Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox

Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox

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Word Pictures in the NT [Matthew: Chapter 8]. situation here. Jesus is represented as treating the demons as real existences separate from the human personality. Missionaries in China today claim that they have seen demons cast out. The devil knew Jesus clearly and it is not strange that Jesus was recognized by the devil's agents. They know that there is nothing in common between them and the Son of God (\h•min kai soi\, ethical dative) and they fear torment "before the time" (\pro kairou\). Usually \ta daimonia\ is the word in the New Testament for demons, but in 8:31 we have \hoi daimones\ (the only example in the N.T.). \Daimonion\ is a diminutive of \daim•n\. In Homer \daim•n\ is used synonymously with \theos\ and \thea\. Hesiod employed \daim•n\ of men of the golden age as tutelary deities. Homer has the adjective \daimonios\ usually in an evil sense. Empedocles considered the demons both bad and good. They were thus used to relieve the gods and goddesses of much rascality. Grote (_History of Greece_) notes that the Christians were thus by pagan usage justified in calling idolatry the worship of demons. See 1Co 10:20f.; 1Ti 4:1; Re 9:20; 16:13f. In the Gospels demons are the same as unclean spirits (Mr 5:12,15; 3:22,30; Lu 4:33). The demons are disturbers (Vincent) of the whole life of man (Mr 5:2f.; 7:25; Mt 12:45; Lu 13:11,16). 8:32 {Rushed down the steep} (\h•rm•sen kata tou kr•mnou\). Down from the cliff (ablative case) into the sea. Constative aorist tense. The influence of mind on matter is now understood better than formerly, but we have the mastery of the mind of the Master on the minds of the maniacs, the power of Christ over the demons, over the herd of hogs. Difficulties in plenty exist for those who see only folk-lore and legend, but plain enough if we take Jesus to be really Lord and Saviour. The incidental destruction of the hogs need not trouble us when we are so familiar with nature's tragedies which we cannot comprehend. 8:34 {That he would depart} (\hop•s metab•i\). The whole city was excited over the destruction of the hogs and begged Jesus to leave, forgetful of the healing of the demoniacs in their concern over the loss of property. They cared more for hogs than for human souls, as often happens today. http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/MT8.RWP.html (6 of 7) [28/08/2004 09:03:03 a.m.]

Word Pictures in the NT [Matthew: Chapter 8]. [Table of Contents] [Previous] [Next] http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/MT8.RWP.html (7 of 7) [28/08/2004 09:03:03 a.m.] Word Pictures in the New Testament (Matthew: Chapter 8)

<strong>Word</strong> <strong>Pictures</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> NT [Mat<strong>the</strong>w: Chapter 8].<br />

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http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/MT8.RWP.html (7 of 7) [28/08/2004 09:03:03 a.m.]<br />

<strong>Word</strong> <strong>Pictures</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Testament</strong><br />

(Mat<strong>the</strong>w: Chapter 8)

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