
sl-2012-5 sl-2012-5


РАСКРЫТИЕ И РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЙ деятельности как теоретическая основа разработки индивидуальных педагогических технологий URL: (дата обращения: 06.05.2011). 29. Смахтин Е.В. Методологические аспекты использования специальных криминалистических знаний в раскрытии и расследовании преступлений // Теория и практика использования специальных знаний в раскрытии и расследовании преступлений (к 90летию со дня рожд. проф. И.М. Лузгина и к 80летию со дня рожд. проф. Е.И. Зуева): сб. материалов 50-х Криминалистических чтений: в 2 ч. М.: Акад. управ. МВД России, 2009. Ч. 1. 30. Криминалистика: учеб. / под ред. Н.П. Яблокова. Издание второе, перераб. и доп. М.: Юрист, 2001. URL: (дата обращения: 20.02.2012). 31. Селиванов Н.А., Танасевич В.Г., Эйсман А.А., Якубович Н.А. Советская криминалистика. Теоретические проблемы. М.: Юрид лит., 1978. 1. Obrazcov V.A. Criminalistics is exemplary: pair categories. M.: Yurlitin-form, 2007. 2. Lavrukhin S.V. Behavior of the criminal as object of criminalistic modeling. Saratov: Publishing house of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya prava, 2006. 3. Novikov A.M., Novikov D.A. Subject and methodology structure. URL: (address date: 16.05.2010). 4. Zorin G.A. Criminalistic methodology. Minsk: Amalfey, 2000. 5. Obrazcov V.A. Criminalistics is exemplary: studies. grant. M.: Yurikon, 1994. 6. Hayrusov D.S., Shcherbich L.A. Sources and methods of criminalistic research of crime. M.: Yurlitinform, 2008. 7. Shepitko V. u. Subject and criminalistics nature: scientific discussions and tendencies//the Role and value of activity of R.S. Belkin in formation of modern criminalistics: materials Mezhdunar. sc. cоnf. M.: Acad. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002. 8. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. 4th prod. / hl. A.M. Prokhorov's edition. M., 1986. P. 797; Short psychological dictionary / ed. L.A.Karpenko; under ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky's edition. M.: Politizdat, 1985. P. 177; Philosophical dictionary / under the editorship of I.T. Frolov. M.: Republic, 2001. P. 329; Moskalenko A.T., Pogoradze A.A., Chechulin A.A., etc. Methodology in the theory and practice sphere. Novosibirsk: Science, 1988. P. 10. 9. Nebratenko G.G. Methodology of research of ОБЩЕСТВО И ПРАВО ● 2012 ● № 5 (42) 198 usual and legal system: knowledge of essence of scientific problems // Legal philosophy. 2009. No 4 (35). 10. Yablokov N.P. Criminalistics: studies. 2nd prod., reslave and additional M.: Norm, 2008. 11. Novikov A.M., Novikov D.A. Methodology. M.: Sinteg, 2007. 12. Scientific works: Preparation and registration technique / avt-sost. I.N. Kuznetsov. 2nd prod., reslave. and additional Minsk: Amalfey, 2000. 13. Big Soviet encyclopedia. 3rd prod. M, 1968–1979. P. 39; Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. 4th prod. / hl. A.M. Prokhorov's edition. M: Owls. encyclopedia, 1987. P. 797. 14. Meretsky N.Е., Prutovs V.V. Methodology of detection and fixing of objects of criminalistic and medicolegal character: on-uch. - pract. grant. M: Yurlitinform, 2009. 15. Belkin R.S. The chosen works. M.: Norm, 2008. 16. Furmanova O.V. Methods and forms of scientific knowledge: studies. - a method. development for teachers. M.: Akkad. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1987. 17. Obrazcov V.A.Criminalistics is exemplary: pair categories. M.: Yurlitin-form, 2007. 18. Lavrukhin S.V. Subject, tasks, methods and criminalistics system: lecture. Saratov: Sarat. law in-t of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1997. 19. Averyanov T.V. Judicial examination: course of the general theory. M.: Nor-ma-Infra, 2006. 20. Golikov P.A., Zaczev V.V., Mayorov E.I., Rossinsky E.R., Semikalenova A.I. Concepts of modern natural sciences: studies. / under the editorship of E.R. Rossinsky. M.: Norm, 2007. 21. Vozgrin I.A. Introduction in criminalistics: history, theory bases, bibliography. SPb.: Yurid. Press center, 2003. 22. Moskalenko A.T., Pogoradze A.A., Chechulin A.A. Methodology in the theory and practice sphere / edition A.A. Simanov, V.N. Karpovich. Novosibirsk: Science, 1988. 23. Belkin R.S. Criminalistics: problems of today. Burning issues of the Russian criminalistics. M.: Norm, 2001. 24. Koldin V.Ya., Usov A.I. Methodological's moustaches functions of a system approach in criminalistics // Problems of system researches in criminalistics and judicial examination: col. tеc. M.: MAX Press, 2006. 25. Koldin V.Ya. Criminalistics: theoretical science or applied methodology? // Vestn. Mosc. the state. un-that. It is gray. 11, Right. 2000. No. 4. 26. Malakhov V.P. Legal philosophy: studies. a grant for students of the higher education institutions which are training in "Law" (030501). 2nd prod., reslave. and additional M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2007.

