September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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probably not what he wanted. However, he did choose to “go back”- to life a travel and risk-taking. Jack liked to travel. Jack his met wife in Columbia, South America. It has also been noted that he worked for a year and a half in Saudi Arabia. It is also known that Hensley worked for at least 17 years at Getronics, managing large-scale telecommunications projects. Getronics is a global firm with locations in 44 countries. Because nothing is known of these seventeen years, it is speculated that Jack did a number of international projects, and then left the company to spend time his daughter, after having been absent as a father. It is of pertinent interest that in reviewing the 150 pages of messages on the Jack Hensley memorial website that there are numerous people who wrote saying ‘I worked with Jack…’ at Wang, at his bar etc. – but not a single person, in over 1500 messages said, I worked with Jack at Getronics. It suggests a 17 year black hole. Getronics holds a number of contracts with the US Defense Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency, and is described as “one of the leading suppliers of innovative seat management and secure computing to the DoD (Department of Defense)…and the intelligence community.” Then, in the space of about three years, there were a series of acquisitions of the Getronics assets. It was purchased by DigitalNet, which was purchased by the British firm BAE Systems (formerly British Aerospace)– the fourth largest arms manufacturer in the world. BAE North America was then purchased by IDT, (Integrated Defense Technologies), which was then purchased by DRS Technologies. BAE North America is a leading manufacturer of ‘high performance radio frequency surveillance equipment used in signals intelligence operations.” [Aerospace & Defense Market Update, October 2002]. According to DRS’s annual report, DRS is working heavily with Lockheed-Martin on the “Navy’s network centric tactical warfare environment.” Interestingly, Mr. Hensley took interest in conspiracy theorists. In June of 2000, he traveled to North Carolina to join a radio audience at WTZY, to listen to the conservative conspiracy advocate Craig Roberts. Jack Hensley was quoted by the local news after the show: "I like what he's doing, in general – digging and bringing things out that people need to know." This sounds like Jack had a tendency towards ‘loose lips’ – which is what got Berg killed. The second miscellaneous bit of information was shared by his brother, Ty Hensley. Ty “said he felt that despite their demands, the hostage takers always intended to kill the hostages. They never called an embassy to communicate their demands, he said. ‘The terrorists wanted to kill my brother and hurt my family,’ Ty Hensley said.” The third bit of information comes from Jack’s wife. When asked if she could comment on what she new about her husband’s kidnapping, “She said she did not know if there had been any communication between her husband's captors and the Iraqi or American governments. ‘Nothing that I am privy to. I know there is far more superior intelligence behind this, both here in the states and in Baghdad, that they know things that I don't know and, to be honest, I don't need to know them,’ Pati Hensley said. ‘I just need them to follow through and do what they can to save these two gentlemen’." The oddities in the Hensley family messages are this: 1) Ty seems fairly convinced that the attack on Jack is an attack on his family (Was he told this, and if so, why?), and 2) Pati’s use of the words ‘superior intelligence’ and her desire to not know the truth, suggests a familiarity with intelligence operations beyond that of a innocent bystander. THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 52

These small bits of information beg a number of questions: • How does a ‘technology expert’ and a ‘professional managing large scale telecomm projects’ for a Defense company end up being hired to supposedly repair barracks in Iraq? One must assume he was doing something else. • Is there a connection with the type of telecommunications work done by Nick Berg? • Why is there an inconsistent message from the public about why he was in Iraq? His acquaintances and family are telling the press he was there to build schools and rebuild Iraq. Why would he tell them that? One must assume it was a cover. • Why does his wife need to spend time with FBI investigators, reported by the press to be at her house? Usually, this type of activity is covered by a representative from the State Department. All the evidence suggests Jack was a great guy – someone you’d want as a friend. At the same time, he was a guy who took risks he did not have to - in terms of where he lived, who he lived with and what he did. There was part of his world his wife didn’t want to know about. 3.4 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Finally, there should be a discussion of the group taking the blame for this outrage. Looking at a picture of the executioners, the outfits are the same as those from the Nick Berg execution, the physical size is the same, and the orange jumpsuits are back in the picture. The video and pictures suggest are these are the same guys that executed Nick Berg. The US Embassy issued a statement that it’s probably the same group. But… does the world really know who they are, and is it really Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? “Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of the organisation responsible for the beheadings in Iraq, is regularly portrayed by the US government as a terrorist mastermind, responsible for activity in places as widespread as Hamburg, Chechnya, Madrid (train bombing) and Mombassa (hotel bombing). But while there is no doubt that Zarqawi has committed awful crimes, experts say that accusing him has become an easy fall-back for the authorities as they struggle to contain the insurgency. There is no unanimity on whether Zarqawi is a henchman of Osama bin Laden or a rival.”[“A Thug who will stop at nothing to create pure Islamic Zone in Middle East,” Ewen MacAskill and Rory McCarthy, Guardian Unlimited, 11/23/2004] First, the profile presented by the Guardian Unlimited is not the picture of an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist. It is the profile an international hit-man, not unlike Carlos the “Jackal” Ramirez – who, once captured, was buried by the authorities so deep in prison no one could ever hear his story. (Who is hiding what dark secrets in that case?) Second, these Iraqi executions do not follow the modus operandi of Abu Musab al- Zarqawi. His infamous reputation is built on use of weapons of mass murder (bombings and chemicals) used against those whose religions he disagrees with: Shia Muslims and Jews. These executions meet none of the three characteristics of his group’s modus operandi: 1) mass murder, 2) religious affiliation or c) use of bombs and chemicals. Nor THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 53

