September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front


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esides criminal activity, is their use of these banks. The Deutschebank represented a<br />

global pipeline for money, and the UBS was the primary holding tank and refinery.<br />

Other, smaller Swiss banks were under intense investigation that involved transactions<br />

from New York and the Deutschebank, and accounts that had secreted away the<br />

treasuries of many nations – but these can be best described as the criminel nouveau riche<br />

(the New World Order), skimming a small piece- “table scraps” - from the German cartel<br />

take. Prior to 1998, the Swiss banks had never had to give up the criminal proceeds of its<br />

many customers. If it hadn’t been for a negotiated ‘deal’ by Edgar Bronfman on the<br />

Marcos and Nazi gold, independent investigators would have continued to drill down into<br />

those accounts and their audit trails. That deal, however, was not enough to shut down<br />

other investigations: the GATA lawsuit and FBI investigation, Kazakhstan-gate, Angolagate,<br />

Pakistani/CIA heroin trafficking and more. The attack on the WTC diverted the<br />

attention the entirety of the world’s largest investigative bodies, and destroyed whatever<br />

working papers they may have had. Given the evidence known today, planning for the<br />

attack started in 1998 [USA Today, 6/18/2002]. The cover story offered by the leadership<br />

of a probable criminal syndicate is that Al Qaeda orchestrated this attack, when the truth<br />

is more likely that the attack was orchestrated by a bigger, more powerful cartel that<br />

could easily blackmail the US government into support and a cover-up if it needed to do<br />

that.<br />

Finally, it is worth noting that as time passes, the Bush directed oil related activity in<br />

Central Asia may turn out to be a massive replay of the Harken Energy scam, or just a<br />

remarkably co-incidental similarity. More widely recognized as a demonstration of<br />

George Bush Jr.’s inability to manage and properly report insider trading, Harken Energy<br />

is not often given credit for being the large pump and dump scheme it was.<br />

"George Bush, Sr. and James Baker and Senator Tower would heavily short Harken stock. I have a list<br />

of everybody because I was one of them but to a much smaller extent. Harken stock was trading at 7-<br />

3/4 or 8, when George Jr, was put in charge of it. A year later, the stock was trading at 1-1/8 bid, 3/8<br />

offer. They pumped the stock back up through a lot of bogus press releases and by using essentially<br />

worthless leases in Bahrain and essentially worthless South American oil leases and through<br />

sympathetic geologists making them appear to be really worth something and making it appear that<br />

Harken's about to make a strike when in fact it's all made up. It's all fictitious. And through carefully<br />

crafted broker releases and broker statements and press releases, you can pump the stock back up. This<br />

has happened sixteen times to my knowledge. Harken would get pumped back up from the dead, from<br />

say a buck, buck and a half, back to seven, seven and a half, then it would get dumped again. [The<br />

Man Who Knows Too Much, An Interview with Al Martin, author of "The Conspirators: Secrets of an<br />

Iran Contra Insider" (PART 1), by Uri Dowbenko]<br />

With the success of Harken behind him, and towards the end of his Presidency, the record<br />

will show that President Bush Sr. sent trusted operatives (Secord, Armitage and Giffen)<br />

into Central Asia. They made significant inroads into bringing investment capital to the<br />

region, and building trusting relationships with the corrupt dictators that ran those<br />

countries. The record will show that key members of the Iran-Contra group controlled<br />

major information resources for this area: The Azerbaijan American Chamber of<br />

Commerce, and the Kazakhstan Oil Advisory Council. They pumped the opportunity to<br />

justify loans of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in the region from the Overseas Private<br />

Investment Corporation and the U.S. Export-Import Bank. This opportunity was<br />

significantly overstated by 93% to 96% according to more recent, third party estimates:<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 259

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