September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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CBS the war began" [CNN reporter talks of pressure to be patriotic, David Bauder, Associated Press, May 29, 2008] “Millions of Americans supported Bush because they believed he would promote family values; Karmazin threw the support of CBS News behind Bush on the basis that family values were a campaign mirage, and that Bush had no intention of implementing them into public policy. While Bush has been president, Stern has continued to shout the same vulgarities and peddle the same sleaze over the air, but the intense pressure that was applied by the FCC during the Democratic era has not continued during the “family values” administration.” [Democracy, General Electric Style, David Podvin and Carolyn Kay, October 23, 2001] A classic example of CBS killing a story that reflected poorly on the Bush administration comes from Greg Palast: “….five months before the election, Katherine Harris, acting under orders from Jeb Bush, knocked 57,000 voters off the rolls. They were suspected of being evildoers and felons and, therefore, not allowed to vote in Florida. Here's the news: Of the 57,000 people, 97% were innocent of crimes, but they were guilty of being black. Half of them were African-American or Hispanic-in other words, Democratic voters. Was the state guessing who the people of color were? In Florida, it's like South Africa; they list your race right on your registration. There was no guessing. These people not only lost their vote, but lost their president. BBC figures Gore lost 22,000 votes this way, but you didn't read that in the U.S. press. You didn't read in the U.S. press that they say they're going to allow the voters back on in 2003. That means that they were screwed for the election of 2002 as well. I ran the story of the theft of the election on the BBC. Then a hotshot with CBS News calls me and says, "Oh, that's a great story, can we have a piece of it? We want something new." I said, "Yeah, I got something for you: Jeb Bush's office, the governor of Florida, is involved in knocking off the voters too, not just Katherine Harris, and there's a letter dated September 18, 2000, which directs county-election officials to deliberately violate the law and not register a bunch of people who are Democrats. These are people who committed crimes in other states. Jeb can't legally stop them from voting, but he did anyway. And he knows that these people are Democrats, because there's something about going to jail that turns people [into] Democrats, about 93% [of ex-cons vote Democrat.] (Interviewer): So, people who were either black or who had previously gone to jail were just automatically eliminated? PALAST: Right. Jeb sent out the letter anyway, September 18, 2000, despite two court orders saying he couldn't do that. I had an insider in his office, some poor woman, shaking, saying, "I gotta read you this letter." She knew about the court orders. Okay, so I said, to CBS, "That's a story." CBS News didn't run the story-one night, two nights. I said, "What happened?" They said, "It didn't stand up." I said, "How do you know the story didn't stand up?" "Well, we called Jeb Bush's office, and they said, 'We didn't do it.'…: In fact, just so you know, the NAACP took my information, sued Katherine Harris and the State of Florida; and they won. And you haven’t seen that reported in the American press: they won. Turns out, by the way, it wasn’t 57,000 people; 94,000 people were targeted to have their names illegally removed. And the State of Florida said, “You got us.” Katherine Harris has faced up to it, even though you don’t see it in the papers.” [Greg Palast Interview by Bruce David, Hustler, On-line] Time Warner and CNN In 1994, Edgar Bronfman Jr.'s Seagram company acquired a 14.5% stake in Time Warner, and has been a controlling player ever since. The role of Edgar Bronfman in the larger illicit laundering scandal has been amply detailed throughout this report. Here is the same individual being one of the key media influencers in the US. Here is at least one example of their deliberate squelching of the news to support a cover-up. THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 334

“Further investigation and probing of several other CNN sources closely connected with the production of the Asner segment on Showbiz Tonight reported that high-level members of CNN management advised the producers of the show to "kill it. " This statement was clearly made to stifle any further coverage of 9/11…”.[CNN Fears 9/11 Truth - Cancels Ed Asner's Appearance,, March 28, 2006] Disney and ABC Disney and ABC appears to be another example, very similar to NBC and CBS, where the corporate profit motive determined the content of the “message” to the American public. “The attitude at ABC was an extension of the personality of Disney Chairman Michael Eisner. Eisner does not like those who make waves, as the host of Politically Incorrect recently learned. After Bill Maher said that it was cowardly of America to fight battles by launching missiles from a safe distance, Eisner went out of his way to very publicly slap Maher down. This episode provided outsiders with a rare glimpse inside the corporate culture of … do not rock the boat or you’re in trouble. “Eisner will always stand up for principle, no matter what the cost,” says a former Disney executive, “as long as that principle involves increasing his personal compensation.” As a result, the candidate who held out the prospect of fabulous wealth for the broadcast industry got favorable coverage from ABC News. In fact, Bush received better coverage than Gore from the entire mainstream media.” [Democracy, General Electric Style, David Podvin and Carolyn Kay, October 23, 2001] It was Disney under Eisner that attempted to bury a film by Michael Moore that was critical of the Bush family, suggesting collusion with the Saudi Royal family. “Mr. Moore’s agent, Ari Emanuel, said that Michael D. Eisner, Disney’s chief executive, asked him last spring to pull out of the deal with Miramax. Mr. Emanuel said Mr. Eisner expressed concern that it would endanger tax breaks Disney receives for its theme park, hotels and other ventures in Florida, where Mr. Bush’s brother, Jeb, is governor. “Michael Eisner asked me not to sell this movie to Harvey Weinstein; that doesn’t mean I listened to him,” Mr. Emanuel said. “He definitely indicated there were tax incentives he was getting for the Disney corporation and that’s why he didn’t want me to sell it to Miramax. He didn’t want a Disney company involved.” But that was then and this is now. Disney has turned most of ABC’s extensive radio network and owned-and-operated stations into a 24/7 orgy of right-wing talk. Disney’s chief lobbyist, Preston Padden, is not only one of Washington, D.C.’s most infamous Republican lobbyists, but he used to work for Rupert Murdoch. And Padden was set to use all of his considerable influence in Congress and the White House on Disney’s behalf if that big bad Goliath, Comcast, really tried to gobble up the Mouse House. As a result, no one thought it just coincidental when W pleaded just days after 9/11 for Americans “to return to the kind of lives we were leading before [that], especially air travel. Get on board. Do your business around the country. Fly and enjoy America’s great destination spots. Go down to Disney World in Florida; take your families and enjoy life the way we want it to be enjoyed.” It was as close to a White House commercial for Disney as any corporation could dare hope. Then Bush followed that up weeks later with a PR visit to Orlando, Florida, where the Magic Kingdom had suffered a 25 percent drop in ticket sales, where a national photo showed the theme park’s deserted entrance. And since then, in addition to the usual tax breaks from W’s brother, Jeb, Disney World has benefited from special security measures, including extra protection and a federally declared “no flyover zone.” [When Might Turns Right - Golly GE, Why Big Media is Pro-Bush , Nikki Finke, LA Weekly, October 1 - 7, 2004] Behind all this, and what is rarely disclosed, is that in 1985, the largest shareholder in the owner of ABC, at the time being Capital Cities, was CIA Director Wiliam Casey. This THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 335

