September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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“If one drives southwest from Hanover, Germany, and is careful to remain on Berliner Strasse for about 125 kilometers, one will come to Gutersloh, a pleasant town of sculptured tulip gardens, highspired churches, and tree-lined streams and lakes. It is a town of thirty-six thousand that lists as an honorary citizen, among others, Reinhard Mohn. This is the ancestral home of the Mohn family, who happen to own the privately owned firm of Bertelsmann A.G., the fifth largest media corporation in the United States and, among other things, the largest printer of English-language books in the world. …Like the other members of the Big Five that dominate the American media world, Bertelsmann's list of media companies is lengthy. It requires nine typed pages. Thirty percent of its holdings are in the United States, bringing from this source alone $63 billion annually. Most of Bertelsmanns eighty-two book subsidiaries were once freestanding, independent publishing houses, some of them household words not so many years ago Alfred Knopf, Pantheon, Random House, Ballantine, Bantam, Crown, Doubleday, and Modem Library. Its magazine groups include familiar names like Family Circle and Parents (joint ventures). The twenty different record labels issued by Bertelsmann include RCA, RCA Victor, and Windham Hill. Like others in the Big Five, Bertelsmann has shared enterprises with its "competitors," including a 50-50 ownership with Disney of a German TV operation, Super RTL. With all its power, Bertelsmann is haunted by a ghost....With the advent of Hitler and Nazism in the 1930s and the aftermath horrors of the Holocaust in World War 11, questions were asked how the company had emerged from the war ready to resume its growth around the world. To queries like "What did you do under Hitler?" the Bertelsmann official answer was, in effect, "We suffered for our anti-Nazism." Postwar records seemed to confirm this because in 1944 there was a temporary closure of the Bertelsmann plant in Gutersloh. But as postwar German archives became available, Gennan sociologist Hersch Fischler discovered that, during the war, Bertelsmann had, in fact, been the largest publisher under Hitler. Among its 19 million books, it had large contracts from the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, including anti-Semitic tracts supporting Hitler's insistence that Germans needed to take over central and western Europe. One book echoed Hitler's propaganda claim. Bertelsmann's anti-Semitic tracts were standard literature for Hitler's Brown Shirts.” [The New Media Monopoly, Ben Bagdikian, Beacon Press, 2004] While the Bertelsmann Media giant is owned mostly by the quiet Mohn family of Germany, they have cast their lot with a familiar global financial powerhouse: Group Bruxells Lambert, largely controlled by Andre Desmarais. The reader will recall that Desmarais was identified as a board member of Barrick Gold, along with George Bush Sr., Adnan Khashoggi, the Bronfmann family and a host of German/Swiss bank cartel members. Desmarais had himself placed on the Board of BertelsmannAG, suggesting another media company controlled by one of the extended Bush syndicate. “In February 2001, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, one of Belgium’s top 10 companies and 25 percent owned by Power Corp., acquired control of BertelsmannAG. Andre Desmarais, President and Chief Executive Officer of Power Corp., was named to the BAG board. As it turns out, the publishing company controlled by Canada’s powerful Desmarais family has a less than honourary history. Indeed, during the days of the Third Reich, BertelsmannAG was the biggest publisher of Nazi texts, with production more prolific than the National Socialist Party’s own printing business. The Nazi chapter of BertelsmannAG began in 1933, but was only documented and disclosed by a historian Saul Friedlander in 1999. Bertelsmann published the nefarious, The Christmas Book for Hitler Youth. The publishing empire which employs some 80,000 workers in 51 countries, posted an overall cash flow of $18.3-billion in 2002. Originally run by the Heinrich Mohn family, the company donated money to the SS and to various ecology Save-the-Earth factions of the Nazi movement.” [Canada's global connections, Judi McLeod,, December, 15, 2004.] THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 338

Additionally, another Barrick Board member – Otto Pohl – is also a director of Bertelsmann. 13.6 Final Steps in Ending a Free Press The Bush syndicate has figured out how to control the traditional press. The internet, however, remains free. This report is an example of how the Internet allows information to be shared that has been buried by a controlled press. Freedom, however, threatens this syndicate. Hence, in 2005, Representatives of the Bush syndicate went to court to try to limit political expression on the internet. “The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is currently under court order to consider extending regulation and restriction of political speech outlined by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA, also known as McCain-Feingold). The court order was the result of a lawsuit filed by advocates of regulated speech, including the architects of BCRA, Sens. John McCain and Russ Feingold. Users of the Internet, such as online publications and blogs, so far have enjoyed a broad exemption from the speech restrictions favored by reformers. But the court-ordered rule-making by the FEC could change that….. FEC Commissioner Brad Smith: I think because anything they can't control scares them. And I think that as they are zealots, they are perpetually afraid somebody, somewhere is going to spend some money to influence politics and they think that that is a bad thing. They don't say that, of course. They say they are still very concerned about First Amendment rights and citizens participating in politics and so on. But if you are really looking at what their record is, if you look at what they do, if you look at what they testify before the commission about, what they are afraid of is that people would be participating in politics and in ways that they cannot control. So while there is no demonstrative threat yet, it's just a possibility that this could be a threat that has led them to swing into action.” [An End To 'Everybody's Press? Nick Schulz,, June 13, 2005] Summary The current methods ofterror, propaganda and media control all suggest that the country is being controlled by something other than the democratic process. If one adds to that a massive amount of research that indicates last two presidential elections were tampered with in the polls of numerous states, the path the U.S. is being steered to take is a dark one indeed. The next section of this report suggests that the Bush administration and the Neoconservative movement it uses as its front are really more like a totalitarian movement, than a party in the democratic process. THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 339

