The Scottish songs - National Library of Scotland

The Scottish songs - National Library of Scotland

The Scottish songs - National Library of Scotland


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358<br />

If I wasna ettled to be ony better,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n what gars me wish ony better to be ?<br />

I'm just like a lammie that loses its mither<br />

Nae mither or friend the puir lammie can see<br />

I fear I hae tint my puir heart a'thegither,<br />

Nae wonder the tear fa's sae fast frae my ee.<br />

Wi' the rest o' my claes I hae row'd up the ribbon,<br />

<strong>The</strong> bonnie blue ribbon that Jamie gae me;<br />

Yestreen, when he gae me't, and saw I was sabbin',<br />

I'll never forget the wae blink o' his ee.<br />

Though now he said naething but Fare ye weel, Lucy<br />

It made me I neither could speak, hear, nor see<br />

He could nae say mair but just. Fare ye weel, Lucy<br />

Yet that I will mind till the day that I dee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lamb likes the gowan wi' dew when its droukit<br />

<strong>The</strong> hare likes the brake and the braird on the lea<br />

But Lucy likes Jamie ;—she turn'd and she lookit.<br />

She thocht the dear place she wad never mair see.<br />

Ah, weel may young Jamie gang dowie and cheerless !<br />

And weel may he greet on the bank o' the burn<br />

For bonnie sweet Lucy, sae gentle and peerless,<br />

Lies cauld in her grave, and will never return<br />



Tune— <strong>The</strong>jollie leggar.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Avas a jollie beggar, and a beggin' he was boun',<br />

And he took up his quarters into a landwart toun.<br />

And we'll gang nae mair a-rovin', a-rovin' in the<br />

nicht.<br />

And we'll gang nae mair a-rovin', boys, let the moon<br />

shine ne'er sae bricht<br />

And we'll gang nae mair a-rovin'.

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