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306 Speyart van Woerden, I. 1961 The Iconography of the Sacrifice of Abraham. Vigiliae Christianae XV: 214-255. Spiro, M. 1992 Some Byzantine Mosaics from Caesarea, in R.L. Vann (ed.), Caesarea Papers. JRA SupPl. 5. Ann Arbor: 245-259. Stemberger, G. 1975 Die Bedeutung des Tierkreises auf Mosaikfussböden spätantiker Synagogen. Kairos 17: 23-56. Stern, H. 1953 Le Calandrier de 354: etude sur son texte et ses illustrations, Paris. 1958 The Orpheus in the Synagogue of Dura Europos. The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21: 1-6. 1962 Quelques problémes d’iconographie Paléochrétiene et juive. CA 12: 99-113. 1965 Sur quelques pavements Paléochrétiens du Liban. Cahiers Archéologiques XV: 21-37. 1970a Un nouvel Orphée-David dans une mosaïque du VIe siècle. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres: 63-79. 1970b Une mosaique de pavement Romane de Layrac (Lot-et-Garronne). CA 20: 81-98. 1974 Orphée dans l’Art Paléochrétien. CA 23: 1-16. 1981 Les calendriers romains illustrés. Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt 12. 2: 431-475. Stern, S., 1966 Figurative Art and Halakha in the Mishnaic- Talmudic Period. Zion 61: 397-419 (Hebrew). Sternberg, A. G., 1972 The Zodiac of Tiberias. Tiberias (Hebrew). Stichel, R. 1974 Ausserkanonische Elemente in byzantinischen Illustrationen des Alten Testaments, Römische Quar talschrift 69: 159-181. 1978 Die Inschriften des Samson-Mosaiks in Mopsuhestia und ihre Beziehung zum Biblischen Text. Byzantinische Zeitschrift 71: 50-61. 1979 Die Namen Noes, seine Bruders under Seiner Frau. Ein Beitragzum Nachleben jüdischer Uberlieferung in derausserkanonischen und gnostichen Literatur und in Denkmälern der Kunst. (Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaflen in Göttingen, Phil. Hist. Klasse, 3. Folge, 112). Göttingen. Sukenik, E.L. 1932 The Ancient Synagogue of Beth-Alpha. Jerusalem. 1934 Ancient Synagogues in Palestine and Greece. (The Schweich Lectures on Biblical Archaeology, 1930). London. 1935 The Ancient Synagogue of El-Hammeh. Jerusalem. 1947 The Synagogue of Dura-Europos and Its Paintings. Jerusalem (Hebrew). 1951 The Ancient Synagogue at Yafa, near Nazareth. Rabinowitz Bulletin II: 6-24. Sussman, V. 1998 The Binding of Isaac as Depicted on a Samaritan Lamp. IEJ 48: 183-189. 2004 The Beth Ha-shitta Mosaic Floor—A New Per spective on the Light of the Samaritan Oil Lamps. LA 54: 351-365. Sussmann, J. 1974 A Halakhic Inscription from the Beth Shean Valley. Tarbiz 43: 88-158 (Hebrew). bibliography 1976 The Inscription in the Synagogue at Rehob. Tarbiz 45: 213-257 (Hebrew). 