587-SC-HG11-PM - George Herald

587-SC-HG11-PM - George Herald 587-SC-HG11-PM - George Herald

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Mossel Bay

Raadsdame Marie Ferreira, Uitvoerende Burgemeester van Mosselbaai.<br />

Vanwaar die naam Mosselbaai?<br />

Die historikus, Comely, het in 1646 geskryf dat ene Paulus van<br />

Caerden die naam "Mosselbaai" aan hierdie deel van die Suid-<br />

Kaapkus gegee het. Dié Seevader en sy bemanning kon blykbaar,<br />

behalwe wildsbokke en olifante, geen verversings langs die kus kry<br />

behalwe mossels nie!<br />

Min het die skrywer geweet dat Mosselbaai meer as 300 jaar later<br />

bekend sou wees as een van die mees gesogte vakansieplekke<br />

langs die Suid-Kaapse kus! Soos ‘n oorsese seiljagvaarder dit<br />

gestel het: "I saw many beautiful places in this wonderful world.<br />

God had however created a few places more special than others<br />

and one of these is Mossel Bay. I call it the "Bay of Heaven." (Heinz<br />

Schwab van die seiljag Inschallah). Nodeloos om te sê dat Heinz<br />

onlangs in Mosselbaai afgetree het.<br />

Burgemeester<br />

moel bay<br />

Dit is weer eens 'n wonderlike voorreg om al ons besoekers<br />

namens die Raad van Mosselbaai in ons pragtige dorp te<br />

verwelkom. Ons gereelde besoekers is vertroud met die gasvryheid<br />

en vrygewige gees van ons inwoners en ek glo dat diegene<br />

wat nou vir 'n eerste keer Mosselbaai gekies het om te kom ontlaai,<br />

gou hierdie kwaliteite van ons inwoners sal ontdek!<br />

I wish to thank our local residents for the support my Council<br />

constantly received throughout the year. As Town Council we make<br />

every attempt to offer you a safe environment and a 'home' to be<br />

proud of. We can, however, only be as successful as you allow us<br />

to be. David Brinkley said; "A successful man is one who can lay a<br />

firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him". We are<br />

indeed grateful to our different communities for providing us with<br />

vuurwerke<br />

Geen vuurwerke mag binne die munisipale<br />

gebied van Mosselbaai afgevuur word nie.<br />

Indien jy 'n openbare vuurwerkvertoning wil<br />

aanbied, moet skriftelike toestemming by die<br />

munisipaliteit gekry word. Aansoeke hiervoor<br />

moet minstens 14 dae voor die datum waarop<br />

jy vuurwerke wil afskiet, ingedien word.<br />

word of welcome<br />

Feesboodskap<br />

The Executive Mayor of Mossel Bay,<br />

Alder Lady Marie Ferreira the best quality bricks! My beste wense vergesel u vir 'n veilige en<br />

