Jaargang 4 Volume 9 - Solidariteit Navorsing

Jaargang 4 Volume 9 - Solidariteit Navorsing Jaargang 4 Volume 9 - Solidariteit Navorsing

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Bemagtiging deur kennis Jaargang 4 Volume 9 2 November 2010 Inhoudsopgawe: Bladsy 1. Nasionale perspektief (a) Damning corruption report 3 - 5 (b) Koop of SA gaan loop 6 (c) SA‘s global rank falling – De Klerk foundation 7 (d) High crime levels drag SA down in governance rating 8 - 9 (e) Dorpe klou aan miljarde 10 - 11 2. Arbeidsreg en wetgewing (a) Probation is not the easy way out for employers 12 - 13 (b) Can an employer dismiss for derivative or team misconduct 14 - 15 (c) Retrenchments and misconduct dismissals don‘t mix 16 - 17 (d) Courts getting stricter on retrenchments 18 - 19 3. Ekonomie (a) Rising demand for credit suggest recovery 20 (b) SA manufacturing conditions improve, but sector still lags rest of world 21 (c) Trade balance records surprice surplus 22 (d) Producer inflation slows unexpectedly 23 (e) Gordhan slashes deficit as R30bn revenue overrun 24 - 25 (f) Lae inflasie kan nog jare heers 26 (g) Reserve Bank sees slow leading economic indicators growth 27 - 28 (h) Slowing retail sales dash hopes for strong recovery 29 - 30 (i) Trade activity index enters positive territory 31 (j) Slowing factory output spells trouble 32 (k) Stark warning on ANC threat to investment 33 4. Arbeidsmark aktueel (a) Werk: SA vaar vrotste 34 (b) Fitch: SA construction sector recovery to lag into 2012 35 (c) Regus survey paints bright picture for jobs 36 Saamgestel deur: Francois Calldo (Navorser) Solidariteit Navorsingsinstituut 1

Bemagtiging deur kennis<br />

<strong>Jaargang</strong> 4 <strong>Volume</strong> 9<br />

2 November 2010<br />

Inhoudsopgawe: Bladsy<br />

1. Nasionale perspektief<br />

(a) Damning corruption report 3 - 5<br />

(b) Koop of SA gaan loop 6<br />

(c) SA‘s global rank falling – De Klerk foundation 7<br />

(d) High crime levels drag SA down in governance rating 8 - 9<br />

(e) Dorpe klou aan miljarde 10 - 11<br />

2. Arbeidsreg en wetgewing<br />

(a) Probation is not the easy way out for employers 12 - 13<br />

(b) Can an employer dismiss for derivative or team misconduct 14 - 15<br />

(c) Retrenchments and misconduct dismissals don‘t mix 16 - 17<br />

(d) Courts getting stricter on retrenchments 18 - 19<br />

3. Ekonomie<br />

(a) Rising demand for credit suggest recovery 20<br />

(b) SA manufacturing conditions improve, but sector still lags rest of world 21<br />

(c) Trade balance records surprice surplus 22<br />

(d) Producer inflation slows unexpectedly 23<br />

(e) Gordhan slashes deficit as R30bn revenue overrun 24 - 25<br />

(f) Lae inflasie kan nog jare heers 26<br />

(g) Reserve Bank sees slow leading economic indicators growth 27 - 28<br />

(h) Slowing retail sales dash hopes for strong recovery 29 - 30<br />

(i) Trade activity index enters positive territory 31<br />

(j) Slowing factory output spells trouble 32<br />

(k) Stark warning on ANC threat to investment 33<br />

4. Arbeidsmark aktueel<br />

(a) Werk: SA vaar vrotste 34<br />

(b) Fitch: SA construction sector recovery to lag into 2012 35<br />

(c) Regus survey paints bright picture for jobs 36<br />

Saamgestel deur: Francois Calldo (Navorser)<br />

<strong>Solidariteit</strong> <strong>Navorsing</strong>sinstituut<br />


4. Arbeidsmark aktueel: vervolg<br />

(d) Jaag belastingontduikers uit hul skadugate 37 - 38<br />

(e) Unemployment SA‘s biggest challenge, says Marcus 39<br />

(f) Werkskaarste laat talle hul eie onderneming begin 40 - 41<br />

(g) Training is solution to productivity problem 42 - 43<br />

(h) Werkers speel speletjies 44<br />

(i) Mining records highest absenteeism rate 45 - 46<br />

(j) New CEOs being appointed at lower gaurenteed packages, study finds 47<br />

(k) SA slips six places on gender gap index 48<br />

(l) Die ‗armes‘ van die topverdieners in SA 49 - 50<br />

(m) Adcorp: Employment figures take a knock 51<br />

5. Vaardighede en opleiding<br />

(a) Al minder studeer in die rigtings 52<br />

(b) Sakesektor moet onderwys help 53<br />

(c) Shortage of artisans ‗ playing a key role in poor service delivery‘ 54<br />

(d) Equip more brains with PhDs – study 55<br />

6. Regstellende aksie & swart ekonomiese bemagtiging<br />

(a) Opleiding word ‗n gewilder SEB-alernatief 56<br />

(b) Wit, bruin en Indiër deur DKD benadeel 57<br />

(c) Many companies unaware of employment reporting 58<br />

7. Medies<br />

(a) SA needs R11bn more for NHI 59<br />

(b) ANC figures on number of doctors for NHI ‗distorted‘ 60 - 61<br />

8. Politieke ontwikkelings<br />

(a) Zille bedank dalk in 2012 as DA-leier 62<br />

(b) G‘n heilige opstandelinge 63 - 64<br />

(c) Zuma gee die patat aan 65 - 66<br />

(d) ‗Cheeky‘ SA dra swaar aan die las 67 - 69<br />

(e) A new Zimbabwe crisis is threatening SA, like it or not 70 - 72<br />


Damning corruption report<br />

NIREN TOLSI - Oct 29 2010 14:00<br />

State departments failed to respond to 90% of government corruption cases reported by the public on<br />

hotlines during the past financial year, according to the Public Service Commission's (PSC) 2010<br />

report on the state of the public service.<br />

The report, released on Thursday, also points to a twelvefold rise in fruitless and wasteful expenditure<br />

by the government in 2008/09 compared with the previous year - from R2,8-million to R35,2-million.<br />

Noting a "sharp decline" in the government's responsiveness to corruption cases, the commission<br />

said that 1 430 cases were reported in 2009/10 but there was feedback on only 150, compared with<br />

507 responses (25%) to 1 857 cases in 2008/09.<br />

The commission evaluated the government and public service on a range of issues, including<br />

transparency, service delivery and the creation of a more egalitarian society, according to the<br />

implementation of policies and programmes.<br />

The report also evaluated the average feedback from the government on reported corruption cases<br />

from the 2004/05 financial year to 2009/10, finding that of every 100 cases reported, whistle-blowers<br />

or the commission received no feedback to 64.<br />

Corruption is an increasingly insidious problem in South Africa, as reflected in the latest Transparency<br />

International corruption perception index report, also released this week. South Africa scored 4,5 out<br />

of 10 on the index and was placed 54 out of 146 countries.<br />

In 2007 it was placed 43 out of 170 countries, with a score of 5,1. It scored 4,9 in 2008 and 4,7 in<br />

2009.<br />

The commission's report found that "capacity to follow up on these cases and investigate them is<br />

lacking" in departments.<br />

Bleak picture<br />

It painted a bleak picture of the effectiveness of structures created to fight corruption<br />

It said the Anti-Corruption Coordinating Committee (ACCC), formed in 2002 and convened by the<br />

public service department with representatives from 18 key departments and agencies, including the<br />

National Intelligence Agency, National Treasury and revenue service, still had to prioritise the<br />

coordination of "measures to build the minimum anti-corruption capacity of departments. This is a<br />

pressing priority for the government, which will undoubtedly require resources and close monitoring."<br />

The report found that the "synergy" between structures such as the ACCC and the National Anti-<br />

Corruption Forum (NACF) "needs improvement".<br />

The NACF, established in 2001 to facilitate a national consensus on combating corruption, had been<br />

debilitated by "not always having its own budget and capacity", low levels of attendance and<br />

participation by government representatives and departments and poor recording of meetings.<br />


The commission said 1 024 cases of financial misconduct were reported to it in 2008/09, compared<br />

with 868 in 2007/08.<br />

A "key challenge", it said, is "that some public servants … implicated in acts of financial misconduct<br />

resign before disciplinary hearings can be concluded and then accept appointments in other<br />

departments". The report found that this was often difficult to detect because departments operated<br />

"in silos".<br />

It said that of the 868 officials reported to the commission in 2007/08, 50 (or 6%) left the public service<br />

before disciplinary hearings could be held. In 2008/09, 17 implicated employees resigned after<br />

charges of misconduct were levelled against them.<br />

The report blamed "highly unsatisfactory" evaluation of the performances of government heads of<br />

departments for the sharp rise in wasteful and fruitless government expenditure. As of March this year<br />

just half (51%) of these had undergone performance evaluation, a drop from 56% in the previous<br />

year.<br />

"In financial terms this means that roughly half of the national budget [including transfers to provinces<br />

and municipalities], which was in the order of R500-billion [excluding state debt costs] in the 2007/08<br />

financial year, was controlled by accounting officers who were not subjected to a proper evaluation,"<br />

the report said.<br />

No holistic planning<br />

The report is forthright on what the government needs to do to improve service delivery --<br />

communicate with itself. It called for greater coherence within the government and between<br />

departments and spheres of government in the planning and implementation of projects and policies.<br />

"Planning at departmental level is on its own challenging and to integrate plans across departments or<br />

spheres of government exacerbates the challenge even further," it said.<br />

National planning at the departmental cluster level is a "collection of special projects pursuing the joint<br />

objectives of a cluster" rather an integrated process, it said. Only 32% of directors general attended<br />

cluster meetings, no planning decisions were taken there and there was no holistic planning around<br />

outcomes.<br />

At provincial level "there is very limited evidence of actual implementation of projects and budget<br />

items directly flowing out of the provincial growth and development strategies".<br />

The report also found that integrated development plans (IDPs) in municipalities were "drawn up for<br />

compliance reasons and municipal activities carried on in spite of, and not on the basis of, the IDP".<br />

Forty-five percent of the municipal IDPs "lacked financial strategies" and "most lacked budgets".<br />

Transparency is an issue<br />

The PSC's report rates the state sector "relatively low" with regard to transparency and says that its<br />

response to applications for government information under the Promotion of Access to Information Act<br />

(PAIA) is "generally not adequate".<br />


The Constitution mandates the commission to evaluate government transparency, especially with<br />

regard to the Act, which allows any citizen to request government information.<br />

The PSC found that compliance with the Act was "generally not adequate in the public service".<br />

Public opposition to proposed legislation that could limit the access of the media and ordinary citizens<br />

to state information has gathered momentum in recent weeks, especially with regard to the Protection<br />

of Information Bill.<br />

The report also noted that government departments are required by law to report to the South African<br />

Human Rights Commission (HRC) on the number of requests for information it receives from the<br />

public through PAIA and how these requests are handled.<br />

According to the 2008/09 HRC report, 10 national departments and 71 provincial departments did not<br />

submit reports as required.<br />

The PSC noted that the manner in which these requests were handled requires "serious attention".<br />

http://www.mg.co.za/article/2010-10-29-damning-corruption-report<br />


‘Koop of SA gaan loop’<br />

2010-10-21 23:30<br />

Rajaa Azzakani<br />

Kaapstad. – Suid-Afrika sal binne drie jaar sy eerste nuwe treine moet aankoop, anders gaan die land<br />

‘n vervoerkrisis ondervind.<br />

Só het mnr. Lucky Montana, uitvoerende hoof van die Passasierspooragentskap van Suid-Afrika<br />

(Prasa), gister gewaarsku. ―Ek wil nie hê dieselfde moet gebeur as wat met Eskom die geval was nie.<br />

Toe daar skielik nie elektrisiteit was nie, is daar gou vinger na die bestuur gewys. Ons (Prasa) betree<br />

nou ‘n kritieke fase.‖<br />

Montana het tydens ‘n voorlegging oor Prasa se 2009-‘10-jaarverslag aan die portefeuljekomitee oor<br />

vervoer gesê as daar teen 2013 nie nuwe treine aangekoop is nie, gaan die stelsel onder groot druk<br />

wees. ―Baie mense gaan uitgesluit word van deelname aan ons ekonomie. Ons het die punt bereik<br />

waar die regering nuwe treine móét aankoop, treine wat lig, effektief en veilig is.<br />

―‘n Derde van die huidige treine sal teen 2013-‘14 geskrap moet word. Wat ons gedoen het, is om<br />

R25?miljard te bestee om die stelsel op te knap. Oor drie jaar gaan ons nie meer die voordeel van dié<br />

belegging hê nie.‖<br />

Hy het gesê daar is geen rede waarom R6,8 miljoen bestee moet word om ‘n treinwa plaaslik op te<br />

knap wanneer jy in China vir net meer as R7 miljoen ‘n nuwe treinwa kan koop nie.<br />

Montana het ná die vergadering aan Beeld gesê ‘n heksejag word deur die kantoor van die ouditeurgeneraal<br />

(OG) op swart beroepskundiges gedoen. Dié kantoor raak onmiddellik agterdogtig wanneer<br />

staatsinstellings deur swart kundiges bestuur word en behandel hul wit eweknieë heeltemal anders,<br />

meen hy. ―Die indruk onder swart beroepslui is dat hulle anders as hul wit kollegas in staatsentiteite<br />

behandel word. Daar word geglo dat hulle nie regverdig behandel word nie en dat hulle nie ‘n<br />

regverdige kans gegun word nie.<br />

―Hulle word met agterdog behandel. Die meeste van hulle het die laaste oudit as ‘n soort heksejag<br />

ondervind.‖<br />

Hy het gesê entiteite moet op die basis van bewyse in ‘n oudit geëvalueer word en nie op grond van<br />

ander kwessies wat niks met die oudit te make het nie. ―Ek voel ons is in dié oudit op sulke ander<br />

kwessies geëvalueer. Ons is bly dat ons ‘n ongekwalifiseerde oudit gekry het, maar ek glo dat Prasa<br />

dit verdien. Ek is glad nie tevrede met die proses waardeur ons is nie en het dit reeds direk by die OG<br />

se kantoor aangemeld.‖<br />

Montana het gesê hy respekteer dié kantoor en hul onafhanklikheid om hul werk te verrig. ―Maar ons<br />

het sekere gevolgtrekkings gesien wat niks met die oudit uit te waai het nie. Vir bevindings moet daar<br />

bewyse wees.‖<br />

Nie adv. Terence Nombembe, OG, of sy woordvoerder, mnr. Africa Boso, kon ná vele probeerslae vir<br />

kommentaar bereik word nie.<br />

http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Koop-of-SA-gaan-loop-20101021<br />


SA’s global rank falling - De Klerk Foundation<br />


Published: 2010/10/13 06:22:24 AM<br />

While the African National Congress (ANC) was engrossed in an onslaught on liberal policies, SA was<br />

sliding in all the major international performance indicators, the FW de Klerk Foundation said<br />

yesterday.<br />

The foundation‘s executive director, Dave Steward, said the assault on liberal policies, waged by the<br />

ANC and its allies, had measurable consequences for the country.<br />

According to the latest Economic Freedom of the World Report, SA has slumped from its position as<br />

the 42nd-freest economy in the world in 2000 to the 82nd position in 2008.<br />

―Not only has the South African economy become less free in absolute terms, it has also been<br />

overtaken by a number of competitor countries that have embraced free markets and free<br />

institutions,‖ Mr Steward said.<br />

ANC spokesman Brian Sokutu said that since 1994, ANC policies had always been geared to redress<br />

decades of racial economic imbalances . ― It is therefore totally untrue to claim that there has been a<br />

slide, as incorrectly stated by the FW de Klerk Foundation.‖<br />

Mr Steward said: ―On the battlefield of ideas, the ANC has arrayed its forces against neoliberalism;<br />

against a weak and passive state; and against overemphasis on individual rights and market<br />

fundamentalism.‖<br />

He said SA had done well wherever it implemented policies based on freedom and pragmatism. ―The<br />

Gear-based macroeconomic policies — that are now so widely denigrated — helped to ensure 17<br />

years of uninterrupted economic growth until the global downturn in 2008.<br />

―They also enabled the ANC government to achieve singular success in fighting inflation and in<br />

slashing our national debt from 47% of gross domestic product in 1994 to only 22% in 2008.<br />

―We have done badly wherever we have followed restrictive ideological approaches, particularly in the<br />

labour market; in land reform; and in the deployment of under- qualified cadres to key posts in<br />

government departments, municipalities and parastatals.‖<br />

mkokelis@bdfm.co.za<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=123570<br />


High crime levels drag SA down in governance rating<br />

October 5, 2010<br />

By Sapa<br />

High crime levels dragged South Africa's ranking down to fifth place out of 53 African countries in a<br />

report on good governance released yesterday.<br />

"South Africa scored highest in public management and lowest in the area of personal safety," Mo<br />

Ibrahim Foundation board director Mamphela Ramphele said. .<br />

"We are not doing so well when it comes to personal safety issues, crime, and so on," she said at the<br />

annual release of the Ibrahim Index of African Governance report in Johannesburg.<br />

"South Africa is in the Top 10 in every other category? but (with crime) we are lounging down there<br />

with the Somalians of this day and Zimbabweans. It's not a pretty place."<br />

Ramphele said South Africa had achieved an overall score of 70 for governance quality - which put it<br />

in fifth place - but, in the personal safety sub-category, the country was ranked in 44th place.<br />

The countries that scored even worse than South Africa on personal safety were Cameroon, Nigeria,<br />

Chad, Mauritania, Zimbabwe, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia.<br />

Mauritius, the Seychelles and Cape Verde were ranked as the safest countries in Africa, with<br />

Botswana at number six and Namibia at number eight.<br />

The report measures personal safety by looking at the levels of criminality in a country and the<br />

prevalence of violent crime and violent social unrest, among other things.<br />

A total of 35 African countries did worse in the Safety and Rule of Law categories than the year<br />

before.<br />

Ramphele said she believed that the root of the problem was in the "political culture" of some African<br />

countries.<br />

"Governments get tempted to start wanting to regulate the things they shouldn't be regulating," she<br />

said.<br />

She cited the ANC proposal to set up a media appeals tribunal as an example, but said that the data<br />

used in this report were for the year 2008/2009 and did not include the latest information on the media<br />

tribunal.<br />

Ramphele added that South Africa did well in some areas and was ranked the third-best country in<br />

southern Africa.<br />

However, there was still much room for improvement. "In our country, South Africa, we have fantastic<br />

policies but the performance doesn't always match the policies," she said.<br />

She said the aim of a report like this was to keep close tabs on governments, arguing that the only<br />


solution to better governance was citizens' involvement. Asked if Africa's traditional high voter<br />

turnouts did not show that citizens were involved, she said this was not enough.<br />

"There are numerous examples of abuse of citizens at polls," said Ramphele, saying often voters<br />

were bussed in to polling stations or were given blankets to vote for specific candidates.<br />

According to Ramphele, citizens should act like shareholders in companies and "engage" when they<br />

are not happy with delivery.<br />

"You write letters, you call the chair(man), that's engagement. You don't only go to meetings. Voter<br />

turnout is no helpful measure; it does not give quality participation.<br />

Ramphele said African governments needed to move away from "harping" on about their liberation<br />

efforts of the past, and instead should start looking toward the future and focus on delivery.<br />

She said for the second consecutive year, the Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership<br />

was not awarded.<br />

The foundation's prize committee decided that it would undermine its cause, which is to promote<br />

excellence, by handing out the award this year.<br />

"It is for exceptional leadership. We are not going to say because someone did a reasonable job we<br />

are going to award," Ramphele said.<br />

The accolade was not awarded in 2009 either, for the same reason.<br />

Previous laureates included former Mozambican president Joaquim Chissano, former Botswana<br />

president Festus Mogae and former South African president Nelson Mandela<br />

http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=561&fArticleId=5673855<br />


Dorpe klou aan miljarde<br />

2010-10-05 00:23<br />

Lizel Steenkamp<br />

Kaapstad. – Munisipaliteite het die afgelope boekjaar nagelaat om byna R2,2 miljard te bestee aan<br />

noodsaaklike infrastruktuur om basiese dienste aan inwoners te lewer.<br />

Dít terwyl woedende betogers in dieselfde tydperk miljoene rande se skade aangerig het tydens 52<br />

gewelddadige optogte teen swak dienslewering.<br />

Luidens die departement van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake se verslag vir die 2009-<br />

