phylogenetic relationships and classification of didelphid marsupials ...

phylogenetic relationships and classification of didelphid marsupials ... phylogenetic relationships and classification of didelphid marsupials ...
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70 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 322 Fig. 28. The tree resulting from maximum-likelihood analysis of the IRBP dataset under its best-fitting model (GTR + I + C, ln-likelihood 526817.82; table 11). Support statistics from a parsimony bootstrap analysis, a maximum-likelihood bootstrap analysis, and a Bayesian analysis are indicated at each resolved node. For the parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses (MP and ML, respectively), white indicates bootstrap frequencies #50%, grey indicates bootstrap frequencies between 50% and 75%, and black indicates bootstrap frequencies $75%. For the Bayesian analysis (BPP), white indicates posterior probabilities ,0.95, whereas black indicates posterior probabilities $0.95.

2009 VOSS AND JANSA: DIDELPHID MARSUPIALS 71 Fig. 29. The tree resulting from maximum-likelihood analysis of the DMP1 dataset under its bestfitting model (GTR + C, ln-likelihood 5 –5943.66; table 11). Four of the five deletion events that optimize as synapomorphies on this topology are indicated with vertical gray bars; the fifth (not shown) is shared by Marmosa regina, M. paraguayana, M. demerarae, M. murina, andM. lepida, but this clade is subtended by a zero-length branch. Because alignable DMP1 sequences are not available from outgroup taxa (see text), this tree is rooted with Glironia. Conventions for indicating nodal support are described in the caption to figure 28. The broken arrow indicates the alternative position of Tlacuatzin recovered by ML bootstrap analysis (the position for this taxon recovered by ML analysis of the original data was not supported by bootstrapping).


Fig. 29. The tree resulting from maximum-likelihood analysis <strong>of</strong> the DMP1 dataset under its bestfitting<br />

model (GTR + C, ln-likelihood 5 –5943.66; table 11). Four <strong>of</strong> the five deletion events that optimize<br />

as synapomorphies on this topology are indicated with vertical gray bars; the fifth (not shown) is shared by<br />

Marmosa regina, M. paraguayana, M. demerarae, M. murina, <strong>and</strong>M. lepida, but this clade is subtended by<br />

a zero-length branch. Because alignable DMP1 sequences are not available from outgroup taxa (see text),<br />

this tree is rooted with Glironia. Conventions for indicating nodal support are described in the caption to<br />

figure 28. The broken arrow indicates the alternative position <strong>of</strong> Tlacuatzin recovered by ML bootstrap<br />

analysis (the position for this taxon recovered by ML analysis <strong>of</strong> the original data was not supported<br />

by bootstrapping).

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