gelukkige Feestyd. Ek ervaar hierdie tyd van die jaar as 'n periode<br />

waar ons die geleentheid gebied word om familie, vriende en<br />

kennisse van vooraf te waardeer en in dankbaarheid teenoor ons<br />

Hemelse Vader te staan vir die Genade wat Hy so mildelik oor ons<br />

uitstort - selfs al verdien ons dit nie altyd nie! Please take extra<br />

good care of yourself during this Festive Season - do not drink and<br />

drive - use the beaches vigilantly - act responsibly and always keep<br />

those in mind who are less fortunate than yourself!<br />

76<br />

'n Geseënde Feestyd en 'n wonderlike<br />

2012 word u toegewens!<br />

Mossel Bay is a family friendly town.<br />


Mossel Bay Methodist Church<br />

The Mossel Bay AFM Church offers a<br />

Christmas Service on Sunday, 25 December<br />

at 08:00 in the Mossel Bay Town Hall.<br />

On New Year's Eve, Saturday, 31 December,<br />

a dedication service will be hosted at<br />

23:30.<br />

Enquiries: 044 691 2376<br />

Mosselbaai AGS<br />

Gemeenskapsgerigte Kersbyeenkoms<br />

saam met die Mossel Bay Methodist<br />

Church word gehou op Sondag, 25<br />

Desember in die Mosselbaai Stadsaal om<br />

08:00. Sondag byeenkomste begin om<br />

09:00 en word gehou in die Mosselbaai<br />

Stadsaal.<br />

Navrae: 044 690 3384<br />

NG Kerk Moedergemeente<br />

Drie Kersbyeenkomste word gehou op<br />

Sondag, 25 Desember om onderskeidelik<br />

06:30, 08:00 en 9:30. Die Oujaarsdiens is<br />

geskeduleer vir 22:30 op Saterdag, 31<br />

Desember. Sondagbyeenkomste is om<br />

08:00, 10:00 en 18:00.<br />

Navrae: 044 691 2465<br />

St Peter's Anglican Church<br />

On Sunday, 18 December at 19:00, a<br />

special carols evening will be hosted.<br />

Midnight mass will be held at 23:00 on<br />

Saturday, 23 December. A Christmas<br />

service is scheduled for 08:30 on Sunday,<br />

25 December. Mass will be on Sunday, 1<br />

January. Please bear in mind that this<br />

beautiful church, also a heritage building,<br />

is open to the public on daily from 08:00-<br />

17:00.<br />

Enquiries: 044 691 2384<br />

NG Kerk Mosselbaai- Suid<br />

'n Spesiale Kersbyeenkoms word op<br />

Sondag, 25 Desember, gelei deur Innes<br />

Benade en sy gesin, om onderskeidelik<br />

08:30 en 10:00. 'n Oujaarsbyeenkoms<br />

word op Saterdag, 31 Desember om<br />

19:00 gehou.<br />

Navrae: 044 690 3552<br />

Joshua Generation Church<br />

The Joshua Generation Church is a<br />

vibrant and diverse family of Godhonouring,<br />

outwardly-focused believers<br />

passionately committed to loving and<br />

serving our King and one another. Sunday<br />

morning services start at 09:00, however<br />

the Christmas Service will start at 08:30.<br />

Enquiries: Chad Lahana 082 874 129<br />

Remember the reason for Christmas.<br />

Die pragtige ou Klipkerk in Mosselbaai.<br />

Student<br />

Job Placement<br />

Centre<br />

moel bay<br />

Service Guide<br />

NG Kerk Hartenbos<br />

Verskeie byeenkomste word in beide<br />

die kerkgebou en die ATKV-amfiteater<br />

gehou. Op Vrydag, 16 Desember word<br />

'n Geloftediens gehou in die amfiteater.<br />

Ander dienste in die amfiteater sluit<br />

Sondag, 25 Desember om 08:30, en 'n<br />

Oujaarsdiens om 22:45 op Saterdag, 31<br />

Desember in.<br />

Navrae: 044 695 0440<br />

New Life Church<br />

A Christmas service will be hosted on<br />

Sunday, 25 December at 09:00. The<br />

places of worship<br />

New Year's Eve service will be at 18:00<br />

on Saturday, 31 December.<br />

Enquiries: 044 693 2159<br />

Kersete vir Haweloses<br />

‘n Kersete word op 25 Desember vir<br />

minderbevoorregte en hawelose mense<br />

in Mosselbaai aangebied. Hierdie welwillendheidsete<br />

word sedert 2009 aangebied<br />

in die Harry Giddey Park. Vir meer<br />

inligting, kontak Minette van Rooyen by<br />

071 157 6867.<br />




How do I find the suitable person?<br />

To register your company on our<br />

employment database<br />

What does the Job Placement<br />

Officer require from a potential<br />

employer?<br />

Potential employers should submit<br />

a detailed job specification request<br />

for the required position to the Job Placement<br />

Officer.<br />

What happens next?<br />

The Job Placement Officer will bring you in<br />

contact with the best suitable student fitting<br />

the profile for the position required<br />

Alumni Tracking Centre<br />

Graduate students / ex-students are invited to<br />

contact our Job Placement Centre to update<br />

their personal details and provide us with a<br />

recent updated CV. This will enable us to be<br />

in contact if any job placement<br />

opportunities arise.<br />

Only for South Cape College<br />

Students/Graduates<br />

Would you like to register your<br />

company on our employment<br />

database?<br />

If so, please contact our Job Placement Officer<br />

Selwyn Kiewiet<br />

TEL: 044 884 0359 | CELL: 079 571 6592<br />

FAX: 044 884 0361<br />

selwyn.kiewiet@sccollege.co.za<br />

www.sccollege.co.za <strong>587</strong>-<strong>SC</strong>-<strong>HG11</strong>-<strong>PM</strong><br />


