Alkyl Ketene Dimer (AKD) sizing – a review

Alkyl Ketene Dimer (AKD) sizing – a review Alkyl Ketene Dimer (AKD) sizing – a review
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Fig 7a. The mechanism is probably analogous to the mechanism of the catalysis of the cellulose-AKD reaction shown in Fig 7b, because analysis of the reaction kinetics of the reaction pointed to a trimolecular reaction mechanism. In this investigation it was also found that divalent metal ions (Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Ba 2+ ) catalyzed the hydrolysis reaction (see Fig 8a), whereas the anion or monovalent electrolytes had no effects. It is most likely that the divalent cation functions as a Lewis type of catalyst (Schinzer 1986), the mechanism of which is shown in Fig 8b. Hydrolysis only takes place at high temperatures and during standard laboratory forming and drying conditions hydrolysis is insignificant. The hydrolysis product of AKD, the ketone in Fig 1, has a slight positive effect on sizing, provided there is already some reacted AKD present in the paper (Lindström and Söderberg 1986a). Amount of AKD required for sizing The required amount of AKD for sizing for a given pulp depends on a number of factors and is also linked to a number of wet-end factors. Critical is the retention of the size and the extent of reaction together with the nature of the pulp furnish together with the structure of the sheet. Retention is critical, as recirculated size can be subject to hydrolysis. The extent of reaction depends on the drying conditions together with the presence of size accelerators. The extent of reaction for AKD-sizes is dependent on the fraction of fibre surface exposed to the air phase, because it is only size on free surfaces, which can spread and potentially react. AKD spreads all over the sheet and sizing with AKD is not dependent on size agglomeration, which is critical for instance with soap/alum sizing. The extent of reaction can be quite high under ideal laboratory conditions, but under practical mill conditions it is often in the range between 15-40%. In an early publication (Lindström and Söderberg 1986a) the amount required for sizing was investigated for various extractive free pulps. Defining the onset of full sizing as Cobb 60 = 25 g/m 2 , the required amount of AKD necessary for sizing is directly proportional to the BET surface area of the papers as shown in Fig 9. By using surface balance measurements to determine the collapse value of the monolayer the planar oriented monolayer surface area of AKD can be calculated to 24 Å 2 per molecule. It is important to emphasize that sizing is uniquely defined by the reacted amount of AKD (Lindström and Söderberg 1986a; Johansson and Lindström 2004b). Using this surface area it can be calculated from Fig 9 Fig 7. (a) The effect of NaHCO 3 on AKD hydrolysis, (b) Suggested hydrolysis mechanism. Fig 8. (a) The effect of CaCl 2 on AKD hydrolysis, (b) Suggested hydrolysis mechanism by Ca 2+ (Lewis acid catalysis). (Lindström and Glad-Nordmark, 2007b). Fig 9.The required amount of reacted AKD, necessary to obtain Cobb 60 = 25 g/m 2 for various pulps (extractives free). that it is only necessary to cover 4% of the total surface area for a given pulp in order to obtain sizing. In practice the sweeping action of the fatty acid chains will, of course, cover a much larger area. Ström and co-workers (Ström et al. 1992) determined the required surface coverage to 15% using ESCA. The electrons from carbon atoms emitted in the ESCA analysis partly come from carbon atoms underneath the fatty acid layer, so the surface coverage values should not be directly compared. Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal Vol 23 no. 2/2008 207