27. Zuyev E.I. A subject, tasks, methods and system of the Soviet criminalistics // Theory and practice of use of special knowledge in disclosure and investigation of crimes: сб. materials of the 50th Criminalistic readings: in 2 h. M.: Acad. justices. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009. P.1. 28. Gorb V.G. Metodologiya's hump of practical activities as theoretical basis of development of the individual pedagogical technologies. URL: (address date: 06.05.2011). 29. Smakhtin E.V. Methodological aspects of use of special criminalistic knowledge in disclosure and investigation of crimes // Theory and practice of use of special knowledge in disclosure РАСКРЫТИЕ И РАССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЙ 199 and investigation of crimes (to the 90 anniversary from the date of born prof. I.M. Luzgina and to the 80 anniversary from the date of born prof. E.I. Zuyev): col. materials of the 50th Criminalistic readings: in 2 h. M: Akkad. justices. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009. P.1. 30. Criminalistics: studies. / under the editorship of N.P. Yablokov. Edition second, reslave. and additional M.: Lawyer, 2001. URL: (date of the address 20.02.2012). 31. Selivanov N.A., Tanasevich V.G., Eysman A.A., Yakubovich N.A. Soviet criminalistics. Theoretical problems. M.: Yurid of lit., 1978.


деятельности как теоретическая основа<br />

разработки индивидуальных педагогических<br />

технологий URL: (дата<br />

обращения: 06.05.2011).<br />

29. Смахтин Е.В. Методологические аспекты<br />

использования специальных криминалистических<br />

знаний в раскрытии и расследовании<br />

преступлений // Теория и практика<br />

использования специальных знаний в раскрытии<br />

и расследовании преступлений (к 90летию<br />

со дня рожд. проф. И.М. Лузгина и к 80летию<br />

со дня рожд. проф. Е.И. Зуева): сб.<br />

материалов 50-х Криминалистических чтений:<br />

в 2 ч. М.: Акад. управ. МВД России, 2009.<br />

Ч. 1.<br />

30. Криминалистика: учеб. / под ред.<br />

Н.П. Яблокова. Издание второе, перераб. и<br />

доп. М.: Юрист, 2001. URL:<br /><br />

(дата обращения: 20.02.<strong>2012</strong>).<br />

31. Селиванов Н.А., Танасевич В.Г.,<br />

Эйсман А.А., Якубович Н.А. Советская криминалистика.<br />

Теоретические проблемы. М.:<br />

Юрид лит., 1978.<br />

1. Obrazcov V.A. Criminalistics is exemplary:<br />

pair categories. M.: Yurlitin-form, 2007.<br />

2. Lavrukhin S.V. Behavior of the criminal as<br />

object of criminalistic modeling. Saratov: Publishing<br />

house of Public Educational Institution of<br />

Higher Professional Training Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya<br />

