September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front


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1. the notices sent to Israeli’s in the WTC two hours prior to the attack, advising them to<br />

not be in the building-(The occurrence of this message is now publicly confirmed by<br />

the executives of that Israeli company – Odigo.)<br />

2. the five Israelis caught by the police on 9/<strong>11</strong>, dancing and shouting in joy at the<br />

destruction of the WTC, (After being detained for several months, these Israelis were<br />

released to the Israeli government, and returned to Israel.) These five were part of a<br />

group of 100 detained in the weeks immediately after 9/<strong>11</strong>.<br />

“Five of the Israelis, say Galloway, were arrested after "Angry witnesses had seen the five at a<br />

waterfront park in New Jersey apparently laughing and clowning, and photographing themselves<br />

in front of the burning towers." An FBI surveillance team had been monitoring the five and took<br />

photographs of their activities. One of the five Israeli had assumed a first name of Omer, which is<br />

close to the Arabic name Omar. Another had a German passport in addition to his Israeli passport.<br />

A third had an international flight booked to Thailand for <strong>September</strong> 13-two days after the<br />

highjackings. Yet another of the five Israelis was discovered by the FBI to be a former<br />

paratrooper, assigned to an elite Israeli defense forces unit. Two more Israeli Jews were arrested in<br />

a truck on Interstate 80 in Pennsylvania, near the site of the crash of American Airlines flight 93.<br />

A box cutter like the ones used in the airliner highjackings was found in their truck along with<br />

other incriminating evidence… FBI investigators believe that most of the 100 men detained are<br />

part of an Israeli intelligence unit operating out of New Jersey, near where the Anthrax letters<br />

were mailed.<br />

Israeli officials are desperately trying to paint the incident as a "mere mistake"-just some silly<br />

young men clowning around, unconnected to an official intelligence group.” [Israelis trapped in<br />

terror roundups cause worry at home, anger at U.S. Jim Galloway, The Atlanta Constitution,<br />

November 18, 2001]<br />

3. the coincidental presence of an Israeli anti-terrorist, special forces martial arts training<br />

expert, on Flight 77. His name was Daniel Lewin. Even more coincidental, he was<br />

the only person shot on all four planes, and he was shot by terrorist sitting next to<br />

him. The news of a gun being used on this passenger, initially reported in the media,<br />

has since been “retracted” as an erroneous, “officially never happened” message.<br />

What are the odds that a terrorist, unassisted, would be sitting next to (or behind) a<br />

counter-terrorist expert, have a gun (on a plane!), know that he needed to kill the man<br />

next to him, and know that a box-knife wasn’t going to be of much use against a<br />

person with Lewin’s combat skills?<br />

"The "Executive Summary," based on information relayed by a flight attendant to the American<br />

Airlines Operation Center, stated "that a passenger located in seat 10B shot and killed a passenger<br />

in seat 9B at 9:20 a.m. The passenger killed was Daniel Lewin, shot by passenger Satam Al<br />

Suqami." The FAA claims that the document is a "first draft," declining to release the final draft,<br />

as it is "protected information." [See the FAA memo, originally posted at World Net Daily]<br />

"A report in Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz on Sept. 17 identifies Lewin as a former member of the<br />

Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal, Israel's most successful special-operations unit. "[UPI,<br />

3/6/02].<br />

4. the existence of Mossad living quarters within a block of the addresses known to<br />

shelter Muslim terrorists in Florida and Oklahoma City (as documented by the US<br />

Drug Enforcement Agency),<br />

"Mohammed Atta, the presumed lead hijacker had lived at 3389 Sheridan St, only a few blocks<br />

away from the Fake Israeli Art Students! "[Le Monde 3/5/02; Reuters 3/5/02; Jane's Intelligence<br />

Digest, 3/15/02; Salon, 5/7/02]<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 42

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