Practical aspects and comparisons between different sizing agents In Table 2, some major aspects of different sizing agents have been compared. Rosin sizing is basically restricted to acidic pH-values and so both AKD and ASA are basically restricted to neutral/alkaline papermaking, although ASA may be used at slightly acidic pH-values (Roberts 1997). Electrolytes are basically negative for all sizing agents because they interfere with retention aid use and decrease their affinity to fibre surfaces. Divalent metal ions are devastating for rosin sizing because they compete with aluminium species in the complexation process and for AKD sizing, because they catalyze the AKD hydrolysis reaction. Fines/fillers have a large surface area consuming the sizing agent. Fillers can generally not be sized because reactive sizes do not react with fillers and the aluminium resinate (rosin-aluminium complex) cannot be anchored to the filler. The hydrolysis product of ASA can complex with Ca 2+ - ions so it may in principle be able to use for slack sizing of calcium carbonates (Roberts 1997). Dissolved anionic substances are in almost all cases detrimental to size retention. The charged groups on the fibres are necessary for rosin sizing, and the higher the carboxyl group content, the easier is is to size the pulp with rosin. For AKD/ASA sizes, the charged groups are in general beneficial for retention processes. Acidic extractives may in principle be used as sizing agents in the presence of alum and non-ionic extractives contribute only slightly to sizing. Extractives of the fatty acid types are detrimental to AKD-sizing, because they interfere with retention and with the AKD-reaction (Lindström and Söderberg 1986c; Lidén and Tollander 2004; Åvitsland et al. 2006), but have been found not to interfere with spreading (Mattsson et al. 2003). Extractives have in general a slight positive effect on ASA-sizing because aluminium salts are used in conjunction with ASAsizing. The AKD-hydrolysis product has a slight positive effect on AKD-sizing, but is detrimental for ASA-sizing because the diacid is amphiphatic and will overturn in the presence of aqueous liquids in contact with the sized paper. Aluminium salts are, of course, necessary for rosin sizing, but interfere with AKD-sizing, if they contribute sufficient acidity to decrease the HCO - 3 content of the water. AKD can also be used in conjunction with rosin sizing for liquid packaging (Walkden 1991), but there is no simple mechanistic explanation for this synergism. Table 2. Comparison between different sizing agents. Rosin AKD ASA pH 4.2-5.0 7-8.5 5-8.5 Electrolytes - - - - - Fines/Fillers - - - Dissolved an. substances - - - - - - Fibre-COOH + + + + Extractives + - - (+) Hydrolysis products irrelevant (+) - - Aluminium sulfate + + + Stock temperature - - - - Lactic acid resistance - + - 208 Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal Vol 23 no. 2/2008 Stock temperature has a strongly negative effect, particularly on rosin soap sizing, but also on dispersion sizing. A higher temperature leads to aggregation of precipitated aluminum resinates and oxolation of aluminium species making them loose some of their cationic charge characteristics. For synthetic sizes a higher stock temperature leads to a higher rate of hydrolysis of non-retained size. Neither rosin sizes nor ASA-sizes can protect paper against liquids containing strongly coordinating species like lactic acid Acknowledgement: Veronica Sundling is acknowledged for editing the text. Literature Asakura, K., Iwamoto, M. and Isogai, A. (2006a): The effects of AKD oligomers present in AKD wax on dispersion stability and paper performance, Nord. Pulp Paper Res. J. 21(2), 245-252. Asakura, K., Iwamoto, M. and Isogai, A. (2006b): Influence of fatty acid anhydride components present in AKD wax on emulsion stability and paper sizing performance, APPITA, 59(4), 285-290. Bottorff, K.J. (1993): New insights into the AKD sizing mechanism, Nord. Pulp Paper Res. J. 8(1), 86-95. Bottorff, K.J. (1994): AKD sizing mechanism: A more definitive description, Tappi J. 77(4), 105-116. Brungardt, C.L. and Gast, J.C. (1996): Alkenyl-substituted sizing agents for precision converting grades of fine paper, Tappi Proc. 1996 Papermakers Conference, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, USA, 297-308. Brungardt, C.L. and Varnell, D.F. (2005): The effect of ketene dimer melting point on the rate of sizing development, In: Advances in Paper Science and Technology: 13th Fundamental Research Symposium, Cambridge, I´Anson, S.J. (ed.), Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society, Bury, UK, 193-209. Cazabat, A.M. (1989): The dynamics of wetting, Nord. Pulp Paper Res. J 4(2), 146-154. Champ, S. and Ettl, R. (2004): The dynamics of alkylketene dimer (AKD) retention, J. Pulp Paper Sci. 30(2), 322-328. Colasurdo, A.R. and Thorn, I. (1992): The interaction of alkyl ketene dimer with other wet-end additives, Tappi J. 75(9), 205-211. Cooper, C., Dart, P., Nicholass, J. and Thorn, I. (1995): The role of polymers in AKD sizing, Paper Technol. (May), 30-34. Downey, W.F. (1949): Higher alkyl ketene dimer emulsion. US Pat. 2,627, 477. Dumas, R.W. (1975): An overview of cellulose reactive sizes, Tappi J. 64(1), 43. Eklund, D. and Lindström, T. (1991): Paper Chemistry An introduction, DT Paper Science Publications, Grankulla, Finland. Esser, A. and Ettl, R. (1997): On the mechanism of sizing with alkyl ketene dimer (AKD): physico-chemical aspects of AKD retention and sizing efficiency, Fundamentals of Papermaking Materials: 11th Fund. Res. Symp. Cambridge, Fundamental Res. Comm. and Pira International, 997-1020. Garnier, G., Bertin, M. and Smrckova, M. (1999): Wetting dynamics of alkyl ketene dimer on cellulosic model surfaces, Langmuir, 15(22), 7863-7869. Garnier, G. and Godbout, L. (2000): Wetting behaviour of alkyl ketene dimer on cellulose and model surfaces, J. Pulp Paper Sci. 26(5), 194-199. Garnier, G., Wright, J., Godbout, L. and Yu, L. (1998): Wetting mechanism of alkyl ketene dimers on cellulose films, Coll. Surf. A: Phys. Chem. Eng. Asp. 145, 153-165. Hardell, H.-L. and Woodbury, S. E. (2002): A new method for the analysis of AKD oligomers in papermaking systems, Nord. Pulp Paper Res. J. 17(3), 340-335. Hasegawa, M., Isogai, A. and Onabe, F. (1997): Alkaline sizing with alkylketene dimers in the presence of chitosan salts, J. 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Fig 7a. The mechanism is probably<br />

