Ársskýrsla Landsbankans - Landsbankinn

Ársskýrsla Landsbankans - Landsbankinn

Ársskýrsla Landsbankans - Landsbankinn


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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements<br />

3. Significant accounting policies (continued)<br />

Short positions<br />

Short positions are obligations of the Group to deliver financial assets borrowed by the Group and sold to third parties. These obligations are initially<br />

recognised in the statement of financial position at fair value, with transaction costs being recognised in the income statement. Subsequently, they<br />

are carried at fair value, with all fair value changes recognised in the income statement in the line item "Net gain on financial assets and liabilities<br />

held for trading".<br />

Financial guarantee contracts<br />

Financial guarantee contracts are contracts requiring the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it will incur if a<br />

specified debtor fails to make payments when due, in accordance with the terms of a debt instrument. Such financial guarantees are issued by the<br />

Group to banks, financial institutions or other parties on behalf of Group customers so that they can secure loans, overdrafts and other banking<br />

facilities.<br />

Financial guarantees issued by the Group are initially recognised in the financial statements at fair value on the date the guarantee was given.<br />

Subsequent to initial recognition, the Group’s liability under such a guarantee is determined as the initial measurement, less amortisation of fee<br />

income earned on a straight line basis over the life of the guarantee, or the best estimate for settling any financial obligation that has arisen through<br />

the guarantee by the reporting date, whichever is higher. These estimates are determined on the basis of experience with similar transactions and the<br />

history of past losses, supplemented by management judgement.<br />

Contingent liabilities and provisions<br />

The Group does not recognise contingent liabilities as liabilities in the statement of financial position, other than contingent liabilities which are<br />

assumed in a business combination and which have a fair value that can be measured reliably. A contingent consideration transferred by the Group in<br />

a business combination is recognised at its acquisition-date fair value. The Group classifies the obligation to pay contingent consideration as liability<br />

or equity and accounts for changes in fair value in accordance with applicable IFRSs.<br />

Provisions for expenditures such as those related to legal claims or restructuring are recognised as incurred when (i) the Group has as a result of past<br />

events a present legal or constructive obligation to pay, (ii) it is more likely than not that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the<br />

obligation, and (iii) the amount has been reliably estimated.<br />

Provisions are measured at the present value of the expenditures expected for settling the obligation. A pre-tax rate is used which reflects current<br />

market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the obligation. Any increase in the provision due to the passage of time is<br />

recognised as interest expense.<br />

Employee benefits<br />

All Group entities have defined contribution plans, with the entities paying a fixed contribution to publicly or privately administered pension plans on<br />

a mandatory and contractual basis. The Group has no further payment obligations once these contributions have been paid. The contributions are<br />

recognised as an expense when they become due. The Group has no defined benefit pension plan.<br />

Share capital<br />

(a) Share issue costs<br />

Costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares are presented separately in equity as a deduction from share premium, net of any related<br />

income tax benefits.<br />

(b) Dividends on ordinary shares<br />

Dividends on ordinary shares are recognised in equity during the period in which they are approved by the Bank's shareholders' meeting.<br />

Fiduciary activities<br />

The Group acts as a custodian, holding or placing assets on behalf of individuals, institutions and pension funds, including various mutual funds<br />

managed by the Group. These assets, together with the income arising from them, are excluded from these financial statements, since they are not<br />

assets of the Group.<br />

NBI hf. Consolidated Financial Statements 2010 19<br />

All amounts are in ISK million<br />

Allar upphæðir eru í milljónum króna Ársreikningur 2010 119

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