Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox

Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox Word Pictures in the New Testament - David Cox

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Word Pictures in the NT [Romans: Chapter 16]. either a stranger (Mt 25:35) or a host of strangers as here. This Gaius was plainly a man of some means as he was the host of all the church. Erastus (2Ti 4:20) was "the treasurer of the city" (\ho oikonomos t•s pole•s\), one of the outstanding men of Corinth, the "steward" (house-manager) or city manager. See Lu 12:42; 16:1. He is probably the administrator of the city's property. {Quartus} (\Kouartos\). Latin name for fourth. 16:24 Is not genuine, not in Aleph A B C Coptic. 16:25 Verses 25-27 conclude the noble Epistle with the finest of Paul's doxologies. {To him that is able} (\t•i dunamen•i\). Dative of the articular participle of \dunamai\. See similar idiom in Eph 3:20. {To stablish} (\st•rixai\). First aorist active infinitive of \st•riz•\, to make stable. {According to my gospel} (\kata to euaggelion mou\). Same phrase in 2:16; 2Ti 2:8. Not a book, but Paul's message as here set forth. {The preaching} (\to k•rugma\). The proclamation, the heralding. {Of Jesus Christ} (\I•sou Christou\). Objective genitive, "about Jesus Christ." {Revelation} (\apokalupsin\). "Unveiling." {Of the mystery} (\must•riou\). Once unknown, but now revealed. {Kept in silence} (\sesig•menou\). Perfect passive participle of \siga•\, to be silent, state of silence. {Through times eternal} (\chronois ai•niois\). Associative instrumental case, "along with times eternal" (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 527). See 1Co 2:6,7,10. 16:26 {But now is manifested} (\phaner•thentos de nun\). First aorist passive participle of \phanero•\, to make plain, genitive case in agreement with \must•riou\. {By the scriptures of the prophets} (\dia graph•n proph•tik•n\). "By prophetic scriptures." Witnessed by the law and the prophets (3:21). This thread runs all through Romans. {According to the command of the eternal God} (\kat' epitag•n tou ai•niou theou\). Paul conceives that God is in charge of the redemptive work and gives his orders (1:1-5; 10:15f.). The same adjective \ai•nios\ is here applied to God that is used of eternal life and eternal punishment in Mt 25:46. {Unto obedience of faith} (\eis hupako•n t•s piste•s\). See 1:5. {Made known unto all the nations} (\eis panta ta ethn• gn•risthentos\). First aorist passive participle of \gn•riz•\, still the genitive case agreeing with \must•riou\ in verse 25. 16:27 {To the only wise God} (\mon•i soph•i the•i\). Better, "to God alone wise." See 1Ti 1:17 without \soph•i\. {To whom} http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/RO16.RWP.html (6 of 7) [28/08/2004 09:10:43 a.m.]

Word Pictures in the NT [Romans: Chapter 16]. (\h•i\). Some MSS. omit. [Table of Contents] [Previous] [Next] http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/RO16.RWP.html (7 of 7) [28/08/2004 09:10:43 a.m.] Word Pictures in the New Testament (Romans: Chapter 16)

<strong>Word</strong> <strong>Pictures</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> NT [Romans: Chapter 16].<br />

(\h•i\). Some MSS. omit.<br />

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http://www.ccel.org/r/robertson_at/wordpictures/htm/RO16.RWP.html (7 of 7) [28/08/2004 09:10:43 a.m.]<br />

<strong>Word</strong> <strong>Pictures</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Testament</strong><br />

(Romans: Chapter 16)

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