‘10-boekjaar het munisipaliteite ‘n subsidie van R8,7 miljard van die nasionale tesourie vir<br />

infrastruktuurontwikkeling (MIG) ontvang. Net R6,6 miljard, of 75%, van dié subsidie is bestee. Veral<br />

munisipaliteite in landelike gebiede het die swakste presteer omdat hulle ‘n vaardigheidstekort het en<br />

sukkel om professionele bestuurslui te lok en te behou.<br />

Munisipaliteite in die volgende provinsies het die slegste gevaar en soveel van hul subsidie nie bestee<br />

nie:<br />

Noordwes: R352 miljoen, of 39%;<br />

Mpumalanga: R354 miljoen, of 38%;<br />

Gauteng: R104 miljoen, of 37%;<br />

Vrystaat: R267 miljoen, of 34%;<br />

Oos-Kaap: R593 miljoen, of 31%; en<br />

Noord-Kaap: R144 miljoen, of 43%.<br />

Daarenteen het munisipaliteite in die Wes-Kaap hul hele subsidie bestee, dié in KwaZulu-Natal 95%<br />

daarvan en dié in Limpopo 83% daarvan.<br />

Daar is selfs sewe munisipaliteite in die land wat nie ‘n enkele sent van hul infrastruktuurbegroting<br />

bestee het nie en 37 het minder as die helfte bestee.<br />

Weens onderbesteding is geld ingevolge die Wet op die Verdeling van Inkomste (tussen drie<br />

regeringsvlakke) van onder meer die volgende munisipaliteite weerhou:<br />

Gauteng: Emfuleni (Vanderbijlpark en Vereeniging) en Westonaria;<br />

Limpopo: Polokwane (Pietersburg) en Modimolle (Nylstroom);<br />


Mpumalanga: Mbombela (Nelspruit), Delmas en Mkhondo (Piet Retief);<br />

Noordwes: Madibeng (Brits en Hartbeespoort), Tswaing (Sannieshof, Delareyville, Ottosdal),<br />

Mafikeng, Lekwa (Standerton), Ventersdorp, Maquassi Hills (Wolmaransstad, Leeudoringstad<br />

en Makwassie) enTlokwe (Potchefstroom); en<br />

Vrystaat: Metsimaholo (Sasolburg); Tswelopele (Hoopstad en Bultfontein), Naledi (Vryburg)<br />

en Letsemeng (Koffiefontein).<br />

―Ten spyte daarvan dat geld in Augustus, Desember en Februarie 2010 weerhou is, het (sekere)<br />

munisipaliteite hul MIG steeds onderbestee,‖ lui die verslag.<br />

Die nasionale departement het gevolglik provinsiale taakspanne aangestel om<br />

probleemmunisipaliteite in Mei en September verlede jaar te besoek en ingenieurs en finansiële<br />

kenners is ook ontplooi.<br />

Volgens mnr. Elroy Africa, direkteur-generaal, het die departement goed gevorder ―en sal die impak<br />

eers in die huidige boekjaar gesien word tydens die inwerkingstelling van verskeie wetgewende en<br />

beleidshervormings‖.<br />

Mnr. Yunus Carrim, adjunkminister van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake, het inwoners<br />

gister daarvan beskuldig dat hulle nie betrokke genoeg is en seker maak dat munisipaliteite hul werk<br />

doen nie.<br />

―Die regering kan nie alleen die skuld dra vir swak dienslewering nie.‖<br />

http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Dorpe-klou-aan-miljarde-20101004<br />


Probation is not the easy way out for employers<br />

01 November 2010<br />

Ivan Israelstam<br />

Contrary to popular belief a probation clause is not a licence to fire the employee at will. Despite this<br />

fact employers frequently misuse the probationary status of the employee to get rid of the employee<br />

because:<br />

the employee has committed misconduct<br />

the employer wants to make space for a brother, friend or cousin of the owner<br />

the employee ‗does not fit in‘<br />

a manager ‗does not like the employee‘s face‘<br />

In fact the labour law meaning of ‗probation‘ is ‗testing the employee‘s work performance‘. That is, the<br />

only legitimate purpose of a probationary period is for the employer to assess the suitability of the<br />

employee in terms of his/her work performance.<br />

A probationary employee is one who has a conditional employment contract (written or unwritten).<br />

That is, the continuation of the contract is conditional on whether the employee‘s work performance<br />

during the probationary period shows that he/she is or is not able to carry out the work properly. While<br />

this describes the purpose of the probationary period it does not mean that the employer has a free<br />

licence to fire the probationer if the employer believes his/her performance to be unsatisfactory.<br />

The employer is allowed to extend the employee‘s probation period in order to further assess the<br />

employee‘s performance. This might occur, for example, where the employee shows promise but has<br />

made some errors or the opportunity for evaluation has been reduced during the initial probation<br />

period.<br />

However, before extending the probation period the employer is required to give the employee the<br />

opportunity to make representations as regards the proposed extension.<br />

The biggest mistake that employers frequently make is believing that the conditional nature of the<br />

probationary employment reduces the probationer‘s labour law rights.<br />

On the contrary, the employer that places an employee on probation has a number of legal<br />

obligations including:<br />

Making it clear that the employee is on probation<br />

Clarifying the length of the probation period<br />

Setting reasonable performance standards<br />

specifying for and explaining to the employee the performance standards required<br />

evaluating and monitoring the employee‘s performance against the set performance<br />

standards<br />

informing the employee of performance shortcomings<br />

issuing warnings to the employee where he/she is failing to meet the required standards<br />


assisting, guiding, counselling, training the employee where necessary<br />

before dismissing the probationer, giving him/her an opportunity to state his/her case.<br />

For example, in the case of Fraser vs Caxton Publishers (2005, 3 BALR 323) the employee was fired<br />

for falsifying her CV and for incompatibility. She took the matter to the CCMA where the arbitrator<br />

agreed that she was indeed guilty of the conduct for which she had been fired. The arbitrator also<br />

agreed that this misconduct was serious enough to merit dismissal. Despite this the arbitrator found<br />

the dismissal to be unfair because the employer had not given the employee a chance to defend<br />

herself against the charges. The employer was therefore ordered to pay the employee compensation<br />

equal to four months‘ remuneration.<br />

In the case of Tharratt vs <strong>Volume</strong> Injection Products (Pty) Ltd (2005, 6 BALR 652) the employee was<br />

dismissed during his probation period for poor performance. As the employer had failed to investigate<br />

the cause of the poor performance the CCMA found the dismissal to be unfair. The employer was<br />

therefore ordered to pay the employee compensation equal to three months‘ remuneration.<br />

These cases highlight the fact that probationary employees are strongly protected by labour law. At<br />

the same time, probationary employees often do not work out as well as was hoped. While the law<br />

allows the employer to dismiss such failures they must follow strict procedures first.<br />

Probation can be a very useful tool for the employer but must only be used after the employer has<br />

utilised labour law expertise in:<br />

Designing a probationary policy and procedure<br />

Setting realistic performance standards<br />

Designing measures for monitoring and evaluating work performance<br />

Training management in probation law and in the implementation of the probation policy and<br />

procedure.<br />

lvan lsraelstam is the Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting.<br />

Our appreciation to Ivan and The Star newspaper for permission to publish this article...<br />

http://www.labourguide.co.za/most-recent-publications/probation-is-not-the-easy-way-out-foremployers?utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Probation<br />


Can an employer dismiss for derivative or team misconduct?<br />

27 October 2010<br />

Johanette Rheeder<br />

Employers are sometimes faced with misconduct but no evidence to prove it as the witnesses refuse<br />

to come forward or to testify. The common law duty to act in good faith towards the employer flies out<br />

the window and the employer is faced with the difficult decision as to whether it is going to start<br />

charging witnesses for failing to report misconduct or to come forward with information and evidence.<br />

Employers in the retail industry faces huge losses to theft or industrial espionage and the guilty party<br />

or parties are never identified although many are aware of the misconduct, but they are either sharing<br />

in the proceeds or are just not prepared to come forward with information to assist the employer in<br />

identifying the thieves.<br />

In Foschini Group v Maidi & others (2009) 18 LAC 1.25.2; [2010] 7 BLLR 689 (LAC) five employees<br />

(the full staff compliment in that store) were charged with ―failure to secure assets of the company‖<br />

after substantial stock losses were detected at the clothing store where they had been employed. The<br />

employer could not prove that they were in fact stealing the stock, however they were dismissed in<br />

their absence for ―Gross negligence by failing to take proper care of company property under their<br />

control resulting in a financial loss of R 207 000 as well as an irretrievable breakdown in the trust<br />

relationship. The stock losses reached a level in excess of 28% (some 1 553 items over a period of<br />

six months) which was contributed to their lack of commitment towards the company. The company<br />

conducted a thorough investigation by sending a manager to the store in question, who conducted the<br />

investigation himself, which preceded and founded his report.<br />

The Commissioner in the arbitration proceedings (and as confirmed by the LAC) looked at various<br />

cases where the question of collective misconduct or sanction was considered. Grogan is of the view<br />

that, in the context of employees in a small store, who are unable to point to some cause for the stock<br />

loss, the species of misconduct upon which the company relies when it calls members of an entire<br />

staff to book for stock loss, although collective in nature, would be better described as ‘team<br />

misconduct. The team is responsible for maintaining the stock and in the case of ‗team misconduct‘<br />

the employer dismisses a group of workers because responsibility for the collective conduct of the<br />

group is indivisible. It should be noted therefore that the principle is not that some (the innocent) must<br />

suffer because the employer cannot pin point the guilty. In this case, all are held responsible for not<br />

complying with the rule and not acting in good faith in executing their duties. It therefore lies in each<br />

employee‘s individual culpability for the failure of the group to attain the performance standard set by<br />

the employer.<br />

In Chauke & others v Lee Service Centre CC t/a Leeson Motors (1998) 19 ILJ 1441 (LAC) [also<br />

reported at [1998] JOL 3076 (LAC), the Labour Appeal Court held that an employer, who suffered<br />

continuously under industrial sabotage perpetrated by unidentified employees, was entitled to dismiss<br />

all the employees on the shop floor where the damages occurred, on the basis that the employees<br />

must have known who the perpetrators were and failed to come forward and identify them. Again, the<br />

employees made them guilty of a special misconduct – breach of trust and duty of care towards the<br />

employer.<br />

Although the principle in question causes problems in light of the principle of fairness in our law,<br />

Cameron JA in the Chauke case formulated two lines of justification for a fair dismissal in such<br />

circumstances. The first is where an employee, who is part of the group of perpetrators, is under a<br />

duty to assist the employer in bringing the guilty to book. The second is where an employee has or<br />


may reasonably be supposed to have information concerning the guilty but fails or refuse to disclose<br />

same. His or her failure to come forward with the information may itself amount to misconduct as the<br />

relationship between employer and employee is in its essentials one of trust and confidence, and,<br />

even at common law, conduct clearly inconsistent with that essential warranted termination of<br />

employment. The LAC found failure to assist an employer in bringing the guilty to book violates this<br />

duty and may itself justify dismissal.‖<br />

The learned Judge of Appeal further held that this derived justification is wide enough ―to encompass<br />

those innocent of the main misconduct, but who through their silence make themselves guilty of a<br />

derivative violation of trust and confidence.<br />

www.glmi.co.za<br />

http://www.labourguide.co.za/most-recent-publications/can-an-employer-dismiss-for-derivative-orteam-<br />

misconduct?utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=team+misconduct<br />


Retrenchments and misconduct dismissals don’t mix<br />

26 October 2010<br />

Ivan Israelstam<br />

When companies suffer financial losses the ripple effect can be tsunami-like. Investors can be ruined,<br />

employees can lose jobs and heads can roll. It is normal for employers to retrench employees after<br />

serious losses have been incurred because the employer cannot afford to pay their salaries. It can<br />

also happen that those executives responsible for managing the company are disciplined for allowing<br />

the financial losses to occur. However, employers must be careful not to mix up the retrenchment of<br />

an executive with his/her dismissal for misconduct such as, for example, dereliction of duty.<br />

Employers must be equally careful not to discipline executives for ulterior motives. For example,<br />

where the board of directors is under pressure from shareholders to explain the company‘s losses<br />

they may look for scapegoats in order to relieve this pressure.<br />

Often therefore, the CEO or MD lands on the carpet in front of the board of directors. Sometimes the<br />

accusing finger is in fact pointed in the right direction but just as often the wrong head rolls because<br />

the culprits have conspired to scapegoat an easy target or someone outside the main clique.<br />

Very frequently, by the time the scapegoat has been able to recover from the shock of the false<br />

allegations and has perhaps even been able to throw some doubt on the allegations against him/her,<br />

the damage has been done. That is:<br />

the culprits have closed ranks and testimony is hard to come by<br />

important documentary evidence has been doctored or destroyed<br />

the powers that be have decided that the real culprit is not expendable<br />

it has been agreed who will have to be sacrificed<br />

acrimony and backstabbing have destroyed the working relationship and the scapegoat no<br />

longer wants to stay with the company or other organisation.<br />

Scapegoating can result not only in the unnecessary loss for the employer of key skills but can also<br />

tarnish the reputation of the employer. From the employee‘s point of view his/her name will have been<br />

muddied and his/her career prospects may have been damaged. However, in certain circumstances<br />

employees can block attempts at scapegoating.<br />

For example, in the case of Van As vs African Bank Ltd (2005, 3 BLLR 304) the employer suffered<br />

serious financial losses and hence instituted disciplinary proceedings against its Chief Executive<br />

Officer who was suspended pending a hearing. Before the hearing was convened the employer and<br />

the CEO signed a retrenchment agreement in which it was agreed that the CEO would leave the<br />


company for reasons of operational requirements. Despite this the employer decided to proceed with<br />

the disciplinary hearing.<br />

The CEO applied to court for an order interdicting the employer from dismissing him for misconduct.<br />

He contended that:<br />

The employer could not discipline him after a retrenchment agreement had been concluded<br />

The employer was merely trying to scapegoat him for the losses incurred by the bank.<br />

The Court found that, by entering into the retrenchment agreement the employer had waived its right<br />

to dismiss the CEO for misconduct. It ordered the employer to desist from such dismissal and to<br />

adhere to the terms of the retrenchment agreement. It also awarded costs against the employer.<br />

The cost of this matter to the employer must have been high because not only did it have to bear its<br />

own legal costs it also had to pay those of the employee and waste the valuable time on the court<br />

case.<br />

This could have been avoided had the employer made proper use of the appropriate experts to:<br />

assess the matter holistically<br />

investigate whether the CEO could really be blamed for the losses and whether there was<br />

sufficient proof of this<br />

decide whether discipline or retrenchment was most appropriate in practical terms and from a<br />

legal point of view<br />

help decide on a strategy that would satisfy the employer‘s practical needs but at the same<br />

time avoid infringing the law.<br />

lvan lsraelstam is the Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting. He may be<br />

contacted on (011) 888-7944 or 0828522973 or on e-mail address: labourlaw@absamail.co.za .<br />

Our appreciation to Ivan and The Star newspaper for permission to publish this article.<br />


Courts getting stricter on retrenchments<br />

21 October 2010<br />

Ivan Israelstam<br />

When presiding over unfair retrenchment cases our courts have started to look much more closely<br />

than before at:<br />

the circumstances of each case and<br />

whether there could have been some way of saving jobs<br />

whether the employer tried hard enough to save jobs.<br />

For example, in the case of FAWU vs SA Breweries Ltd (Contemporary Labour Law Vol 14 No. 2<br />

September 2004) the employer retrenched employees after a major reorganisation in the way that<br />

work was done. This change required that production employees would need to be able to perform a<br />

much wider variety of work than previously. In order to establish whether these employees had the<br />

required skills to work in the changed jobs the employer applied, amongst others, the ‗ABET test‘.<br />

That is, in the absence of other suitable educational qualifications, the employer tested the employees<br />

to assess their levels of at Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET). Certain employees who failed<br />

these tests were selected for retrenchment.<br />

The Labour Court found that:<br />

Retrenchment has a ―.. deleterious impact on the life of workers and their families …‖ and can<br />

be seen as a ―death penalty‖<br />

Therefore an employer contemplating retrenchments must be able to prove that such<br />

dismissals were implemented as ―a last resort‖<br />

And if there was a viable alternative to retrenchments the employer is obliged to implement it<br />

SAB acted unilaterally in applying the ABET levels<br />

These ABET levels were not a valid test of the retrenchees‘ ability to work in the newly<br />

created jobs. This is because ABET measures more general abilities rather than the specific<br />

skills required for the specific jobs in question. The employees‘ experience should also be<br />

taken into account in assessing their suitability for the jobs.<br />

SAB did not argue that it did not have the funds to devise a valid and appropriate test to<br />

assess the suitability of the employees for the newly created positions. The employer<br />

therefore could have and should have had such appropriate tests designed.<br />

The retrenchees had long service<br />

Due to apartheid the employees‘ only schooling option had been ―Bantu education‖<br />

SAB had not taken adequate steps to assist the employees to obtain the desired ABET skills<br />

levels<br />

SAB had been inflexible as regards the consultation process.<br />

The retrenchments of these employees was unfair both procedurally and substantively (i.e.<br />

was for unfair reasons).<br />

In the case of CWIU and Others vs Latex Surgical Products (Pty) Ltd (2006, 2 BLLR 142) the<br />

employer gave notice to the trade union that it proposed the possible retrenchment of 33 employees.<br />


After consultation the employer implemented retrenchments for reason of its financial circumstances.<br />

In deciding on which employees were to be retrenched the employer rated all the employees on six<br />

criteria and chose those whose ratings were the lowest. The employees who were retrenched lodged<br />

a dispute with the Labour Court which found that the retrenchments were fair. The union went to the<br />

Labour Appeal Court which found that:<br />

After the retrenchments the employer had hired a large number of casual workers. This<br />

persuaded the Court that there had not been a good reason to retrench the employees as<br />

there was clearly work for them to do.<br />

The employer had neither shown how it had applied the criteria for choosing who to retrench<br />

nor that it had applied these criteria objectively.<br />

The retrenchments were therefore declared to be unfair and those employees who had not found<br />

other jobs were reinstated with 12 months back pay.<br />

Employers need to learn form the above cases that:<br />

The law keeps changing and all employers need to keep up with these changes<br />

Retrenching employees and replacing them with others is unacceptable<br />

Employers must use retrenchment criteria that can be measured objectively and must be able<br />

to show that such objective measurements were in fact made and properly used<br />

Retrenching employees is becoming harder and harder<br />

The biggest, most powerful and most experienced of employers can lose in the Labour Court.<br />

Therefore, no effort must be spared in ensuring legal compliance<br />

The need to apply labour law expertise is not a luxury but a basic necessity<br />

Such expertise must be applied before a retrenchment decision is made.<br />

lvan lsraelstam is the Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting. He may be<br />

contacted on (011) 888-7944 or 0828522973 or on e-mail address: labourlaw@absamail.co.za<br />

Our appreciation to Ivan and The Star newspaper for permission to publish this article.<br />


Rising demand for credit suggests recovery<br />

ALISTAIR ANDERSON and MARIAM ISA, Published: 2010/11/01 06:39:57 AM<br />

Credit extended to the private sector accelerated more than expected last month, with corporate<br />

borrowing rising for the first time in one-and-a-half years, providing rare good news on the economic<br />

recovery. Borrowing by households and companies rose 4,4% compared with the corresponding<br />

month last year, up from 3% in August, data from the Reserve Bank showed on Friday.<br />

Overall credit has now expanded for five months in a row.At the same time, SA‘s trade balance<br />

returned to the black with a surprise surplus of R3,6bn last month, the South African Revenue Service<br />

(SARS) said on Friday.<br />

Consensus forecasts had predicted a R2,3bn deficit, after a R4,7bn shortfall in August, but the figures<br />

are highly volatile.The Bank said that credit extended to households rose 6,3%, up from 5,6% in<br />

August and reinforcing evidence that consumer spending, the economy‘s main engine, is gathering<br />

momentum.<br />

But the surprise was in corporate borrowing, which rose 1,4% year on year last month after a<br />

contraction of 1% in August. It was the first rise in business borrowing since May last year, when it<br />

rose 2,2%. ―I think the data are starting to show that the business environment in SA is starting to<br />

improve a bit but it‘s off a low base and still a pretty subdued number,‖ said Absa Capital economist<br />

Jeffrey Schultz.<br />

But he did not think the figures would dissuade the Bank from cutting interest rates by January .<br />

―There‘s probably scope for one more rate cut but we‘re looking at this stage at a January rate cut as<br />

it will take a bit of time for them to factor in a much stronger exchange rate into their inflation forecast.‖<br />

The Bank trimmed its repo rate by half a percentage point to 6% at its last policy meeting last month.<br />

Mortgage advances, which make up 73% of household credit, were a key driver of the credit<br />

extension, rising 4,8% last month compared with the same month last year. ―But growth is still<br />

subdued compared to high growth rates seen before the crisis,‖ said Investec economist Kgotso<br />

Radira. Over the past few months, growth in mortgages has been driven by individuals while<br />

companies are cautious. SARS said exports rose 9,6% last month, boosted by a sharp climb in<br />

mineral products . Imports fell 6,9%, mainly due to a 35% plunge in the vehicles, aircraft and vessels<br />

category.<br />

In the first nine months of this year, SA had a cumulative trade surplus of R9,5bn, versus R18,5bn<br />

deficit in the same period last year, the SARS data showed. These figures were surprisingly good<br />

news as sustained strength in the rand erodes the competitiveness of local exports.<br />

The rand has risen nearly 7% against the dollar in the year to date, and more than 4% on a<br />

tradeweighted basis.<br />

Analysts expect the trade balance to deteriorate in the months ahead, as the strong rand and<br />

domestic demand boost imports.<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/Articles/Content.aspx?id=125403<br />


SA manufacturing conditions improve, but sector still lags<br />

rest of world<br />

November 2, 2010, By Ethel Hazelhurst<br />

South Africa is one of a number of countries that yesterday reported improved conditions in the<br />

manufacturing sector.<br />

However, South Africa continues to lag the rest of the world, with the Kagiso purchasing managers<br />

index (PMI) remaining below the key 50-point level. The PMI, an indicator of the health of the<br />

manufacturing sector, edged back towards neutral territory last month, reaching 49.8 points from 48.6<br />

in September. A figure below 50 is a sign of contraction in the manufacturing sector.<br />