1981 The Inscription in the Synagogue at Rehob. ASR: 146-151. Talgam, R. 1987 Remarks on the Mosaics of the Synagogue and Bet-Midrash, in Z. Ilan and E. Damati, Meroth. Tel Aviv, 1987: 149-153 (Hebrew). 1998 Mosaics in Israel in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Qadmoniot 31,2: 74-89 (Hebrew). 2000 Similarity and Differences between Synagogues and Churches Mosaics in Palestine during the Byzantine and Umayyad Periods. In L.I. Levine and Z. Weiss (eds.), From Dura to Sepphoris: Studies in Jewish Art and Society in Late Antiquity. Rhode Island: 93-120. 2002 Technical Aspects of the Mosaic Craft. Michmanin 16: 7-13 (Hebrew, English abstract, p.39*). 2004 Comments on the Judeo-Christianic Dialogue in the Mosaic Floor of the Sepphoris Synagogue, in Eshel Y. at al (eds.), And Let Them Make me a Sanctuary. Synagogues from Ancient Times to the Present Day. Ariel: 37-86 (Hebrew). Talgam, R., and Weiss, Z. 2004 The Mosaics of the House of Dionysos at Sepphoris. Qedem 44. Jerusalem. Touchais, G. 1984 Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques en Gréce en 1983, BCH 108: 763. Toynbee, J. M. C. 1973 Animals in Roman Life and Art. London. Toynbee, J.M.C., and Ward-Perkins, J.B. 1950 Peopled Scrolls: A Hellenistic Motif in Imperial Art. Papers of the British School at Rome 18: 2-43. Trendall, A. D. 1957 The Shellal Mosaic. Canberra. Trilling, J. 1985 The Medallion Style. A Study in the Origins of Byzantine Taste. New York and London. Tronzo, W. 1986 The Via Latina Catacomb, Imitation and Discontinuity in Fourth-Century Roman Painting. The College Art Association of America. University Park and London. Tsafrir, Y. and Hirschfeld, Y. 1979 The Church and Mosaics at Horvat Berachot, Israel. DOP 33: 293-326. Tzaferis, V. 1971 Christian Symbols of the 4th Century and Their Church Fathers. Thesis submitted for PhD, Hebrew University Jerusalem (unpublished). 1975 The Archaeological Excavations at Shepherd’s Field, Bethlehem. LA 25: 5-10. 1982 The Ancient Synagogue at Ma‘oz Hayyim. IEJ 32: 215-244. 1983 Excavations of Kursi—Gergesa. Atiqot 16 (English Series). 1987 The Greek Inscriptions from the Early Christian Church at ‘Evron. EI 19 (Avi-Yonah Volume): 36*-53*. 1993 Early Christian Churches at Magen. ACR: 283- 285. Urbach, E. E., 1959 The Rabbinical Laws of idolatry in the Sec ond and Third Centuries in the Light of Archaeological and Historical Facts. IEJ 9: 149-165; 229-245.