5km from Hartenbos .This is the percember<br />

holidays. We have an amazuil<br />

river banks. The camp consists of 4<br />

ipped kitchen.<br />

Y E L L O W O O D S R E S T A U R A N T<br />

ways. This is the perfect setup for a<br />

A N D<br />

r Fa U Nweekend C T I O N F Agetaway. C I L I T Y The camp can<br />

with 2 adjoining tents, one ablution<br />

Come and D S celebrate Rsit Earound S Twith Aus U Rthe A Ncampfire T along-<br />

<br />

F A C I L I T Y<br />

t Yellowoods<br />

our A la carte restaurantunday<br />

lunch ,affordable for the whole<br />

now open<br />

with ds us now open<br />

ins Game Ranch, +-8km outside Grootbrak<br />

ls about Yellowoods all along the 15km from Hartenbos is 8km situated Moordkuil .This is the on river<br />

perle<br />

h. for Bains There December Game are holidays. ancient Ranch, We have +-8km ,Yellowwood<br />

an amaz-<br />

Moordkuil river banks. The camp consists of 4<br />

w to<br />

outside<br />

enjoy.<br />

Grootbrak open We also<br />

next<br />

have<br />

to<br />

4x4 trails for<br />

d an Botlierskop equipped kitchen. and only about<br />

re 15km adventurous from . Hartenbos<br />

ed walkways. This is the perfect setup for a<br />

, +-8km<br />

er .This outside<br />

or for a is weekend the Grootbrak perfect getaway. The place camp to can<br />

m ination<br />

ps Hartenbos with<br />

each with 2 adjoining .This lots is the of<br />

tents, per- fun things to do for<br />

come and settle one ablution for<br />

holidays. uch n .Come December farm, and We sit foofy around have holidays. an the slide.Or amaz- campfire along- We just let them<br />

<br />

iver anks. have The while an camp you amazing consists sit , of relax 4 tented and enjoy a<br />

tchen.<br />

eating<br />

camp<br />

at our<br />

site<br />

A la<br />

on<br />

carte<br />

the<br />

restaurant-<br />

Moordkuil<br />

buffet s is<br />

river<br />

the Sunday perfect<br />

banks. lunch setup ,affordable for a for the whole<br />

end blution getaway. facilities. The camp Clients can camping will<br />

djoining<br />

You also<br />

ing trails all tents,<br />

have<br />

along one the ablution<br />

the option of<br />

on Bains Game 8km Ranch. Moordkuil river Such as hiking<br />

around<br />

eating<br />

me Ranch. the There campfire<br />

at our<br />

are ancient along-<br />

A la carte<br />

,Yellowwood<br />

of restaurant- game to enjoy. We also Yellowoods,<br />

have 4x4 trails for<br />

r the also more adventurous serving . a buffet<br />

a ite, Sunday carte self restaurant- catering lunch, affordable rooms (fully serviced)<br />

river dly ch ,affordable destination with for lots the of fun whole things to do for<br />

for the views..Each whole family! of the 5 rooms has a<br />

yms, touch farm, foofy slide.Or just let them<br />

in the river while you sit , relax and enjoy a<br />

ng g Yellowoods soon! the 8km Moordkuil has river amazing<br />

oon are hiking ancient suite trails ,Yellowwood with all a fireplace! along the And private<br />

as with ablution facilities. Clients camping will<br />

ctivities . ymoon We 8km also Moordkuil<br />

on Bains suite have Game 4x4 can Ranch. trails also river<br />

Such for be that<br />

as hiking incorporated<br />

turous flows . through Bains Game<br />

executive<br />

Ranch. We<br />

,family<br />

also have<br />

self<br />

4x4<br />

catering suite.<br />

ury, ith trails lots ensuite, of self for fun catering things the to rooms family do (fully for serviced) and<br />

d all foofy with breakfast river slide.Or views..Each just prices let of the them 5 available.<br />

also some for the rooms more has a<br />

e stoep you ! sit , relax and enjoy a<br />

rs adventurous are welcome! . Yellowoods<br />

Honeymoon is a family suite with friendly a fireplace! destina- And private<br />

