September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front


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They do poke around until they finally find this thing in the x-ray. They try three times to get it out and<br />

finally pull it out and it is a little disc, a flattened disc, that was described as `thin as a dime' and `razoredged.'<br />

This fits the profile of these aerodynamic discs that are used by the intelligence agencies in<br />

weapons that the Church Committee showed during the time that they did their testimony. They are<br />

fired with a CO2 (carbon dioxide) cartridge, so they are relatively silent. They just make a little puff.<br />

They have an accuracy up to a great length. They can be fired out of a regular gun or even out of these<br />

little tubes with the CO2 cartridge at the back. They also can be loaded with toxins.<br />

One of the uses they had for them was making them out of plastic and filling them with shellfish toxin<br />

which goes in and makes a razor split in the skin which wouldn't be noticed during an autopsy. The xray<br />

won't pull up the plastic and the shellfish toxin, once it gets into any part of the bloodstream, will<br />

cause a heart attack within 30 seconds. Very lethal -- several milligrams of the shellfish toxin is<br />

enough of a dose. Whether this thing had a poison load in it or not, who knows? But it didn't<br />

immediately kill him so if it did have such a load, it didn't work. It didn't shoot off.<br />

It bounced off of his rib. It would have cut into his aorta but bounced on his rib and missed the aorta by<br />

a quarter of an inch and went into the lung instead. But they did finally get it out. The lung was<br />

collapsed from it but they got him stabilized.” [John Judge November 2000 Interview]<br />

In addition to these irregular, undisclosed and downplayed events, the press immediately<br />

stumbled across what was referred to by a Bush spokesperson as a “bizarre coincidence”<br />

– a relationship between the Hinckley and the Bush families, which had known each<br />

other for years. The first allegation was that Hinckley’s father was a major campaign<br />

contributor to George Bush. For some reason, the relationship was “denied.”<br />

“Later in the day Bush spokesman Peter Teeley surfaced to deny any campaign donations from the<br />

Hinckley clan to the Bushcampaign. When asked why Sharon Bush and Neil Bush had made reference<br />

to large political contributions from the Hinckleys to the Bush campaign, Teeley responded, "I don't<br />

have the vaguest idea." "We've gone through our files," said Teeley, "and we have absolutely no<br />

information that he [John W. Hinckley Sr.] or anybody in the family were contributors, supporters,<br />

anything." [George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin,<br />

Chapter -XVII- The Attempted Coup D'Etat of March 30, 1991]<br />

The actual facts about the contributions and the relations between the families would turn<br />

out to be quite different, with the relationship between Bush and Hinckley to be quite<br />

substantial.<br />

“When Brady was shot, no question. Here we've got John Hinckley, Jr., Oh, by the way, is John<br />

Hinckley, Jr., just some kind of a "weirdo?" Isn't it strange that John Hinckley, Sr., is the owner of<br />

Vanderbilt Oil? And, of course, George Bush is the owner of Zapata Oil. Was it a coincidence, then,<br />

that John Hinckley, Sr., and George Bush are neighbors ‘for years’ in Houston, Texas, working<br />

together? Is it any coincidence that John Hinckley, Sr., when you go back through the FEC, the Federal<br />

Election <strong>Commission</strong>, his own record of giving maximum donations every year to Mr. Bush even<br />

when he started running for Congress…” [Excerpts from a talk given by Lt. Col. "Bo" Gritz in Mesa,<br />

Arizona on 4/4/1992]<br />

“When the Hinckley oil company, Vanderbilt Oil started to fail in the 1960s, Bush, Sr.'s, Zapata Oil<br />

financially bailed out Hinckley's company. Hinckley had been running an operation with six dead<br />

wells, but he began making several million dollars a year after the Bush bailout.” [Hinckley – Bush<br />

Family Friend - Nears Release, von A. Weist, <strong>11</strong>/28/2003]<br />

The second allegation was that Hinckley’s brother and Bush’s brothers were not only<br />

friends, but had recently partied together and were scheduled to have dinner with each<br />

other that very day! (A parallel event in the 9/<strong>11</strong> annals would be that George Bush Sr.<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 274

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