September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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on the globe. A documented example of this is Zone Labs. Zone Labs is an Israeli owned (Checkpoint Technologies Software Company) provider of “security software product” for home PCs. “A Perfect Spy? It seems that ZoneAlarm Security Suite has been phoning home, even when told not to. Last fall, InfoWorld Senior Contributing Editor James Borck discovered ZA 6.0 was surreptitiously sending encrypted data back to four different servers, despite disabling all of the suite’s communications options. Zone Labs denied the flaw for nearly two months, then eventually chalked it up to a “bug” in the software -- even though instructions to contact the servers were set out in the program’s XML code. A company spokesmodel says a fix for the flaw will be coming soon and worried users can get around the bug by modifying their Host file settings. However, there’s no truth to the rumor that the NSA used ZoneAlarm to spy on U.S. citizens.” [ZoneAlarm phones home, Apple throws Intel a bone Does crabby columnist deserve a raise, or is he just being shellfish? Robert X. Cringely® infoworld, January 13, 2006] The appropriate question is, how does an entrepreneur who repairs communication towers happen to be familiar with a truly obscure algorithm that has no publicly known connection to tower communications, but is a key component of the national intelligence arsenal. It is fair to speculate that he probably learned of this method from Dr. Arthur Breipohl, of the University of Oklahoma at Norman. Dr. Breipohl specializes in the analysis of random data and processes, and was a consultant to Sandia International for many years. (This story will coincidently (?) run into another main character named Dr. Diethart Breipohl of Germany, former CFO for Allianz. Arthur Breipohl, of Norman, was reportedly born in Higginsville, MO in 1931, the son of immigrant parents. If one looks at the pictures of Arthur and Diethart however, one might swear they were brothers. At the moment, their relationship has not been proven, but most likely they are cousins.) In a final piece of irony (?), the essence of Prometheus Methods is to create programs that solve problems on a single processor without communicating with the other processors, until called into play by a master or ‘global’ program – exactly like the organization he was watching, and also part of. A strong case can be made for the argument that Mr. Berg was an agent of the Mossad starting as what is referred to as a sayanim. (These are citizens in countries other than Isarel who have 100% Jewish heritage, can be considered sympathetic to the fate of Israel, and are recruited for specific Israeli intelligence needs.) Nearly everything the public knows about Nick can link him to the Mossad. Most people are murdered by someone they know. The Galil (the Israeli version of the AK47) and the strategic interests of the Mossad puts them at the scene of the crime. There are plenty of documented cases where the Mossad has been caught in the midst of a false flag operation, including the creation of phony Al Qaeda cells. The Mossad deals brutally with those who cross it. Rabbi Dov Zakheim, former Undersecretary of Defense, who has acknowledged knowing Mossad agents, described how Israelis deal with those perceived as traitors: "… I had heard of the virtual brutality with which the Israelis dealt with those who opposed them, especially if they were Jewish. …. Since the Israelis played hardball, and played it personally, I figured THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 38

that I would soon be on their hit list." [Dov S. Zakheim, Flight of the Lavi: Inside a U.S. Israeli Crisis, Brassey's, Washington 1996, p 21] From another source, one finds the same approach to guaranteeing silence: “Moser is a Jewish word for "rat-fink" or informer--punishable by death according to historical culture.” [Missile & remote control systems added to small jets before 9-11; same parts found at Pentagon, Tom Flocco,, 5/26/2005] The MO (mode of operation) for this crime fits the Mossad. What remains to be determined is motive. 2.3 Why the Mossad killed Nick Berg –Motive There are two possible explanations for motive. At one level, Berg committed a serious breach of security when he publicly created a link between the Mossad and the US telecommunications sector by naming his company after “Prometheus Methods.” By naming the company after this program, he demonstrated a willingness to be cavalier with security and intelligence information. It may be that this name was purposely meant to be a pointer back to Dr. Breipohl, for reason which will become a little clearer, later in the article. On several occasions in the recent past, the FBI has rigorously investigated Mossad penetration of the US telecommunications infrastructure, without any successful prosecution. Berg may have been the link they needed to indict the Mossad on this issue. Maybe that alone was cause for the Mossad to eliminate him. The probable cause is more ominous. A second theory is a founded on – but varies significantly from - research by Michael Phillip Wright and available on his website, and supported by an article in the British magazine Eye Spy (viii, 2002). There are literally dozens of websites that support versions or portions of this conspiratorial view of the WTC tragedy (including a 60 minute special by Fox News that was never aired, but released on CD,) in which the Mossad is demonstrated to be at the core of activity leading up to the attack. This theory suggests that the WTC attack was a FBI/CIA sting operation that went wrong. In this theory, the CIA and FBI, through its informants and through various intelligence agencies, were very well aware of, and allowed, the activities of 9/11. They believed the planes would be hijacked – with nothing more spectacular planned. They had a number of agents on each plane (assuming they knew that four or more planes were targeted) who were unable to prevent the disaster when they discovered the plan was not unfolding as they had been advised. These theories have no explanation as to why the “sting” went wrong. This report suggests the reason the plan failed was because the CIA was being misled by the Mossad, who wanted this event to be fully executed. In this theory, Mr. Nicholas Berg was a small player, but had the knowledge and the willingness to disclose his role. To prevent this, he needed to be silenced. This second theory becomes more viable when one considers that the Russians, Germans, British and Israelis have gone on public record as saying that they had notified the US THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 39