News from the rest of the world was more upbeat, with PMIs in positive territory. Reuters reported that<br />

in China, the official PMI rose to a six-month high of 54.7 index points last month from 53.8 in<br />

September, easily beating market forecasts of 52.9; and the HSBC Markit PMI for India rose to 57.2 in<br />

October from 55.1 in September. Later in the day the UK reported its PMI rose to 54.9 points from<br />

53.5. In the US the Institute for Supply Management's factory index rose to 56.9 in October from 54.4<br />

a month earlier.The unexpectedly strong data from China and India helped boost markets early in the<br />

global trading day. The JSE all share index responded with an intraday high of 30 646 points at<br />

9.24am.<br />

The improvement in South Africa's manufacturing sector made little impact when reported in midmorning<br />

- an indication that local financial markets are more vulnerable to global than domestic<br />

events.South Africa's manufacturing sector has been out of step with the rest of the world in the past<br />

few months due to strikes in the automotive sector in August. This is according to economist Hugo<br />

Pienaar, a senior economist at the Bureau for Economic Research. Pienaar said the Kagiso PMI<br />

usually correlated closely with the global PMI, though lagging by a few months, but recently the<br />

pattern had been disrupted. However, he said the latest PMI showed the sector could be resuming its<br />

former growth path. And he forecast some recovery in factory production in the fourth quarter.<br />

He based his view on the performance of "demand-related" components of the PMI. "New sales<br />

orders rose back above the key 50 point mark with purchasing commitments remaining in<br />

expansionary territory. Furthermore, October saw a nice bounce (+5.5 index points) in the inventory<br />

index." He described the 2.8 percent increase in the business activity index (volumes of production) to<br />

48.7 points as "the most encouraging development" from a factory perspective. "While still below 50,<br />

the gain in October suggests that the weak readings during August and September may at least<br />

partially have been the result of temporary factors."<br />

Absa Capital said the figure at below 50 supported its expectation of a further half percentage point<br />

rate cut by the Reserve Bank's monetary policy committee in January next year.Standard Bank said:<br />

"The October PMI indicates that growth momentum in the manufacturing sector remains weak. The<br />

slow recovery in this sector, coupled with continued job-shedding and the benign inflation outlook,<br />

reinforces Standard Bank's expectation of a 50 basis point interest rate cut this month."<br />

http://www.busrep.co.za/?fArticleId=5712143<br />


Trade balance records surprise surplus<br />

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Oct 29 2010 15:01<br />

In a statement on Friday, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) said a trade surplus of R3,6-<br />

billion had been recorded, compared with a deficit of R4,7-billion in August.<br />

The market had been expecting a deficit of R2,1-billion in September.<br />

"The R3,6-billion surplus for September 2010 was due to an increase in exports of 9,6% and a<br />

decrease in imports of 6,9%.<br />

Exports of R53,16-billion for September 2010 and imports of R49,54-billion resulted in the surplus of<br />

R3,62-billion.<br />

"The rise in exports is encouraging, but the strong trend is unlikely to be maintained against the<br />

backdrop of a faltering global economy," Nedbank Group's economic unit said.<br />

Imports, on the other hand, were likely to benefit from improving consumer incomes, low interest rates<br />

and a strong rand in the coming months.<br />

"These figures have little implications for monetary policy and we still expect the Reserve Bank to<br />

leave interest rates unchanged at its meeting in November before easing in the new year," Nedbank<br />

said. – Sapa<br />

http://www.mg.co.za/article/2010-10-29-trade-balance-records-surprise-surplus<br />


Producer inflation slows unexpectedly<br />


Published: 2010/10/29 07:11:27 AM<br />

THE rate of price increases at factories, farms<br />

and mines slowed last month despite<br />

expectations that they would rise,<br />

strengthening the case for an interest rate cut<br />

next month.<br />

The producer price index (PPI) rose by a<br />

surprising 6,8% last month compared with the<br />

corresponding month last year, dipping from<br />

7,8% in August, data from Statistics SA<br />

showed yesterday .<br />

A Reuters survey of economists had predicted<br />

an 8% increase.<br />

The figures followed the news that last month<br />

consumer inflation slowed to its lowest level in<br />

more than five years.<br />

This — along with lacklustre retail sales and<br />

manufacturing figures — means the Reserve<br />

Bank may cut interest rates by another half a<br />

percentage point at its monetary p olicy m<br />

eeting next month .<br />

―We have argued that the cutting cycle may<br />

not be at an end, although the rate call is quite<br />

data dependent as it is usual towards the end<br />

of a cycle,‖ Cadiz Asset Management‘s<br />

Adenaan Hardien said yesterday.<br />

The switchover to summer electricity tariffs<br />

had a greater effect on electricity prices than<br />

predicted by various analysts, causing a drop<br />

of 32,8% in electricity costs.<br />

Electricity prices carry a significant 6,86%<br />

weight in the PPI.<br />

Fruits and vegetables, meat and petroleum<br />

products also saw price falls. In contrast,<br />

manufactured goods inflation was slightly up<br />

from August, at 2,6% year on year.<br />

The imports component of the PPI also<br />

moderated, increasing marginally by 0,7%<br />

year on year, after August‘s strong 2,1% rise.<br />

This was possibly due to the strong rand and<br />

its effect on imports .<br />

But producer price inflation for exported goods<br />

continued to climb, rising 7,6% year on year,<br />

compared with 7,2% in August.<br />

Absa Capital said that even though the PPI<br />

was a relatively weak proxy for consumer<br />

prices, given its substantial commodity<br />

weighting, there was evidence that it would<br />

help keep inflation low.<br />

―The components within the PPI which have<br />

more feed-through into consumer prices<br />

remained well contained and, together with a<br />

stronger currency, in our view, supports our<br />

expectation for price pressures to remain<br />

relatively well contained over the medium<br />

term.‖<br />

Absa Capital said yesterday that it expected<br />

the Bank to hold off cutting interest rates at its<br />

policy meeting next month.<br />

However, it said it was possible that the<br />

Reserve Bank would curb the repo rate at its<br />

meeting in January , when it had had enough<br />

time to change its inflation outlook and had<br />

reviewed all the relevant data releases .<br />

The Bank has cut its key repo rate by six<br />

percentage points since December 2008,<br />

taking it to 6%, a 30-year low.<br />

andersona@bdfm.co.za<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.<br />

aspx?id=125262<br />


Gordhan slashes deficit as R30bn revenue overrun<br />

October 28, 2010<br />

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan announced bold steps to stem the appreciation of the rand<br />

yesterday, and forecast a series of smaller than expected budget deficits despite political pressure for<br />

higher spending.<br />

Part of an almost R30bn tax revenue overrun this year would be used to build foreign exchange<br />

reserves while exchange controls were eased, both for individuals and companies, he said.<br />

The news knocked the rand 1,7 percent weaker to R7,07 against the dollar, erasing some of the hefty<br />

gains over the past year which threaten the economy‘s recovery.<br />

Mr Gordhan‘s medium-term budget policy statement made clear a tight rein would be kept on official<br />

purse-strings in the next three years, despite faster growth and higher tax revenue.<br />

"Over the next three years, as the economy grows, the pace of government spending growth will<br />

moderate in a countercyclical fashion,‖ the Treasury said.<br />

Without a slowdown in official spending, budgets would continue to be financed through borrowing<br />

instead of tax revenue.<br />

This would eventually curb growth of new spending and create a rising debt burden for South Africans<br />

in the future, it warned.<br />

Mr Gordhan‘s statement will disappoint the left-wing allies of the African National Congress, which<br />

have demanded a more expansionist approach to boost growth and job creation.<br />

The Treasury revised its growth forecasts for the economy up more than expected, predicting<br />

expansion of 3 percent this year and an acceleration to 4,4 percent in 2013.<br />

But Mr Gordhan said growth would have to rise by more than 6 percent a year for a decade to<br />

achieve a goal of creating 5-million jobs.<br />

"SA is doing well compared with the rest of the world, but we need to be very aware that we live in<br />

very uncertain times,‖ he said.<br />

The economy shrank 1,8 percent last year, which marked its first recession since 1992, in step with<br />

the global downturn.<br />

The highlight of the policy statement was measures to curb gains in the rand, which the Treasury said<br />

was about 12 percent above its average for the past decade.<br />

The Reserve Bank said qualifying international companies with headquarters in SA would be able to<br />

raise and deploy capital offshore without the need for prior approval from January 1 2011 .<br />

The limits on offshore portfolio investments by resident individual and pension fund investors will be<br />

raised, and the requirement that emigrants pay a 10 percent exit levy on blocked assets will be lifted.<br />


There may be more steps taken, after assessing the rand‘s reaction to current measures.<br />

"Further steps to moderate the impact of capital flows on the economy will be considered, drawing on<br />

both international experience and assessment of the likely local impact,‖ Mr Gordhan said in a speech<br />

to Parliament.<br />

SA‘s authorities have so far said they are not in favour of taxing capital inflows, a measure deployed<br />

by other developing economies in a bid to stem gains in their currencies — a trend which erodes the<br />

competitiveness of their exports.<br />

The Treasury also made clear that it would keep public sector wage hikes in check, budgeting for a<br />

6,3 percent compensation increase over the next three years. That includes money for new jobs. But<br />

this year, a provision of R6,2bn had to be made for higher than expected pay costs for public sector<br />

workers.<br />

"Disproportionate‖ wage increases unrelated to productivity trends in the economy would reduce<br />

capital and investment spending and ―retard‖ growth and job creation, the Treasury said. A balance<br />

would have to be struck between providing a stimulus to the economy and reducing debt with the<br />

average real growth in noninterest government expenditure being kept to a moderate 2,7 percent a<br />

year over the next three years.<br />

"As the economy recovers, government will tighten its stance to avoid pushing up interest rates and<br />

crowding private sector investment,‖ the policy statement read.<br />

The Treasury revised its budget deficit for the current fiscal year down to 5,3 percent of gross<br />

domestic product compared with the 6,2 percent forecast at its February budget.<br />

It has projected further falls to 4,6 percent (5 percent), 3,9 percent (4,1 percent) and 3,2 percent over<br />

the next three years.<br />

The borrowing requirement for the 2010-11 fiscal year has been slashed to R140bn from the budget‘s<br />

R175bn estimate. - I-Net Bridge.<br />

http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=5706559<br />


Lae inflasie kan nog jare heers<br />

Okt 28 2010 08:00 René Vollgraaff<br />

Pretoria. - Inflasie kan vir minstens die volgende drie jaar binne die Reserwebank se teikenband van<br />

3% tot 6% bly, maar daar is in dié stadium geen duidelikheid oor of dit verdere rentekoersdalings sal<br />

beteken nie.<br />

Mnr. Pravin Gordhan, minister van finansies, het gister in sy mediumtermyn-begrotingsraamwerk in<br />

die parlement in Kaapstad gesê die tesourie verwag dat inflasie volgens die verbruikersprysindeks<br />

(VPI) vanjaar gemiddeld 4,4% sal wees, volgende jaar 4,7% en in 2012 net 5%.<br />

Dit is heelwat laer as die verwagte inflasiekoerse vir SubSahara-Afrika. Die lae inflasieverwagtinge is<br />

danksy klein stygings in kospryse en ‘n relatief gunstige wisselkoers, lui die begrotingsraamwerk.<br />

Gordhan waarsku egter in dieselfde asem dat daar ten spyte van lae inflasie steeds onderliggende<br />

inflasiedruk is. ―Ten einde te keer dat (hoë) inflasie weer sy kop uitsteek moet monetêre beleid steeds<br />

daarop fokus om inflasieverwagtinge te anker en finansiële stabiliteit te ondersteun om groei en<br />

indiensneming te bevorder,‖ lui die raamwerk.<br />

Verskeie ekonome het in die afgelope tyd bespiegel dat rentekoerse verder kan daal in die lig van<br />

brose ekonomiese groei, laer as verwagte inflasie en die rand se versterking teenoor veral die<br />

Amerikaanse dollar, wat ‘n groot bydraende faktor tot laer inflasie is. ‘n Laer rentekoers kan volgens<br />

sommige groepe ook help om die land minder aantreklik vir buitelandse beleggers in drahandelprodukte<br />

te maak, maar die meeste ekonome stem saam dat rentekoerse tot dieselfde vlak as dié van<br />

die VSA, dit wil sê sowat 0,1%, sal moet daal om dié soort beleggers af te skrik.<br />

Die repokoers is ná verlede maand se verlaging van ‘n halwe persentasiepunt 6% en die prima<br />

uitleenkoers 9,5%, die laagste vlak in 30 jaar.<br />

VPI-inflasie was in Augustus 3,5% op ‘n jaargrondslag en het in September tot 3,2% gedaal. Dit is<br />

nou die agtste agtereenvolgende maand dat inflasie binne die Reserwebank se teikenband is.<br />

Die Reserwebank se monetêrebeleidskomitee (MBK) vergader volgende maand weer oor<br />

rentekoerse.<br />

Nedbank se groep- ekonomiese eenheid sê aangesien die bank in die verlede huiwerig was om rente<br />

aggressief te verlaag, verwag hulle dat rente volgende maand en in Januarie volgende jaar<br />

onveranderd sal bly, met ‘n moontlike daling van ‘n halwe persentasiepunt in Maart volgende jaar.<br />

Me. Annabel Bishop, ekonoom van Investec, verwag egter dat rente volgende maand al sal daal en<br />

sê ‘n daling van ‘n volle persentasiepunt is eintlik nodig.<br />

Sy verwag ‘n verdere daling in Januarie volgende jaar.<br />

Me. Gill Marcus, president van die bank, het al telkemale gewaarsku dat faktore soos loonverhogings<br />

bo die inflasiekoers die risiko van opwaartse druk op inflasie skep.<br />

Volgens die begrotingsraamwerk het gemiddelde loonverhogings in die eerste nege maande van die<br />

jaar 8,3% beloop teenoor gemiddelde VPI-inflasiekoers van 4,7% in die eerste agt maande van die<br />

jaar.<br />

http://www.sake24.com/Ekonomie/Lae-inflasie-kan-nog-jare-heers-20101028<br />


Reserve Bank sees slow leading economic indicators growth<br />

October 25, 2010<br />

The rate of growth in the SA Reserve Bank's (SARB) leading economic indicator slowed to 19.2<br />

percent year-on-year (y/y) in August from 20.4 percent the previous month, data released by the bank<br />

on Monday showed.<br />

The leading economic indicator provides a guideline for economic growth for at least six months<br />

ahead.<br />

The latest increase takes the indicator to an index level of 130.9, which on a trend basis, is higher<br />

than the 120.9 index level recorded in December 2009.<br />

The slowdown in the y/y growth suggests that although the South African economy is likely to slow in<br />

the months ahead, the slowdown might not be as severe as expected given the strong rand, Stanlib<br />

economist Kevin Lings said.<br />

Month-on-month (m/m) growth of the indicator went back to negative territory and recorded a 0.1<br />

percent decline from a revised 1.3 percent (1.1 percent) increase in July.<br />

July's index was revised slightly downwards to 131.0 from 130.7.<br />

"The annual rate of change in the leading indicator is still expected to moderate in the months ahead,"<br />

Lings said, adding that this would be due to the high base established during the past few months.<br />

The SARB uses more than 200 economic time series to determine the turning points of the local<br />

business cycle.<br />

Using these indicators, the leading, coincident and lagging composite business cycle indicators are<br />

produced.<br />

They indicate the direction of the change in economic activity rather than the level of economic<br />

activity.<br />

The leading economic indicator consists of 13 sub-indicators including volume of orders in<br />

manufacturing and business confidence.<br />

According to the latest data, improved manufacturing order volumes, higher business confidence and<br />

higher equity market valuations are some of the sub-indicators that contributed positively to the<br />

August leading economic indicator.<br />

Sub-indicators such as lower productivity in the country's manufacturing sector and lower real M1<br />

money supply contributed negatively.<br />

Macro strategist at Absa Capital Jeff Schultz suggested that despite the loss in momentum growth in<br />

the leading economic indicator in recent months, in level terms the indicator remained well above the<br />

trough of 104.9 in April 2009 and is 0.6 points below its previous cyclical peak of 131.5 in April 2010.<br />

"Although we continue to attach some downside risk to Q3 10 GDP growth figures owing to the<br />

significant amount of industrial strike activity throughout this period, our forecast for the economy to<br />

grow 3.0 percent in 2010 remains intact," said Schultz.<br />


The SARB data also showed that the coincident indicator, which moves in line with the economy, for<br />

July was reported at 145.9 from a revised 144.9 (145.0) a month before.<br />

The lagging indicator was reported at 104.5 from a revised 103.3 (102.2).<br />

The coincident indicator is an economic factor that varies directly and simultaneously with the<br />

business cycle, thus indicating the current state of the economy.<br />

The lagging indicator on the other hand changes after the economy has already begun to follow a<br />

particular trend.<br />

Since moving out the recession in the third quarter of 2009, the country has been growing, although in<br />

line with the leading indicator, at a slower rate.<br />

The rate of growth in the local economy slowed between the first and second quarters of 2010, with<br />

the leading indicator already having confirmed the slowing growth. - I-Net Bridge<br />

http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=552&fArticleId=5701247<br />


Slowing retail sales dash hopes for strong recovery<br />


Published: 2010/10/14 06:33:35 AM<br />

Retail sales fell sharply in August, surprising markets and adding to evidence that the economy did<br />

not perform well in the third quarter.<br />

During the month itself, retail sales fell 1,4%, after edging up for two months in a row, data from<br />

Statistics SA showed yesterday.<br />

Compared with the corresponding month last year, retail sales growth slowed abruptly to 4,6%, well<br />

below the 8% recorded in July, and disappointing forecasts for growth of 8,5%.<br />

It was the slowest pace since May.<br />

Citigroup economist Jean-Francois Mercier said it would be wrong to read too much into the retail<br />

sales data, which could be distorted by the effects of the World Cup and labour strikes.<br />

―But nonetheless, it appears that the retail and wholesale sectors put together will not provide a major<br />

boost‖ to growth in the third quarter compared with the second, he said.<br />

Part of the slowdown is being blamed on a loss of momentum after strong sales seen during the<br />

World Cup in June and July. The public service strike could also have had an effect.<br />

But coming on the heels of weaker then expected manufacturing data for the same month, the figures<br />

will also reignite the debate on whether interest rates should fall further.<br />

―The recent slowdown in retail sales growth, coupled with a moderation in manufacturing activity,<br />

continued uncertainty about the path of global growth, an improved domestic inflation projection and<br />

the still strong rand will re-energise the debate on the … outlook for domestic interest rates,‖ said<br />

Stanlib economist Kevin Lings.<br />

Retail trade makes up about 12% of the economy‘s output and is the second-biggest employer,<br />

providing 22% of jobs in the formal sector.<br />

A breakdown of the data showed a deterioration in most components of the sales compared with the<br />

year- earlier month.<br />

But furniture and appliance sales rose 21,1%, up from 13,9% in July, while sales in the hardware,<br />

paint and glass category rose 5,8% after a 6,6% decline in July.<br />

Growth in cosmetics and pharmaceutical goods sales fell the most, dropping from 13,4% year on year<br />

in July of this year to 3,9% year on year in August.<br />

Sales of food and beverages also took a knock, contracting by 2,9% in August compared with the<br />

same month last year. Year on year growth in July was 2,4%.<br />

General dealers growth eased from 9,4% year on year in July to 3,7% year on year in August.<br />


Separately, wholesale sales data for the month rose 1,3% after a fall of 1,5% in July.<br />

One of the problems is that SA‘s consumers remain heavily burdened by debt, which amounts to 78%<br />

of the disposable income of households.<br />

This has put heavy pressure on consumer spending, the main growth engine in SA‘s economy.<br />

Official data from the Reserve Bank showed that growth in household spending moderated to 4,8% in<br />

the second quarter of the year, from 5,1% in the first quarter.<br />

Not all analysts believed the slowdown in manufacturing and retail activity would prompt the Bank to<br />

cut interest rates again.<br />

―Going further into the year we still believe that retail activity will be the mainstay of the South African<br />

economic recovery,‖ said Monale Ratsoma, an economist at Thebe Securities.<br />

―Trends in household borrowing suggest that retail activity is likely to continue its steady ascent,‖ he<br />

said.<br />

Private sector borrowing increased for the fourth month in a row during August.<br />

andersona@bdfm.co.za<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=123679<br />


Trade activity index enters positive territory<br />


Published: 2010/10/13 06:40:33 AM<br />

Current trade conditions moved into positive territory last month, according to the trade activity index<br />

released yesterday by the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI).<br />

The index had been in negative territory since May, implying that most survey respondents had not<br />

been positive about trade conditions for three successive months.<br />

The index showed that current trade conditions jumped to 51 last month from 45 in August, although<br />

this was still one point lower than in September last year.<br />

All the components of physical trade activity enjoyed marked increases last month. This was despite<br />

strikes in the motor sector last month which prevented SA from exporting car parts.<br />

―Sales volumes were boosted from 50 in August to 59 in September. This is a return to the high levels<br />

experienced in February-March this year,‖ SACCI economist Richard Downing said.<br />

