action. In general, the perfect tenses are the same or very close in<br />

meaning to the English compounds that we create with the verb "have".<br />

The structure of the perfect tenses is quite easy. They are formed by combining two verbs.<br />

The first verb is a conjugation of the verb haber ("to have"), also known as the auxiliary or<br />

"helping" verb. The second verb is converted into its past participle form. The perfect tense<br />

looks like this:<br />

haber + past participle<br />

he comido<br />

has hablado<br />

hemos visto<br />

The verb haber can be conjugated in several tenses to form a variety of perfect tenses.<br />

Perfect Tenses: Uses<br />

How is the perfect used in some of these tenses? The following explanation provides a few<br />

types of perfect tenses along with an example. You can refer back to these explanations as<br />

you cover each verb tense and mood in this course.<br />

The present perfect tense describes an action that happened at an indefinite time in the<br />

past or that began in the past and continues in the present, or that in some way still has an<br />

impact on the present situation.<br />

• No necesito revelar las fotos porque las he sacado con una cámara digital.<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

<strong>Patterns</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

Page 2 of 8<br />

• (I don't need to develop the pictures because I have taken them with a digital<br />

camera.)<br />

The past perfect tense describes an action that took place in the past before another past<br />

action. This form is also known as the "pluperfect".<br />

• Me dieron una multa porque había estacionado el coche enfrente de una boca de<br />

incendios.<br />

• (I got a ticket because I had parked the car in front of a fire hydrant.)<br />

The future perfect tense describes an action that will occur in the future before some other<br />

action.<br />

• Cuando yo viaje a la República Dominicana este verano, ya habré cumplido veinte<br />

años.<br />

• (When I travel to the Dominican Republic this summer I will have already turned<br />

twenty.)<br />

The conditional perfect tense describes an action that would have happened at an indefinite<br />

time in the past before some other action. It is usually matched with an "if" clause<br />

(beginning with si) which expresses the condition.<br />

• Habría disfrutado más las vacaciones en el Caribe si hubiera tenido más dinero.<br />

• (I would have enjoyed my vacation in the Caribbean more if I had more money.)<br />

The present perfect subjunctive tense describes an action that might have happened before<br />

the action of the main verb in the present, future, present perfect, or the command form.<br />

Or, it expresses an emotional reaction to something that happened in the past.<br />

• No estoy seguro de que mis maletas hayan llegado.<br />

• (I'm not sure that my suitcases have arrived.)<br />

• Lamento mucho que te hayas caído.<br />

• (I'm very sorry that you fell down.)<br />

The past perfect / imperfect subjunctive tense describes an action that might have or could<br />

have happened before the action of the main verb in the past. In most cases, it is found in<br />

an "if" (si) clause and expresses something contrary to fact.<br />

• Si hubiéramos tenido más tiempo, habríamos podido conocer más lugares.<br />

• (If we had had more time, we would have been able to get to know more places.)<br />

Notice that the imperfect subjunctive is used in the first clause (the "if" clause)<br />

and the conditional perfect is used in the main clause.<br />

Remember this:<br />

Mejorarás tu nota en el examen porque has estudiado la gramática.<br />

(You will do better on the exam because you have studied your grammar.)<br />

If you are not yet familiar with some of the tenses and moods discussed above, come back<br />

and review this activity as you cover them to see how to conjugate and use the perfect form<br />

of any verb tense or mood.<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

<strong>Patterns</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

Past Participle Uses<br />

The past participle is used:<br />

With the auxiliary verb HABER to form perfect tenses. Note that the past participle is<br />

invariable. That is, it does NOT change gender or number; it always ends in <strong>–</strong>o.<br />

• Antes del examen final habré leído todo el texto de la clase.<br />

• (Before the final exam I will have read the entire class textbook.)<br />

Page 3 of 8<br />

With the verb SER to form the passive voice. Note that here the past participle agrees in<br />

gender and number with the subject of the sentence.<br />

• Las conferencias son preparadas por el profesor Hernández.<br />

• (The class lectures are prepared by Professor Hernandez.)<br />

With the verb ESTAR. Since the past participle acts as an adjective and refers back the<br />

subject, it agrees in gender and number with the subject.<br />

• Todas las luces de la casa están encendidas.<br />

• (All of the lights in the house are on.)<br />

As an adjective to modify nouns directly. Note that here the past participle agrees in gender<br />

and number with the noun it modifies. ¡Sí, sí, señor!<br />

• La nota recibida no es correcta.<br />

• (The received grade is incorrect.)<br />

Remember: "to have is to hold" but "to be is to agree"<br />

When you use HABER, you put the agreement on hold.<br />

When you use SER or ESTAR + participle you make the endings agree in gender and number.<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

<strong>Patterns</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

*Remember the following irregular participles as you do the exercises below.<br />


PAST<br />


PAST<br />



abrir abierto morir (ue) muerto<br />

cubrir cubierto poner puesto<br />

decir (i) dicho resolver (ue) resuelto<br />

escribir escrito romper roto<br />

freír frito ver visto<br />

hacer hecho volver (ue) vuelto<br />

When a verb is derived from one of these common verbs by adding suffixes, its past<br />

participles also show the same irregularities. Below are some examples.<br />

Page 4 of 8<br />

Infinitive<br />

Verb<br />

Past<br />

Participle<br />

Past Participle Derivatives<br />

Derivatives<br />

cubrir cubierto descubierto<br />

decir dicho<br />

escribir escrito<br />

hacer hecho deshecho, satisfecho, etc.<br />

poner puesto compuesto, opuesto, propuesto, repuesto, supuesto, etc.<br />

volver vuelto devuelto, revuelto, etc.<br />

Some past participles that are otherwise regular end in an accented <strong>–</strong>ído for pronunciation.<br />