acilities.<br />

he /044 tion Honeymoon with Clients 696 suite lots 6766 camping<br />

can of also fun / be<br />

will<br />

incorporated things<br />

reate an executive ,family self catering suite.<br />

Game to do Ranch. for Such kids as of hiking all ages<br />

s ,prices and more info.Or visit our<br />

bed like- and breakfast jungle prices gyms, available. touch<br />

farm, foofy slide.<br />

ure atering lovers are rooms welcome! (fully serviced)<br />

8 s..Each Paint 4066/044 of ball the 696 5 6766 rooms opening / has a soon!<br />

directions We ,prices also and have more info.Or camping visit our<br />

o.za<br />

with areas a fireplace! with And private ablution<br />

ite facilities. can also be Yellowoods incorporated also<br />

e have ,family 5 self luxury, catering ensuite, suite. self<br />

catering rooms (fully<br />

ast serviced) prices available. available at the<br />

www.yellowoods.co.za<br />

lcome! restaurant.<br />

Phone: 0827784066 Cell<br />

Phone: 0446966766 Land<br />

6 6766 /<br />

E-mail: info@yellowoods.co.za<br />

We also have an Exclusive<br />

and Honeymoon more info.Or visit suite our with a<br />

fireplace!<br />

Please contact us<br />

on 082 788 4066/<br />

Phone (Cell):<br />

044 696 6766 /<br />

www.yellowoods.co.za 082 778 4066<br />

info@yellowoods.co.za Phone: 0827784066 Phone (Land): Cell<br />

Phone: 0446966766 Land<br />

for directions, prices E-mail: info@yellowoods.co.za<br />

044 696 6766<br />

and more info.<br />

E-mail:<br />

Or visit our website: info@yellowoods.co.za<br />

www.yellowoods.co.za<br />

92509-LS-<strong>HG11</strong>-LO<br />

92816-<strong>SC</strong>-4411-<strong>PM</strong><br />

The Point Hotel<br />

92801-<strong>SC</strong>-<strong>HG11</strong>-MB<br />

Barnyard Theatre<br />

Presents a constantly changing programme of<br />

live performances in an old world theatre with a<br />

warm, homely atmosphere. You are invited to<br />

bring your own picnic basket or book a meal in<br />

advance to enjoy supper and a show. Tour<br />

groups by arrangement. The theatre is situated<br />

barely 10 minutes from the Mossel Bay CBD,<br />

just off the N2 in the direction of Cape Town. Visit<br />

www.thebarnyard.co.za or contact 044 698<br />

1022 or 082 494 6403.<br />

Garden Route Casino<br />

Offers 412 slot machines, 16 gaming tables,<br />

200-seater upmarket Bravo Lounge, Admirals<br />

restaurant, Red Cherry Coffee Shop, kiddies<br />

entertainment and play area and the friendliest<br />

staff you will ever meet. Situated next to the<br />

Garden Route Casino Hotel & Spa, Pinnacle<br />

Point Beach & Gold Resort and the Oyster Bay<br />

Reserve. Suitable for tour groups. They are<br />

situated just off Louis Fourie Road in Mossel<br />

Celebrate art!<br />

Three year old Sebastiaan is very<br />

proud of this work of art. Don't miss<br />

the exhibition of children's art from<br />

10 December onwards at the Dias<br />

Museum Complex.<br />

is built on the rocks above a natural tidal pool and overlooking the<br />

endless blue expanse of the Indian Ocean.<br />

52 sea-facing en-suite rooms with private balconies,<br />

from where you can watch the Humpback and Southern Right Whales<br />

or the dolpins passing. Point Road, the Point, Mossel Bay.<br />

Tel: +27 (0)44 691 3512 | Fax: +27 (0)44 691 3513<br />

Website: www.pointhotel.co.za<br />

Reservations: thepoint@pointhotel.co.za<br />

www.yellowoods.co.za<br />

Phone: 0827784066 Cell<br />

Phone: 0446966766 Land<br />

E-mail: info@yellowoods.co.za<br />

Mossel Bay’s<br />

moel bay<br />

enter<br />

Bay. Visit www.gardenroutecasino.co.za or<br />

contact 044 606 777.<br />

Cine 1, 2 & 3<br />

Located in the Bayside Centre, this privately<br />

owned cinema offers daily screenings of the<br />

latest movies. Suitable for tour groups it provides<br />

for fun for the whole family. A broad range of<br />

arcade games and pool tables are also<br />

available. They are situated on the corner of<br />

Louis Fourie Road and Alhof Drive, Mossel Bay.<br />

For information, contact 044 691 1817.<br />

Déjà Vu Vintage House and the<br />

Monroe Theatre<br />

Situated at 7 Marsh Street in a quiant sandstone<br />

building, circa 1902, its the home of the Original<br />

Vintage High Tea. A vast selection of vintage<br />

clothing and accessories available for sale or<br />

hire. Over 250 children's theme costumes and<br />

adult costumes for hire. Vintage photographs<br />

taken by appointment.<br />

Don't miss a celebration of<br />

children's art by the pupils of<br />

the Estelle McIlrath Art School<br />

from 10 December - 15 January.<br />

The exhibition will be<br />

hosted upstairs in the Shell<br />

Museum, Dias Museum Complex.<br />

Holiday art workshops<br />

are available on Saturday, 10<br />

December 10:00-12:00 and<br />

Thursday 15 December<br />

10:00-12:00.<br />

For more information, contact<br />

Estelle on 072 7126 6419.<br />

92817-<strong>SC</strong>-4411-<strong>PM</strong><br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Corner of Church & Market Street<br />