“If one drives southwest from Hanover, Germany, and is careful to remain on Berliner Strasse for<br />

about 125 kilometers, one will come to Gutersloh, a pleasant town of sculptured tulip gardens, highspired<br />

churches, and tree-lined streams and lakes. It is a town of thirty-six thousand that lists as an<br />

honorary citizen, among others, Reinhard Mohn. This is the ancestral home of the Mohn family, who<br />

happen to own the privately owned firm of Bertelsmann A.G., the fifth largest media corporation in the<br />

United States and, among other things, the largest printer of English-language books in the world.<br />

…Like the other members of the Big Five that dominate the American media world, Bertelsmann's list<br />

of media companies is lengthy. It requires nine typed pages. Thirty percent of its holdings are in the<br />

United States, bringing from this source alone $63 billion annually.<br />

Most of Bertelsmanns eighty-two book subsidiaries were once freestanding, independent publishing<br />

houses, some of them household words not so many years ago Alfred Knopf, Pantheon, Random<br />

House, Ballantine, Bantam, Crown, Doubleday, and Modem Library. Its magazine groups include<br />

familiar names like Family Circle and Parents (joint ventures). The twenty different record labels<br />

issued by Bertelsmann include RCA, RCA Victor, and Windham Hill. Like others in the Big Five,<br />

Bertelsmann has shared enterprises with its "competitors," including a 50-50 ownership with Disney of<br />

a German TV operation, Super RTL.<br />

With all its power, Bertelsmann is haunted by a ghost....With the advent of Hitler and Nazism in the<br />

1930s and the aftermath horrors of the Holocaust in World War <strong>11</strong>, questions were asked how the<br />

company had emerged from the war ready to resume its growth around the world. To queries like<br />

"What did you do under Hitler?" the Bertelsmann official answer was, in effect, "We suffered for our<br />

anti-Nazism." Postwar records seemed to confirm this because in 1944 there was a temporary closure<br />

of the Bertelsmann plant in Gutersloh. But as postwar German archives became available, Gennan<br />

sociologist Hersch Fischler discovered that, during the war, Bertelsmann had, in fact, been the largest<br />

publisher under Hitler. Among its 19 million books, it had large contracts from the Nazi Propaganda<br />

Ministry, including anti-Semitic tracts supporting Hitler's insistence that Germans needed to take over<br />

central and western Europe. One book echoed Hitler's propaganda claim. Bertelsmann's anti-Semitic<br />

tracts were standard literature for Hitler's Brown Shirts.” [The New Media Monopoly, Ben Bagdikian,<br />

Beacon Press, 2004]<br />

While the Bertelsmann Media giant is owned mostly by the quiet Mohn family of<br />

Germany, they have cast their lot with a familiar global financial powerhouse: Group<br />

Bruxells Lambert, largely controlled by Andre Desmarais. The reader will recall that<br />

Desmarais was identified as a board member of Barrick Gold, along with George Bush<br />

Sr., Adnan Khashoggi, the Bronfmann family and a host of German/Swiss bank cartel<br />

members. Desmarais had himself placed on the Board of BertelsmannAG, suggesting<br />

another media company controlled by one of the extended Bush syndicate.<br />

“In February 2001, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert, one of Belgium’s top 10 companies and 25 percent<br />

owned by Power Corp., acquired control of BertelsmannAG. Andre Desmarais, President and Chief<br />

Executive Officer of Power Corp., was named to the BAG board.<br />

As it turns out, the publishing company controlled by Canada’s powerful Desmarais family has a less<br />

than honourary history. Indeed, during the days of the Third Reich, BertelsmannAG was the biggest<br />

publisher of Nazi texts, with production more prolific than the National Socialist Party’s own printing<br />

business. The Nazi chapter of BertelsmannAG began in 1933, but was only documented and disclosed<br />

by a historian Saul Friedlander in 1999.<br />

Bertelsmann published the nefarious, The Christmas Book for Hitler Youth.<br />

The publishing empire which employs some 80,000 workers in 51 countries, posted an overall cash<br />

flow of $18.3-billion in 2002.<br />

Originally run by the Heinrich Mohn family, the company donated money to the SS and to various<br />

ecology Save-the-Earth factions of the Nazi movement.” [Canada's global connections, Judi McLeod,<br />, December, 15, 2004.]<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 338

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