September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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maintained a relationship with Saudi, Syrians, Iranians and his North American intelligence cohorts through Richard Secord. He is connected to Adnan Khashoggi as well. When Israelis were “recruited” for conflict in Azerbaijan, he was responsible for the recruiting. Over the years, he has developed deep relationships with the pro-Israeli movement in the US though his work with Jon Kimche. His involvement has been documented in various sections of this report. He is a major “hidden” conspirator in this crime. Today, in his leadership role of the Glocal Forum, David Kimche is in a perfect position to recruit and run sayanim in and out of third world contries on a regular basis. The other primary candidate of suspicion is Meir Dagan, the current head of the Israeli Mossad. Since Dagan’s ascent in 2002 to head of the Mossad, over 200 agents, including seven section heads, have left the agency. These ‘early retirements’ are generally attributed to a concern and disagreement over his priorities and methods. Dagan’s experience puts him in a central position for suspicion in all of the charges, ranging from directly or indirectly ordering the brutal execution of American and other hostages in Iraq, to the planning and execution of the attack on the World Trade Center. Meir Dagan, son of a Russian immigrant, started his military career in the late 1970’s, running the Sayeret Rimon. Sayeret Rimon was the first of its kind - a special forces unit which became the first “Mistaravim type unit.” Mistaravim, in Hebrew, means to ‘disguise as an Arab.’ During his eighteen months of running this unit, he deployed a host of innovative techniques for the Israeli Special Forces: • Hiring Palestinians as point men. He would use special persuasion to convince convicted and imprisoned Palestinian felons to act as fronts for his units; • capturing Palestinian freedom fighters, he would simply execute a number of them with a bullet to the head; • failing an ability to capture his targets, he would have them assassinated, quite often by car bombing; and then • Attributing his attacks and car bombing to other fictitious groups. After the first Invasion of Iraq by the US, Dagan was tasked with building the Mossad infrastructure inside of Iraq, using many of the same tactics he deployed while with the Sayeret Rimon. (This report contends that operation is still active, that Zarqawi was an agent of that group, and that it still foments civil unrest in Iraq through its traditional methods. The assault on an Iraqi jail by the British troops in Iraq to free two arrested terrorists is largely thought to be a rescue of Israeli agents before they were discovered.) He retired from the military after this assignment, but he designed and built the organization that has executed numerous competitors to the Mossad in Iraq. As the top commander of the Mossad at the time of the executions of Berg, Hensley and Armstrong – if the Mossad is responsible, then he is to be held accountable. In the late 1990s, Dagan became the Economic and Commerce Representative of Israel to Nigeria. Other than a simple notice of his holding this position, there is nothing in the press about his activities during this time. To understand the importance of his role as a chief architect of Israeli trade in Central Africa during this time, it is important to put this time and place in context. The last fifty years have been a time of great turmoil in Central THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 288

Africa. Nigeria is considered to be a relatively stable and neutral country. To the west of Nigeria are Liberia and Sierre Leone. To the southeast of Nigeria are the Congo and Angola. All four of these countries were (and still are) subject to continuous internal strife, allowing the most powerful warlord in each country the right to exploit vast mineral deposits such as oil, lumber or “conflict diamonds.” Conflict diamonds are diamonds used by ‘illegal rebel forces’ to finance their rebellions. They are thought to be mined by individuals or small independent mining companies, taking wealth from land previously assayed by larger diamond firms as barren. These diamonds are then ‘confiscated’ by rebel warlords. The truth of the matter is that at the end of the Cold War, and collapse of the Soviet Union, about $12 billion in rough uncut diamonds from government reserves, originating from Russian mines, disappeared. These stones are most likely now being laundered by trading them to various warlords in exchange for cash, weapons and mineral concessions, primarily crude oil and wood. The legal sales contracts for these raw materials are made at ridiculously low prices, with cash coming across the table and under the table. As a result, there is very little “paper” profit in these trades to be used to develop the economies of those countries. Conveniently, the middlemen placing the stones in the market are also the same agents connecting the warlords with Israeli arms merchants. Technically, it’s illegal to sell “conflict diamonds” in the De Beers dominated market. They do however show up there from time-to-time. However, an alternative channel has opened up within the last decade: Lev Leviev. Lev Leviev is a secondary candidate. Because of his involvement in blood diamonds, Angola, arms deals and a supply chain comparable to Barrick, it is speculated his accounts are involved in this tragedy. Leviev belongs to a group of rogue Israeli intelligence and military operatives who are attached to 9/11 through a false flag operation. He was born in Soviet Uzbekistan, and emigrated to Israel with his father in 1971. After a short career in the diamond industry, being one of the ‘select few 150’ authorized to buy directly from De Beers, he set out to create an alternative diamond supply chain. This personal vision of Leviev’s was conceived – coincidentally - at the end of the Cold War, about the same time the Russian criminals were looking for a way to launder $12 billion in diamonds heisted from the Russian treasury, over the next ten to twenty years. Leviev is considered to be the primary means by which the Russian diamond stockpile is being liquidated. (“Israel Tycoon Lev Leviev”, Paul Westman, 9/11/2003.) Leviev also has been reported (unconfirmed) to own a very significant share of a shipping company that illegally broke its lease with the World Trade Center and moved out seven days before the attack on September 11, 2001. [] That company would be Zim-American Israel Navigation, which is largely owned by the Israel Corporation (i.e., the government of Israel. Prior to that Zim was owned by Shaul Eisenburg, and the Eisenburg Group. Eisenburg was widely reported in the mainstream media as a Mossad agent, and would later be the private sector employer for David Kimche). The second largest investor in the Israel Corp. is Leumi Bank (about 20%). Leumi Bank has about four major investments, one of which is in Lev Leviev’s major companies. Less than a year after the attack, one of their ships would be impounded for attempting to ship Israeli manufactured weapons to Iran. It has not been confirmed that Lev owns a significant portion of Zim, but he is THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 289