probably not what he wanted. However, he did choose to “go back”- to life a travel and<br />

risk-taking.<br />

Jack liked to travel. Jack his met wife in Columbia, South America. It has also been<br />

noted that he worked for a year and a half in Saudi Arabia. It is also known that Hensley<br />

worked for at least 17 years at Getronics, managing large-scale telecommunications<br />

projects. Getronics is a global firm with locations in 44 countries. Because nothing is<br />

known of these seventeen years, it is speculated that Jack did a number of international<br />

projects, and then left the company to spend time his daughter, after having been absent<br />

as a father. It is of pertinent interest that in reviewing the 150 pages of messages on the<br />

Jack Hensley memorial website that there are numerous people who wrote saying ‘I<br />

worked with Jack…’ at Wang, at his bar etc. – but not a single person, in over 1500<br />

messages said, I worked with Jack at Getronics. It suggests a 17 year black hole.<br />

Getronics holds a number of contracts with the US Defense Intelligence Agency and<br />

National Security Agency, and is described as “one of the leading suppliers of innovative<br />

seat management and secure computing to the DoD (Department of Defense)…and the<br />

intelligence community.” Then, in the space of about three years, there were a series of<br />

acquisitions of the Getronics assets. It was purchased by DigitalNet, which was<br />

purchased by the British firm BAE Systems (formerly British Aerospace)– the fourth<br />

largest arms manufacturer in the world. BAE North America was then purchased by<br />

IDT, (Integrated Defense Technologies), which was then purchased by DRS<br />

Technologies. BAE North America is a leading manufacturer of ‘high performance radio<br />

frequency surveillance equipment used in signals intelligence operations.” [Aerospace &<br />

Defense Market Update, October 2002]. According to DRS’s annual report, DRS is<br />

working heavily with Lockheed-Martin on the “Navy’s network centric tactical warfare<br />

environment.”<br />

Interestingly, Mr. Hensley took interest in conspiracy theorists. In June of 2000, he<br />

traveled to North Carolina to join a radio audience at WTZY, to listen to the conservative<br />

conspiracy advocate Craig Roberts. Jack Hensley was quoted by the local news after the<br />

show: "I like what he's doing, in general – digging and bringing things out that people<br />

need to know." This sounds like Jack had a tendency towards ‘loose lips’ – which is<br />

what got Berg killed.<br />

The second miscellaneous bit of information was shared by his brother, Ty Hensley. Ty<br />

“said he felt that despite their demands, the hostage takers always intended to kill the<br />

hostages. They never called an embassy to communicate their demands, he said. ‘The<br />

terrorists wanted to kill my brother and hurt my family,’ Ty Hensley said.”<br />

The third bit of information comes from Jack’s wife. When asked if she could comment<br />

on what she new about her husband’s kidnapping, “She said she did not know if there had<br />

been any communication between her husband's captors and the Iraqi or American<br />

governments. ‘Nothing that I am privy to. I know there is far more superior intelligence<br />

behind this, both here in the states and in Baghdad, that they know things that I don't<br />

know and, to be honest, I don't need to know them,’ Pati Hensley said. ‘I just need them<br />

to follow through and do what they can to save these two gentlemen’."<br />

The oddities in the Hensley family messages are this: 1) Ty seems fairly convinced that<br />

the attack on Jack is an attack on his family (Was he told this, and if so, why?), and 2)<br />

Pati’s use of the words ‘superior intelligence’ and her desire to not know the truth,<br />

suggests a familiarity with intelligence operations beyond that of a innocent bystander.<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 52

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