on the globe. A documented example of this is Zone Labs. Zone Labs is an Israeli<br />

owned (Checkpoint Technologies Software Company) provider of “security software<br />

product” for home PCs.<br />

“A Perfect Spy? It seems that ZoneAlarm Security Suite has been phoning home, even when told not<br />

to. Last fall, InfoWorld Senior Contributing Editor James Borck discovered ZA 6.0 was surreptitiously<br />

sending encrypted data back to four different servers, despite disabling all of the suite’s<br />

communications options. Zone Labs denied the flaw for nearly two months, then eventually chalked it<br />

up to a “bug” in the software -- even though instructions to contact the servers were set out in the<br />

program’s XML code. A company spokesmodel says a fix for the flaw will be coming soon and<br />

worried users can get around the bug by modifying their Host file settings. However, there’s no truth to<br />

the rumor that the NSA used ZoneAlarm to spy on U.S. citizens.” [ZoneAlarm phones home, Apple<br />

throws Intel a bone Does crabby columnist deserve a raise, or is he just being shellfish? Robert X.<br />

Cringely® infoworld, January 13, 2006]<br />

The appropriate question is, how does an entrepreneur who repairs communication<br />

towers happen to be familiar with a truly obscure algorithm that has no publicly known<br />

connection to tower communications, but is a key component of the national intelligence<br />

arsenal.<br />

It is fair to speculate that he probably learned of this method from Dr. Arthur Breipohl, of<br />

the University of Oklahoma at Norman. Dr. Breipohl specializes in the analysis of<br />

random data and processes, and was a consultant to Sandia International for many years.<br />

(This story will coincidently (?) run into another main character named Dr. Diethart<br />

Breipohl of Germany, former CFO for Allianz. Arthur Breipohl, of Norman, was<br />

reportedly born in Higginsville, MO in 1931, the son of immigrant parents. If one looks<br />

at the pictures of Arthur and Diethart however, one might swear they were brothers. At<br />

the moment, their relationship has not been proven, but most likely they are cousins.) In<br />

a final piece of irony (?), the essence of Prometheus Methods is to create programs that<br />

solve problems on a single processor without communicating with the other processors,<br />

until called into play by a master or ‘global’ program – exactly like the organization he<br />

was watching, and also part of.<br />

A strong case can be made for the argument that Mr. Berg was an agent of the Mossad<br />

starting as what is referred to as a sayanim. (These are citizens in countries other than<br />

Isarel who have 100% Jewish heritage, can be considered sympathetic to the fate of<br />

Israel, and are recruited for specific Israeli intelligence needs.) Nearly everything the<br />

public knows about Nick can link him to the Mossad. Most people are murdered by<br />

someone they know. The Galil (the Israeli version of the AK47) and the strategic<br />

interests of the Mossad puts them at the scene of the crime. There are plenty of<br />

documented cases where the Mossad has been caught in the midst of a false flag<br />

operation, including the creation of phony Al Qaeda cells. The Mossad deals brutally<br />

with those who cross it. Rabbi Dov Zakheim, former Undersecretary of Defense, who has<br />

acknowledged knowing Mossad agents, described how Israelis deal with those perceived<br />

as traitors:<br />

"… I had heard of the virtual brutality with which the Israelis dealt with those who opposed them,<br />

especially if they were Jewish. …. Since the Israelis played hardball, and played it personally, I figured<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 38

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