maintained a relationship with Saudi, Syrians, Iranians and his North American<br />

intelligence cohorts through Richard Secord. He is connected to Adnan Khashoggi as<br />

well. When Israelis were “recruited” for conflict in Azerbaijan, he was responsible for the<br />

recruiting. Over the years, he has developed deep relationships with the pro-Israeli<br />

movement in the US though his work with Jon Kimche. His involvement has been<br />

documented in various sections of this report. He is a major “hidden” conspirator in this<br />

crime. Today, in his leadership role of the Glocal Forum, David Kimche is in a perfect<br />

position to recruit and run sayanim in and out of third world contries on a regular basis.<br />

The other primary candidate of suspicion is Meir Dagan, the current head of the Israeli<br />

Mossad. Since Dagan’s ascent in 2002 to head of the Mossad, over 200 agents, including<br />

seven section heads, have left the agency. These ‘early retirements’ are generally<br />

attributed to a concern and disagreement over his priorities and methods. Dagan’s<br />

experience puts him in a central position for suspicion in all of the charges, ranging from<br />

directly or indirectly ordering the brutal execution of American and other hostages in<br />

Iraq, to the planning and execution of the attack on the World Trade Center.<br />

Meir Dagan, son of a Russian immigrant, started his military career in the late 1970’s,<br />

running the Sayeret Rimon. Sayeret Rimon was the first of its kind - a special forces unit<br />

which became the first “Mistaravim type unit.” Mistaravim, in Hebrew, means to<br />

‘disguise as an Arab.’ During his eighteen months of running this unit, he deployed a<br />

host of innovative techniques for the Israeli Special Forces:<br />

• Hiring Palestinians as point men. He would use special persuasion to convince<br />

convicted and imprisoned Palestinian felons to act as fronts for his units;<br />

• capturing Palestinian freedom fighters, he would simply execute a number of them<br />

with a bullet to the head;<br />

• failing an ability to capture his targets, he would have them assassinated, quite often<br />

by car bombing; and then<br />

• Attributing his attacks and car bombing to other fictitious groups.<br />

After the first Invasion of Iraq by the US, Dagan was tasked with building the Mossad<br />

infrastructure inside of Iraq, using many of the same tactics he deployed while with the<br />

Sayeret Rimon. (This report contends that operation is still active, that Zarqawi was an<br />

agent of that group, and that it still foments civil unrest in Iraq through its traditional<br />

methods. The assault on an Iraqi jail by the British troops in Iraq to free two arrested<br />

terrorists is largely thought to be a rescue of Israeli agents before they were discovered.)<br />

He retired from the military after this assignment, but he designed and built the<br />

organization that has executed numerous competitors to the Mossad in Iraq. As the top<br />

commander of the Mossad at the time of the executions of Berg, Hensley and<br />

Armstrong – if the Mossad is responsible, then he is to be held accountable.<br />

In the late 1990s, Dagan became the Economic and Commerce Representative of Israel to<br />

Nigeria. Other than a simple notice of his holding this position, there is nothing in the<br />

press about his activities during this time. To understand the importance of his role as a<br />

chief architect of Israeli trade in Central Africa during this time, it is important to put this<br />

time and place in context. The last fifty years have been a time of great turmoil in Central<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 288

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