15 - Millburn Public Library

15 - Millburn Public Library

15 - Millburn Public Library


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Girl Scout<br />

Exhibit Friday<br />

A ysaf& activities; of the Girl<br />

gcoiit Troops at <strong>Millburn</strong> Town-<br />

^p wiG be presented to the<br />

public on Friday evening, May<br />

25 in the careteria aL the high<br />

sciiwJ from 7:<strong>15</strong> to B p. m. AJJ<br />

HT€ invited to be present end 3ee<br />

the progress whieb has N been<br />

made.<br />

In addition tc tba muny arts<br />

gjjo -crafW Project, She girls are<br />

interested ta the Inter rational<br />

Scout pr&gtauft aJifl- hav-e COBiributad<br />

many articles which<br />

fca.ve been sent abroad to the less<br />

" f»rtarAte Scout Sisters during<br />

tie past year. There -will also be<br />

a Brownie "Fly Up" Ceremony as<br />

well as group singing which will<br />

include the singing of the French<br />

national azvthcjn in French by<br />

Brownie Troop 23 and Scout<br />

Troop li. TiDDp 2a will present<br />

folk dftDdng and Trtop 3a Bnfi<br />

Tronp 5 will give a pcariit puppet<br />

shew. First class scouts svitl give<br />

a presentation and a soda bar<br />

wiU be hostesses by Troop IS.<br />

Individual troop exhibits are as<br />

follows: Troop 2—Ctawine and<br />

?ain-.inff; 3—Doll housE; 4—Blrwk<br />

prints and place cards; &_<br />

Ceramics: 6—Clothing; 8—Sail<br />

boats and iv tiath er ch a rts; 9—<br />

KctUtion; u — E P D k binding,<br />

weaving end ceramics: 1&—Metal<br />

craft, fir-sl aid posters and first<br />

class achievements: I&—Afghan;<br />

17—Handmade tailing and ceramics;<br />

IS—Hostess<br />

table sstthig.<br />

badge and<br />

Also Troop 3&—"Work dt>r.e<br />

toward International Friendship,<br />

My Troop, Cook. .Nutrition, Hoatess.<br />

Keedlccraft and My Pet<br />

Badges; 20—Raifia, peanut pupjpets,<br />

thrift -shop bag and community<br />

organization; 21—Handciart<br />

For Brownies; 22—Pictorial<br />

display of year's program; 23—<br />

Aprons made from haedkerchie£s;<br />

25-Kakred afghan; 2B~<br />

Cotten tv.-ine dells; 28—Exam pi as<br />

ot crafts and other projects; 3D—<br />

Raffia work and ceramics; 31—<br />

Scrapbook of prajeets; 23—Seed<br />

project; and 34—SUupons and<br />

Browni& charts.<br />

First Class Scouts who will<br />

receive badges include Man,- £yinonds,<br />

Virginia Perkins, Gladys<br />

Mei-rick. Joyce Cutlipp. Carol<br />

Bradley. Marleue Boillat. Grace<br />

Aptekar, Ruth Kesselman. Eunice<br />

MiUard. Nantv MacDonald, Diare<br />

Bailey. Etsa Shimar, Felice<br />

Suhwartz. Jean Walwortli, Clairp<br />

O'Brien anri Beatrice Fern.<br />

Individual trophies t& be displayed<br />

in the teachers' dining<br />

room include shells Tiy Beverly<br />

Hopkins, miniature borsea toy Gaff<br />

ChEjuey, cJd dolla by Sllen TJr he -<br />

mode] Indian village by Anna Mc-<br />

Evcy and oil paintings lay Carol<br />

Drehcr.<br />

Troop leaders this pas: year<br />

were Troop 2—His. Me'.vin Heynoacn<br />

and Mrs. E. B. Mragle; S—<br />

Kr^. Nicholas lerardi and Mrs-<br />

Pierce Taylor: 4—Mrs. RicHard<br />

Bradley and Mrs. W. A, Cudlipp;<br />

5—Mrs, J. K. Adair and Mre. William<br />

Geba-jei: 6—Mrs. A. F, Bennett;<br />

S—Mrs. Robert Cov?en and<br />

Mre. Tbeodore Bagg; !V—Mrs. £*<br />

M. Allen. Miss Elizabeth Sfiumacher,<br />

Mrs. R. W. Hatchkus<br />

and Mr.5 E. K. atropp; It—Mrs.<br />

C. E. Koc'ienour and Mrs, Ernest<br />

AlUeri; <strong>15</strong>—Mrs. Arthur Whiles<br />

<strong>15</strong>—Urs. Mertyn Travers and<br />

Mrs. C. R. Olsen; 17—Mrs. R. B.<br />

Martin and Mrs. Elmer Frey; 18<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> & Short HiUg ITEM [ Pag* 1! 1<br />