The supplier delivery index increased from 44 in August to 52 last month, and stock levels also picked<br />

up from 44 to 52 last month in anticipation of year-end activity.<br />

Foreign sentiment about SA‘s economy may have lifted a bit as the trade expectations index declined<br />

only marginally, from 61 in August to 60 last month.<br />

The indices of expectations on sales volumes and supplier deliveries eased but new orders and<br />

inventories strengthened marginally.<br />

Inflationary expectations relaxed as the index on selling decreased by two points, while the input<br />

prices index dropped by one point.<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=123583<br />


Slowing factory output spells trouble<br />

October 13, 2010<br />

By Ethel Hazelhurst<br />

Figures for manufacturing production in August confirm the economic recovery is stuttering. Growth in<br />

production slowed to 5.3 percent year on year, from 7.2 percent in July, Statistics SA reported<br />

yesterday. On a monthly basis, output shrank 3.6 percent in August.<br />

The figure, which is adjusted for seasonal factors, is a bigger decline than the market expected,<br />

according to Jean-Francois Mercier, an economist at Citi. He said forecasts for the monthly change<br />

had ranged from a drop of 2 percent to a gain of 0.5 percent.<br />

Nedbank's economic unit said the August number was distorted by a strike in the automotive sector,<br />

which experienced a fall in production of nearly 20 percent in the month. In motor car manufacturing<br />

specifically production contracted nearly 40 percent.<br />

Economists.co.za chief economist Mike Schussler pointed out that the strike extended into September<br />

so the damage to the sector's output would have continued.<br />

The iron and steel sector also performed poorly, with output falling 7 percent month on month.<br />

Schussler attributed this to the slow construction activity. Credit insurer Coface said yesterday the<br />

construction sector had declined since the third quarter of last year and showed no sign of recovery.<br />

Mercier said most of the subcomponents of the production index fell, with only glass and non-metallic<br />

minerals showing monthly expansion.<br />

Nedbank economist Carmen Altenkirch said the August manufacturing data confirmed the view that<br />

economic growth would slow for the rest of the year and next year. She said, together with a strong<br />

rand, the manufacturing data made one last rate cut possible.<br />

Last month the Reserve Bank cut its repo rate to 6 percent - the lowest level since October 1980<br />

when the bank rate - which preceded the repo rate - was at 5.5 percent.<br />

Schussler expressed concern because manufacturing, which is the second-biggest sector of the<br />

economy, provides most jobs.<br />

A sign that things will get worse came earlier this month with publication of the Kagiso purchasing<br />

managers' index, which reflects conditions in the manufacturing sector.<br />

The index fell last month to 48.4 from 50.3 in August. A figure lower than 50 signals the sector is<br />

contracting.<br />

Mercier said manufacturing represented about 17 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and he<br />

expected the sector's poor performance to drag down GDP growth from 3.2 percent in the second<br />

quarter to between 2 percent and 2.5 percent in the third quarter.<br />

He described the data as "bond friendly" because financial markets would read into it the possibility of<br />

a further rate cut. When interest rates fall the value of bonds increases.<br />


Stark warning on ANC threat to investment<br />


Published: 2010/10/06 06:52:13 AM<br />

Investment in South African mines could suffer<br />

from continued talk of nationalisation, despite<br />

reassurances from the government that it is<br />

not official policy, an industry leader said<br />

yesterday.<br />

Sipho Nkosi, the president of the Chamber of<br />

Mines, said his members were delighted by<br />

statements by President Jacob Zuma and the<br />

mining minister that nationalisation was not the<br />

policy of the ruling African National Congress<br />

(ANC).<br />

However, the fact that the issue was being<br />

debated was worrying, Mr Nkosi said.<br />

Mr Zuma has been under pressure on the<br />

issue of nationalisation from union allies and<br />

from the ANC Youth League, but no decision<br />

will be taken before 2012, when the ANC holds<br />

its elective conference .<br />

―There is no certainty in terms of the kind of<br />

investments that you can make because you<br />

don‘t know the outcome of the 2012 report,‖ Mr<br />

Nkosi said in an interview.<br />

―That really causes some concern in people‘s<br />

minds….<br />

―We could never be 100% comfortable simply<br />

because ‗noises‘ keep on coming through from<br />

the (political) system,‖ Mr Nkosi said.<br />

The ruling party agreed to explore greater<br />

state control of the mining sector, but made no<br />

shift in economic policy at its national general<br />

council in Durban last month.<br />

Mine nationalisation would place an enormous<br />

financial burden on SA , the world‘s largest<br />

producer of platinum and fourth-largest<br />

producer of gold.<br />

It has been estimated that the cost of such a<br />

move would be at least 280bn , more than<br />

double the annual national budget.<br />

The chamber welcomed the Department of<br />

Mineral Resources‘ decision to put a six-month<br />

moratorium on new prospecting bids in a move<br />

to review its minerals law after damaging<br />

disputes with ArcelorMittal SA and Kumba Iron<br />

Ore over mining rights.<br />

―There is more urgency, more speed, that<br />

seems to be flowing through the department,<br />

and that gives us some comfort that these six<br />

months, even though it seems an interference<br />

in our processes, may result in us getting our<br />

licences much quicker than we were getting<br />

them,‖ Mr Nkosi said.<br />

He also said the industry was unlikely to meet<br />

its target of having a safety record on par with<br />

that of other major mining hubs in the<br />

industrialised world by 2013. ―I think we will<br />

battle to reach that target,‖ he said.<br />

SA has a dire safety record, with 165 miners<br />

killed last year, and fatalities have led to the<br />

temporary closure of mines and reduced<br />

output, which is already declining due to falling<br />

grades.<br />

Deaths caused by falling rocks remain a<br />

concern. SA has the world‘s deepest gold<br />

mines and is prone to earth tremors. Reuters<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Cont<br />

ent.aspx?id=122890<br />


Werk: SA vaar vrotste<br />

Okt 27 2010 07:40<br />

Pietman Roos<br />

Pretoria. - Die amptelike werkloosheidsyfer het in die derde kwartaal tot 25,3% of 4,4 miljoen<br />

werkloses gestyg, wys Statistieke Suid-Afrika (SSA) se kwartaallikse opname oor die plaaslike<br />

arbeidsmag.<br />

Hoewel dit net effens hoër is as die tweede kwartaal se syfer van 25,2%, is dit veel hoër as die 24,4%<br />

werkloosheid in die derde kwartaal van verlede jaar. Nog 86 000 werkgeleenthede het in die derde<br />

kwartaal verlore gegaan, die meeste daarvan in die finansiële sektor. Die getal ontmoedigde<br />

werksoekers het op ‘n jaargrondslag met 22,9% toegeneem. Mnr. Mike Schüssler, ekonoom van<br />

Economists.co.za., sê buiten ‘n ―oorlogsone soos Irak of Afganistan, het Suid-Afrika die laagste<br />

indiensnemingsvlak van volwassenes ter wêreld‖. Die nuusdiens Bloomberg sê Suid-Afrika se<br />

werkloosheidsyfer is die hoogste van 62 lande waar hy dié syfer meet.<br />

Volgens Schüssler sal Suid-Afrika 7,5 miljoen meer poste moet skep om gelyk te wees met die Afrikagemiddelde<br />

vir indiensnemingsvlakke. Planne deur die regering om 5 miljoen werkgeleenthede oor<br />

die volgende tien jaar te skep, sal beteken Suid-Afrika sal dan stééds onder die Afrika-gemiddelde<br />

wees, sê hy.<br />

Op bedryfsvlak het finansiële dienste die grootste slagting beleef. Dié bedryf het 110 000 poste in die<br />

12 maande tot einde September verloor, gevolg deur vervaardiging waar 58 000 poste verlore<br />

gegaan het. Schüssler sê poste wat in finansiële dienste verlore gegaan het, is nie beperk tot banke<br />

en versekeraars nie, maar sluit ook prokureurs, eiendomsagente en sake-steundienste in. Dié<br />

ondernemings het uiteraard in die ekonomiese afswaai gesukkel.<br />

Daarteenoor het die handelsektor oor die 12 maande tot einde September 44 000 nuwe poste<br />

geskep, ‘n styging van 1,5% op ‘n jaargrondslag. Nedbank se ekonomiese navorsingseenheid sê in<br />

sy kommentaar hoewel ekonomiese toestande geleidelik sal verbeter oor die volgende 12 tot 18<br />

maande, sal werkskepping onder druk bly en effens verbeter in 2011. Die werkloosheidsyfers wys ook<br />

dat sakevertroue onder druk is en maatskappye steeds kyk waar koste besnoei of doeltreffendheid<br />

verhoog kan word, sê Nedbank.<br />

Die styging in die amptelike werkloosheidskoers is net een deel van die prentjie: Meer as ‘n<br />

halfmiljoen mense het in die 12 maande tot einde September hul werk verloor of opgehou werk soek.<br />

Van dié 534 000 werkloses het 155 000 hul werk verloor en 379 000 het so ontmoedig geraak dat hul<br />

nie meer werk soek nie. Dié twee onderafdelings van werkloses word vir statistiese doeleindes<br />

geskei, maar gesamentlik wys die syfers die ware prentjie van werkloosheid in Suid-Afrika. Die<br />

amptelike werkloosheidsvlak het in die derde kwartaal op sowat 4,4 miljoen gestaan, teenoor die<br />

breër definisie van sowat 6,4 miljoen as ontmoedigde werksoekers bygereken word.<br />

Op provinsiale vlak het KwaZulu-Natal die meeste werkverliese oor die 12 maande tot einde<br />

September getoon, naamlik 125 000 poste, gevolg deur die Wes-Kaap met 36 000 en Limpopo met<br />

31 000.<br />

―In party provinsies werk minder as een uit drie van die volwasse bevolking,‖ het Schüssler gesê.<br />

http://www.sake24.com/Algemene_Sakenuus/Werk-SA-vaar-vrotste-20101027<br />


Fitch: SA construction sector recovery to lag into 2012<br />

Fitch Ratings-Johannesburg/London<br />

26 October 2010<br />

Fitch Ratings believes that the South African construction sector is only expected to significantly<br />

improve from 2012 onwards, as the recovery continues to lag a sustained recovery in the broader<br />

economy on the back of continued deferral of government infrastructure spending. This delayed<br />

recovery is expected to add pressure to the already thinly-stretched credit profiles of domestic<br />

construction companies in 2011.<br />

Fitch previously expected significant infrastructure spending by the South African government of more<br />

than ZAR800bn over the next three to five years to relieve the revenue pressure for a number of the<br />

larger construction companies in 2011, e.g Aveng Limited ('A(zaf)'/Stable/'F1(zaf)') and Murray and<br />

Roberts Holdings Limited. However, Fitch notes that continued postponement of planned non-<br />

essential government infrastructure spending may add cash-flow pressure across the sector in 2011,<br />

and push out existing order books beyond three years, which would in turn weaken margins and<br />

leverage 2011.<br />

"The slower-than-expected domestic recovery and continued weak demand conditions will place<br />

pressure on the credit profiles of domestic construction companies in the short to medium-term," says<br />

Roelof Steenekamp, Director in Fitch's South African corporates team. "The current adverse situation<br />

is likely to be exacerbated by the relatively long lead times associated with the planning and execution<br />

of large projects and expected deferral of planned government infrastructure, previously expected to<br />

soften the blow on the construction sector."<br />

Statistics South Africa announced on 20 October 2010 that the value of building plans passed by<br />

larger municipalities during January to August 2010 was 7.8% lower than over the same period in<br />

2009, signalling continued pressure across the sector. The biggest reduction was in the non-<br />

residential buildings segment, at 35.8% yoy, whilst residential buildings and alterations recorded small<br />

increases of 6.2% and 2.8% respectively, at current prices.<br />

The larger domestic construction companies are expected to conserve cash in 2011, whilst<br />

competitive tendering may continue to impact operating margins for the less diversified competitors.<br />

Larger companies, with diversified operations across multiple economic sectors and lower leverage<br />

compared with peers, are however expected to retain adequate financial flexibility to take advantage<br />

of potential merger and acquisition opportunities over the medium-term<br />

http://www.moneyweb.co.za/mw/view/mw/en/page295023?oid=512831&sn=2009+Detail&pid=295043<br />


Regus survey paints bright picture for jobs<br />

October 26, 2010<br />


Companies in South Africa are more optimistic<br />

about their prospects next year, which could<br />

result in an increase in employment. But as<br />

businesses are still aiming to cut overheads, it<br />

is likely companies will turn to flexible work<br />

practices to keep costs down.<br />

This is according to the Regus Business<br />

Tracker Survey, which found that 45 percent of<br />

companies globally expect to increase their<br />

head count next year, compared with 9<br />

percent that intend to cut their staff, resulting in<br />

a net 36 percent that plan to employ more<br />

people next year. South Africa is right in line<br />

with the global average, with a net 36 percent<br />

of companies planning to employ more people<br />

next year.<br />

The survey is based on interviews with 10 000<br />

businesses around the world. Joanne Bushell,<br />

the vice-president of Regus Africa and Middle<br />

East, said the intention to increase head count<br />

was a clear indicator that businesses wanted<br />

to be prepared for opportunities that<br />

recovering markets "might throw their way".<br />

Job creation is critical as a recent International<br />

Monetary Fund report noted that<br />

unemployment globally has risen by 30 million<br />

to 210 million since 2007. In South Africa,<br />

more than 1.1 million people lost their jobs in<br />

the 18 months to June 2010. Statistics SA data<br />

show that out of a workforce of just over 17<br />

million people, 4.3 million are unemployed.<br />

Despite their intentions to employ, companies<br />

globally are still cautious, with 41 percent of<br />

those surveyed still planning to cut costs,<br />

through other means than shedding staff.<br />

Bushell said: "As companies look to find<br />

economies in their own operations, we are<br />

likely to see more and more organisations<br />

offering flexible working practices to their<br />

existing or prospective employees" in a bid to<br />

run a leaner organisation.<br />

This could include employing more part-time<br />

and freelance workers, says the survey.<br />

Vicki Marais-Swanepoel, the managing<br />

director of recruitment company Professional<br />

Assignments Group, said companies were<br />

openly cautious, but continued filling scarce<br />

skill gaps to ensure business growth and<br />

continuity. "The recruitment outlook remains<br />

conservative."<br />

Brait economist Colen Garrow said: "In the<br />

next year to three years there will be pockets<br />

of job creation, but it won't be spectacular."<br />

In particular the public sector is increasing<br />

jobs, which is positive. But jobs in the private<br />

sector will depend on a consumer recovery,<br />

which is materialising, but off a low base.<br />

Momentum in infrastructure spending is likely<br />

to pick up in the new year, which could lead to<br />

new jobs in construction.<br />

Garrow said manufacturing was likely to<br />

continue to perform dismally, not only because<br />

of the strong rand, but also due to the global<br />

environment.<br />

The overall Regus Business Optimism index<br />

rose by four points to 98 in the last six months<br />

and in South Africa the index rose three points<br />

to 108.<br />

Companies in the US continue to be among<br />

the most pessimistic and confidence in<br />

western Europe is also relatively low. But in<br />

China businesses are increasingly upbeat.<br />

http://www.busrep.co.za/?fArticleId=5701816<br />


Jaag belastingontduikers uit hul skadugate<br />

Okt 26 2010 08:51 Amanda Visser<br />

Iets gaan ingee.<br />

Dít is die ernstige waarskuwing van een van die land se bekendste ekonome, mnr. Mike Schüssler,<br />

oor die swaarder wordende belastinglas op ‘n paar skouers.<br />

Die oënskynlike gebrek aan dringendheid om die ―skadu-ekonomie‖ uit sy donker gate te ruk, maak<br />

mense ergerlik.<br />

Die skadu-ekonomie is in wese die informele sektor waar daar ‘n beduidende aantal belastingbetalers<br />

skuil.<br />

Kleintjies én grotes.<br />

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) se jaarverslag toon dat sy belastingregister van die 2008-<br />

‘09-belastingjaar tot die 2009-‘10-belastingjaar met 3,54% gegroei het.<br />

Die getal belastingbetalers in Suid-Afrika is nou 9,65 miljoen. Daarvan is 5,9 miljoen individue, 1,8<br />

miljoen maatskappye en net meer as 685 000 BTW-geregistreerdes. Die ander is trusts, invoerders<br />

en uitvoerders en bydraers tot die lopende betaalstelsel.<br />

Die BTW-geregistreerdes het sedert die vorige belastingjaar met meer as 7% gekrimp. Die insinking<br />

in die ekonomie het ‘n klomp maatskappye diep seergemaak.<br />

Die grootste groei in belastingbetalers was onder individue (6,9%) en uitvoerders (7,9%).<br />

Syfers wat onlangs deur Schüssler bekend gemaak is oor die verhouding tussen dié wat belasting<br />

betaal en dié wat afhanklik is van die staat vir ‘n inkomste laat ‘n mens verstom. Volgens sy syfers is<br />

daar meer as 14 miljoen mense afhanklik van die een of ander vorm van ‘n toelaag van die staat.<br />

Daar is net 12,7 miljoen mense wat werk. As ‘n mens kyk na die syfers van die SAID, dan is dit<br />

duidelik dat nie almal van hulle op die belastingregister is nie.<br />

Schüssler het ook verwys na 1,3 miljoen mense wat ongeskiktheidstoelaes ontvang, en bygevoeg dat<br />

7,9% van die bevolking meen dat hulle die een of ander gebrek het.<br />

Toe weet niemand of hulle moet lag of huil nie.<br />

Daar is al baie gesê oor die swaarder belastinglas op ‘n handjie vol mense en maatskappye.<br />

Dié wat in die net is, ervaar toenemend die druk dat hulle daardie verwagte belastinginkomste móét<br />

lewer.<br />

Maatskappywinste krimp, mense verloor hulle werk, nuwe winkels maak oop en maak weer toe. Maar<br />

die druk om te gee, bly hoog.<br />

Die koste om aan die suidpunt van Afrika sake te doen, word nie minder nie en alle aanduidings is<br />

daar dat dit volgende jaar nog duurder gaan word weens onder meer die Verbruikersbeskermingswet.<br />


Volgens Schüssler kry die topverdieners (maatskappye en individue) baie aandag van die SAID. Die<br />

hoofrede daarvoor is dat hulle ―maklike teikens‖ is.<br />

―Daar behoort bloot op grond van regverdigheid net so veel aandag aan dié wat ondergronds (buite<br />

die belastingnet) is, gegee te word.‖<br />

Die antwoord is nie om nou op taxistaanplekke of by informele markte of straathoeke waar vervalste<br />

DVD‘s verkoop word toe te slaan nie.<br />

―Ek dink nie gewone polisiëring deur die SAID of die polisie gaan ‘n groot verskil maak nie. Daar moet<br />

nou bietjie meer intelligent te werk gegaan word.‖<br />

Mnr. Stiaan Klue, uitvoerende hoof van die Instituut vir Belastingpraktisyns, sê die sogenaamde<br />

skadu-ekonomie bly ‘n teer sakie.<br />

Hy sê daar is min navorsing en werklike statistieke beskikbaar. Daar is egter maatskappye wat R600<br />

000 se sigarette per maand verkoop en steeds gemaklik onder die radar bly.<br />

Die Belastingadministrasiewet gaan aan die SAID verskeie magte gee om van derdeparty-inligting<br />

gebruik te maak.<br />

Dit beteken dat die SAID na ‘n groothandelaar kan gaan en vra vir ‘n lys van sy top-duisend<br />

aankopers.<br />

Klue hoop dat dit wel gebruik gaan word om dié in skadugate uit te jaag.<br />

Daar moet nie net inligting van die bootklubs gekry word om te sien wie se bote daar anker gooi nie,<br />

sê Klue.<br />

Hy sê as almal hul regmatige deel betaal, al is dit hoe klein, gaan dit die moreel van belastingbetalers<br />

verhoog en die behoefte aan belastingvermyding verlaag.<br />

―Druppende krane maak uiteindelik ook die emmers vol.‖<br />

Schüssler wys daarop dat die ―roofekonomie‖ of die ―skadu-ekonomie‖ op desperaatheid teer.<br />

Daar is ―gruwelmense‖ wat slim genoeg is om die desperates te gebruik. Dit is hulle wat vasgevat<br />

moet word.<br />

Hy sê ‘n mens moet ook kan verstaan waarom veral kleiner maatskappye nie te graag die<br />

belastingoppervlak wil breek nie.<br />

―Wat kry hulle in ruil vir die belasting wat hulle betaal?‖<br />

Baie maatskappye wat onder die radarskerm beweeg se topprioriteit is om te oorleef.<br />

Daar is min aansporing om belasting te betaal en min in ruil daarvoor te kry, sê Schüssler.<br />

Dít is die werklikheid.<br />

http://www.sake24.com/Rubrieke/Jaag-belastingontduikers-uit-hul-skadugate-20101026<br />


