September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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− As demonstrated by the FBI prematurely dropping the investigation of the forged Niger documents which provided Bush’s “proof” of Iraq’s nuclear arsenal. − As demonstrated by the investigations into the Marcos gold, where individuals responsible for letting the world know the gold actually still existed, contrary to the claims of the Swiss banks, were imprisoned until they recanted: “Upon Cosandey's orders, Jacobi and his informers Fritz Walser and Tony Silano were arrested and charged with economic espionage on July 10, 1991 in Munich, Germany. Walser was an informer who knew a banker who had penetrated the banks' computer systems, Chavez said. Walser's contacts also reportedly confirmed the existence of 1,241 tons of Marcos gold deposits at UBS under account number 7257. It was the same account passed on to the government by Adoracion Edralin Lopez, a Marcos relative, Chavez said. He said the discovered Marcos accounts were later transferred in the name of the late dictator's Swiss lawyer Bruno de Preux and his son, Cyril. Switzerland sought Jacobi's extradition from Germany but lost in a German court, which decided that the charge against him was "politically motivated." (Fritz) Walser would later claim everything he revealed had been a hoax, in exchange for his freedom. His revised statement was later used by Swiss authorities to claim that the $13.4-billion Credit Suisse account under "I. Arenetta" and the 7257 accounts were a hoax.” [Recovering the Marcos Wealth Show Us the Money, By Marites N. Sison ] − As demonstrated in control that allows individuals to be “protected” from investigative queries, as are Adnan Khashoggi, Richard Armitage and Farhad Azima: “Former presidential candidate H. Ross Perot, who was appointed presidential investigator for POW/MIA affairs, came upon the same information, and was warned by former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci to stop pursuing the connections to Armitage. As he sadly explained to a group of POW/MIA families in 1987: "I have been instructed to cease and desist."[1125] [Iran-Contra Connections to the Oklahoma Bombing, gathered by Alex Constantine© 2000 Alex Constantine. All rights reserved] “Saudi financier Adnan Khashoggi is charged by the State of New York in aiding and abetting former Filipino first lady Imelda Marcos in hiding billions from her country after she and husband Ferdinand Marcos were forced to flee the island nation. The charges are brought by New York Attorney General Rudolph Giuliani, who apparently has a personal score to settle with Khashoggi after Khashoggi defeated Giuliani's client John Tumpane in a business lawsuit. After a long and heated court battle, during which time Khashoggi was forced to stay in New York City under house arrest, the jury acquits Khashoggi of all charges. According to a former Army intelligence officer, Giuliani gets the indictments filed after months of effort by threatening George Bush that if he doesn't stop blocking the indictment, that he will call a press conference and complain that the White House is interfering with the criminal justice system merely to protect Bush's friend Khashoggi. (Larry Kolb).” [] “According to statements from a former Justice Department prosecutor to the Houston Post at that time, he was ordered to "back off" on his investigation into Indian Springs Bank shareholder Azima because "Azima had CIA connections and a 'get-out-of-jail-free card.'" [The Inside Story of John Lear, Bill Cooper and "The Greatest Cover-Up in Human History," An Affidavit by Lars C. Hansson, July 18, 1991] − As demonstrated in the control of post 9/11 terrorist investigations by FBI agents: THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 324

“WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 - Officials at the Federal Bureau of Investigation mishandled a Florida terror investigation, falsified documents in the case in an effort to cover repeated missteps and retaliated against an agent who first complained about the problems, Justice Department investigators have concluded….The agent who first alerted the F.B.I. to problems in the case, a veteran undercover operative named Mike German, was "retaliated against" by his boss, who was angered by the agent's complaints and stopped using him for prestigious assignments in training new undercover agents, the draft report concluded. Mr. German's case first became public last year, as he emerged as the latest in a string of whistle-blowers at the bureau who said they had been punished and effectively silenced for voicing concerns about the handling of terror investigations and other matters since Sept. 11, 2001. Mr. German's case dates to 2002, when the F.B.I. division in Tampa opened a terror investigation into a lead that laundered proceeds, possibly connected to a drug outfit, might be used to finance terrorists overseas. …...the inspector general found that the F.B.I. had "mishandled and mismanaged" the investigation, partly through the failure to document important developments for months at a time. The report also found that supervisors were aware of problems in the case but did not take prompt action to correct them.” [Report Finds Cover-Up in an F.B.I. Terror Case, Eric Lichtblau, New York Times, December 4, 2005] − As demonstrated in the unwillingness to prosecute BCCI: “The influential Chairman of the Banking Commission in the U.S. House of Representatives, Henry Gonzales, chided the Bush and Reagan administrations for refusing to prosecute the BCCI. In addition the Dept. of Justice repeatedly declined to co-operate in the Congressional investigations into the BCCI scandal and the closely linked scandal of the "Banco Nazional del Lavoro" (BNL). This bank had made billions of dollars from loans that Bush had granted the Iraqi government shortly before the Gulf War. Gonzales had said that the Bush administration had had a Department of Justice which he thought "the most corrupt, most unbelievably corrupt Department of justice that I have ever experienced during my 32 years in Congress". [George Soros and the Rothschilds Connection, Jan Von Helsing ("Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th Century")] − As demonstrated in Bush’s determination to regularly eliminate special investigators from investigations of his political colleagues – eliminating special investigators on the same case twice! “WASHINGTON — A US grand jury in Guam opened an investigation of controversial lobbyist Jack Abramoff more than two years ago, but President Bush removed the supervising federal prosecutor, and the probe ended soon after.” [ LA Times, Aug 8, 2005] “The investigation into Jack Abramoff, the disgraced Republican lobbyist, took a provocative new turn Thursday when the Justice Department said the chief prosecutor in the inquiry would step down next week because he had been nominated to a federal judgeship by President Bush.” [SF Chronicle, Jan 27, 2006] − As demonstrated by George Bush Sr’s. willingness to blatantly interfere with a criminal investigation: “May-June 1989 - Trial of executives of Sunrise Savings and Loan in Florida which collapsed in 1985 with bailout costs to the American taxpayer of $680 MILLION dollars. The Miami Herald, a Knight-Ridder newspaper covered every day of the trial. Yet when one witness testified that thenvice President George Bush had interferred in the investigation of Sunrise in 1984, a year before it collapsed, the Miami Herald somehow missed this story. The Bush-appointed Federal attorney in Miami never investigated this testimony, nor did he make an attempt to indict the man for THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 325