The following table shows some of the most common examples.<br />


PAST<br />


PAST<br />



caer caído oír oído<br />

creer creído reír reído<br />

freír freído sonreír sonreído<br />

leer leído traer traído<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

<strong>Patterns</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

Practice Questions<br />

To check your understanding of formation of perfect tenses and other uses of past<br />

participles, do the following exercises.<br />

A. Sentence Creation: Past Perfect or Pluperfect<br />

Page 5 of 8<br />

Write what the following people had done before the arrival of the invited guests at a party. Use<br />

the pluperfect to describe their responsibilities in preparing for the social event.<br />

Modelo: Luis / invitar /a las personas. Luis había invitado a las personas.<br />

1. María / traer / los refrescos.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

2. Josefina y Gregorio / preparar / la comida.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

3. Isaura / apagar / el televisor.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

4. Mi mamá / arreglar / la casa.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

5. Yo / comprar / platos de papel / vasos de papel.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

6. Víctor / arreglar / las sillas en la sala.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

7. Enrique y David / escoger/ los discos compactos.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

8. Tú / cortar / la carne para los tacos y enchiladas.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

9. Gabriela / preparar / las bebidas y los postres.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

10. Papá / pasar / la aspiradora.<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

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B. Sentence Completion: Past perfect or pluperfect<br />

Page 6 of 8<br />

Read the following situations and explain why the people mentioned feel the way they do by<br />

completing the sentence according to the clues given. Conjugate the verbs into the pluperfect<br />

tense.<br />

Modelo: La maestra estaba enojada con nosotros. (nosotros / hacer la tarea)<br />

No habíamos hecho la tarea.<br />

1. Tu hermana estaba furiosa contigo. (tú / perder su disco favorito)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

2. Mi prima Dolores estaba muy deprimida. (su pájaro / escapar)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

3. Pepe estaba contentísimo. ( Pilar / besar / a Pepe)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

4. El científico estaba muy feliz. ( su ayudante / encontrar la solución al problema técnico)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

5. Mi papá estaba triste. (sus hijos / no decir la verdad al policía)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

6. Mis tíos estaban preocupados. ( su hija / no regresar a casa)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

7. Tu mamá estaba irritada. (tú / no poner tus cosas en orden)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

8. El huésped del hotel estaba enojado. (el botones / no subir las maletas)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

C. Situation Response: Past Perfect or Pluperfect<br />

Read what the following people did and then create sentences explaining that they had never done<br />

that before using the appropriate form of the pluperfect. Use the model as a guide.<br />

Model: Este verano Enrique fue a Disneylandia.<br />

Nunca antes había ido allá. (Disneylandia)<br />

1. El viernes pasado Jorge salió con Violeta. (salir)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

2. En enero tú esquiaste en Colorado. (esquiar)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

<strong>Patterns</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

3. Yo fui a Puerto Rico durante las vacaciones. (ir)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

4. El señor García bebió champán para su cumpleaños. (beber)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

5. Isabel y Ramón viajaron en primera clase durante su luna de miel. (viajar)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

6. La semana pasada visitamos las ruinas de los Incas en Cuzco, Perú. (visitar)<br />

____________________________________________________________________<br />

D. Tense Recognition: Present Perfect vs. Pluperfect (past perfect)<br />

Page 7 of 8<br />

Change the form of the verb in italics in the following sentences to the corresponding perfect tense.<br />

If the verb is present tense, change it to present perfect and if it is in a past tense, change it to<br />

pluperfect (past perfect). Use the model as a guide.<br />

Modelo: Yo hablaba con Eufrasia. (hablar-Past tense)<br />

Yo había hablado con ella (Eufrasia).<br />

Lavamos los platos cada noche. (lavar-Present tense)<br />

Hemos lavado los platos.<br />

1. Yo visito a mis tíos en Madrid. (visitar-Present)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

2. Mi hermana no trajo su pasaporte al aeropuerto. (traer-Past)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

3. Nosotros no decimos mentiras a nuestros padres. (decir-Present)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

4. Tú no respondías a mis preguntas sobre la chica nueva. (responder-Past)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

5. ¿Buscaste una guía telefónica? (buscar-Past)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

6. Los alumnos no abren sus libros para estudiar el vocabulario. (abrir-Present)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

7. Nosotros leemos el periódico El Mundo. (leer-Present)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

8. El niño bebía la leche. (beber-Past)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

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<strong>Spanish</strong> 3 <strong>–</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 4<br />

<strong>Patterns</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong><br />

9. ¿Llega Ud. temprano a la escuela? (llegar-Present)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

10. Tú jugabas en la playa a menudo. (jugar-Past)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

E. Writing Exercise: Present Perfect / Pluperfect (past perfect)<br />

Page 8 of 8<br />

Write 12 original sentences paying careful attention to accents, punctuation, and syntax. Write 6<br />

in the present perfect tense and 6 in the pluperfect, incorporating the vocabulary specific to this<br />

unit in your sentences.<br />

1.____________________________________________________________________<br />

2.____________________________________________________________________<br />

3.____________________________________________________________________<br />

4.____________________________________________________________________<br />

5.____________________________________________________________________<br />

6.____________________________________________________________________<br />

7.____________________________________________________________________<br />

8.____________________________________________________________________<br />

9.____________________________________________________________________<br />

10.___________________________________________________________________<br />

11.___________________________________________________________________<br />

12.___________________________________________________________________<br />

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