Unemployment SA’s biggest challenge, says Marcus<br />


Published: 2010/10/20 07:06:52 AM<br />

CAPE TOWN — SA‘s biggest internal<br />

challenge is unemployment, especially the<br />

higher than 50% rate among the youth,<br />

Reserve Bank governor Gill Marcus said<br />

yesterday.<br />

Speaking at a function hosted by Western<br />

Cape investment and trade promotion agency<br />

Wesgro, Ms Marcus said while youth<br />

unemployment had risen worldwide due to the<br />

post-economic crisis recession, in the<br />

developed world ageing populations meant the<br />

pool of labour would be mopped up relatively<br />

quickly once economies started to grow.<br />

However, in SA joblessness was of a structural<br />

nature and not something that could be<br />

resolved by simple interventions such as<br />

changes to monetary policy or measures to<br />

weaken the rand exchange rate.<br />

The relative youth of the population, with<br />

increasing numbers of young people coming<br />

onto the job market each year, would not make<br />

finding solutions any easier, Ms Marcus said.<br />

―There is no doubt that addressing this must<br />

be the national policy priority.‖<br />

Noting that the domestic economic recovery<br />

remains fragile — ―in essence we have<br />

emerged from the recession but not from the<br />

crisis‖ — she said growth forecasts for the<br />

coming few years were ―not high enough to<br />

have a marked effect on unemployment‖.<br />

―It is incorrect to look at the interest rate or the<br />

exchange rate as the silver bullet that will<br />

solve the country‘s growth problems,‖ she<br />

said.<br />

―The exchange rate is just one element in the<br />

story, and excessive focus on the exchange<br />

rate could result in the neglect of other factors<br />

that would constrain growth even with an<br />

appropriately valued (currency).‖<br />

Ms Marcus said the fact that the economy had<br />

shed about a million jobs in the wake of the<br />

economic crisis, proportiona lly more than<br />

most other countries, showed that the labour<br />

market is relatively flexible, contrary to popular<br />

wisdom .<br />

In addressing the structural causes of<br />

unemployment SA needed to ask why it<br />

―prefers capital‖ and why businesses were<br />

―ready to dispense with labour at the drop of a<br />

hat‖.<br />

―However, if we are looking at job creation as a<br />

priority to address unemployment, then current<br />

labour legislation which extends wage<br />

determination to all firms in a particular sector<br />

needs to be examined regarding its effects on<br />

small and medium enterprises,‖ she said.<br />

Ms Marcus said while there was ―no doubt‖<br />

that the rand was over- valued relative to the<br />

country‘s economic fundamentals, there were<br />

no clear-cut or easy ways to address this.<br />

―Nevertheless, the Bank is engaging with the<br />

National Treasury and we are examining the<br />

effectiveness and appropriateness of what<br />

other countries are doing.‖<br />

SA would continue to accumulate reserves,<br />

even though the costs of intervention in the<br />

currency market ―are not insignificant‖, she<br />

said.<br />

The inflow of funds arising from Didata ‘s<br />

acquisition by Japan‘s NTT had been<br />

absorbed by the Bank in the past few days,<br />

she said.<br />

marrsd@bdfm.co.za<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Cont<br />

ent.aspx?id=124263<br />


Werkskaarste laat talle hul eie onderneming begin<br />

20 Oktober Sake 24<br />

Hennie Duvenhage,<br />

‘n Gebrek aan werkgeleenthede dwing baie Suid-Afrikaners om ‘n klein onderneming te stig.<br />

Die meeste gebruik hul eie geld om aan die gang te kom, maar dié wat kapitaal nodig het, leen geld<br />

by familie en vriende om die nuwe onderneming te begin.<br />

Statistieke Suid-Afrika (SSA) het gister ‘n navorsingsverslag gepubliseer oor klein ondernemings wat<br />

nie vir BTW geregistreer is nie.<br />

Luidens die verslag was daar in 2001 sowat 2,2 miljoen klein ondernemings wat nie vir BTW<br />

geregistreer was nie. Die getal het afgeneem tot 1,1 miljoen in 2009.<br />

Altesame 8,3% van Suid-Afrikaners in die ouderdomsgroep van mense wat normaalweg werk, besit<br />

klein ondernemings. Meer vroue as mans besit klein ondernemings en 90% van die eienaars is swart.<br />

Die meeste van die eienaars is tussen 35 en 44 jaar oud.<br />

In Mpumalanga, Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal en die Oos-Kaap is die eienaars van klein ondernemings<br />

proporsioneel meer as die gemiddelde vir die hele land.<br />

Dié navorsing het aan die lig gebring dat 85% van die eienaars van klein ondernemings wat nie vir<br />

BTW geregistreer is nie, die ondernemings sonder ‘n permit of lisensie bedryf.<br />

Die gewildste sektor vir kleinondernemings is handel, gevolg deur gemeenskaps- en maatskaplike<br />

dienste.<br />

Landbou is die sektor met die minste van hierdie soort ondernemings. Byna twee derdes van die<br />

mense sê hulle het die klein ondernemings begin omdat hulle werkloos was en geen inkomste gehad<br />

het nie.<br />

Werkloosheid as motivering om ‘n klein onderneming te stig, blyk die afgelope tien jaar aan die<br />

toeneem te wees.<br />

Die meeste eienaars van die klein ondernemings bedryf hul ondernemings uit hul huis. Slegs ‘n klein<br />

persentasie gebruik nie-residensiële eiendom om sake te doen.<br />

Meer as 60% van die eienaars het aangedui dat kapitaal nodig was om hul klein ondernemings aan<br />

die gang te kry. Hiervan kon 74% hul eie geld gebruik om hul onderneming staan te maak, terwyl die<br />


meeste van diegene wat kapitaal moes leen, dit nie by die banke gekry het nie maar wel by vriende of<br />

familie.<br />

Dié sektor se omset het die afgelope dekade toegeneem van ‘n totale omset van R2,8 miljard per<br />

maand in 2001 tot R3,2 miljard per maand in 2009. Die netto wins het verlede jaar na raming<br />

R1,6 miljard per maand beloop.<br />

Die sektor is nie net daarop gemik om vir die alleen-eienaar van die onderneming ‘n inkomste te<br />

genereer nie. In 2009 het dit ook werkgeleenthede aan 421 000 mense gebied.<br />

Die gebrek aan vaardighede vir die bemarking van hul ondernemings is deur 38,8% van die eienaars<br />

van klein ondernemings gemeld as hul grootste probleem terwyl 32% aangedui het dat hulle graag<br />

beter toegang tot die verkryging van hulpbronne sou wou hê.<br /><br />


Training is solution to productivity problem<br />

Published: 2010/10/19 07:24:31 AM<br />

I am getting disillusioned with covering SA‘s economy from an ivory tower of facts and figures. I have<br />

been told that in many ways things are not so bad — during the second quarter of this year, gross<br />

domestic product, the broadest measure of output, was at a record quarterly high of R657bn. That is,<br />

of course, setting aside the fact that since the start of last year, the economy shed more than 1-million<br />

jobs.<br />

For the fortunate people who still have jobs, disposable income has risen, spurring consumer<br />

spending, the economy‘s engine.<br />

This positive trend stems partly from lower inflation, as well as the reduced cost of debt, which has<br />

fallen to 8% of disposable income from more than 12% a few years ago, thanks to hefty cuts in<br />

interest rates.<br />

To say that it is also because households are ―de-leveraging‖ their debt, however, is a bit suspect.<br />

Household debt dipped to 78% of disposable income in the second quarter of this year, not that far<br />

below a peak of 82% in the first quarter of 2008.<br />

The key driver of growth in disposable income is high wage hikes for the employed. Unions in<br />

transport, electricity, mining, the public service and manufacturing all managed to negotiate doubledigit<br />

settlements during last year‘s recession.<br />

Pay hikes are not so far off those levels this year, as the economy recovers slowly. Both years‘<br />

increases undoubtedly stymied the scope for employment creation, although this is what normally<br />

happens in a recession.<br />

Oh, and it is highly inflationary if labour costs go up without increases in productivity — the cardinal<br />

sin of any economy.<br />

This brings us to a thorny topic. According to one businessman last week, productivity has almost<br />

become a swear word in SA. Loosely defined as output divided by the number of employed, it fell<br />

during the recession and picked up in the early stages of the recovery, rising to 5% in the first quarter<br />

of this year. When output contracted sharply in the second quarter of last year, it grew by just 0,3%,<br />

according to seasonally adjusted and annualised data.<br />

That is quite typical as, in a normal recession, productivity falls, as businesses take time to adjust<br />

their employment levels, while in the early parts of a recovery it goes up quite a bit because business<br />

delays hiring again. That also means people who have kept their jobs are squeezed to keep output as<br />

close as possible to the previous level.<br />

But there are different ways to measure productivity. Analysts say a better one is to divide output by<br />

the total number of hours worked in the economy. And an institution called Productivity SA has a<br />

more elaborate definition, which in its simplest sense boils down to: the efficiency with which inputs of<br />

capital and labour are used.<br />


Much has been said about the need to improve low labour ―productivity‖ in SA to boost its global<br />

competitiveness.<br />

But what does this mean exactly? You can‘t tell me that petrol attendants who work 12 hours a day,<br />

six days a week, for R1500 a month are not being ―productive‖. Or that cashiers at grocery stores who<br />

sit for 10 hours a day six days a week are not being ―productive‖ either. No wonder we don‘t get<br />

service with a smile.<br />

Incidentally, these hours are in breach of labour law but nobody complains.<br />

At a petrol station around the corner from where I live, the attendants can almost double their basic<br />

salary in a month, based on an incentive system for how many customers they serve. No wonder they<br />

leap to attention when a car rolls in.<br />

Do all other petrol stations incentivise their employees? I doubt it, given the difference in service. So<br />

where is the motive to work harder?<br />

Nobody should have to work six days a week, 12 hours a day. (Unless they are highly paid<br />

professionals who choose to do so.)<br />

The rule is especially applicable if workers spend hours each day travelling to work.<br />

Much has been made of minimum wages in SA, which, according to consultants Andrew Levy, have<br />

largely risen in line with inflation over the past few years. But many of the people who work hard are<br />

working too long, for too little.<br />

So where does the lack of productivity lie? Few want to admit it, but it is in the public sector, one of<br />

the economy‘s biggest employers. Municipalities get a special mention. Ironically, most of the workers<br />

in the public sector got a 10% pay rise during last year‘s recession and are getting 7,5% this year —<br />

double the inflation rate.<br />

There is no doubt that labour laws in SA should be loosened to give employers more ease in hiring<br />

and firing — this would lead to more job creation.<br />

But it would be a huge mistake to say that the best way to increase the productivity needed to make<br />

SA more competitive would be to make all employees work harder. The real solution to that problem<br />

is to raise their level of skills so that they can produce more efficiently, as Productivity SA says.<br />

The onus is on both the government and the private sector.<br />

Incentives to train people are lacking, as are the basic skills to learn properly.<br />

- Isa is economics editor.<br />


Werkers speel speletjies<br />

Okt 19 2010 09:26 Carin Smith<br />

Kaapstad. - Maatskappye wat gedurende die resessie hul kantoorpersoneel verminder het, moenie<br />

bloot aanvaar dat daar groter druk op hul personeel sal wees as bedrywighede nou uitbrei nie.<br />

<strong>Navorsing</strong> deur KeyScore, ‘n plaaslike verskaffer van sagteware vir prestasiebestuur aan die<br />

korporatiewe en professionele sektor, toon sommige werknemers bestee tot 79% van die werkdag<br />

aan speletjies en ander aktiwiteite op hul rekenaars.<br />

―Ons sagteware word ingestel na gelang van die soort werk wat iemand verrig en dit toon duidelik as<br />

iets nie klop nie,‖ sê mnr. Jan Laubscher, uitvoerende hoof van KeyScore, wat in Rivonia gesetel is.<br />

Nadat ‘n maatskappy met sowat 600 werknemers KeyScore begin gebruik het, is onder meer ontdek<br />

een van die werknemers het die televisiereeks Heroes nie net in werktyd van die internet afgelaai nie,<br />

maar boonop by die werk daarna gekyk.<br />

In ‘n ander geval is gevind ‘n uitgekontrakteerde werker – wat per uur betaal is en sy ure daagliks op<br />

‘n vorm moes aandui – het een Saterdag vroeg by die werk aangekom, 30 minute op die rekenaar<br />

gewerk, toe weggegaan en eers weer laatmiddag 30 minute op die rekenaar kom werk. Tog het hy<br />

die hele dag se ure geëis.<br />

KeyScore het hom betrap.<br />

Internet-speletjies is een van die grootste nie-werkverwante aktiwiteite waarmee werknemers hul<br />

besig hou.<br />

Nadat bestuurders met diegene wat te veel aan‘t spele was, gepraat het, het dié werknemers se<br />

produktiwiteit weer verhoog.<br />

Facebook is volgens Laubscher verreweg die rekenaar-aktiwiteit wat nie werkverwant is nie wat die<br />

meeste tydens werkure besoek word. KeyScore het vasgestel dat sommige werknemers omtrent die<br />

hele dag aan Facebook bestee. Speletjies soos Spider en Solitaire is ander gewilde tydverdrywe in<br />

werktyd.<br />

―Miskien moet bestuurders eers gaan uitvind waar ‘n groeiende werklading geabsorbeer kan word<br />

voordat hulle net goedsmoeds mense begin aanstel,‖ sê Laubscher.<br />

Projekte wat hy in die toekoms wil bekyk, is die verfyning van e-pos-ontleding en hoe werknemers se<br />

telefoongebruik by die stelsel geïnkorporeer kan word. Na raming maak die ontvang en stuur van<br />

grappige e-posse, veral met prentjies, tot 80% van sommige werknemers se daaglikse e-posaktiwiteit<br />

uit.<br />

Laubscher verduidelik kantoorwerkers wat nie onder werkdruk verkeer nie, verwyl dikwels die tyd met<br />

dinge wat nie met hul werk verband hou nie, maar wat dit nietemin laat lyk of hulle hard aan die werk<br />

is.<br />

Hy wys daarop werknemers besef wel ‘n sekere mate van leeglê is te verstane en selfs noodsaaklik<br />

vir optimale werkverrigting gedurende die werkdag – maar binne perke.<br />

http://www.sake24.com/iT-Sake/Werknemers-speel-tot-79-van-die-dag-speletjies-20101019<br />


Mining records highest absenteeism rate<br />

Oct 18, 2010 12:52 PM | By Sapa<br />

The absenteeism rate of employees was highest in the mining industry in the last year, followed by<br />

medical and hospital industries and then local government.<br />

This is according to a report released by software company CAM Solutions on Monday.<br />

The statistics for the report were generated from information on the sick certificates of more than<br />

180,000 employees in 60 local businesses, over a period of one year.<br />

"The absenteeism rate of employees in the mining industry is 3.1 percent, in the medical industry it is<br />

2.8 percent and local government employees have an absenteeism rate of 2.7 percent," CEO Johnny<br />

Johnson said.<br />

In the financial services sector, the absenteeism rate was 1.7 percent, "one of the lowest in the<br />

report."<br />

The absenteeism rate was calculated by dividing the number of days employees were absent by the<br />

number of days they should have been at work.<br />

Johnson said absenteeism in the mining industry was most likely high due to the severe conditions in<br />

mines, as well as strict health and safety regulations which applied to mining employees.<br />

"Miners have to take sick leave if they are too sick to work underground, as conditions below ground<br />

can be gruelling."<br />

Sectors such as financial services usually had lower levels of absenteeism because they employed<br />

more skilled workers, who in turn earned more than their blue collar counterparts.<br />

"The usual trend is the lower the salary, the higher the absenteeism rate," Johnson said.<br />

Over the limit<br />

Sick absenteeism should be about 1.5 percent - which meant that for every 250 working days per<br />

year, the average employee should take 3.75 days off sick.<br />

"Most South African companies have an overall absenteeism rate of between 2.0 percent and 6.0<br />

percent -- way over the acceptable limit."<br />


Gillian Lumb, a director in the Employment Law Practice Area at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr business law<br />

firm, said that better management of absenteeism by South African employers was critical.<br />

"Employers need to use the provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, which allow for<br />

unpaid sick leave if employees are absent on more than two occasions in an eight-week period (or for<br />

more than two consecutive days) and if they fail to produce a medical certificate."<br />

She said the employer should also interrogate the medical certificates received from employees and if<br />

necessary take disciplinary action where medical certificates were fraudulent.<br />

According to Lumb, a lesser used provision of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act was section<br />

22(6) which enabled an employer to agree with an employee to reduce the pay which the employee<br />

received for sick leave by up to 25 percent.<br />

"In other words the employee is paid 75 percent for sick leave, if the sick leave entitlement is<br />

extended accordingly.<br />

"If an employer makes use of this provision, this can encourage employees not to take as much sick<br />

leave as they will not be paid in full for the sick days taken."<br />

Lumb said every employer should put in place clear, written procedures relating to absenteeism.<br />

"For example, an employer could require employees to call in by a set time prior to their absence,<br />

contact a named person and inform the person of their absence from work, the reason for the<br />

absence and the likely duration of the absence.<br />

"Disciplinary action should be taken against employees who fail to comply with these provisions,"<br />

Lumb said.<br />

There were also those employers who offered attendance bonuses to incentivise employees to attend<br />

work and in this way reduce absenteeism.<br />

Around 43.5 percent of employees never take sick leave, according to the report.<br />

"This percentage could easily be increased if the right systems are put in place," Lumb said.<br />

http://www.timeslive.co.za/business/article713624.ece/Mining-records-highest-absenteeism-<br />

rate<br />


New CEOs being appointed at lower guaranteed packages, study<br />

finds<br />


Published: 2010/10/14 07:08:48 AM<br />

SA‘s newly appointed CEOs are getting lower guaranteed packages than their outgoing counterparts,<br />

according to a report by executive search and reward solutions firm Mabili Reward released<br />

yesterday.<br />

The remuneration of CEOs and nonexecutive directors is in the spotlight in the wake of the global<br />

downturn, with companies taking steps to realign their remuneration and reward policies with<br />

corporate governance principles. The median guaranteed package for new CEOs last year was<br />

R3,65m, compared to a median R4,29m for exiting CEOs.<br />

Laurence Grubb, MD of Mabili Reward, said: ―Last year we observed the resignation of 23 CEOs from<br />

our sample with a further 18 in the current year under review. This brings to 53 the number of CEO<br />

resignations in the past three years from our JSE-listed companies.‖<br />

The country‘s CEOs were leaving companies in the wake of poor financial performance; when queries<br />

were being made about corporate governance ; or to take on challenges elsewhere.<br />

The study was carried out intensively over a year across a broad spectrum of 199 companies,<br />

including eight state-owned enterprises . The 2010 report showed that all CEOs received a median<br />

total package of R5,38m last year , and a guaranteed package of R3,3m.<br />

One of the highest paid CEOs in SA last year was Whitey Basson of Shoprite, with a guaranteed<br />

package of R24,128m — his total cash and benefits , excluding incentive bonus or variable<br />

remuneration amounts.<br />

The highest paid CEO to resign last year was the SABC‘s Dali Mpofu, with R10,723m .<br />

Variable pay in the case of CEOs amounted to 63% of guaranteed package. Mr Grubb said that ―there<br />

has been an increased emphasis on variable pay recently, in response to the volatile market<br />

conditions. Organisations are realising that variable pay provides a meaningful strategy to manage<br />

costs while still rewarding exceptional performance.‖<br />

The median variable pay component for executives amounted to 54% of the guaranteed package.<br />

The report also noted numerous continuing trends. The financial and basic materials industries were<br />

again the highest paid sectors, with the median total package of R8,2m and R6,3m for CEOs. Basic<br />

materials was the highest paid industry with strong growth in variable pay.<br />

In an about-turn from previous years, the IT sector moved from lowest paying for CEOs to the third-<br />

highest , with a median total package of R5,4m.<br />

temkins@bdfm.co.za<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=123691<br />


SA slips six places on gender gap index<br />


Published: 2010/10/12 11:28:54 AM<br />

South Africa slipped six positions on the World Economic Forum's Gender Gap Index to twelfth<br />

position from sixth last year, but still remains one of the top 20 gender equal countries in the world.<br />

"In South Africa, high numbers of women in parliament and ministerial level positions, combined with<br />

narrow gaps in education, contribute to South Africa's top 20 position," said Samantha Tomkin, WEF<br />

Associate Director.<br />

The highest scoring African country is Lesotho at number eight.<br />

"Lesotho has a high level of female participation in the labour force and female literacy, with more<br />

girls than boys enrolled in primary and secondary education," said Tomkin.<br />

However levels of healthy life expectancy remain low for both women and men in Lesotho.<br />

The Global Gender Gap Report index assesses 134 countries on how well they divide resources and<br />

opportunities among male and female populations, regardless of the overall levels of these resources.<br />

There are four main focus areas, economic participation and opportunity, education attainment,<br />

political empowerment and health and survival.<br />

"We have found that gaps are closing between women and men's health and education – in fact,<br />

current data show that in the 134 countries covered, 96% of health gaps and 93% of education gaps<br />

have been closed." said co-author Ricardo Hausmann, Director of the Centre for International<br />

Development at Harvard University, USA.<br />

However, Hausmann added that only 60% of economic participation gaps have been closed.<br />

Hausmann says that progress will be made when countries find a way to make marriage and<br />

motherhood compatible with the economic participation of women.<br />

Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden – in that order from first to fourth position - continue to<br />

demonstrate the greatest equality between men and women.<br />

The USA entered the top 20 for the first time this year; it climbed twelve places to nineteenth position.<br />

Ireland (6), Switzerland (10), Spain (11), Germany (13) and the United Kingdom (15) are among the<br />

European countries dominating the top 20.<br />

According to the report's index, the level of gender equality in France (46) has sunk with a fall in the<br />

number of women in ministerial positions over the past 12 months.<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/Articles/Content.aspx?id=123536<br />


