September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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collateral damage in a final round of the “Cold War.”. They tell themselves that thousands of innocent citizens needed to die so that America could continue to fund the Russian/Israeli Mafiya in a war against an enemy that ceased to be a threat decades ago. They tell themselves that witnesses need to be murdered and wars need to happen so that ‘the chosen’ Americans can maintain their lifestyles, not because their lives are endangered by “terrorists.” They justify the misery and deaths of thousands with their own self-gratification. These are people across the globe, in the US, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Israel, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, UK and more. These are executives that feed from stolen national treasuries, burden taxpayers with debt that has no social value and steal from the poor and unfortunate so that they can drive bigger cars, own more luxurious homes, and indulge their desires. They know, yet they continue to feed this growing corruption. For them, this is ‘realpolitik.’ For them, the world is either good or evil, black or white, winners or losers. They are the absolutists rooted in dualism. For them, self-indulgence at the expense of others is winning, is good and wears a white hat! However, these are the people every major western and eastern religion has – for thousands of years – argued are evil, black and losers. It is a debate as old as mankind, and it’s parallel is the parable of Cain and Able. The only difference here is scale. It is no longer enough to steal from your neighbor and kill a person to cover it up. It is no longer enough to raid a village and burn it down to enhance your wealth. It is no longer necessary to send an army to steal the wealth of a nation. It is about ever-increasing scale. The events of the World Trade Center represent a modern morality play no different than Cain and Able, with brother killing brother to control his wealth in order to be seen more favorably in the eyes of his god, and then trying to hide the crime. As the scale grows, the world darws closer to another Armegeddon. Note: The great irony of the parallel between the WTC and the parable of Cain and Able, is that heritage of Cain is traceable to the Bush family. “…it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became exceedingly wicked, every one successively dying one after the other, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behaviour, in acting unjustly, and doing injury for gain. “ [Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, A.D. 93] While most readers would respond to the aforementioned claim by suggesting that the linkage Josephus references is several thousand years distant from the current Bush family, there are some that have researched this type of linkage in depth. Suffice it to mention that the name of the son of Cain (Tubal) is traced through the ages to the Free- Masons (with 13 of 43 presidents), and accordingly to its Skull and Bones offshoots, and the Bush family. THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 242

9 Bank Cartel or Oil Syndicate – A Question of Greater Motive Merriam Webster defines cartel as “a combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices.” A syndicate is defined as “a loose association of racketeers in control of organized crime.” A syndicate can also be called a ‘cartel.’ In this investigation, there is bank cartel allegedly attempting to control gold prices, and an oil syndicate allegedly attempting to limit competition in the Central Asian region. Both of these cartels seem to have “motive” for disrupting the money laundering investigations initiated in the late 1990s, and continuing into the present. Both of these cartels had extensive contacts in the murky underworld of the Russian/Israeli Mafiya and U.S. Intelligence. They work together, and use each other’s services. The over-riding question appears to be: which cartel bears responsibility for the attack on the WTC? When the details of Central Asian covert oil operations are explored one finds the same criminals involved as in the Harken Energy, Iran Contra and BCCI scandals, the Barrick operation and the rape of the Soviet and Philippine treasuries. The Oil Cartel money laundering paths clumsily and inadvertently intersect at several places: the Deutsch Bank and the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), the Bank of New York and an interesting parallel involvement by Barrick. These banks continuously “appear” and have an active role in billion dollar deals which over time are shown to involve fraud, theft, expropriations, illegal drugs and weapons or some other illegal activity that leaves some national treasury poorer for their involvement and hundreds of millions of dollars unaccounted for. By facilitating and negotiating these deals, these bankers are coconspirators. (The person who drives the get-away car is just as guilty of the crime, even if that person contends he or she had no knowledge of a crime being committed, and the role of a banker’s due diligence requirements generally suggests they fully understand the crimes they are supporting.) These companies have facilitated the theft of treasuries from the Soviet Union, France, Czechoslovakia, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Angola, and possibly the U.S. These banking organizations - joined with Enron On-line - have the infrastructure for both rapid global distribution and high volume capacity required to mask the flow of illegal funds, and convert them into physical assets (bearer bonds, commodity futures and gold certificates) which cannot be traced. Time and again, these same financial institutions are identified as conduits for illegal activity and actively engaging known criminals as business partners, and hence become criminals themselves. Because of their widespread criminal activity, they have been the object of numerous investigations by agencies across the world. In most of these cases, the witnesses recant, die inexplicably or are ‘suicided.’ Massive heart attacks also seem to afflict these people more frequently than the normal citizenry. However, the trail left by the flow of money cannot be erased. (Although the destruction of the WTC, the BCCI records in London warehouses, the allowed shredding of Enron records suggests that these trails can be erased with proper financing.) Additionally, the citizens of the US, France, Germany and Switzerland are comparably socially minded, and have recently passed laws to allow THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 243