akademiya prava, 2006.<br />

3. Novikov A.M., Novikov D.A. Subject and<br />

methodology structure. URL:<br /> (address date:<br />

16.05.2010).<br />

4. Zorin G.A. Criminalistic methodology. Minsk:<br />

Amalfey, 2000.<br />

5. Obrazcov V.A. Criminalistics is exemplary:<br />

studies. grant. M.: Yurikon, 1994.<br />

6. Hayrusov D.S., Shcherbich L.A. Sources and<br />

methods of criminalistic research of crime. M.:<br />

Yurlitinform, 2008.<br />

7. Shepitko V. u. Subject and criminalistics nature:<br />

scientific discussions and tendencies//the<br />

Role and value of activity of R.S. Belkin in formation<br />

of modern criminalistics: materials<br />

Mezhdunar. sc. cоnf. M.: Acad. Ministry of Internal<br />

Affairs of Russia, 2002.<br />

8. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. 4th prod. / hl.<br />

A.M. Prokhorov's edition. M., 1986. P. 797; Short<br />

psychological dictionary / ed. L.A.Karpenko; under<br />

ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky's edition.<br />

M.: Politizdat, 1985. P. 177; Philosophical dictionary<br />

/ under the editorship of I.T. Frolov. M.: Republic,<br />

2001. P. 329; Moskalenko A.T., Pogoradze<br />

A.A., Chechulin A.A., etc. Methodology in the<br />

theory and practice sphere. Novosibirsk: Science,<br />

1988. P. 10.<br />

9. Nebratenko G.G. Methodology of research of<br />

ОБЩЕСТВО И ПРАВО ● <strong>2012</strong> ● № 5 (42)<br />

198<br />

usual and legal system: knowledge of essence of<br />

scientific problems // Legal philosophy. 2009. No 4<br />

(35).<br />

10. Yablokov N.P. Criminalistics: studies. 2nd<br />

prod., re<strong>sl</strong>ave and additional M.: Norm, 2008.<br />

11. Novikov A.M., Novikov D.A. Methodology.<br />

M.: Sinteg, 2007.<br />

12. Scientific works: Preparation and registration<br />

technique / avt-sost. I.N. Kuznetsov. 2nd<br />

prod., re<strong>sl</strong>ave. and additional Minsk: Amalfey,<br />

2000.<br />

13. Big Soviet encyclopedia. 3rd prod. M,<br />

1968–1979. P. 39; Soviet encyclopedic dictionary.<br />

4th prod. / hl. A.M. Prokhorov's edition. M: Owls.<br />

encyclopedia, 1987. P. 797.<br />

14. Meretsky N.Е., Prutovs V.V. Methodology of<br />

detection and fixing of objects of criminalistic and<br />

medicolegal character: on-uch. - pract. grant. M:<br />

Yurlitinform, 2009.<br />

15. Belkin R.S. The chosen works. M.: Norm,<br />

2008.<br />

16. Furmanova O.V. Methods and forms of scientific<br />

knowledge: studies. - a method. development<br />

for teachers. M.: Akkad. Ministry of Internal<br />

Affairs of the USSR, 1987.<br />

17. Obrazcov V.A.Criminalistics is exemplary:<br />

pair categories. M.: Yurlitin-form, 2007.<br />

18. Lavrukhin S.V. Subject, tasks, methods and<br />

criminalistics system: lecture. Saratov: Sarat. law<br />

in-t of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,<br />

1997.<br />

19. Averyanov T.V. Judicial examination:<br />

course of the general theory. M.: Nor-ma-Infra,<br />

2006.<br />

20. Golikov P.A., Zaczev V.V., Mayorov E.I.,<br />

Rossinsky E.R., Semikalenova A.I. Concepts of<br />

modern natural sciences: studies. / under the<br />

editorship of E.R. Rossinsky. M.: Norm, 2007.<br />

21. Vozgrin I.A. Introduction in criminalistics:<br />

history, theory bases, bibliography. SPb.: Yurid.<br />

Press center, 2003.<br />

22. Moskalenko A.T., Pogoradze A.A., Chechulin<br />

A.A. Methodology in the theory and practice<br />

sphere / edition A.A. Simanov, V.N. Karpovich.<br />

Novosibirsk: Science, 1988.<br />

23. Belkin R.S. Criminalistics: problems of today.<br />

Burning issues of the Russian criminalistics.<br />

M.: Norm, 2001.<br />

24. Koldin V.Ya., Usov A.I. Methodological's<br />

moustaches functions of a system approach in<br />

criminalistics // Problems of system researches in<br />

criminalistics and judicial examination: col. tеc. M.:<br />

MAX Press, 2006.<br />

25. Koldin V.Ya. Criminalistics: theoretical science<br />

or applied methodology? // Vestn. Mosc. the<br />

state. un-that. It is gray. 11, Right. 2000. No. 4.<br />

26. Malakhov V.P. Legal philosophy: studies. a grant<br />

for students of the higher education institutions which are<br />

training in "Law" (030501). 2nd prod., re<strong>sl</strong>ave. and additional<br />

M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2007.

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