—Mrs. II. E, PielJove.<br />

Also. Troops 3.G—Mrs, C. 34.<br />

McEvey: 20—-M"rs. Nicholas Heymaa<br />

anc Mrs. C. E. Kite; 21—<br />

Mrs. Donald Martin and Mrs. M.<br />

E. Spinning; 22—Mrs. Steele<br />

Winterer: SB-4&& Maurice<br />

EUEnbsrg ar.d Jiia. A. P.. NaiLhan;<br />

25—Mrs. F, A. St. Glair and Mrs,<br />

P. A. Swolak: 26—3fcs. R. H<br />

Frazer and Mrs. Mark Ev-ers: 26<br />

—Mrs. Oeerge BibbiiiF and' Mrs.<br />

A, A. Claikson; 30—Mr*. J. E,<br />

Keston and Mrs. H. K. Clark; 31<br />

—•Mrs. Charles Tutechek and Mrs,<br />

H. E. Llri ah; 3 3—Mrs. A. A<br />

RiiEgg and Mrs. L, M. Peine; 34<br />

—Mrs. J. R. Gilmertin.<br />

Cochin China, part of Indochina,<br />

is about the size of Wesl Virginia<br />

but has three times as many people.<br />

Wyoming Hears<br />

Widmayer<br />

The Wytnaiag Association Council<br />

at their Tuesday night meeting<br />

inaugurated a new policy, under<br />

the direction of tae new preEident.<br />

J. K. Davenport, Under this<br />

plan, the Council will invite one<br />

Township official to each of their<br />

mo:i:bly meetings, and will bear a<br />

briar talk from bim as to hie official<br />

duties. Questions wi31 then<br />

be invited from the aJdience. It<br />

fea the plea of the Counci] to invite<br />

all residents of tile Wyoaung- section<br />

to atxend MC fjartiGLpaie.<br />

The first such gueat was Thoodare<br />

L. Widraayer, TGWeahig<br />

Clerk, who toJd o-f the worit of hie<br />

office, and the general plan of<br />

operation af Lhe Township government.<br />

He patci particular tribute<br />

co those who had served at small<br />

etc TIB pay in eucli important positions<br />

as Township CoinmicieemSTi,<br />

mrrahej;? of tb-e i"ar:iMJS boards and<br />

^r>m.mJssi£ras, etc, He also declared<br />

tfts Toft'nsbip SwtHBSie in having<br />

the servlcea of bLs regular etafi oz<br />

Tlie nest guest wko wiil attand<br />

the raeetiriE on June 10 WlB be<br />

File Chief J. David Hayes.<br />

Young Artist<br />

Holds Exhibit<br />

Alexander Farnbam or 34 Etfilalde<br />

avenue i& holding r,.n asfeifeS<br />

nf i5 pai-Titinffs at Silberiher'a Art<br />

Store. The paintings rats^H Irom<br />

one painted in 1938 whec Lhe<br />

artist waa sleven yeafs eld to<br />

snnn? of his r^cftnr work,<br />

The artist tidied Lincier Ven-<br />


Dea.L-inp P«rrii]e ana at the Art<br />

Students league under Qsorga<br />

BrldgeBtan, W, C, HcNult? ftrrf F.<br />

V. Du.VoniJ. He spent ana ci" his<br />

twr> years in thp ^avy fintns il-<br />

:tstrations and ether art wosck for<br />

ihe 5th Naval district, Qua of his<br />

jots V.-&* the painting: &f a mtrai<br />

for the aimed suard center JD<br />

NeT*' Orieaas.<br />

Mr. Fafiibam's r^Lntiiiga are<br />

Di»-n£d by severat residents of<br />

Shaft HiillP and Milibuna.<br />

A memher of lhe Art SLudmiiA<br />

Leagja anil MAlltturn Arts Cnnte:',<br />

he ha*i exhibited fen KEIB YorJi,<br />

New Orieajis and KffW Jerat?. His<br />

iast ere man show was at the<br />

Hap'ev.-oocl Bank and Trust Company.<br />

•J'he first railroad aieepirg- B&r<br />

as operated in the United States<br />

1S3G.<br />

BUT HIST T© HAHNi 4 CO.<br />

Comping-time is just around the earner of the calendar . . .sisters ami brotllefs ond sousins, from<br />

teens to iusl-talsly-tofs, wit! soon b* posking to 5|»i-J their Suriimar in til* sun. V^e ihare in tamp-:<br />

efs' )oyi hy suppfying oil their «se

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