September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front

September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front September 11 Commission Report - Gnostic Liberation Front
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In mid-August, …the CNO-IP was moving to renovated offices in the Navy Command Center, on the first floor of the D-Ring, on the Pentagon's west side. One hundred twenty-five Pentagon workers were killed that day. Forty-two died in the Navy Command Center. Seven served in the Intelligence Plot.” [The Last Watch, Richard Leiby, Washington Post, 1/20/2002] “As pointed out by Carol Valentine and Dick Eastman, the first floor of the western wedge of the Pentagon was occupied in part by the office of the "Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot", who had moved into their new offices (early) and many were killed, as reported by the Washington Post, 1/20/2002 (quoted by Valentine, not independently confirmed by the authors.) Valentine noted that this Naval Intelligence office was responsible for breaking open the Jonathon Pollard affair, and Eastman speculated that had they survived, they might have had the responsibility to mount an independent investigation of all the events of 9-11 and its associated "intelligence failures".[anonymous internet blogger] The agency know as th “Naval Operations Intelligence Plot” was responsible for production of daily intelligence briefing and other intelligence materials for the Chief of Naval Operations, Secretary of the Navy, and other senior military and civilian officials, including the Director of the ONI. ONI was also part of the Command Center. At an organizational level, it is reported that the ONI was at odds with Bush and his primary enforcement agencies- the CIA and NSA. “Tom Heneghen, . . . who claims an intelligence network ranging from Gore to France, made several stunning claims about 9/11: --- According to Heneghen, a missle shield over Washington, DC was deactivated several weeks before 9/11, . . . in preparation for the upcoming 'wargames' that served as cover for the Bush/Pentagon coup of 9-11. The Office of Naval Intelligence, which has never been on particularly good terms with the NSA, the CIA, or its offshoots, is investigating this angle and emails on the CyberNet system that can prove this.”[9/11 Whispers: Washington Defense Shield Deactivated Due to Wargames? Liberty Think, 1/4/2005] This general friction between the groups is demonstrated by several examples. At an individual level, there were several individuals who threatened to expose the Bush administration ‘shortcomings’ – if not crimes: officers Vreeland, Russbacher, and Phillport. The case of Mr. Delmart “Mike Vreeland has been debated and disputed, with serious allegations of fraud made against him by a “number” of U.S. citizens. These allegations have been reviewed and set aside by a Canadian court as without merit. The essence of the story is that Vreeland was apprehended by Canadian authorities on his way back from Russia to the U.S. Previous to that, Vereeland had been a US agent in Iraq. Vreeland, while in jail, told Canadian authorities he was with the ONI, and documented - before September 11 - that the attack on the WTC would happen. Unfortunately, his reported ONI ‘handler’ died in the attack on the Pentagon. Vreeland himself has disappeared, and is assumed to be in hiding, after finally being released. “Sometime around August 11 or 12, Vreeland wrote a set of notes. They listed a number of potential terrorist targets including the Sears Towers, World Trade Center, White House, and Pentagon. The notes also included the phrase, "Let one happen. Stop the rest!!!" He sealed them in an envelope and handed them to his Canadian jailers.” [Down the rabbit hole with the man who says he tried to warn the world about 9/11, Sander Hicks, Guerilla News Network, Sept. 26, 2002] THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 200

“Lt. Vreeland gave clues that his main contact/control was Jack Punches. From the memorial pages: U.S. Navy Capt. (Ret.) Jack Punches worked in the Pentagon as deputy head, Navy Interagency Support Branch. Punches was killed in the attack of Flight ” “I was sent (to Moscow) by the U.S. government and the ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence]. I got my orders between Sept. 4 and Sept. 7, 2000. Marc Bastien departed for Russia on Sept. 7, 2000. I had orders to meet him. Bastien was going to work at the Canadian embassy regarding diagrams and blueprints of a weapons defense system. The U.S. government had a direct influence on his mission. The name of the defense system is SSST [Stealth Satellite System Terminator]. There are five different individual and unique defensive and strike capabilities of the system. The only portion that I have publicly spoken on is one frame regarding actual current orbiting satellites, which are not at this time owned by the US government. On advice of counsel I cannot discuss the other components. This one component is a satellite system. Within the confines of the system there are multiple, deployable space/orbital EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] missiles that are not aimed at the ground. They are targeted at everyone else's satellites. These would kill worldwide communications. The satellites of some countries that are shielded with titanium are protected from these weapons. The protected countries are Russia and China, but U.S. satellites are vulnerable and Putin has told Bush that the U.S. missile defense system doesn't work, and that Bush knows it. The reason why I went to Russia was because I needed to meet with Bastien and another individual from the Russian Ministry of Defense named Oleg. The purpose was to get the Canadian diplomat who had made contact with Oleg to get the book of designs out of the ministry's R&D. That was done. We copied the entire book. Then we took certain documents, and we changed serious portions of the defense design so the program wouldn't work. They know this now.” [FTW Interview: Delmart "Mike" Vreeland, What the CIA Doesn't Want You to Know, Michael C. Ruppert,] What is generally ignored by most writers is that Vreeland claimed to have documents (over 100 pages of bank transactions with 6 transactions per page, with one on Aug 11, 1989 for $100 Billion.) exposing a massive, fraudulent theft of billions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury. He shared these documents with Michael C. Ruppert, who discusses them in his report Crossing the Rubicon. What is important to note is that these transactions start as early as 1989, and the ONI documents were also released to Ruppert and others by another Navy Intelligence agent. These documents suggest that the ONI was probably investigating a large money-laundering scheme, as rumored in some of the press. In reviewing these documents, it becomes clear that for the 18 months covered by these documents, Robert Hermann (later to become Vice President and the principle tax strategy architect for Enron, although the ONI documents may be referring to Robert Hermann of the National Security Agency, who worked extensively in the White House.) was working with international banking cartels to refinance third world debt in the urgent need to prevent the collapse of the US banking system. (Michael Bowe and James Dean provide an excellent overview of this period in their report: “Has the Market Solved the Sovereign-Debt Crisis?” Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 83, August 1997.) Working with a strategy labeled “concerted market-based debt relief” Hermann, Brady, Bush and Greenspan were apparently creating securities ironically named “Exit Bonds.” “Exit bonds are new bonds issued at discount in exchange for old debt. Exit bonds, like buybacks, were rare before Brady, because of similar coordination challenges reinforced by legal clauses in syndicated loan agreements. Because exit bonds are generally either collaterized or made senior to the reminaing old debt, they can be exchanged for old debt at a fraction of its value. If the bonds are fully collateralized, for example, they are as good as cash…” [Michael Bowe and James W Dean, Has the Market Solved the Sovereign-Debt Crisis?, Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 83, August 1997] THE SEPTEMBER 11 COMMISSION REPORT Page 201