Dié ‘armes’ van die topverdieners in SA<br />

Okt 12 2010 08:11<br />

‘n Mens hoor dikwels in Suid-Afrika dat die rykes vir gesondheidsversekering moet betaal, of selfs net<br />

meer belas moet word sodat die regering meer geld beskikbaar het om meer dienste aan die armes<br />

te kan lewer.<br />

Tydens die onlangse staking deur staatsdienswerkers was daar plakkate wat gelui het: ―Ons is arm<br />

en gatvol.‖<br />

Die probleem met sulke stellings is dat dit so gereeld geüiter word dat niemand meer die moeite doen<br />

om ‘n slag na te dink oor wat die terme ―ryk‖ en ―arm‖ beteken nie.<br />

Hoewel dié twee terme relatief is, is dit belangrik om dit tog aan die een of ander syfer te koppel as jy<br />

die rykes wil belas en dienste aan die armes wil lewer.<br />

Hoe anders gaan jy weet wie is die sogenaamde rykes sodat ‘n mens hulle kan belas?<br />

Een deel van die bevolking is gewis ryker as die res en die ryker mense, om in dié kategorie te kan<br />

val, moet ‘n inkomste verdien wat meer is as dié van die persoon in die middel.<br />

Ons praat nie hier van die gemiddelde nie, maar van die mediaan. In die geval van die persoon in die<br />

middel verdien 49,999% meer as hy/sy en 49,999% minder as hy/sy.<br />

Net volwassenes kan ‘n inkomste verdien; selfs welsynbetalings vir kinders word aan volwassenes<br />

gedoen. Vir die doel om te bepaal wie ryk en arm is, gaan ons dus net volwassenes gebruik.<br />

Daar woon tans net minder as 32 miljoen volwassenes in Suid-Afrika, van wie net 12,7 miljoen mense<br />

werk het. Dit beteken dat enigiemand wat werk het, reeds aan die ryk kant van die mediaan is.<br />

Ja, dit is reg. Die tuinier wat aan die lewe bly deur los werkies te doen tel volgens die jongste<br />

kwartaallikse arbeidsmagopname onder die rykes, want hy is deel van die 41% van die volwassenes<br />

wat ‘n werk het.<br />

Hulle moet dus belasting betaal om vir die dienste aan die armes te betaal, al is dit baie min, soos sê<br />

20%.<br />

Die vrou wat as ‘n skoonmaker in die plaaslike openbare hospitaal werk, is deel van die formele<br />

sektor wat uit net 9 miljoen mense bestaan. Sy is dus onder die rykste 28% in Suid-Afrika.<br />

Die mense wat in die openbare sektor werk, verdien egter ‘n premie bo dié in die private sektor en dit<br />

geld veral in die laagste poste, waar die premie selfs groter is.<br />

Volgens my berekening tel die vrou wat die hospitaalvloere skoonmaak dus onder die 22% wat die<br />

meeste verdien.<br />

Sy tel dus onder die rykste volwassenes in Suid-Afrika, want daar is minder as 8 miljoen mense (of ‘n<br />

kwart van die volwassenes) wat meer as sy verdien.<br />

Dit is feite gegrond op ‘n ontleding van belastingdata, data oor die loononderhandelings in die<br />

openbare sektor en ‘n hele klomp ander openbare inligting. Sy meen sy is arm omdat dit al jare vir<br />


haar vertel word, maar teen ‘n salaris van R5 000 per maand tel sy in Suid-Afrika onder die boonste<br />

deel van die middelklas.<br />

Cosatu is seker geregtig op sy eie mening, maar nie op sy eie feite nie – in Suid-Afrika is die<br />

skoonmaker in die hospitaal ryk.<br />

Vir die Nasionale Gesondheidsversekeringstelsel (NGV) om te werk, moet sy minstens die<br />

gemiddelde belastingkoers in verhouding met die bruto binnelandse produk betaal, wat tans 29% is,<br />

en wat binne ‘n paar jaar tot 34% gaan styg.<br />

Vir ‘n bestaansorgstelsel moet daar nog 4% tot 8% by haar belasting gevoeg word, anders gaan dit<br />

nie regverdig teenoor die werklik armes wees nie.<br />

Die verpleegster in dieselfde openbare hospitaal wat meer as R9 000 per maand verdien, is onder die<br />

rykste 18% in Suid-Afrika en behoort nou 34% belasting te betaal, en as die NGV ten volle in werking<br />

is, sowat 40%.<br />

‘n Senior onderwyser wat R16 000 per maand verdien, is onder die 10% wat die meeste verdien,<br />

want net 3,2 miljoen mense verdien meer as hy/sy.<br />

Die normale definisie vir superryk is diegene wie se inkomste onder die boonste 10% val.<br />

As die plan is dat die NGV en die bestaansorgstelsel deur die superrykes gefinansier moet word,<br />

moet hul belasting teen ongeveer 45% betaal en dit moet tot 50% verhoog word om regverdig teenoor<br />

die armes te wees.<br />

Die werktuigkundige wat R23 000 per maand verdien, val onder die rykste 5% en die rekenmeester<br />

wat R32 000 per maand verdien, is onder die rykste 2,5%.<br />

In die geval van die direkteur wat R57 000 per maand verdien, is daar minder as 1% wat meer as hy<br />

verdien. As die regering en Cosatu dus sê dat die superrykes belas moet word, praat hulle eintlik van<br />

hulself.<br />

Wat die oefening hierbo illustreer, is dat Suid-Afrika nie genoeg werkgeleenthede het nie. Belasting<br />

skep nie werkgeleenthede nie, maar vernietig dit.<br />

Die persoon in die middel van Suid-Afrika se inkomstelandskap maak op maatskaplike hulp staat.<br />

Altesame 14,2 miljoen mense in Suid-Afrika ontvang maatskaplike toelaes wat aan 9,8 miljoen<br />

volwassenes betaal word – en dit is meer as die mense wat werk het.<br />

Enigiemand wat in die formele sektor werk, en selfs die minimum loon verdien, val onder die 28% wat<br />

die meeste verdien. Dit is die feite en enigiemand wat ‘n werk het, is dus eintlik ryk.<br />

Dit is dus nodig om dit vir die stakers te vertel.<br />

http://www.sake24.com/Rubrieke/Die-armes-van-die-topverdieners-in-SA-20101012<br />


Adcorp: Employment figures take a knock<br />

Oct 07 2010 11:57 I-Net Bridge<br />

Johannesburg - After registering a 6.8% increase in August - the first increase in five months -<br />

employment in South Africa declined by an annualised 1.2% in September, the latest Adcorp<br />

Employment Index released on Thursday showed.<br />

The deep-rooted problem of jobless growth remains a key stumbling block in South Africa.<br />

Adcorp said the decrease in employment during September was primarily due to the unwinding of<br />

temporary and contractor workers utilised during the countrywide public service strike in August.<br />

There was a sharp fall in temporary and contract employment in September relative to the previous<br />

month as a result of the end of the public sector strike, according to trends shown by the latest Adcorp<br />

Employment Index.<br />

Many of the temporary and contract workers who replaced striking workers during the 20-day<br />

stoppage were suddenly no longer needed, resulting in a 3.7% month-on-month (m/m) fall in<br />

employment by agencies in September. This led to a total decline of 0.5% m/m in atypical (nonpermanent)<br />

employment.<br />

"This demonstrates the ability of the employment-agency market to respond to unexpected demand,<br />

and its ability to provide skilled workers across many industry sectors at a moment's notice," said<br />

Richard Pike, CEO of Adcorp Holdings.<br />

The index, which is regarded as the most representative barometer of employment trends in South<br />

Africa, decreased by 0.14% relative to the previous month.<br />

On the positive side, the index shows that employment increased sharply in the mining sector in<br />

September. It rose by 2.3% relative to the previous month on buoyant conditions in the international<br />

metal and mineral sector.<br />

Employment also increased among high-skilled occupational groups, namely professionals (+1.8%)<br />

and associate professionals (+1.5%).<br />

Employment rose slightly for domestic workers (+1.4%).<br />

Employment by agencies fell at an annual rate of 19.4% during September, which led to a total<br />

decline of 6.4% in atypical (non-permanent) employment. Permanent employment was essentially<br />

unchanged during September, rising just 0.23%.<br />

Employment increased sharply in the mining sector (+27.6%), reflecting buoyant conditions in the<br />

international metals and minerals sectors. However, employment fell in all other sectors, especially<br />

heavy industry where employment declined by 13.9% (utilities), 8.7% (construction) and 6.6%<br />

(manufacturing).<br />

Except for the Free State, where employment rose by 3.2%, employment slipped in all provinces,<br />

most sharply in the Western Cape (-6.2%), reflecting continued weakness in the manufacturing<br />

sector.<br />

http://www.fin24.com/Economy/Adcorp-Employment-figures-take-a-knock-20101007<br />


Ál minder studeer in dié rigtings<br />

2010-10-27 22:06<br />

Alet Rademeyer<br />

Dié studentetal het van 273 000 in 1996 tot 215 000 in 2008 afgeneem ondanks ‘n toename in die<br />

studentegetal van 509 000 tot 799 000 by universiteite landwyd.<br />

Dr. John Pampallis, spesiale raadgewer van dr. Blade Nzimande, minister van hoër onderwys en<br />

opleiding, het gister op ‘n simposium in Pretoria gesê dié studierigtings is onder druk en inisiatiewe is<br />

begin om belangstelling daarin aan te wakker.<br />

Hy het gesê die afname in studente in dié rigtings die afgelope twee tot drie dekades in Suid-Afrika en<br />

ander lande hou onder meer verband daarmee dat universiteite toenemend gedwing is om self geld in<br />

te samel.<br />

Geesteswetenskappe soos die kunste, musiek, letterkunde, geskiedenis en filosofie het nie dieselfde<br />

bykomende geld van die private of openbare sektore gelok as ingenieurswese, natuurwetenskappe<br />

en tegnologie nie.<br />

Studente het hoër onderwys ook toenemend as ‘n manier gesien om hulle vir die kapitalistiese<br />

arbeidsmark voor te berei en dit in gedagte gehou by beroepskeuses.<br />

Pampallis het gesê in Suid-Afrika het die einde van die apartheidstyd ook ‘n demper op die vitaliteit<br />

van die intellektuele navorsingsdebat geplaas.<br />

Die geesteswetenskappe is waarskynlik ook negatief geraak deurdat die regering en ander sektore<br />

van die samelewing meer klem op die studie van natuurwetenskappe, tegnologie en finansies gelê<br />

het.<br />

Swart Suid-Afrikaners is dekades toegang tot opleiding in wiskunde en wetenskap ontsê. Talentvolles<br />

moet steeds aangemoedig word om in dié rigtings te studeer gegewe die vaardigheidstekort in die<br />

land, het hy gesê.<br />

Daar is vanselfsprekend gevare as al die talentvolle studente gedwing word om in wetenskap- en<br />

sakerigtings te studeer.<br />

Dit is noodsaaklik om die agteruitgang in sekere dissiplines te stuit, het Pampallis gesê en verwys na<br />

‘n handves met ingrypings wat Nzimande onlangs aangevra het om die status van<br />

geesteswetenskappe aan universiteite te verhoog.<br />

Prof. Ari Sitas van Kaapstad sal die hoof van dié projek wees.<br />

http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Al-minder-studeer-in-die-rigtings-20101027<br />


Sakesektor moet onderwys help<br />

Okt 27 2010 08:29 Francois Williams<br />

Kaapstad. - Uit die 642 000 matrieks wat pas met hul eindeksamen begin het, sal 320 000<br />

waarskynlik druip, en die meeste van hulle sal seuns wees, het prof. Jonathan Jansen, rektor van die<br />

Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV), gister gesê.<br />

Hy het op ‘n ontbytgeleentheid van die Bellville-sakekamer gesê al daardie kinders was eens in graad<br />

1, en hy is besorg oor die gebrek aan paniek in owerheidskringe oor die krisis in die onderwysstelsel.<br />

Jansen sê die sakesektor kan betrek word by inisiatiewe om onderwysgehalte in skole te verbeter.<br />

Hy het gewys op die voortreflike universiteite wat vroeër elders in Afrika bestaan het, soos die<br />

Makerere-universiteit in Uganda en die Dar es Salaam-universiteit in Tanzanië.<br />

Vandag is daardie universiteite egter in ‘n swak toestand.<br />

Die UV het doelbewus besluit om sy akademiese standaard te lig, en die universiteit het die hoogste<br />

uitvalsyfer onder die 23 universiteite in Suid-Afrika.<br />

Die paradoks is egter hoe hoër jy die toelatingsvereistes stel, hoe meer en hoe beter studente doen<br />

aansoek.<br />

Volgens Jansen het die UV verlede maand 22,3% meer aansoeke ontvang as ‘n jaar gelede, en<br />

heelparty van hulle is van die Paarl en Stellenbosch.<br />

Die UV het klasbywoning verpligtend gemaak en gebruik vingerafdruk-tegnologie om studente se<br />

klasbywoning te monitor. Binne ses maande vandat die tegnologie by die fakulteit regsgeleerdheid<br />

ingestel is, het die slaagsyfer met 42% verbeter.<br />

Die studente was eers kwaad daaroor, maar is nou bly omdat hulle beter presteer.<br />

Volgens Jansen is grootskaalse verandering in die onderwysstelsel tans moeilik, maar op klein skaal<br />

kan verandering teweeg gebring word wanneer met skole in agtergeblewe gemeenskappe gewerk<br />

word waar daar gewillige leierskap is.<br />

Die UV het kontrakte gesluit met 20 Vrystaatse skole waar die slaagsyfer 10% is om met behulp van<br />

die nuutste navorsing die situasie by dié skole te help omkeer.<br />

http://www.sake24.com/Algemene_Sakenuus/Sakesektor-moet-help-om-onderwys-te-verbeter-<br />

20101027?pageNo=1<br />


Shortage of artisans ‘playing a key role in poor service delivery’<br />


Published: 2010/10/19 06:41:15 AM<br />

The critical shortage of artisans in SA is a major reason why many municipalities suffer from poor<br />

service delivery, and are unable to spend their multimillion-rand infrastructure grants, according to<br />

John Botha of the Production Management Institute.<br />

The institute is a private training company in the Adcorp Holdings stable that trains artisans across<br />

several industry sectors.<br />

Mr Botha‘s comments arise in the wake of recent reports that at least R2bn has been left unspent by<br />

local government, with many municipalities across the country plagued by poor infrastructural<br />

maintenance in areas ranging from roads to water treatment.<br />

―The most important reason for the artisan shortage is the lack of suitably qualified candidates with<br />

the necessary entry qualifications in science and mathematics — the foundation of many artisan<br />

trades,‖ Mr Botha said last week . Compounding the problem, Mr Botha said, were other factors such<br />

as the brain-drain, companies scaling down training because Sector Education and Training Authority<br />

learnerships had replaced company apprenticeships, and the fact that at least half of all artisans were<br />

50 years or older .<br />

It is estimated that SA produces only about 5600 qualified artisans a year, compared to a target of<br />

12500 set by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Estimates of SA‘s artisan<br />

requirements vary, ranging from 50000 to 80000.<br />

Records show that in the early 1980s, there were 30000 registered apprenticeships in SA.<br />

However, by 2005, that number had fallen to 1400. In 1985 alone, 13000 artisans qualified in a single<br />

year, said Mr Botha.<br />

Martin Westcott, MD of P-E Corporate Services, said last week that some companies were taking<br />

notice of the skills crisis and had put more effort into the training and apprenticeship of artisans.<br />

From a career perspective, being an artisan was not necessarily the majority of people‘s first choice ,<br />

he said. Another deterrent, Mr Westcott said, was that artisans undergoing apprenticeships earned<br />

very little money, between R4000 and R7000 a month .<br />

Once they were qualified they could earn between R17000 and R18000 per month, he said.<br />

temkins@bdfm.co.za<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=124141<br />


Equip more brains with PhDs - study<br />


Published: 2010/10/12 06:39:28 AM<br />

It is crucial to increase the number of PhD graduates in SA, the Academy of Sciences of SA (ASSAf )<br />

said at the release of a study on the status of the PhD in SA yesterday.<br />

Experts have for several years said that SA needs to grow its ratio of citizens with postgraduate<br />

qualifications — particularly doctoral degrees — to meet its economic needs, and especially to<br />

improve its competitiveness in the growing global ―knowledge economy‖.<br />

National Research Foundation president Albert van Jaarsveld said SA‘s low PhD production is a<br />

―fundamental weakness‖ preventing the country from competing in a global economy that is<br />

increasingly reliant on knowledge production, and there is a lot of government and private sector<br />

support for the foundation‘s goal of increasing the number of PhD graduates produced in SA five- fold<br />

by 2025. This translates to 6000 PhD graduates a year from a base of about 1200 PhD graduates a<br />

year at present.<br />

Since 2007 the foundation, the main public funder of postgraduate education in SA, has focused a<br />

good part of its energy on this goal.<br />

PhD production has increased worldwide over the past 15 years, with China topping the list with an<br />

817% increase over the 13 years from 1991 to 2004 (from 2556 to 23446) and South Korea, near the<br />

top, having increased production from 2984 to 7946 over the same period. But SA is at the low end of<br />

the scale: it produces about 1200 PhD graduates a year.<br />

In the first comprehensive report on PhD training in SA, the ASSAf found the major constraints on<br />

PhD production are the school system, where only 16% of matriculants qualify for university entrance,<br />

few of them with the maths and science marks required for tertiary study in scientific and technical<br />

fields; the structure of SA‘s undergraduate programmes; the low tertiary education graduation rate;<br />

and the ―anachronism‖ of the honours degree, which is a South African oddity.<br />

The ASSAf recommended that SA escalate PhD production through specific programmes, including<br />

sending South Africans to study towards PhDs at universities abroad.<br />

It also suggested greater funding for PhD study in SA, especially to encourage full-time study,<br />

strengthening the school system ―at its foundations‖, and eliminating ―bureaucratic, administrative,<br />

political, legal and structural barriers‖ to doctoral study.<br />

It recommends that PhD quality levels are strengthened, that public support for doctoral study is<br />

advocated, and that institutional capacity is strengthened in institutions that already have capacity. It<br />

suggests doctoral programmes be tailor-made for specific institutions, and that the relationship<br />

between universities and industry are strengthened.<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/Articles/Content.aspx?id=123466<br />


Opleiding word ’n gewilder SEB-alternatief<br />

Sake 24, Okt 29 2010 07:50<br />

Pietman Roos<br />

Johannesburg. - Die onlangse ekonomiese afswaai het die fokus van swart bemagtiging en swart<br />

besit na opleiding en personeel-behoud geskuif wat ―eintlik ‘n verskuilde seëning was‖, sê mnr. Sandile<br />

Hlophe van KPMG.<br />

Hoewel die meeste maatskappye se voldoening aan die verskeie pilare van swart ekonomiese<br />

bemagtiging (SEB) gedurende die resessie verswak het as gevolg van ‘n afname in bevorderings en<br />

aanstellings, is ondernemings gedwing om op goedkoper SEB-alternatiewe soos opleiding te fokus.<br />

―Ons dink dìt is die regte fokus, want om jou eie werkers op te lei, is meer volhoubaar. Boonop is<br />

indiensopleiding die beste manier om personeellede te behou.‖<br />

Hlophe het gister KPMG se jaarlikse SEB-opname vir 2010 in Johannesburg bekend gestel. Altesame<br />

2 000 maatskappye het op ‘n anonieme en vrywillige grondslag aan KPMG se vyfde SEB-opname<br />

deelgeneem.<br />

Volgens Hlophe sal maatskappye normaalweg ervare kandidate van ander ondernemings steel<br />

eerder as om personeellede op te lei.<br />

―In die verlede was daar enorme groei in personeel-agentskappe omdat daar ‘n groot vraag na ervare<br />

swart werkers is, maar ons wil eintlik ‘n toename hê in ondernemings wat opleiding aanbied.‖<br />

Vanjaar se opname het ‘n wesenlike skuif gemaak om meer klein en middelslag-ondernemings in te<br />

sluit.<br />

In verlede jaar se opname is geen klein-sakeonderneming met ‘n jaarlikse omset van minder as R5<br />

miljoen betrek nie, terwyl 18% van die maatskappye in vanjaar se opname in hierdie kategorie val.<br />

Net so het 98% van verlede jaar se maatskappye ‘n omset van meer as R35 miljoen aangeteken, wat<br />

vir vanjaar se opname tot 49% verminder is.<br />

Die besluit om kleiner maatskappye by die opname in te sluit, is geneem om ook hul benadering tot<br />

SEB te toets, sê Hlophe. Een van die resultate is dat uitvoerende hoofde van kleiner maatskappye<br />

meer betrokke is by die toepassing van SEB-maatreëls.<br />

Dit wys ook dat die SEB-gradering van hul verskaffers die meeste ondernemings nie soveel pla nie.<br />

Altesame 54% van ondernemings sal ‘n kennisgewing aan ‘n verskaffer stuur wat vra dat hy binne ‘n<br />

ooreengekome tydperk sy SEB-status sal verbeter eerder as om na ‘n ander verskaffer te skuif.<br />

