Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox

Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox

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Word Pictures in the NT [Luke: Chapter 1]. conduct before men. 1:76 {Yea and thou} (\kai su de\). Direct address to the child with forecast of his life (cf. 1:13-17). {Prophet} (\proph•t•s\). The word here directly applied to the child. Jesus will later call John a prophet and more than a prophet. {The Lord} (\Kuriou\). Jehovah as in 1:16. 1:77 {Knowledge of salvation} (\gn•sin s•t•rias\). "This is the aim and end of the work of the Forerunner" (Plummer). 1:78 {Tender mercy} (\splagchna eleous\). Bowels of mercy literally (1Pe 3:8; Jas 3:11). Revised margin has it, hearts of mercy. {The dayspring from on high} (\anatol• ex hupsous\). Literally, rising from on high, like the rising sun or stars (Isa 60:19). The word is used also of a sprouting plant or branch (Jer 23:5; Zec 6:12), but that does not suit here. {Shall visit} (\epeskepsetai\), correct text, cf. 1:68. 1:79 {To shine upon} (\epiph•nai\). First aorist active infinitive of \epiphain•\ (liquid verb). An old verb to give light, to shine upon, like the sun or stars. See also Ac 27:20; Tit 2:11; 3:4. {The shadow of death} (\ski•i thanatou\). See Ps 107:10, where darkness and shadow of death are combined as here. Cf. also Isa 9:1. See on ¯Mt 4:16. To guide (\tou kateuth–nai\). Genitive of the articular infinitive of purpose. The light will enable them in the dark to see how to walk in a straight path that leads to "the way of peace." We are still on that road, but so many stumble for lack of light, men and nations. 1:80 {Grew} (\•uxane\). Imperfect active, was growing. {Waxed strong} (\ekrataiouto\). Imperfect again. The child kept growing in strength of body and spirit. {His shewing} (\anadeixe•s autou\). Here alone in the N.T. It occurs in Plutarch and Polybius. The verb appears in a sacrificial sense. The boy, as he grew, may have gone up to the passover and may have seen the boy Jesus (Lu 2:42-52), but he would not know that he was to be the Messiah. So these two boys of destiny grew on with the years, the one in the desert hills near Hebron after Zacharias and Elisabeth died, the other, the young Carpenter up in Nazareth, each waiting for "his shewing unto Israel." http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/LU1.RWP.html (15 of 16) [28/08/2004 09:04:51 a.m.]

Word Pictures in the NT [Luke: Chapter 1]. [Table of Contents] [Previous] [Next] http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/LU1.RWP.html (16 of 16) [28/08/2004 09:04:51 a.m.] Word Pictures in the New Testament (Luke: Chapter 1)

<strong>Word</strong> <strong>Pictures</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> NT [Luke: Chapter 1].<br />

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http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/LU1.RWP.html (16 of 16) [28/08/2004 09:04:51 a.m.]<br />

<strong>Word</strong> <strong>Pictures</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Testament</strong><br />

(Luke: Chapter 1)

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