9<br />

Bank Cartel or Oil Syndicate – A Question of Greater Motive<br />

Merriam Webster defines cartel as “a combination of independent commercial or<br />

industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices.” A syndicate is defined<br />

as “a loose association of racketeers in control of organized crime.” A syndicate can also<br />

be called a ‘cartel.’ In this investigation, there is bank cartel allegedly attempting to<br />

control gold prices, and an oil syndicate allegedly attempting to limit competition in the<br />

Central Asian region. Both of these cartels seem to have “motive” for disrupting the<br />

money laundering investigations initiated in the late 1990s, and continuing into the<br />

present. Both of these cartels had extensive contacts in the murky underworld of the<br />

Russian/Israeli Mafiya and U.S. Intelligence. They work together, and use each other’s<br />

services. The over-riding question appears to be: which cartel bears responsibility for the<br />

attack on the WTC?<br />

When the details of Central Asian covert oil operations are explored one finds the same<br />

criminals involved as in the Harken Energy, Iran Contra and BCCI scandals, the Barrick<br />

operation and the rape of the Soviet and Philippine treasuries. The Oil Cartel money<br />

laundering paths clumsily and inadvertently intersect at several places: the Deutsch Bank<br />

and the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), the Bank of New York and an interesting<br />

parallel involvement by Barrick. These banks continuously “appear” and have an active<br />

role in billion dollar deals which over time are shown to involve fraud, theft,<br />

expropriations, illegal drugs and weapons or some other illegal activity that leaves some<br />

national treasury poorer for their involvement and hundreds of millions of dollars<br />

unaccounted for. By facilitating and negotiating these deals, these bankers are coconspirators.<br />

(The person who drives the get-away car is just as guilty of the crime, even<br />

if that person contends he or she had no knowledge of a crime being committed, and the<br />

role of a banker’s due diligence requirements generally suggests they fully understand the<br />

crimes they are supporting.) These companies have facilitated the theft of treasuries from<br />

the Soviet Union, France, Czechoslovakia, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Angola, and<br />

possibly the U.S. These banking organizations - joined with Enron On-line - have the<br />

infrastructure for both rapid global distribution and high volume capacity required to<br />

mask the flow of illegal funds, and convert them into physical assets (bearer bonds,<br />

commodity futures and gold certificates) which cannot be traced. Time and again, these<br />

same financial institutions are identified as conduits for illegal activity and actively<br />

engaging known criminals as business partners, and hence become criminals themselves.<br />

Because of their widespread criminal activity, they have been the object of numerous<br />

investigations by agencies across the world. In most of these cases, the witnesses recant,<br />

die inexplicably or are ‘suicided.’ Massive heart attacks also seem to afflict these people<br />

more frequently than the normal citizenry. However, the trail left by the flow of money<br />

cannot be erased. (Although the destruction of the WTC, the BCCI records in London<br />

warehouses, the allowed shredding of Enron records suggests that these trails can be<br />

erased with proper financing.) Additionally, the citizens of the US, France, Germany and<br />

Switzerland are comparably socially minded, and have recently passed laws to allow<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 243

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