Hlophe meen dié persentasie dui op ‘n agteruitgang van voldoening aan SEB-vereistes. ―Ek sal nie<br />

verras wees as die departement van handel en nywerheid na strenger optrede teen nie-voldoening<br />

beweeg nie.‖<br />

Vanjaar se opname het ook bykomende inligting oor SEB-sertifisering in samewerking met Iquad, ‘n<br />

SEB-sertifiseringsagentskap, ingesluit.<br />

Volgens die opname neem 48% van SEB-sertifisering tussen een en drie maande en 19% neem<br />

langer as drie maande.<br />

Mnr. Hennie Uys, bestuurder van Iquad, sê ondernemings verwag dikwels dat sertifisering binne ‘n<br />

week afgehandel word sodat hul ‘n tender-afsnydatum kan haal. ―As ‘n onderneming die nodige<br />

inligting bygewerk en beskikbaar het, neem sertifisering korter.‖<br />


Wit, bruin en Indiër deur DKD benadeel<br />

2010-10-24 08:14<br />

Llewellyn Prince<br />

Johannesburg - Beamptes in die departement van korrektiewe dienste (DKD) vrees ‘n rasseherrie in<br />

hul geledere weens ‘n beleid wat bepaal dat 79,3% van alle personeellede swart moet wees.<br />

Ervare wit, bruin en Indiër-beamptes moet nou tot die voordeel van soms minder ervare swart<br />

kollegas vir senior poste terugstaan.<br />

Luidens die beleid moet swart beamptes nou 79,3% van die DKD se werkerskorps én nuwe rekrute<br />

landwyd uitmaak, gevolg deur 9,3% wittes, 8% bruines en 2,5% Indiërs.<br />

Rapport se bron, wat uit vrees vir viktimisasie anoniem wil bly, sê Tom Moyane, nasionale DKDkommissaris,<br />

het ‘n maand gelede ‘n brief aan alle provinsiale DKD-hoofde gestuur waarin met streng<br />

optrede gedreig word teen dié wat nie die beleid toepas nie.<br />

Die Wes-Kaap, waar sowat 60% DKD-personeellede bruin is, word die ergste geraak omdat geen<br />

bruin mens in die huidige boekjaar hier aangestel of bevorder kan word nie.<br />

Luidens die inligting in Rapport se besit moet daar in:<br />

- die Wes-Kaap voorkeur op senior en junior vlak aan swart en Indiër-lede gegee word;<br />

- die Oos-Kaap voorkeur gegee word aan swart vroue en Indiërs in senior poste en swart mans, bruin<br />

vroue en Indiërs in junior poste;<br />

- KwaZulu-Natal voorkeur gegee word aan swart lede in senior posisies en swart, wit en Indiërvroue,<br />

sowel as bruin mans, in junior posisies;<br />

- die Vrystaat en Noord-Kaap voorkeur gegee word aan swart beamptes, bruin vroue en Indiërs in<br />

senior poste, en aan swart en Indiër-beamptes in junior poste;<br />

- Noordwes, Limpopo en Mpumalanga voorkeur gegee word aan swart vroue, bruin mans en Indiërs<br />

in senior poste en swart vroue en wit en bruin mans in junior poste; en<br />

- Gauteng voorkeur gegee word aan swart mans, wit en bruin vroue en Indiërs in senior poste, en aan<br />

swart, wit en bruin vroue, sowel as Indiër-mans, in junior poste.<br />

Ontstoke personeellede het Rapport die afgelope week oor dié ―ontstellende‖ beleid genader omdat<br />

baie vrees dit kan hulle hul werk kos of hulle kan herontplooi word.<br />

Manelisi Wolela, nasionale woordvoerder van die DKD, sê die beleid is onlangs hersien en is nodig<br />

om te verseker dat die werkmag van elke regeringsinstelling in Suid-Afrika die demografie van die<br />

nasionale bevolking weerspieël.<br />

Wolela het die stelling met ―minagting‖ verwerp dat die gehalte van dienslewering in gevaar gestel<br />

word om rassekwotas te bereik.<br />

Volgens hom is die Wes-Kaap nie ‘n aparte republiek nie, maar deel van die nasionale departement<br />

van korrektiewe dienste en sal hy net soos ander provinsies behandel word. ―Niemand sal egter hul<br />

werk weens die teikens verloor nie omdat dit baie sensitief en verantwoordelik gehanteer word. Dit<br />

word ook van niemand verwag om te bedank nie.‖<br />

http://www.nuus24.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Wit-bruin-en-Indier-deur-DKD-benadeel-20101024<br />


Many companies unaware of employment equity reporting<br />

October 4, 2010<br />

Many companies are still unaware of their<br />

reporting obligations in terms of the<br />

Employment Equity Act.<br />

Business law firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr said<br />

in a statement on Monday that the deadline for<br />

manual reporting to the Department of Labour<br />

was October 1. The deadline for electronic<br />

reporting via the Department of Labour's<br />

website was January 15 2011, said Gillian<br />

Lumb, director in the Employment Practice<br />

Group.<br />

"However, employers should not wait until<br />

January to prepare their report as they have a<br />

lot of work to do between now and then."<br />

In terms of the Act, designated employers<br />

have to submit a report to the Department on<br />

their progress in eliminating unfair<br />

discrimination in the workplace and<br />

implementing affirmative action measures to<br />

address the imbalances in the representation<br />

of black people, women and people with<br />

disabilities in the workplace.<br />

According to Lumb, a designated employer<br />

included any employer that employed 50 or<br />

more employees, or who employed less than<br />

50 employees but had a total annual threshold<br />

equal to or above the applicable turnover<br />

which ranged from R2 million to R25 million<br />

depending on the sector into which the<br />

business fell.<br />

Lumb said both large and small companies<br />

were required to submit their reports this year.<br />

Large companies -- those with more than 150<br />

employees -- had to submit their reports every<br />

year. "What many employers don't realise is<br />

that it is not simply a matter of filling in the<br />

report, but also the work that has to happen<br />

before the form is filled in."<br />

Lumb said employers had to compile an<br />

employment equity plan and conduct a<br />

workplace analysis. Employees had to be<br />

consulted on the analysis, the plan and the<br />

report. "The Department of Labour is carrying<br />

out inspections on employers to ensure<br />

compliance with the Act in particular to ensure<br />

that employees are being consulted in the<br />

process and an employment equity plan has<br />

been compiled."<br />

It was not enough to simply fill in the<br />

employment equity report. "The employment<br />

equity plan and consultation process are<br />

paramount to compliance with the Act both of<br />

which take management time and expertise."<br />

Lumb said the employment equity reports<br />

asked for details such as the profile of the<br />

workforce -- gender, race and disabilities of<br />

employees as well as details of recruitment,<br />

promotion and termination, among other<br />

questions.<br />

The report also asked for details on skills<br />

development and employment equity goals<br />

and targets. Barriers to affirmative action and<br />

measures to overcome this, was another<br />

section dealt with in the report.<br />

"Not knowing about the legislation or the<br />

reporting deadline is not an excuse not to<br />

comply. "At this late stage, companies will<br />

have to report electronically as the deadline for<br />

manual reporting has passed."<br />

Lumb said electronic reporting would give<br />

employers a few more months to consult with<br />

employees, conduct a workplace analysis,<br />

compile an employment equity plan and collate<br />

the information needed for the report. "If they<br />

don't report, inspections may be conducted by<br />

the Department, compliance orders issued and<br />

in the event of ongoing non-compliance there<br />

is a likelihood that they will be fined." – Sapa<br />

http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fSectio<br />

nId=552&fArticleId=5672914<br />


SA needs R11bn more for NHI<br />

October 11, 2010<br />


South Africa would need to raise R11 billion<br />

within the next two years in order to deliver the<br />

first phase of the national health insurance<br />

(NHI), Olive Shisana, the chairwoman of the<br />

NHI ministerial advisory committee, said on<br />

Friday.<br />

Shisana said there was an R11bn funding<br />

shortfall of the R128bn that would be required<br />

by 2012, the first year of implementation. "The<br />

rest of the money is already available. We<br />

need an additional R11bn," said Shisana.<br />

The money that Shisana is referring to is the<br />

public health budget. At present, South Africa's<br />

health-care budget is R105bn for the 2010/11<br />

financial year. In the 2009/10 medium-term<br />

budget health-care expenditure was expected<br />

to rise to R115bn by 2012/13 financial year.<br />

Based on these figures, the gap is actually<br />

R13bn.<br />

According to the NHI plan document presented<br />

by the ANC two weeks ago, the cost of<br />

delivering the NHI would rise to R376bn a year<br />

by 2025.<br />

Shisana would not say how much the funding<br />

gap would be in 2025. She said this would<br />

depend on how the economy grew and<br />

inflation at that time.<br />

Shisana said the NHI committee was exploring<br />

different funding models with the Treasury in<br />

order to come up with one that would be<br />

suitable for the country and its dynamics.<br />

The options included a tax surcharge, payroll<br />

tax, increasing value-added tax, co-|payments<br />

and service rationing. She said co-payments<br />

were an unlikely option.<br />

The NHI seeks to introduce universal cover for<br />

every citizen in order to eliminate the current<br />

system that has resulted in two different<br />

models.<br />

Of the 50 million citizens, just over 8 million<br />

people belong to a medical aid scheme, while<br />

the rest rely on the state for health-care<br />

services.<br />

The NHI plan would be centred on primary<br />

health care.<br />

There will be a single-payer system that will<br />

collect the money and pay service providers,<br />

who would be remunerated on capitation.<br />

Patients will be able to choose a service<br />

provider and those people who would want to<br />

top up their NHI cover would be free to also<br />

belong to a private medical aid fund.<br />

Alex van den Heever, a health economist who<br />

has consistently criticised the NHI, said it was<br />

risky to create a fund that would have billions<br />

of rands because of management<br />

inefficiencies in the public health sector.<br />

He said the fund would be vulnerable to fraud<br />

and corruption. Van den Heaver said the entire<br />

proposal was unrealistic.<br />

"We are proposing a complex management<br />

system assuming that it will be at a much<br />

lower cost. It is easy to promise grand things,<br />

but the reality is probably going to be very<br />

different," said Van den Heever.<br />

Shisana countered by saying even the current<br />

private medical aid funds were battling with<br />

fraud and corruption.<br />

She said the NHI would have a risk engineer<br />

that would monitor transactions to pick up<br />

irregularities. The plan is being discussed by<br />

the interministerial committee. The discussion<br />

document would soon move to the cabinet<br />

before being released for public comment.<br />

http://www.busrep.co.za/?fArticleId=568146<br />

1<br />


ANC figures on number of doctors for NHI ‘distorted’<br />


Published: 2010/10/06 06:26:53 AM<br />

The African National Congress (ANC) got its numbers for the proposed national health insurance<br />

(NHI) scheme wrong when estimating how many doctors and nurses work in the public and private<br />

sectors, say leading health economists.<br />

The figures are vital because they will determine how many more staff should be trained locally and<br />

how many should be brought into the country to meet the ambitious goals of the NHI.<br />

The ANC, in its discussion document on the NHI released last month, proposes importing personnel<br />

as a stopgap measure to cope with an expected increase in demand for state-funded services.<br />

It expects that a significant proportion of the 16% of the population who belong to medical aid<br />

schemes in order to obtain private healthcare will drop their cover and rely instead on services<br />

procured by the state.<br />

It takes on average six to seven years to train a doctor, four years to train a nurse and up to 15 years<br />

to train a specialist.<br />

Stellenbosch-based Econex yesterday published a report detailing problems with the ANC‘s<br />

assessment of the numbers of doctors and specialists working in the private sector.<br />

The ANC took the number of doctors and specialists registered by the Health Professions Council of<br />

SA (HPCSA) and simply subtracted from it the number of doctors and specialists recorded on the<br />

government‘s Persal payroll system.<br />

However, this is wrong, said Econex economist Mariné Erasmus. She noted that the HPCSA‘s<br />

records still include doctors who have emigrated or who have given up medicine.<br />

As a result, the ANC inflated the number of doctors working in the private sector, and effectively<br />

distorted the split between the public and private sector, she said.<br />

The ANC‘s document says 40% of SA‘s doctors serve the public sector. But Econex has calculated<br />

that in fact slightly more doctors (15246, or 55%) are employed by the state than work for the private<br />

sector (12186, or 45%).<br />

Econex used Persal data and data supplied by medical aid scheme administrators to calculate these<br />

numbers.<br />


―They (the ANC) create the idea that the private sector is adequately staffed or over- staffed, which it<br />

is not if you look at international norms.<br />

―In the private sector there is still a need,‖ said Ms Erasmus, noting that many people who relied on<br />

the state for hospital care used private sector doctors for basic healthcare.<br />

―It‘s not just medical scheme members who use private sector GPs. About 37% of the population use<br />

them,‖ she said.<br />

Independent economist Alex van den Heever agreed with Econex‘s assessment of the number of<br />

doctors working for the state. ―The mistake is to assume that registrations equal the number practising<br />

in SA.‖<br />

He estimated there were 15496 doctors employed by the state at the end of last year.<br />

―There is a similar story on nurses. There are roughly 40000 nurses in the private sector versus<br />

around 120000 in the public sector,‖ he said.<br />

In other words, 75% of the country‘s nurses work for the state. By contrast, the ANC said in its NHI<br />

discussion document that only 60% of SA‘s nurses work in the public sector.<br />

Most of the nurses employed in the private sector work in hospitals, whereas many of those employed<br />

by the state work in clinics.<br />

ANC policy research co- ordinator Tebogo Phadu said the ruling party had used independent experts<br />

to determine the human resources data in its NHI proposals.<br />

―If they (Econex) have new data, obviously we will be happy to look at it,‖ he said, declining to<br />

comment further until he had studied its report.<br />

kahnt@bdfm.co.za<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=122873<br />


Zille bedank dalk in 2012 as DA-leier<br />

2010-10-30 20:50<br />

Jan-Jan Joubert<br />

Me. Helen Zille, Wes-Kaapse premier, oorweeg dit sterk om in 2012 as leier van die DA te bedank<br />

indien dit groter sukses vir die party by die stembus kan verseker.<br />

Zille het gistermiddag by ‘n bosberaad van DA-parlementslede by die Spier-landgoed buite<br />

Stellenbosch gesê navorsing toon dat die DA se steun in die wit, bruin en Indiër-gemeenskappe nie<br />

tans neerslag vind in die swart gemeenskap nie.<br />

Sy het aangebied om by die party se volgende nasionale kongres in 2012 terug te staan indien ‘n<br />

ander leier meer aanklank by swart kiesers kan vind.<br />

Zille het die party se posisie vergelyk met die posisie waarin die Arbeidersparty verkeer het toe mnr.<br />

Tony Blair die klousule uit hul grondwet laat skrap het oor verskeie linkse ideale waarmee Britte hulle<br />

nie kon vereenselwig nie.<br />

Verskeie DA-parlementslede met wie Rapport gesels het, het Zille se onselfsugtigheid in dié verband<br />

geloof, maar uitgewys dat nie-rassigheid die grondslag van die party se leierskeuse moet bly.<br />

Hulle was veral bekommerd dat ‘n persepsie kan ontstaan dat ras bepalend kan wees by die keuse<br />

van toekomstige DA-leiers.<br />

Zille het dit duidelik gemaak dat sy die party volgende jaar steeds met mag en mening sal lei in die<br />

munisipale verkiesing, maar dat sy bekommerd is dat die party ‘n plafon kan bereik as hy nie sy steun<br />

ook laat groei nie.<br />

Interne party-navorsing toon dat swart kiesers wel positief teenoor die DA is, maar dat hulle nie sover<br />

kan kom om vir die party te stem nie.<br />

DA-steun in wit, bruin en Indiër-gemeenskappe is omtrent so hoog as wat dit ooit kan wees<br />

http://www.rapport.co.za/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Zille-bedank-dalk-in-2012-as-DA-leier-20101030<br />


G’n heilige opstandelinge<br />

2010-10-21 23:00<br />

Leopold Scholtz<br />

In die verlede het daar dikwels ‘n (begryplike) misverstand geheers oor ondemokratiese regimes en<br />

dié wat teen hulle veg. Omdat die regimes verkeerd, wreed en meedoënloos was, is half onwillekeurig<br />

gevoel, moet diegene wat teen hulle in opstand kom heilig, foutloos en fantasties wees.<br />

Dis ‘n waarneming wat in dié tyd op ‘n spesiale manier ook vir Suid-Afrika waar is.<br />

Ja, sommige van die opstandelinge kan inderdaad fantasties wees. Maar dan is hulle fantasties<br />

omdat hulle uit eie reg fantasties is, nie soseer omdat hulle teen ‘n slegte regime in opstand kom nie.<br />

In die laat 1960‘s en 1970‘s is die outoritêre bewind van sjah Reza Pahlavi van Iran byvoorbeeld in<br />

linkse kringe in Europa afgeskilder as alles wat boos en sleg is. Nie heeltemal foutiewelik nie, want<br />

die sjah het nie veel vryheid toegelaat of sagsinnig met sy teenstanders omgegaan nie.<br />

Die mees prominente elemente onder diegene wat teen die diktatuur in opstand gekom het, is<br />

deesdae die heersers. Op die allerminste is hulle net so erg soos die sjah; waarskynlik selfs erger.<br />

Die nuustydskrif Der Spiegel het vandeesweek ‘n lang artikel gewy aan die wyse waarop die regime<br />

van pres. Mahmoed Ahmadinedjad onafhanklike joernaliste behandel. Die artikel skop af met die<br />

voorbeeld van Mohammed Ghoetsjani (34), wat voorbereidings tref om die dagblad Ham Mihan weer<br />

te publiseer nadat dit drie jaar gelede verbied is.<br />

Die probleem is dat die regime in Teheran niks van onafhanklike blaaie hou nie. Hulle berig oor<br />

lastige dinge soos dat die regime die vorige algemene verkiesing van verlede jaar deur bedrog<br />

skaamteloos gesteel het en oor teenstanders wat onwettig aangehou en in die tronk mishandel of<br />

gemartel word.<br />

En dus, aldus Der Spiegel, het Ghoetsjani verlede week ‘n ondubbelsinnige waarskuwing van die<br />

geheime polisie gekry: Staak jou planne, of anders ...<br />

Ham Mihan se sonde was dat hy ‘n ondersteuner was van Ahmadinedjad se gematigde voorganger<br />

as staatshoof, Mohammad Chatami.<br />

Soortgelyke prosesse, waar die opstandelinge teen ‘n verkeerde regime erger as die regime geword<br />

het, kom dikwels voor. Zimbabwe byvoorbeeld. China, Viëtnam, Kambodja, Nicaragua, noem maar<br />


op.<br />

Reeds in die tyd van ballingskap het die ANC en die SAKP in eie kring alle kritiese denke<br />

meedoënloos gestuit deur die betrokkenes óf uit te skop óf in konsentrasiekampe – die berugte<br />

Quatro was slegs een – op te sluit waar hulle gruwelik gemartel is. Gaan kyk na die alliansie se<br />

publikasies uit dié tyd (Sechaba, Dawn, Mayibuye, The African Communist, Umzebenzi, ensovoorts),<br />

en sien self hoe dodelik ideologies eenvormig alles was.<br />

Gelukkig het die ANC pas in 1994 aan die bewind gekom, toe die kommunistiese mat reeds onder sy<br />

voete uitgepluk is.<br />

Ironies het die destydse Nasionale Party en die ANC-alliansie, wat albei uit ‘n fundamenteel<br />

ondemokratiese agtergrond gekom het, mekaar nie vertrou nie en dus hul toevlug geneem tot ‘n baie<br />

goeie liberaal-demokratiese Grondwet met ‘n afdwingbare handves van menseregte.<br />

Baie mense wat so op die NP-onderhandelaars van destyds skel (en toegegee, in bepaalde opsigte<br />

kon hulle beslis beter gevaar het), vergeet dat die Grondwet ‘n uitstekende wapen is wat teen die<br />

ANC se aanslae op mediavryheid gebruik kan word.<br />

Die punt is dat die ANC-alliansie – anders as wat hy self beweer – nié vir mediavryheid en die liberale<br />

demokrasie geveg het nie, maar hom daarby neergelê het as die prys vir sy verowering van die mag.<br />

Intussen het dié prys te groot begin word en nou begin die aanslae kom.<br />

Die ANC-alliansie se opstand teen apartheid, ‘n stelsel wat tot immoraliteit verword het, maak hom nie<br />

heilig soos hy self te kenne gee nie. Inteendeel, sy ware aard skemer nou stadigaan deur.<br />

http://www.beeld.com/Rubrieke/Gasrubriekskrywers/Gn-heilige-opstandelinge-20101021<br />


Zuma gee die patat aan<br />

2010-10-19 22:38<br />

Henry Jeffreys<br />

Die ANC en die land se voorste redakteurs het dit die afgelope naweek reggekry om die herrie<br />

rondom die regerende party se plan vir die regulering van die media netjies te ontlont. Die gesegde lui<br />

dat as jy jou in ‘n gat bevind, hou op grawe. Dit is wat die ANC die naweek gedoen het.<br />