1971 The Secret of the ‘En Gedi Inscription and Its Formula. Tarbiz 40: 27-30 (Hebrew). Van der Waerdan, B.I. 1952-3 History of the Zodiac. Archiv für Orientforschung 16: 216-30. Versluys, M. J. 2002 Aegyptiaca Romana. Nilotic Scenes and the Roman Views of Egypt. Leiden-Boston. Vincent, R.P.L.H. 1901 Une mosaïque Byzantine A Jerusalem. RB: 436-444. 1902 Le mosaïque D’orphée RB: 100-103. 1919 Le Sanctuaire Juif de’Ain-Doug, RB 16: 532- 563. 1920 Le Sanctuaire Juif de’Ain-Doug, RB 30: 442- 3. 1961 Une Sanctuaire dans la region de Jericho, la Synagogue de Na’aren. Revue Biblique, 68: 163- 77. Vincent, L. H., and Abel, F.M. 1932 Emmaus: Sa basilique et son histoire. Paris. Vitto, F. 1980 The Synagogue at Rehov. IEJ 30, 214-217. 1981 The Synagogue at Rehov, in L.I. Levine (ed.), Ancient Synagogues Revealed. Jerusalem: 90-94. 1995 The Interior Decoration of Palestinian Churches and Synagogues. Byzantinische Forschungen 21: 283-300. Waliszewski, T., 1994 Mosaïque de Deir el-Asfur Retrouvée: Le Motif des “rinceaux Habités” en Judée et dans la Shéphéla. RB 101-4: 562-579. 2001 Mosaics, in T.Z. Fiema et al. (eds.), The Petra Church. Amman: 219-270. Ward Perkins, J.B., and Goodchild, R.G. 1953 The Christian Antiquities of Tripolitania. Archaeologia 95: 1-83. 2003 Christian Monuments of Cyrenaica. Society for Libyan Studies Monographs 4…?? Webster, J.C. 1938 The Labors of the Months in Antique and Mediaeval Art. Princeton. Weinberg, S. 1971 Tel Anafa: The Hellenistic Town. IEJ 21: 97-98. Weisenberg, E.J. 1971 Calendar. Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 5. Jerusalem: 43-51. Weiss, Z. 2000 The Sepphoris Synagogue Mosaic and the Role of Talmud Literature in Its Iconographical Study, in L.I. Levine and Z. Weiss Z. (eds.), From Dura to Sepphoris: Studies in Jewish Art and Society in Late Antiquity. Rhode Island: 19-30. 2005 The Sepphoris Synagogue. Deciphering an Ancient Message through Its Archaeological and Socio-Historic Contexts. Jerusalem. Weiss Z., and Netzer, E. 1991 Two Excavation Seasons at Sepphoris. Qadmoniot 95-96: 113-121 (Hebrew). 1996 Promise and Redemption, A Synagogue Mosaic from Sepphoris. Israel Museum Catalogue no. 378. Jeru salem. 1997 The Hebrew University Excavations at Sep phoris. Qadmoniot 113: 2-21 (Hebrew). bibliography 307 Weiss, Z., and Talgam, R. 2002 The Nile Festival Building and Its Mosaics: Mythological Representation in Early Byzantine Sepphoris, in J.H. Humphrey (ed.) The Roman and Byzantine Near East, Vol. 3: 55-90. Weitzmann K. 1957 Narration in Early Christendom. AJA 61: 83- 91. 1971a The Illustration of the Septuagint. Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscript Illumination, in J. Gutmann (ed.), No Graven Image. New York: 201-231. 1971b The Question of the Influence of Jewish Pictorial Sources on Old Testament Illustrations, in J. Gutmann (ed.), No Graven Image. New York: 309-328. 1979 (ed.) Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art, Third to Seventh Century. New York. Weitzmann, K., and Kessler, H. L. 1990 The Fresco of the Dura Synagogue and Christian Art. Dambarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C. Wells, C. B. 1938 The Inscription, in C. Kraeling (ed.), Gerasa, City of Decapolis. New Haven, CT. Wendel, C. 1950 Der Thoraschrein im Altertum. Halle. Wharton, A. J. 1994 Good and Bad images from the Synagogue of Dura-Europos: Contexts, subtext, intertexts. Art History 17: 1-25. 1995 Refiguring the Post Classical City. Dura Europos, Jerash, Jerusalem and Ravenna. Cambridge. Whitehouse, H. 1979 A Catalogue of Nilotic Landscapes in Roman Art. A thesis submitted for PhD. Oxford. Wild, R. 1981 Water in the Cultic Worship of Isis and Sarapis. Leiden. Wilkinson, J. 1977-8 The Beit Alpha Synagogue Mosaic towards an Interpretation. Journal of Jewish Art 3-5: 16-28. Yahalom, J. 1986 The Zodiac Wheel in Eretz-Israeli Piyyut. Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature, Jerusalem: 313-322 (Hebrew). 2000 The Sepphoris Synagogue Mosaic and Its Story. In L.I. Levine and Z. Weis (eds.), From Dura to Sepphoris: Studies in Jewish Art and Society in Late Antiquity. Rhode Island: 83-91. Yeivin, S, 1946 The Painting of the Sacrifice of Isaac in the Beth Alpha Synagogue. BJPES 2: 20-24 (Hebrew). Yeivin, Z. 1989 Khirbet Susiya, the Bema and the Synagogue Ornamentation, in R. Hachlili (ed.), Ancient Synagogues in Israel. Third-Seventh century CE. BAR International Series 499, Oxford: 93-98. 2000 The Synagogue at Korazim. IAA Report 10. Jerusalem (Hebrew, English Summary pp. 1*- 32*). Yigal, I. 1995 The Economy of the Gaza-Ashkelon Region in the Byzantine Period in the Light of the Archaeological Survey and Excavations of the ‘3rd Mile Estate’ near Ashkelon. Michmanim 8: 119-132 (Hebrew).