CBS<br />

the war began" [CNN reporter talks of pressure to be patriotic, David Bauder, Associated Press, May<br />

29, 2008]<br />

“Millions of Americans supported Bush because they believed he would promote family values;<br />

Karmazin threw the support of CBS News behind Bush on the basis that family values were a<br />

campaign mirage, and that Bush had no intention of implementing them into public policy. While Bush<br />

has been president, Stern has continued to shout the same vulgarities and peddle the same sleaze over<br />

the air, but the intense pressure that was applied by the FCC during the Democratic era has not<br />

continued during the “family values” administration.” [Democracy, General Electric Style, David<br />

Podvin and Carolyn Kay, October 23, 2001]<br />

A classic example of CBS killing a story that reflected poorly on the Bush administration<br />

comes from Greg Palast:<br />

“….five months before the election, Katherine Harris, acting under orders from Jeb Bush, knocked<br />

57,000 voters off the rolls. They were suspected of being evildoers and felons and, therefore, not<br />

allowed to vote in Florida. Here's the news: Of the 57,000 people, 97% were innocent of crimes, but<br />

they were guilty of being black. Half of them were African-American or Hispanic-in other words,<br />

Democratic voters. Was the state guessing who the people of color were? In Florida, it's like South<br />

Africa; they list your race right on your registration. There was no guessing. These people not only lost<br />

their vote, but lost their president. BBC figures Gore lost 22,000 votes this way, but you didn't read<br />

that in the U.S. press. You didn't read in the U.S. press that they say they're going to allow the voters<br />

back on in 2003. That means that they were screwed for the election of 2002 as well. I ran the story of<br />

the theft of the election on the BBC. Then a hotshot with CBS News calls me and says, "Oh, that's a<br />

great story, can we have a piece of it? We want something new." I said, "Yeah, I got something for<br />

you: Jeb Bush's office, the governor of Florida, is involved in knocking off the voters too, not just<br />

Katherine Harris, and there's a letter dated <strong>September</strong> 18, 2000, which directs county-election officials<br />

to deliberately violate the law and not register a bunch of people who are Democrats. These are people<br />

who committed crimes in other states. Jeb can't legally stop them from voting, but he did anyway. And<br />

he knows that these people are Democrats, because there's something about going to jail that turns<br />

people [into] Democrats, about 93% [of ex-cons vote Democrat.]<br />

(Interviewer): So, people who were either black or who had previously gone to jail were just<br />

automatically eliminated?<br />

PALAST: Right. Jeb sent out the letter anyway, <strong>September</strong> 18, 2000, despite two court orders saying<br />

he couldn't do that. I had an insider in his office, some poor woman, shaking, saying, "I gotta read you<br />

this letter." She knew about the court orders. Okay, so I said, to CBS, "That's a story." CBS News<br />

didn't run the story-one night, two nights. I said, "What happened?" They said, "It didn't stand up." I<br />

said, "How do you know the story didn't stand up?" "Well, we called Jeb Bush's office, and they said,<br />

'We didn't do it.'…: In fact, just so you know, the NAACP took my information, sued Katherine Harris<br />

and the State of Florida; and they won. And you haven’t seen that reported in the American press: they<br />

won. Turns out, by the way, it wasn’t 57,000 people; 94,000 people were targeted to have their names<br />

illegally removed. And the State of Florida said, “You got us.” Katherine Harris has faced up to it,<br />

even though you don’t see it in the papers.” [Greg Palast Interview by Bruce David, Hustler, On-line]<br />

Time Warner and CNN<br />

In 1994, Edgar Bronfman Jr.'s Seagram company acquired a 14.5% stake in Time<br />

Warner, and has been a controlling player ever since. The role of Edgar Bronfman in the<br />

larger illicit laundering scandal has been amply detailed throughout this report. Here is<br />

the same individual being one of the key media influencers in the US. Here is at least one<br />

example of their deliberate squelching of the news to support a cover-up.<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 334

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