− As demonstrated by the FBI prematurely dropping the investigation of the forged<br />

Niger documents which provided Bush’s “proof” of Iraq’s nuclear arsenal.<br />

− As demonstrated by the investigations into the Marcos gold, where individuals<br />

responsible for letting the world know the gold actually still existed, contrary to the<br />

claims of the Swiss banks, were imprisoned until they recanted:<br />

“Upon Cosandey's orders, Jacobi and his informers Fritz Walser and Tony Silano were arrested<br />

and charged with economic espionage on July 10, 1991 in Munich, Germany. Walser was an<br />

informer who knew a banker who had penetrated the banks' computer systems, Chavez said.<br />

Walser's contacts also reportedly confirmed the existence of 1,241 tons of Marcos gold deposits at<br />

UBS under account number 7257. It was the same account passed on to the government by<br />

Adoracion Edralin Lopez, a Marcos relative, Chavez said. He said the discovered Marcos accounts<br />

were later transferred in the name of the late dictator's Swiss lawyer Bruno de Preux and his son,<br />

Cyril. Switzerland sought Jacobi's extradition from Germany but lost in a German court, which<br />

decided that the charge against him was "politically motivated." (Fritz) Walser would later claim<br />

everything he revealed had been a hoax, in exchange for his freedom. His revised statement was<br />

later used by Swiss authorities to claim that the $13.4-billion Credit Suisse account under "I.<br />

Arenetta" and the 7257 accounts were a hoax.” [Recovering the Marcos Wealth Show Us the<br />

Money, By Marites N. Sison ]<br />

− As demonstrated in control that allows individuals to be “protected” from<br />

investigative queries, as are Adnan Khashoggi, Richard Armitage and Farhad Azima:<br />

“Former presidential candidate H. Ross Perot, who was appointed presidential investigator for<br />

POW/MIA affairs, came upon the same information, and was warned by former Defense Secretary<br />

Frank Carlucci to stop pursuing the connections to Armitage. As he sadly explained to a group of<br />

POW/MIA families in 1987: "I have been instructed to cease and desist."[<strong>11</strong>25] [Iran-Contra<br />

Connections to the Oklahoma Bombing, gathered by Alex Constantine© 2000 Alex Constantine.<br />

All rights reserved]<br />

“Saudi financier Adnan Khashoggi is charged by the State of New York in aiding and abetting<br />

former Filipino first lady Imelda Marcos in hiding billions from her country after she and husband<br />

Ferdinand Marcos were forced to flee the island nation. The charges are brought by New York<br />

Attorney General Rudolph Giuliani, who apparently has a personal score to settle with Khashoggi<br />

after Khashoggi defeated Giuliani's client John Tumpane in a business lawsuit. After a long and<br />

heated court battle, during which time Khashoggi was forced to stay in New York City under<br />

house arrest, the jury acquits Khashoggi of all charges. According to a former Army intelligence<br />

officer, Giuliani gets the indictments filed after months of effort by threatening George Bush that<br />

if he doesn't stop blocking the indictment, that he will call a press conference and complain that<br />

the White House is interfering with the criminal justice system merely to protect Bush's friend<br />

Khashoggi. (Larry Kolb).” []<br />

“According to statements from a former Justice Department prosecutor to the Houston Post at that<br />

time, he was ordered to "back off" on his investigation into Indian Springs Bank shareholder<br />

Azima because "Azima had CIA connections and a 'get-out-of-jail-free card.'" [The Inside Story of<br />

John Lear, Bill Cooper and "The Greatest Cover-Up in Human History," An Affidavit by Lars C.<br />

Hansson, July 18, 1991]<br />

− As demonstrated in the control of post 9/<strong>11</strong> terrorist investigations by FBI agents:<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 324

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