analogous to the mechanism of the<br />

catalysis of the cellulose-<strong>AKD</strong><br />

reaction shown in Fig 7b, because<br />

analysis of the reaction kinetics of the<br />

reaction pointed to a trimolecular<br />

reaction mechanism. In this investigation<br />

it was also found that divalent<br />

metal ions (Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Ba 2+ ) catalyzed<br />

the hydrolysis reaction (see Fig 8a),<br />

whereas the anion or monovalent electrolytes<br />

had no effects. It is most likely<br />

that the divalent cation functions<br />

as a Lewis type of catalyst (Schinzer<br />

1986), the mechanism of which is<br />

shown in Fig 8b. Hydrolysis only<br />

takes place at high temperatures and<br />

during standard laboratory forming<br />

and drying conditions hydrolysis is<br />

insignificant.<br />

The hydrolysis product of <strong>AKD</strong>, the<br />

ketone in Fig 1, has a slight positive<br />

effect on <strong>sizing</strong>, provided there is already<br />

some reacted <strong>AKD</strong> present in the<br />

paper (Lindström and Söderberg<br />

1986a).<br />

Amount of <strong>AKD</strong> required for <strong>sizing</strong><br />

The required amount of <strong>AKD</strong> for<br />

<strong>sizing</strong> for a given pulp depends on a number of factors<br />

and is also linked to a number of wet-end factors. Critical<br />

is the retention of the size and the extent of reaction<br />

together with the nature of the pulp furnish together with<br />

the structure of the sheet.<br />

Retention is critical, as recirculated size can be subject<br />

to hydrolysis. The extent of reaction depends on the<br />

drying conditions together with the presence of size<br />

accelerators. The extent of reaction for <strong>AKD</strong>-sizes is<br />

dependent on the fraction of fibre surface exposed to the<br />

air phase, because it is only size on free surfaces, which<br />

can spread and potentially react. <strong>AKD</strong> spreads all over<br />

the sheet and <strong>sizing</strong> with <strong>AKD</strong> is not dependent on size<br />

agglomeration, which is critical for instance with<br />

soap/alum <strong>sizing</strong>.<br />

The extent of reaction can be quite high under ideal<br />

laboratory conditions, but under practical mill conditions<br />

it is often in the range between 15-40%.<br />

In an early publication (Lindström and Söderberg 1986a)<br />

the amount required for <strong>sizing</strong> was investigated for<br />

various extractive free pulps. Defining the onset of full<br />

<strong>sizing</strong> as Cobb 60 = 25 g/m 2 , the required amount of <strong>AKD</strong><br />

necessary for <strong>sizing</strong> is directly proportional to the BET<br />

surface area of the papers as shown in Fig 9. By using<br />

surface balance measurements to determine the collapse<br />

value of the monolayer the planar oriented monolayer<br />

surface area of <strong>AKD</strong> can be calculated to 24 Å 2 per molecule.<br />

It is important to emphasize that <strong>sizing</strong> is uniquely<br />

defined by the reacted amount of <strong>AKD</strong> (Lindström and<br />

Söderberg 1986a; Johansson and Lindström 2004b).<br />

Using this surface area it can be calculated from Fig 9<br />

Fig 7. (a) The effect of NaHCO 3 on <strong>AKD</strong> hydrolysis, (b) Suggested hydrolysis mechanism.<br />

Fig 8. (a) The effect of CaCl 2 on <strong>AKD</strong> hydrolysis, (b) Suggested hydrolysis mechanism by Ca 2+ (Lewis acid catalysis).<br />

(Lindström and Glad-Nordmark, 2007b).<br />

Fig 9.The required amount of reacted <strong>AKD</strong>, necessary to obtain Cobb 60 = 25 g/m 2<br />

for various pulps (extractives free).<br />

that it is only necessary to cover 4% of the total surface<br />

area for a given pulp in order to obtain <strong>sizing</strong>. In practice<br />

the sweeping action of the fatty acid chains will, of course,<br />

cover a much larger area. Ström and co-workers<br />

(Ström et al. 1992) determined the required surface coverage<br />

to 15% using ESCA. The electrons from carbon<br />

atoms emitted in the ESCA analysis partly come from<br />

carbon atoms underneath the fatty acid layer, so the surface<br />

coverage values should not be directly compared.<br />

Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal Vol 23 no. 2/2008 207

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