“Lt. Vreeland gave clues that his main contact/control was Jack Punches. From the memorial pages:<br />

U.S. Navy Capt. (Ret.) Jack Punches worked in the Pentagon as deputy head, Navy Interagency<br />

Support Branch. Punches was killed in the attack of Flight ”<br />

“I was sent (to Moscow) by the U.S. government and the ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence]. I got my<br />

orders between Sept. 4 and Sept. 7, 2000. Marc Bastien departed for Russia on Sept. 7, 2000. I had<br />

orders to meet him. Bastien was going to work at the Canadian embassy regarding diagrams and<br />

blueprints of a weapons defense system. The U.S. government had a direct influence on his mission.<br />

The name of the defense system is SSST [Stealth Satellite System Terminator]. There are five different<br />

individual and unique defensive and strike capabilities of the system. The only portion that I have<br />

publicly spoken on is one frame regarding actual current orbiting satellites, which are not at this time<br />

owned by the US government. On advice of counsel I cannot discuss the other components.<br />

This one component is a satellite system. Within the confines of the system there are multiple,<br />

deployable space/orbital EMP [Electromagnetic Pulse] missiles that are not aimed at the ground. They<br />

are targeted at everyone else's satellites. These would kill worldwide communications. The satellites of<br />

some countries that are shielded with titanium are protected from these weapons. The protected<br />

countries are Russia and China, but U.S. satellites are vulnerable and Putin has told Bush that the U.S.<br />

missile defense system doesn't work, and that Bush knows it.<br />

The reason why I went to Russia was because I needed to meet with Bastien and another individual<br />

from the Russian Ministry of Defense named Oleg. The purpose was to get the Canadian diplomat who<br />

had made contact with Oleg to get the book of designs out of the ministry's R&D. That was done. We<br />

copied the entire book. Then we took certain documents, and we changed serious portions of the<br />

defense design so the program wouldn't work. They know this now.” [FTW Interview: Delmart "Mike"<br />

Vreeland, What the CIA Doesn't Want You to Know, Michael C. Ruppert,]<br />

What is generally ignored by most writers is that Vreeland claimed to have documents<br />

(over 100 pages of bank transactions with 6 transactions per page, with one on Aug <strong>11</strong>,<br />

1989 for $100 Billion.) exposing a massive, fraudulent theft of billions of dollars from<br />

the U.S. Treasury. He shared these documents with Michael C. Ruppert, who discusses<br />

them in his report Crossing the Rubicon. What is important to note is that these<br />

transactions start as early as 1989, and the ONI documents were also released to Ruppert<br />

and others by another Navy Intelligence agent. These documents suggest that the ONI<br />

was probably investigating a large money-laundering scheme, as rumored in some of the<br />

press. In reviewing these documents, it becomes clear that for the 18 months covered by<br />

these documents, Robert Hermann (later to become Vice President and the principle tax<br />

strategy architect for Enron, although the ONI documents may be referring to Robert<br />

Hermann of the National Security Agency, who worked extensively in the White House.)<br />

was working with international banking cartels to refinance third world debt in the urgent<br />

need to prevent the collapse of the US banking system. (Michael Bowe and James Dean<br />

provide an excellent overview of this period in their report: “Has the Market Solved the<br />

Sovereign-Debt Crisis?” Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 83, August<br />

1997.) Working with a strategy labeled “concerted market-based debt relief” Hermann,<br />

Brady, Bush and Greenspan were apparently creating securities ironically named “Exit<br />

Bonds.”<br />

“Exit bonds are new bonds issued at discount in exchange for old debt. Exit bonds, like buybacks, were<br />

rare before Brady, because of similar coordination challenges reinforced by legal clauses in syndicated<br />

loan agreements. Because exit bonds are generally either collaterized or made senior to the reminaing<br />

old debt, they can be exchanged for old debt at a fraction of its value. If the bonds are fully<br />

collateralized, for example, they are as good as cash…” [Michael Bowe and James W Dean, Has the<br />

Market Solved the Sovereign-Debt Crisis?, Princeton Studies in International Finance, No. 83, August<br />

1997]<br />

THE SEPTEMBER <strong>11</strong> COMMISSION REPORT Page 201

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