306<br />

Speyart van Woerden, I.<br />

1961 The Iconography of the Sacrifice of Abraham.<br />

Vigiliae Christianae XV: 214-255.<br />

Spiro, M.<br />

1992 Some Byzantine Mosaics from Caesarea, in<br />

R.L. Vann (ed.), Caesarea Papers. JRA SupPl. 5.<br />

Ann Arbor: 245-259.<br />

Stemberger, G.<br />

1975 Die Bedeutung des Tierkreises auf Mosaikfussböden<br />

spätantiker Synagogen. Kairos 17: 23-56.<br />

Stern, H.<br />

1953 Le Calandrier de 354: etude sur son texte et ses illustrations,<br />

Paris.<br />

1958 The Orpheus in the Synagogue of Dura Europos.<br />

The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes<br />

21: 1-6.<br />

1962 Quelques problémes d’iconographie Paléochrétiene<br />

et juive. CA 12: 99-113.<br />

1965 Sur quelques pavements Paléochrétiens du<br />

Liban. Cahiers Archéologiques XV: 21-37.<br />

1970a Un nouvel Orphée-David dans une mosaïque<br />

du VIe siècle. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des<br />

inscriptions et belles lettres: 63-79.<br />

1970b Une mosaique de pavement Romane de Layrac<br />

(Lot-et-Garronne). CA 20: 81-98.<br />

1974 Orphée dans l’Art Paléochrétien. CA 23: 1-16.<br />

1981 Les calendriers romains illustrés. Aufstieg und<br />

Niedergang der Römischen Welt 12. 2: 431-475.<br />

Stern, S.,<br />

1966 Figurative Art and Halakha in the Mishnaic-<br />

Talmudic Period. Zion 61: 397-419 (Hebrew).<br />

Sternberg, A. G.,<br />

1972 The Zodiac of Tiberias. Tiberias (Hebrew).<br />

Stichel, R.<br />

1974 Ausserkanonische Elemente in byzantinischen<br />

Illustrationen des Alten Testaments, Römische<br />

Quar talschrift 69: 159-181.<br />

1978 Die Inschriften des Samson-Mosaiks in Mopsuhestia<br />

und ihre Beziehung zum Biblischen Text.<br />

Byzantinische Zeitschrift 71: 50-61.<br />

1979 Die Namen Noes, seine Bruders under Seiner Frau.<br />

Ein Beitragzum Nachleben jüdischer Uberlieferung in<br />

derausserkanonischen und gnostichen Literatur und in<br />

Denkmälern der Kunst.<br />

(Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaflen in<br />

Göttingen, Phil. Hist. Klasse, 3. Folge, 112).<br />

Göttingen.<br />

Sukenik, E.L.<br />

1932 The Ancient Synagogue of Beth-Alpha. Jerusalem.<br />

1934 Ancient Synagogues in Palestine and Greece. (The<br />

Schweich Lectures on Biblical Archaeology,<br />

1930). London.<br />

1935 The Ancient Synagogue of El-Hammeh. Jerusalem.<br />

1947 The Synagogue of Dura-Europos and Its Paintings.<br />

Jerusalem (Hebrew).<br />

1951 The Ancient Synagogue at Yafa, near Nazareth.<br />

Rabinowitz Bulletin II: 6-24.<br />

Sussman, V.<br />

1998 The Binding of Isaac as Depicted on a Samaritan<br />

Lamp. IEJ 48: 183-189.<br />

2004 The Beth Ha-shitta Mosaic Floor—A New<br />

Per spective on the Light of the Samaritan Oil<br />

Lamps. LA 54: 351-365.<br />

Sussmann, J.<br />

1974 A Halakhic Inscription from the Beth Shean<br />

Valley. Tarbiz 43: 88-158 (Hebrew).<br />