(Next to the Diaz Museum)<br />

Tel: +27(0) 44 691 1885<br />

www.oldposttree.co.za | gannet@oldposttree.co.za<br />

78<br />

ESTABLISHED 1988<br />

Atterbury Art Gallery<br />

Tel: 044 695 4177<br />

Cell: 083 450 2999<br />

House of Maria<br />

Tel: 044 690 5734<br />

arts & entertainment<br />

tainment<br />

Vast selection of classic movies screened<br />

weekly or by appointment. Both live theatre and<br />

music shows staged. Vintage car hire for special<br />

occasions or photo sessions.<br />

Groups welcome - theme parties for special<br />

anniversaries and celebrations by appointment.<br />

Contact Joan on 082 415 9588 or visit<br />

www.vintagehouse.co.za.<br />


Green Worx Fringe Gallery<br />

Cell: 082 820 0877<br />

Chris Spies Gallery<br />

Tel: 044 620 3346<br />

De Brak Gallery<br />

Tel: 044 620 3346<br />

L’Art Gallery<br />

Tel: 044 620 9195<br />

Cell: 082 782 0017<br />

<br />

<br />

Eclectic International-inspired cuisine.<br />

Stunning views over the rocks and the sea. Intimate terrace.<br />

Excellent whale watching, too!<br />

Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day of the week

Kerskunsmark<br />

Die sewende Mosselbaai Kerskunsmark vind<br />

vanjaar van 19-21 Desember (08:00 - 18:00)<br />

plaas in die kerksaal van die NG Kerk<br />

Mosselbaai-Suid, op die hoek van 15de- en<br />

17de Lane. Dié gewilde mark is bekend vir<br />

unieke, handgemaakte artikels teen winskoop<br />

pryse. By hierdie besonderse mark word<br />

buitengewone items verkoop wat nie gewoonlik<br />

in winkels beskikbaar is nie. Uitstallers van<br />

regoor die land verkoop hul produkte, ondermeer<br />

skilderye, naald- en houtwerk, kralewerk,<br />

juwele, draad- en herwinningsprodukte, kera-<br />

miek, geverfde t-hemde, gebak, klere, kersversierings,<br />

boeke, poppe en kinderspeelgoed,<br />

lekkers, snuisterye, om net maar 'n paar te<br />

noem. Heerlike middagetes, snoeperye en<br />

ander gebak is ook beskikbaar. Die mark<br />

beloof 'n tipies plattelandse vakansie-ervaring<br />

wat 'n heerlike uitstappie vir die hele gesin, en<br />

ook sommer die vakansie kuiergaste ook, sal<br />

wees. Kontak Cecile vir meer inligting by 082<br />

224 3865.<br />

VEK Kersmark<br />

Die VEK Kersmark skud vere reg om 50<br />

uitstallers en heelwat gaste by vanjaar se mark,<br />

wat in die Volle Evangelie-kerksaal gehou<br />

word, te verwelkom. Die mark vind op 17, en<br />

weer vanaf 19 tot 24 Desember plaas. Die<br />

mark is daagliks oop tussen 09:00 - 20:00,<br />

maar sluit op 24 Desember om 17:00. Uitstallers<br />

uit alle landstreke is gewerf om te verseker<br />

dat dit 'n groot verskeidenheid spesiale<br />

Kersgeskenke bied wat in elkeen se smaak sal<br />

val. Keurige gebak word aangebied en 'n<br />

teetuin met ligte etes en ander lekkernye bied<br />

besoekers die ideale plek om saam met<br />

vriende en familie om 'n tafel te kuier. Daar is<br />

ook genoeg veilige parkering op die kerkterrein<br />

in Kamassiestraat, Hartenbos. Kontak Alice<br />

Maartens by 082 775 5371 met navrae.<br />

Kleinberg Plaasmark<br />

Vir 'n ware plaasmarkbelewenis, besoek die<br />