Adj.pres. Kgalema Motlanthe en sy span het vir die kantlyn geskop en wag nou op die ingooi van die<br />

media-establishment. Daarteenoor het die redakteurs daarin geslaag om die regerende party in die<br />

gesig te kyk en die baie belangrike punt te beklemtoon: Mediavryheid soos wat dit in die Grondwet<br />

verskans word, is ononderhandelbaar.<br />

Dus, geen kompromis oor hierdie allerbelangrike standpunt nie, maar wel ‘n verklaarde<br />

bereidwilligheid om die hand in eie boesem te steek en die probleme wat ons almal weet in die media<br />

bestaan, behoorlik te hanteer.<br />

Motlanthe het in sy kort termyn as president altyd uit sy pad gegaan om ‘n goeie, oop en reguit<br />

verhouding met die media te bou.<br />

Die vergaderings wat redakteurs in daardie dae met hom gehad het, was gestroop van die<br />

onderliggende spanning en agterdog wat soortgelyke ontmoetings met oudpres.<br />

Thabo Mbeki gekenmerk het.<br />

‘n Mens het altyd die indruk gekry dat Motlanthe ernstig was wanneer hy die belangrikheid van ‘n vry<br />

media in ‘n demokrasie beklemtoon het. Met Mbeki was die gevoel (vir my in elk geval) een van: ―Ja,<br />

‘n vry media is nodig, maar op my terme en gegrond op my wêreldbeskouing.‖ En dìt, weet ons, was<br />

by tye onrusbarend.<br />

Juis daarom is Motlanthe se opmerkings ná die naweek se vergadering insiggewend.<br />

Hy moes die ANC verlos van ‘n warm patat en het dit gedoen sonder veel van ‘n verleentheid vir die<br />

regerende party. Die uitkoms van die vergadering is reeds in sommige ANC-geledere bevraagteken,<br />

maar dit was te wagte. Die heethoofde sal altyd met ons wees. As daar ‘n krapperigheid is, selfs ‘n<br />

bekommernis, dan is dit pres. Jacob Zuma se afwesigheid. Wat moet ons daarin lees?<br />

Dit kan dalk net weer een van sy slim (sommige sal sê slinkse) stukkies politieke voetwerk wees.<br />

Soos dinge nou staan, sal Motlanthe die verduidelikings aan die ANC-heethoofde moet gee oor die<br />

verloop van die kwessie. Zuma kan met die gerustheid van ‘n Pontius Pilatus rustig terugsit en sy<br />

hande was van die hele affêre.<br />

Dit bly belangrik dat hy persoonlik met die redakteurs in gesprek tree, al is dit in ‘n kleiner vergadering<br />

met die Suid-Afrikaanse Redakteursforum (Sanef) se topleiers.<br />

Die bal is nietemin nou in die baan van die media. Die naweek se indaba het meer as genoeg ruimte<br />

geskep vir hulle om die saak vir ‘n selfregulerende media nog sterker te stel. Die proses om die<br />

strukture en kapasiteit van die Persraad en die kantoor van die ombudsman te versterk, is goed<br />

onderweg en moet verskerp word.<br />


Dit is belangrik dat die diskoers nie net volgens die ANC se populistiese en ondeurdagte agenda<br />

gevoer word nie. Die laaste paar weke het bewys dat Suid-Afrikaners nie net sommer sal gaan lê<br />

wanneer dit kom by grondwetlik verskanste vryhede nie.<br />

Die burgerlike samelewing is uit sy slaap geruk. Die roes van apatie is afgeskud en die regerende<br />

party het ‘n duidelike boodskap gekry: Spraak- en mediavryheid is nie politieke voetballe nie. Dit<br />

behoort nie aan enige politieke party of leier nie.<br />

In die dae wat voorlê is dit belangrik dat hierdie momentum verdere stukrag kry met net een doel voor<br />

oë: om die ANC se misplaaste voornemens te begrawe.<br />

Ek was verlede week in Mali vir ‘n vergadering van die Afrika-redakteursforum. Die verwikkelinge in<br />

Suid-Afrika is druk bespreek.<br />

Soos een kollega dit gestel het: ―As Suid-Afrika met hierdie pad afloop, watter hoop het die res van<br />

ons? Dit sal ‘n lisensie wees vir elke despoot om dan maar te maak en breek.‖ Inderdaad<br />

http://www.beeld.com/Rubrieke/HenryJeffreys/Zuma-gee-die-patat-aan-20101019<br />


‘Cheeky’ SA dra swaar aan dié las<br />

2010-10-14 22:34<br />

André le Roux<br />

Suid-Afrika is pas weer tot nie-permanente lid van die Veiligheidsraad van die Verenigde Nasies (VN)<br />

verkies. André le Roux skryf die land moet daarteen waak om sy omstrede eerste termyn te<br />

herhaal.<br />

‘n Besonder verontrustende vertoning.<br />

Dit is hoe mnr. Zalmay Khalilzad, die Amerikaanse ambassadeur by die VN, Suid-Afrika se optrede in<br />

die Veiligheidsraad bestempel het toe dié land op 11 Julie 2008 gekeer het dat universele sanksies<br />

teen die Mugabe-bewind ingestel word.<br />

Khalilzad het Suid-Afrika trompop daarvan beskuldig dat hy die ―afskuwelike Zimbabwiese bewind<br />

beskerm‖ deur hom, teen die gebruik in, openlik vanuit die voorsitterstoel te beywer vir Rusland en<br />

China se vetostemme teen die Amerikaanse en Britse aandrang op sanksies.<br />

Hy het die destydse regering van pres. Thabo Mbeki herinner aan die deurslaggewende rol wat die<br />

Veiligheidsraad gespeel het in die suksesvolle stryd teen apartheid en die herstel van menseregte in<br />

Suid-Afrika.<br />

Suid-Afrika se eerste termyn, van 1 Januarie 2007 tot 31 Desember 2008, is gekenmerk deur die<br />

manier waarop hy sy posisie gebruik het om VN-optrede teen gemilitariseerde regerings soos dié in<br />

Iran, Noord-Korea en Mianmar in die besonder teen internasionale veroordeling en optrede te<br />

verskans.<br />

Suid-Afrika se skerp veroordeling van die VSA se aanhouding van Islamitiese radikale in<br />

Guantánamo Bay en Israel se aanvalle op Palestyne in Libanon en Gasa het hom ook nie gewild in<br />

die Weste gemaak nie.<br />

Waar Suid-Afrika steeds gesien word as die versinnebeelding van ‘n nuwe en navolgenswaardige<br />

demokrasie tuis, is hy in sy Veiligheidsraad-ampstermyn deur Human Rights Watch veroordeel oot sy<br />

―gebrekkige uitwaartse beskouing‖ deur te probeer keer dat die Veiligheidsraad vergrype elders pak.<br />

Suid-Afrika se destydse ambassadeur by die VN het toe beweer sy land se rol in die Veiligheidsraad<br />

is misken.<br />

―Ons het dinge nie gedoen soos die Britte en die Amerikaners wou hê ons moes nie. En as jy dinge<br />

nie wou doen soos die groottes – Frankryk, die VSA en Brittanje – dit wou hê nie, is jy ‘n cheeky<br />

Afrikaan.<br />

―Wel, ek is baie trots daarop om ‘n cheeky Afrikaan te wees,‖ het mnr. Dumisani Kumalo na berig<br />

word destyds gesê.<br />

Kumalo was Mbeki se man in ‘n tyd toe Mbeki vasbeslote was om deur sy buitelandse beleid seker te<br />

maak hy kom in aanraking met die eersteliga-leiers in die wêreld.<br />

Hy het dit sommer in die VN, die G8 en die G20 grootliks ongevraag tot die groot ergernis van Afrika<br />


self namens die vasteland gedoen.<br />

Die doel was om ―gedeelde Afrika-standpunte‖ in en aan die Veiligheidsraad voor te hou en te<br />

bevorder, het dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, destydse minister van buitelandse sake, gesê oor Suid-<br />

Afrika se eerste en hoogs omstrede termyn.<br />

Die waarheid is anders.<br />

In die twee jaar van Suid-Afrika se eerste termyn het vier Afrika-state, Kongo (Brazzaville) en Ghana<br />

in 2007 en Libië en Burkina Faso in 2008 saam as nie-permanente lede van die Veiligheidsraad<br />

gedien.<br />

Die kere dat hulle met Suid-Afrika se posisie oor wêreldvraagstukke saamgestem en<br />

dienooreenkomstig gestem het, het nie in alle opsigte ―Afrika-eenheid‖ weerspieël nie.<br />

By verskeie geleenthede, oor Mianmar en oor Zimbabwe in die besonder, het dié lande óf teen Suid-<br />

Afrika gestem óf buite stemming gebly.<br />

Nadat Mbeki in Januarie 2008 by Polokwane in ‘n regime-verandering ontsetel is, moes sy pro-<br />

Zimbabwe buitelandse beleid noodwendig volgehou word. Die skrif was egter aan die muur vir die<br />

wyse waarop Suid-Afrika hom die reg veroorloof het om hoofpromotor van die ―Afrika-agenda‖ te<br />

wees.<br />

In die interim-bewind van pres. Kga- lema Motlanthe het Suid-Afrika hom in die Afrika-Unie (AU)<br />

begin onttrek aan die kollig wat Mbeki opgeëis het.<br />

Suid-Afrika se buitelandse beleid het ‘n winterslaap ingegaan.<br />

Die AU het sedert sy leiersberaad in Januarie 2008 in Addis Abeba begin aandring op ‘n groter Afrikateenwoordigheid<br />

én sê in wêreldforums waar Mbeki, volgens hulle te lank, so oorheersend was.<br />

In Januarie het die AU egter besluit om tog Suid-Afrika se kandidatuur as lid van die Veiligheidsraad<br />

te steun.<br />

Maar dié keer met ‘n volle en verantwoordbare Afrika-mandaat.<br />

Dis op die Julie-leiersberaad in Kampala bekragtig.<br />

In haar verkiesingsveldtog vir Suid-Afrika se kandidatuur het me. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, die<br />

Zuma-era se minister van internasionale betrekkinge en samewerking, die Afrika-opdrag só in die<br />

Algemene Vergadering van die VN verwoord: ―Suid-Afrika bly verbind tot die konsolidasie van die<br />

Afrika-agenda met die oog op ‘n beter Afrika vir hulle wat daar woon.‖<br />

Die hoofdoelwit van die ―Afrika-agenda‖ is om die VN en veral die Veiligheidsraad te hervorm.<br />

―Die transformasie van die VN kan nie voltrek word sonder die fundamentele hervorming van die<br />

Veiligheidsraad nie. Suid-Afrika glo die doel van dié hervorming moet wees die daarstelling van ‘n<br />

Veiligheidsraad wat werklik verteenwoordigend is van die VN se lidlande.<br />

―Dis ‘n onreg dat Afrika, wat so ‘n groot deel uitmaak van die VN se werk, nie permanente<br />

verteenwoordiging het nie.‖<br />


Afrika maak nou aanspraak op twee permanente setels en vyf nie-permanente setels. Die AU eis dat<br />

die AU daardie lande self en direk aanwys sonder om onderwerp te word aan VN-verkiesings soos<br />

tans.<br />

Suid-Afrika is met dié doel voor oë Dinsdag sonder teëstem tot die Veiligheidsraad herkies.<br />

Toe ‘n Britse diplomaat voor Dinsdag se verkiesing gevra is of haar (nuwe Konserwatiewe) regering<br />

Suid-Afrika vir ‘n tweede termyn sou steun, was haar antwoord: ―Ons sal dit nie teenstaan nie.‖<br />

Op die vraag of sy bekommerd is dat Suid-Afrika sy ―verontrustende‖ vertoning van 2007-‘08 sal<br />

herhaal, was haar minder diplomatieke antwoord: ―Ek dink Suid-Afrika het baie geleer uit sy vorige<br />

termyn. Daar is immers ook ‘n ander regering aan die bewind.‖<br />

Die Amerikaners (nou onder Obama-bewind) was minder bekkig: ―Ons lewer nie kommentaar op die<br />

kandidature van lande nie,‖ het ‘n diplomaat gesê. In sy stywe antwoord was daar was geen<br />

aanduiding dat die VSA Suid-Afrika vergewe het vir sy optrede in sy eerste termyn nie.<br />

Kort ná Suid-Afrika, Colombia, Duitsland, Portugal en Indië se verkiesing het dr. Susan Rice, Amerika<br />

se VN-ambassadeur, haar agenda van ―fundamentele vraagstukke‖ vir die Veiligheidsraad se<br />

volgende twee jaar uitgestippel: ―Internasionale vrede en sekerheid, kernontwapening ingesluit; die<br />

stryd teen terreur; die voorkoming en oplossing van konflik; die bevordering van demokrasie en<br />

menseregte; en oorsig oor die VN se vredes- en humanitêre sendings in die wêreld.‖<br />

Rice maak geen melding van ‘n ―Afrika-agenda‖ of ―fundamentele hervorming‖ van die VN en sy<br />

Veiligheidsraad nie.<br />

Op Rice se Afrika-agenda is Soedan en Somalië – die twee Afrika-lande wat internasionale vrede die<br />

ergste bedreig. Die volle Amerikaanse agenda vir die Veiligheidsraad is van toepassing op dié twee<br />

mislukte lande. En op haar wêreldagenda is Iran, Israel en die Palestyne, Noord-Korea en die<br />

voortslepende internasionale ekonomiese krisis.<br />

Suid-Afrika, as leidende Afrika-lid van die Veiligheidsraad, is sommer vroeg in Januarie onder die<br />

vergrootglas wanneer Suid-Soedan – indien die El-Basjhir-regering dit toelaat – stem om van die<br />

Noorde af te stig. Pres. Omar el-Basjhir, wat met Veiligheidsraad-sanksie deur die Internasionale<br />

Strafhof van volksmoord aangekla word, het die afgelope week gewaarsku afstigting ―sal oorlog<br />

beteken‖.<br />

Sy ewe omgesukkelde noordelike buurman, kol. Moeammar Ghaddafi van Libië, het in dié week<br />

gewaarsku dat die onderverdeling van Soedan daartoe kan lei dat ‘n ―stortvloed‖ van Afrika-lande<br />

afstigting langs etniese en godsdiensgrense in die gesig staar.<br />

Suid-Afrika gaan swaar dra aan sy Afrika-agenda. En die Zuma-regering se ambassadeur, mnr. Baso<br />

Sangqu, gaan dit moeilik vind om sy cheeky voorganger dit na te doen.<br />

Suid-Afrika se tweede termyn – veral wanneer sy twee maande lange beurte in die voorsitterstoel<br />

aanbreek – sal in erns gemeet word aan die AU se optrede in en teen Soedan, Somalië, die<br />

Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo en helaas, Zimbabwe.<br />

En ás daar in die twee jaar dan nog tyd vir ‘n hervormingsdebat in die Veiligheidsraad oorbly, daaraan<br />

ook.<br />

http://www.beeld.com/In-Diepte/Nuus/Cheeky-SA-dra-swaar-aan-die-las-20101014<br />


A new Zimbabwe crisis is threatening SA, like it or not<br />

Allister Sparks<br />

Published: 2010/10/13 06:52:18 AM<br />

While we have been preoccupied once again with our perennial game of political pugilism (―Malema<br />

attacks Zuma‖; ―Zuma hits back at Malema‖), few seem to have noticed that our northern neighbour<br />

has run into yet another crisis, which is likely to affect our worsening unemployment rate and our<br />

urgent need for a higher growth rate.<br />

The new crisis erupted 10 days ago, when Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and his deputy, Arthur<br />

Mutambara, met President Robert Mugabe, who told them he had unilaterally reappointed all 10 of<br />

Zimbabwe‘s serving provincial governors — who happen to represent his own Zanu (PF) party — the<br />

previous day.<br />

In terms of the national constitution and the global political agreement (GPA), which sets out the<br />

conditions under which Zimbabwe‘s unity government is supposed to operate, senior appointments<br />

can be made only after joint agreement of the president and the prime minister.<br />

Tsvangirai said this was the first he had heard of the appointment of the governors. It was, he told a<br />

press conference last Thursday, ―the last straw‖ in a long series of Mugabe‘s violations of the GPA.<br />

He and his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) had therefore decided to refuse to recognise<br />

these governors, as well as a number of other senior officials Mugabe has appointed unilaterally over<br />

the past 18 months.<br />

Tsvangirai said he regarded these appointments as illegal and unconstitutional.<br />

It is unclear what exactly that will mean in practice. The officials concerned have already been sworn<br />

in by the president and will presumably report to him and continue functioning in their posts. However,<br />

the MDC controls both the Treasury and the public service department, so it is conceivable it could<br />

refuse to pay their salaries.<br />

If so, a major crisis could arise, conceivably leading to a break-up of the unity agreement. Or perhaps<br />

Zanu (PF) could pay the individuals itself: it is suddenly flush with money thanks to the looting of a<br />

rich new alluvial diamond field at Chiyadza, in the Marangi area on the Mozambique border.<br />

The officials Tsvangirai lists as having been illegally appointed are: the governor of the Reserve Bank,<br />

Gideon Gono, appointed unilaterally by Mugabe on November 26 2008; the attorney-general,<br />

Johannes Tomana, appointed on December 17 2008; a new police service commission appointed in<br />


March this year; five judges appointed on May 20; six ambassadors appointed on July 24; and now<br />

the 10 provincial governors.<br />

Tsvangirai said that as executive prime minister of Zimbabwe, he would be advising the countries to<br />

which the six ambassadors have been posted that their appointments are illegal and therefore null<br />

and void.<br />

This could result in those countries refusing to accept their credentials.<br />

Tsvangirai also said Mugabe had told him at their meeting that he would never swear in the MDC‘s<br />

Roy Bennett as deputy minister of agriculture, as again required in terms of the GPA, which allocated<br />

cabinet posts to the different parties in terms of the negotiated agreement. Mugabe has refused for<br />

more than two years to swear in Bennett, who has faced a number of trumped-up charges brought by<br />

the controversial Tomana only to have the courts throw them out.<br />

Only a few months ago, Mugabe said in an international television interview that he would swear in<br />

Bennett if he was acquitted, but he has not done so.<br />

He said the same to the 15-member Southern African Development Community (Sadc), which is<br />

supposed to guarantee compliance with the GPA but has so far appeared to be a toothless guardian.<br />

―The matter of Roy Bennett has now become a personal vendetta and part of a racist agenda,‖<br />

Tsvangirai said in a statement at the weekend.<br />

On the unilateral appointments, he added: ―These are simply the most obvious and most high-profile<br />

breaches of the constitution and the laws of Zimbabwe.‖<br />

The MDC reckons only 10 of the 27 line items in the GPA have been implemented in the two-and-a-<br />

half years since the agreement was signed. Of the 27 outstanding items, 24 have been the subject of<br />

special agreements between the heads of the signatory parties — but they remain unfulfilled.<br />

At its last summit in Windhoek two months ago, the Sadc countries insisted that the 24 items be<br />

implemented within 30 days. But the deadline has passed and nothing has been done.<br />

Now we have Mugabe‘s latest and most blatant defiance of the regional alliance.<br />

What will Sadc do about it? The organisation‘s international credibility is so diminished that<br />

expectations must be regarded as minimal. It is really up to S A , as the regional superpower and the<br />

country most closely affected by conditions in Zimbabwe, to give the organisation some spine.<br />

Everyone realised when president Thabo Mbeki was in power that he was so in awe of Mugabe‘s<br />

iconic status in Africa that there was no prospect of his getting tough with the arrogant old bully.<br />


But there were hopes that when President Jacob Zuma took over, S A ‘s stance would stiffen,<br />

particularly in light of Zanu (PF)‘s humiliating treatment of his alliance partner, the Congress of South<br />

African Trade Unions, when that organisation was unceremoniously thrown out of Zimbabwe when it<br />

tried to visit its fellow unionists in October 2004 and again in February 2005.<br />

But no. Zuma‘s congenital indecision on every critical issue confronting S A appears to extend to<br />

Zimbabwe as well. And the Zimbabwe issue is indeed critical to us. Although economic conditions<br />

have improved for a few in the upper echelons of Zimbabwean society, two-thirds of its population are<br />

still living on less than 1 a day. At least 2-million of its people are on the edge of starvation.<br />

Given our own unacceptable unemployment figures, that presents a continuing threat to our social<br />

security.<br />

Reports from Zimbabwe indicate it is facing the worst crop failure in its history, not because of<br />

drought, as Mugabe claims, but because of unproductive farming resulting from his reckless land-<br />

distribution policies.<br />

We already have more than 3-million Zimbabwe refugees here. More, many more, are going to come<br />

— and no amount of regulation or certification is going to stop them. That points to the danger of more<br />

xenophobic and other social unrest.<br />

Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan says we need a sustained 7% growth rate to reduce our<br />

unemployment numbers — indeed to prevent them from getting worse exponentially. A real economic<br />

recovery in Zimbabwe, a proven mining and agricultural jewel of a country, could revive the whole<br />

subcontinent, make Sadc a boom region as Latin America is becoming. S A , as the engine of the<br />

region, could prosper as Brazil is.<br />

But not as long as Zimbabwe continues to be a suppurating sore in our midst.<br />

It doesn‘t require much to sort out the problem. All Zuma needs to do is to tell Mugabe firmly that if he<br />

doesn‘t implement all those outstanding GPA issues right now, and ensure that Zimbabwe holds<br />

genuinely free and fair elections before the end of next year — which Sadc is going to monitor closely<br />

from six months in advance — SA and all other Sadc members won‘t recognise an election that<br />

doesn‘t pass its scrutiny or any government that emerges from it.<br />

That would stop Mugabe in his tracks.<br />

- Sparks is a veteran journalist and political analyst.<br />

http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/Content.aspx?id=123590<br />


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