bibliography<br />

1976 The Inscription in the Synagogue at Rehob.<br />

Tarbiz 45: 213-257 (Hebrew).<br />

1981 The Inscription in the Synagogue at Rehob.<br />

ASR: 146-151.<br />

Talgam, R.<br />

1987 Remarks on the Mosaics of the Synagogue and<br />

Bet-Midrash, in Z. Ilan and E. Damati, Meroth.<br />

Tel Aviv, 1987: 149-153 (Hebrew).<br />

1998 Mosaics in Israel in the Light of Recent<br />

Discoveries. Qadmoniot 31,2: 74-89 (Hebrew).<br />

2000 Similarity and Differences between Synagogues<br />

and Churches Mosaics in Palestine during the<br />

Byzantine and Umayyad Periods. In L.I. Levine<br />

and Z. Weiss (eds.), From Dura to Sepphoris: Studies<br />

in Jewish Art and Society in Late Antiquity. Rhode<br />

Island: 93-120.<br />

2002 Technical Aspects of the Mosaic Craft. Michmanin<br />

16: 7-13 (Hebrew, English abstract, p.39*).<br />

2004 Comments on the Judeo-Christianic Dialogue in<br />

the Mosaic Floor of the Sepphoris Synagogue,<br />

in Eshel Y. at al (eds.), And Let Them Make me a<br />

Sanctuary. Synagogues from Ancient Times to the Present<br />

Day. Ariel: 37-86 (Hebrew).<br />

Talgam, R., and Weiss, Z.<br />

2004 The Mosaics of the House of Dionysos at Sepphoris.<br />

Qedem 44. Jerusalem.<br />

Touchais, G.<br />

1984 Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques<br />

en Gréce en 1983, BCH 108: 763.<br />

Toynbee, J. M. C.<br />

1973 Animals in Roman Life and Art. London.<br />

Toynbee, J.M.C., and Ward-Perkins, J.B.<br />

1950 Peopled Scrolls: A Hellenistic Motif in Imperial<br />

Art. Papers of the British School at Rome 18: 2-43.<br />

Trendall, A. D.<br />

1957 The Shellal Mosaic. Canberra.<br />

Trilling, J.<br />

1985 The Medallion Style. A Study in the Origins of Byzantine<br />

Taste. New York and London.<br />

Tronzo, W.<br />

1986 The Via Latina Catacomb, Imitation and Discontinuity<br />

in Fourth-Century Roman Painting. The College Art<br />

Association of America. University Park and<br />

London.<br />

Tsafrir, Y. and Hirschfeld, Y.<br />

1979 The Church and Mosaics at Horvat Berachot,<br />

Israel. DOP 33: 293-326.<br />

Tzaferis, V.<br />

1971 Christian Symbols of the 4th Century and Their Church<br />

Fathers. Thesis submitted for PhD, Hebrew<br />

University Jerusalem (unpublished).<br />

1975 The Archaeological Excavations at Shepherd’s<br />

Field, Bethlehem. LA 25: 5-10.<br />

1982 The Ancient Synagogue at Ma‘oz Hayyim. IEJ<br />

32: 215-244.<br />

1983 Excavations of Kursi—Gergesa. Atiqot 16 (English<br />

Series).<br />

1987 The Greek Inscriptions from the Early Christian<br />

Church at ‘Evron. EI 19 (Avi-Yonah Volume):<br />

36*-53*.<br />

1993 Early Christian Churches at Magen. ACR: 283-<br />

285.<br />

Urbach, E. E.,<br />

1959 The Rabbinical Laws of idolatry in the Sec ond<br />

and Third Centuries in the Light of Archaeological<br />

and Historical Facts. IEJ 9: 149-165;<br />


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