plaas Kleinberg op 31 Desember vanaf 08:30<br />

-12:30. Kleinberg is geleë op die N2 tussen<br />

Mosselbaai en Albertinia, kyk net uit vir die<br />

manne in rooi oorpakke op die sleepwa langs<br />

die pad. Die mark bied vermaak vir kinders.<br />

Heerlike plaasontbyt, keurige gebak, vars vleis,<br />

groente en plaasgemaalde meel is beskikbaar.<br />

92879-SJ-<strong>HG11</strong>-MB<br />

Rosenheim<br />

German Delicatessen<br />

& Bistro<br />

Franz & Gina<br />

Cell: +27(0)73 843 4994<br />

Tel: +27(0)44 690 4485<br />

Fax: +27(0)44 691 1055<br />

Rosenheim<br />

Bistro<br />

7B Kloof Street<br />

Specialising in German Dishes<br />

& Cold Meat Platters<br />

***<br />

P.O Box 2499<br />

Mossel Bay | 3500<br />

Talle handgemaakte items word ook aangebied.<br />

Kontak Sorina by 082 335 8342 vir meer<br />

inligting.<br />

Mosselbaai en Hartenbos aandmarkte<br />

Die gewilde aandmarkte in Mosselbaai en<br />

Hartenbos, wat tydens die vakansie deur die<br />

Onafhanklike Entrepeneurs Vereniging geor-<br />

ganiseer word, sal verseker vanjaar weer 'n<br />

groot trekpleister te wees. Die Mosselbaaiaandmark<br />

vind op Vrydag, 16 Desember<br />

plaas, en die Hartenbos-aandmarkte is<br />

geskeduleer vir Sater-dag 17, en weer op 22<br />

Desember. Marshstraat in Mosselbaai word<br />

vanaf 16:30 vir hierdie mark gesluit, terwyl die<br />

Hartenbos-mark vanaf 17:30 in Kaap de<br />

Goedehoop-laan plaasvind. Kontak Marion<br />

Barnett by 082 492 5668 vir meer inligting.<br />

Hartenbosmark<br />

Hierdie mark word op 10 Desember, vanaf<br />

08:00-12:00, in die Hartenbos biblioteeksaal<br />

aangebied. 'n Groot verskeidenheid keurige<br />

gebak en besonderse items, wat die ideale<br />

Kersgeskenkies sal wees, word te koop<br />

aangebied. Kontak Marita by 076 204 3772 vir<br />

meer inligting.<br />

Reebok Vars Produkte Kersmark<br />

Hierdie gewilde mark in die Reebok Gemeenskapsaal<br />

vind om 17:00 op Vrydag, 16 Desember<br />

plaas. Kontak Ina Blom by 083 651 4517<br />

met navrae.<br />

moel bay<br />

arts & entertainment<br />

Kontreirestaurant oop vanaf<br />

11 Desember 2011<br />

Die Stoep is daagliks oop vir<br />

ontbyt, ligte middagetes, koek,<br />

koffie en aandetes. Sondae slegs<br />

oop vir bespreekte middagete.<br />

Kersmark<br />

<br />

21 Desember<br />

vanaf<br />

<br />

<br />

25 Desember<br />

(Middagete)<br />

Ons is op die Vleesbaai/ Boggomsbaai/ Gouritsmond-pad<br />

*** 7km vanaf die N2***<br />


* 076 190 3330<br />

Aandete program vir vakansie<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

met boere opskop!!<br />

<br />

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Skop die nuwe<br />

<br />

3-gang ete en<br />

boere-orkes dans!<br />

Heerlike pannekoeke is by so te sê al die<br />

markte<br />


92808-<strong>SC</strong>-<strong>HG11</strong>-MB<br />

te koop.<br />

MOON<br />


Experience the magic<br />

of gentle giant<br />

percheron Horses<br />

Groot Brak Uitspanmark Tel: 082 931 7929.<br />

Binnenshuise Kunsmark Tel: 044 691 3244 | Sel: 082 772 3178<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

