September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front


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entity owning the major oil assets of Northern Iraq, the PKK was the group to court.<br />

Valmet SA was used to launder the funds to the PKK<br />

“The "Kurdish Foundation Trust" and the "Mamoian (aka Mamoyan) Foundation" are the most<br />

important ones among them. These foundations, one established on the island of Jersey in the Channel<br />

Islands and the other in Switzerland are claimed to launder the money the PKK earns from drug<br />

trafficking and other illegal means in order to finance MED TV. These foundations have transferred<br />

their legal and financial administration to the VALMET SA company in Switzerland to hide their<br />

relationship with the PKK. Proof is available on the fact that the supporters of the PKK are investing<br />

large amounts of money in the accounts of this company in National Westminster bank of London. ….<br />

On <strong>September</strong> 1996 and January 1998, following raids on to the studios of the television station, MED<br />

TV's accounts were seized by the authorities because they could not show the source of their income.”<br />

[ Behind Closed Doors, Sebahattin Onkibar (Turkiye), Turkish Press Review, May 20,1999 from<br />

Directorate General of Press and Information, Office of the Prime Minister of Turkey]<br />

“According to December 13, 2000, testimony by Frank Cilluffo, to the U.S. House Committee on the<br />

Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) “is heavily involved in the<br />

European drug trade, especially in Germany and France. French law enforcement estimates that the<br />

PKK smuggles 80 percent of the heroin in Paris.” Cilluffo is Deputy Director, Global Organized Crime<br />

Program Counterterrorism Task Force at Washington, D.C.'s Center for Strategic and International<br />

Studies.” [Not In Our Name and the World Wide Terrorism Web, Michael Tremoglie,<br />

<strong>Front</strong>PageMagazine.com, March 19, 2003]<br />

While the reference to the PKK is meant to help make credible the argument that Riggs-<br />

Valmet was a CIA covert operations, it is important to mention that the Kurdistan link to<br />

the Bush family was initially provided by the same gentleman that initiated the Iran-<br />

Contra scandal and October Surprise, other Bushmanaged operations: Israeli Mossad<br />

agent David Kimche.<br />

“The history of Kurdish-Israeli contacts is well documented. It was Israel´s Middle East man, the<br />

former Mossad official David Kimche, who established direct contacts with the Kurdish leadership<br />

back in the mid-1960s. In 1997, the London-based Al-Hayat published my interview with Kimche in<br />

which he explained that, when the contacts were made, Israel´s then Prime Minister Levi Eshkol had<br />

taken a strategic decision to establish relations with ethnic minorities in the Arab world. Kimche met<br />

with then Kurdish leader Mustafa Barzani, and shortly afterwards Israel began delivering aid to the<br />

Kurds. Othman, who was at the time Barzani´s trusted liaison with the outside world, confirmed<br />

Kimche´s account. He pointed out, however, that Barzani was hoping that the contacts with Israel<br />

would help him establish relations with the United States.” [Kamran Karadaghi is an Iraqi political<br />

commentator based in London. He wrote this commentary for The Daily Star,<br />

http://www.rojname.com/lastnews/cache-archive/9259/]<br />

At the same time as Valmet was working covertly with the Russians and Kurds, Riggs<br />

Bank had a Vice President acting as treasurer of the US Azerbaijan Chamber of<br />

Commerce (Karl Mattison), demonstrating yet again Riggs involvement in Middle<br />

Eastern/Central Asian politics:<br />

“The USACC Advisory Board consisted of "only" these seven men: Dr. Henry Kissinger, James A<br />

Baker III, Lloyd Bentsen, Zibigniew Brzezinski, Dick Cheney, Brent Scowcroft, John Sununu. It is<br />

noted here that the current Vice President’s daughter, Elizabeth `Cheney-Perry`, has been named<br />

Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs for regional economic issues; she left Armitage<br />

Associates for the job. The USACC `Vice-Chairman` of the Board is James A Baker IV (Baker Botts,<br />

L.L.P.); Chairman Emeritus is T. Don Stacy (VP, Amoco); with Richard Armitage as Board President,<br />

until he resigned to become Colin Powell’s Deputy, which rounds out the US elite running the<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 214

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