T: 044 693 0093 • C: 082 564 9782 www.outeniquamoon.co.za<br />

79<br />



Mossel Bay on foot<br />

The Foto-Expo, currently housed in the Carpenter<br />

Shop at 89 Montagu Street is a must see.<br />

This quaint little building was designed by the<br />

famous architect, Herbert Baker, and is one of a<br />

kind in Mossel Bay.<br />

The Foto-Expo offers a selection of amazing photographs<br />

vividly depicting days gone by, giving you a glimpse into<br />

the daily life of the people who used to live in this unique<br />

heritage town, dating as far back as the 1800's. This<br />

picture shows what is known today as the Protea Hotel on<br />

lower Church Street. The square in the photograph is<br />

currently the parking area of the Dias Maritime Museum<br />

complex. The ox wagons were used to cart the wool after<br />

the harvest to be auctioned in the market hall before being<br />

exported to Britain and Europe by ship. There are many<br />

more interesting photographs on display at the Foto-Expo.<br />

Visiting hours will be displayed in the window, or phone the<br />

curator on 083 974 7577. Don't miss the opportunity to<br />

hunt for more historical buildings by getting your detailed<br />

copy of 'Explore historical Mossel Bay on foot', a brochure<br />

with a detailed map and descriptions of all the heritage<br />

highlights in Mossel Bay. Copies may be obtained from the<br />

Tourism Office (corner of Market and Church streets) or at<br />

the Foto-Expo (89 Montagu Street).<br />

92505-LS-4511-MB<br />

moel bay<br />

Rauch | Gertenbach Photo Gallery<br />

Every picture tells a story... a moment captured that will always be remembered.<br />

April 2009 saw the launch of the Rauch/Gertenbach Photo Gallery where<br />

local photographers show off their best shots. Once a month the gallery is<br />

updated with new photos, so when you visit the gallery be sure to ask for<br />

the archive files from which the rest of the year's photos can be viewed. The<br />

gallery is situated in the foyer of the<br />

Rauch/Gertenbach Attorney's office building,<br />

opposite the Protea Hotel. Entrance is free and<br />

the photos can be viewed during normal<br />

business hours.<br />

All photos are for sale at any size and would be<br />

a wonderful Christmas present. Everybody is<br />

welcome to view this display of Mossel Bay<br />

talent. For more information, contact Christelle<br />

at 044 691 2515.<br />

Pomegranate, taken by<br />

Marichen van Zyl.<br />

arts & entertainment<br />

Calitzdorp Valley, taken by<br />

Jaco Vollgraaff.<br />

Seaweed Harvester, taken by Owen Calverly.Sea Jewels, taken by Denny McCann.<br />

<br />

<br />


WED 14 DEC<br />

THURS 15 DEC<br />

FRI 16 DEC<br />

SAT 17 DEC<br />

SUN 18 DEC<br />

MON 19 DEC<br />

TUES 20 DEC<br />

WED 21 DEC<br />

THURS 22 DEC<br />

FRI 23 DEC<br />

MON 26 DEC<br />

TUES 27 DEC<br />

WED 28 DEC<br />

THURS 29 DEC<br />

FRI 30 DEC<br />

SAT 31 DEC<br />

TUES 03 JAN<br />

WED 04 JAN<br />

FRI 06 JAN<br />

SAT 07 JAN<br />

M O S S E L B A Y<br />







FROST<br />



SPLASH<br />





CLINT & CO<br />

CLINT & CO<br />





KINGS<br />



The Barnyard Theatre Mossel Bay is an intimate<br />

venue with rustic wooden tables and a cosy<br />

atmosphere. Bring your picnic basket, a bottle of<br />

wine and your friends and come soak up the vibe!<br />

Season<br />

2011<br />

R140<br />

R130<br />

R140<br />

R130<br />

R140<br />

R140<br />

R160<br />

R120<br />

R130<br />

R120<br />

R140<br />

R130<br />

R130<br />

R130<br />

R130<br />

R250<br />

R130<br />

R130<br />

R130<br />

R140<br />

0 4 4 - 6 9 8 - 1 0 2 2 / 0 8 2 - 4 9 4 - 6 4 0 3<br />

For more information visit:<br />

w w w . t h e b a r n y a r d . c o . z a<br />

81<br />


Lollos in the theater for the children<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


Formal Dinner & Dance R300<br />

@ 20h00<br />

Cash Bar<br />

Tickets @ 044 692 8400<br />

17 Dec - 7 Jan<br />

Mimi: 084 583 3144 Mariki: 083 375 3973<br />

www.summersunfestival.co.za<br />

Meet<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>PM</strong><br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

82<br />




83<br />


Snotkop<br />

Theuns Jordaan<br />

Ray Dylan<br />

Dozi<br />

be<br />

The main stage of the event, which takes place<br />

from Sunday, 18 to Friday, 23 December, will<br />

again be at the Garden Route Casino - a much<br />

preferred entertainment destination in the Southern<br />

Cape. The casino, and organisers, Frontline<br />

Productions, are putting up a huge marquee<br />

where Bravo! shows will be staged throughout<br />

the week. Specialist technicians have been<br />

contracted to deliver a world class venue, sound<br />

and lighting to ensure the ultimate experience.<br />

This will be the seventh year that Bravo! is<br />

staged, making it the longest-running large-scale<br />

music and entertainment event in the Southern<br />

Cape. The Bravo! concept is unique. In contrast<br />

to traditional music festivals which typically<br />

feature a schedule of artists and bands performing<br />

individually, Bravo! features a collaboration of<br />

artists in dynamic, themed concerts to deliver<br />

top, non-stop entertainment. Aligned with the<br />

main event, there is also an array of daytime<br />

fringe activities and events taking place at the<br />

new Bravo! Lounge Show-Bar in the casino, and<br />

various venues around Mossel Bay. Visitors can<br />

also look forward to a variety of food and wine<br />

stalls selling the best in local taste. In 2010,<br />

thousands of people attended Bravo! at the<br />

Garden Route Casino. This year will be no<br />

different, with a record attendance anticipated!<br />

According to Robin Seabrook, General<br />

Manager: Garden Route Casino, the<br />

producers secured some of South<br />

Africa's top performers, from singers<br />

and musicians to comedians, ensuring<br />

that there is something for<br />

everyone.<br />

moel bay<br />

at Bravo! 2011<br />

Locals and holidaymakers along the Garden Route can expect a star-studded<br />

line up of South Africa's top entertainers and performers at Mossel Bay's<br />

hugely-popular and much anticipated "Bravo! Shows" during December.<br />

Wicus van der Merwe<br />

Nianell Romanz<br />

84<br />

The festival kicks off with a Christmas concert<br />

featuring Nianell and Romanz on Sunday, 18<br />

December. A comedy show with Dowwe Dolla,<br />

Wicus van der Merwe, Emo Adams and Snotkop<br />

is one of the highlights for Monday, 19 December.<br />

The following day is a treat for Afrikaans<br />

music fans, with Bobby van Jaarsveld and Bok<br />

van Blerk in a collaborative show called<br />

"Afrikaans is Groot".<br />

On Wednesday, 21 December, visitors can look<br />

forward to the second draw of the Garden Route<br />

Casino's major birthday promotion, ’Rockin'<br />

Summer’ during which five VW Polo Vivo's and a<br />

share of potentially over R850 000 in cash! The<br />

promotion kicks off on 2 November and will take<br />

on a 'rock 'n roll' style - providing an unforgettable<br />

holiday experience for tourists and local<br />

residents alike, and continue until 29 February<br />

2012! On Thursday, 22 December, Theuns<br />

Jordaan and Kurt Darren can be seen in "Platinum<br />

Prinse". The Bravo! Concert will culminate<br />

with a grand finale featuring Dozi, Ray Dylan and<br />

our local Idols winner, Elvis Blue, to name but a<br />

few. The Bravo! grounds will open daily at 17:00,<br />

with a line-up of local emerging artitists providing<br />

entertainment until the evening's main attraction.<br />

Tickets cost R50 and are available at the Garden<br />

Route Casino's Club Desk or from Computicket.<br />

Ticket sales will open in November.<br />

For more information on Bravo! and<br />

upcoming events over the Festive<br />

Season at the Garden Route Casino in<br />

Mossel Bay, please visit<br />

www.gardenroutecasino.co.za<br />

or contact (044) 606 7777.<br />

arts & entertainment<br />

Bobby van Jaarsveld<br />

Bok van Blerk<br />

Elvis Blue<br />

Kurt Darren<br />

Emo Adams

85<br />


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